InApp Purchase not working in iPhone 5 device - iphone

I have implemented In-App Purchase in my app. It is working well on iPhone 4 device, for both iOS5 and iOS6, but is not working on iPhone 5 device.
For iPhone 5, when I click In-App Purchase, the alert to buy the product pops up but is not asking for user id and password.
Any idea about which is the problem? Any help will be appreciated.

In iPhone 5, if you are already logged in your iTunes account with your test user account then It won't ask for password.
To disable this feature:
And set "require password" to "immediately", it'll ask you for password.
It might help, if not then let me know.

may be in your iPhone 5, you have already mentioned your apple id, for some other purchase through appstore.
you can goto settings and logout your apple id.
I think, you should get the pop up then. :)


iOS5 log out completely to test in-app purchases

I"m testing an in-app purchase using my iPhone on iOS5 but despite going to Settings > General > Store > Log out (as I've seen on many websites), I can only enter a password when prompted in my app. The username appears to be stuck as my primary Apple ID (used in the stores). Somewhere there must be a setting to sign out completely on the device, but I can't find it.
Anyone know how to fully sign out of the iTunes store on the device to test in app purchases?
Open the App Store, scroll to the bottom in the "Featured"-pane. You should see your account there, click it and log out.

In App Purchase works in simulator but not on iPhone

When I call SKProductsRequest for an in-app purchase on the Simulator title, description, price and ID all come back correctly from iTunes Connect. When I run it on my device, I get invalid product ID.
Any idea why?
I was having same problem.
I couldn't test it because my iPad was jailbroken.
I removed AppSync, and now it works fine! :)
If you delete the app from your iPhone and reinstall, it works. THis matters if you've submitted a previous version of the app for review. Thanks everyone.

In App Purchase

I am new in iPhone development.
if i want to buy only an image within the application through Apple - In App purchase Payment mode. So what would be the method for this?
NOTE: Dont Want to buy the whole Application.
Thanks in advance.
Refer this blog of In App Purchase
Also refer the apple documentation
You keep the image locked and ask the user to make an in app purchase for it to unlock.

Help me on my app version 2

I have one iPhone app in app store, in that application my in app purchase was working correctly.
again submited my another version of application without changing the code but now the in app purchase it is not working...
Please help me out, why my in app purchase is not working actually.
Check Whether it is showing "Clear for sale" status for in app purchase items in itunes.

In App Purchase Problem

please help me , i am getting product count 0 in response.product.
i have followed all the steps of in app purchase in documentation .
1.Provisioning profile and i allowed in app purchase.
2.Dummy app binary uploaded to itunes and rejected that by myself.
3.Setup 2 products in itunes in app purchase and app identifier was selected.
All the things seems fine but i am getting product count 0.
Please let me know how can i solve this issue .
Make sure to check the "Cleared for Sale" checkbox for the in-app purchase in iTunes Connect. Note that this does not submit the in-app purchase for approval to Apple. To do that, you need to click the green "Approve" button in the upper right hand corner.
All you should need to do to test the in-App purchase is check the "Cleared for Sale" checkbox for the purchase in iTunes Connect.
Don't reject your binary. The binary has to be waiting for review (or cleared for sale) before the store will work right.
Also make sure each of your in app purchase items are cleared for sale on iTunes Connect.
You can create a new application but not upload the binary on iTunes Connect. This way your app is in the "Waiting for binary" (or something like that) state.
Then you're binary won't be rejected.
If anybody needs help implementing the In App Purchase feature, there's a complete sample here
are you sure add Product information in iTunes conect.
Enter iTunes Connect, Click Manage Your In app Purchases link, add Product information and id.
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