How to recover ‘amplifyconfiguration.dart’ file for AWS S3? - flutter

I was creating an app which sends images to a storage place like AWS S3, for which I was following steps to setup Amplify and S3 for flutter.
An amplifyconfiguration.dart file was generated but it got deleted by mistake.
I tried to recovering it back with amplify init and even reinstalling Amplify CLI as guided by ChatGPT, but amplifyconfiguration.dart file did not generate back, what do I do now?


Unable to update appClientId locally in Flutter using AWS Amplify

I am using AWS Amplify for Flutter. I generated many configurations using the CLI and pushed them to AWS using amplify push. For some reason, I had to delete the App client created using Amplify after which I manually created an app client in Cognito.
Created App client in Cognito User Pool
Now I changed the app client ID in Flutter project to the new one(blurred in the images) in amplifyconfiguration.dart and amplify-meta.json in backend/ directory. According to Amplify CLI docs, we are allowed to do manual edits to amplify/backend.
amplify-meta.json change
Finally I did an amplify push so that these changes are deployed to Cloud too. But when I checked the amplify-meta.json in the backend/ directory, I saw that the app client ID was reverted back to the old one which I had deleted initially.
I feel this is the reason why I am not able to get the correct access token for a session, can someone please help me to know how I can update the app client ID locally??

Is there any way to upload a file to my private aws s3 bucket from Flutter application?

I have tried multiple packages like "amazon_s3_cognito: ^0.6.0","simple_s3" etc. none
of them are working for private bucket file upload from flutter. Is there any way to upload files without amplify backend?

How can I pull changes made on the AppSync web-console with the Amplify CLI "pull" command

What I want to accomplish:
I have edited an amplify + AppSync project on the AppSync web console and I want to pull it onto my local machine.
What I did:
I have initialized an amplify project with the Amplify CLI by executing three commands:
amplify init
amplify add api
amplify push
(the added api is GraphQL)
Next I edited some of the auto generated GraphQL resolvers on the AppSync web console. (I have tested the edited resolvers with a client app -> they worked)
Afterwards however, when I execute a pull in the Amplify CLI:
amplify pull
it only pulls changes made to the local files before the last Amplify CLI push command,
so any changes made to the AppSync web console are not taken into account by the Amplify CLI pull command.
Is this expected behavior?
Is there a way to include changes made to the Web Console in the Amplify CLI pull command? (especially changed resolvers)
amplify cli: 4.13.3
Additional Things I Discovered That Could Be Helpful:
AWS-CloudFormation also only shows updates when changes are made using the Amplify CLI.
The AWS-S3 bucket that holds the amplify projects files, also only mirrors the changes pushed using the Amplify CLI.
You can do this manually by downloading the schema file from the console and replacing /amplify/backend/api/schema.graphql then running amplify push.
There is an issue open to automate this here: after adding s3 credentials all files 404

After I added S3 credentials to filepicker all the files 404. What's up with that? I assume this is because filepicker is trying to get the files from s3 instead its original location without trying to move it?
How do I ensure that filepicker migrates the files.
We have a fix coming out for this in the next two days, in the interim we have a script that can migrate the files into your S3 bucket if you need them moved.

override existing files in Downloads on GitHub

Is there a way to override the file in the Downloads section on GitHub when uploading a file with the same filename? (e.g. via developer API or the ruby script, etc) The reason is that I want to keep track of the number of downloads. Thanks!
I havn't tried this but it's possible that you could replace the file on Amazon S3. I don't know if it will work or if it's a one-time upload token you get without the posibility to delete the file.
See the API documentation for uploading a file on Github (which includes using the amazon s3 rest api to upload the file):
And API documentation for deleing a file on amazon s3:
And API documentation for putting a file on amazon s3: