Color codes in Io - iolanguage

Is there a special trick to getting Io to switch the colors of terminal text? In Python I can run
print "\033[0;34;40mHi!"
and get a blue "Hi!".
In Io,
"\033[0;34;40mHi!" println
seems to have no effect.

Unfortunately it looks like Io sequences (strings) only convert single (alpha) character escape codes like \n or \t.
So (for now) this maybe the only workaround:
27 asCharacter .. "[0;34;40mHi!" println


SyntaxError:(unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec' can't decode bytes in position 0-5: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape

Using Autokey 95.8, Python 3 version in Linux Mint 19.3 and I have a series of keyboard macros which generate Unicode characters. This example works:
# alt+shift+a = á
import sys
char = "\u00E1"
But the attempt to print an mdash [—] generates the following error:
SyntaxError:(unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec' can't decode bytes in position 0-5: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape
# alt+shift+- = —
import sys
char = "\u2014"
Any idea how to overcome this problem in Autokey is greatly appreciated.
The code you posted above would not generated the error you ae getting - "truncated \UXXXXXXXX" needs an uppercase \U - and 8 hex-digits - if you try putting in the Python source char = "\U2014", you will get that error message (and probably it you got it when experimenting with the file in this way).
The sequence char = "\u2014" will create an mdash unicode character on the Python side - but that does not mean it is possible to send this as a Keyboard sybo via autokey to Windows. That is the point your program is likely failing (and since there is no programing error, you won't get a Python error message - it is just that it won't work - although Autokey might be nice and print out some apropriate error message in this case).
You'd have to look around on how to type an arbitrary unicode character on your S.O. config (on Linux mint it should be on the docs for "wayland" I guess), and send the character composign sequence to Autokey instead. If there is no such a sequence, then finding a way to copy the desired character to the window environment clipboard, and then send Autokey the "paste" sequence (usually ctrl + v - but depending on the app it could change. Terminal emulators use ctrl + shift + v, for example)
When you need to emit non-English US characters in AutoKey, you have two choices. The simplest is to put them into the clipboard with clipboard.fill_clipboard(your characters) and paste them into the window using keyboard.send_keys("<ctrl>+v"). This almost always works.
If you need to define a phrase with multibyte characters in it, select the Paste using Clipboard (Ctrl+V) option. (I'm trying to get that to be the default option in a future release.)
The other choice, that I'm still not quite sure of, is directly sending the Unicode escape sequence to the window, letting it convert that into the actual Unicode character. Something like keyboard.send_keys("\U2014"). Assigning that to a variable first, as in the question, creates the actual Unicode character which that API call can't handle correctly.
The problem being that the underlying code for keyboard.send_keys() wants to send keycodes that actually exist on your keyboard or that it can add to an unused key in your layout. Most of the time that doesn't work for anything multibyte.

How to escape '|" character into an org-mode table

I am building some tables in org-mode and I need to enter "||" into the table (for the logical OR command) and nothing I try turns the two characters off as table constructors.
I've tried single quotes, double quotes, backticks and prefacing them with '\'. I've also tried every permutation of using ':=' to get a literal string and they don't work.
// Tony Williams
Depending on what you want to do with the output of the table, you could use alternative unicode characters that look like vertical pipes (or double vertical pipes). Examples:
This is the pipe character written twice (as for logical OR):
Those are similar (or not too different) looking unicode characters
‖ - ¦¦ - ❘❘
Of course, this won't work for you if you are not just interested in the looks (but escaping pipes would not work either).
See here more unicode characters you might like better than those 3 above
It turns out that you can use HTML entities in org-mode tables for output via pandoc.
\vert{} doesn't work but I went to the table pointed to by MrSpock and tried the HTML entity and the output when run through pandoc was perfect. || gives me '||'. I also tested a few other HTML entities and they also worked fine.
Well, if the goal is to export your notes, then
would be an equivalent of
Character is: \vert
Example: a \vert\ b -> a | b

How to produce Unicode characters with Matlab LaTex interpreter

I have the following line of code
ylabel('Średnia wartość parametru $f_{max}$','Interpreter','latex');
and would like to use it as a label for my plot. Unfortunately what I actually get is:
Warning: Unable to interpret LaTeX string
If I remove Unicode characters like so:
ylabel('Srednia wartosc parametru $f_{max}$','Interpreter','latex');
it works with no problem.
So how could I make Matlab print those unfortunate characters?
Use LaTeX representations for those characters: \'S, \'s, etc. And don't forget to duplicate quote signs within the string:
ylabel('\''Srednia warto\''s\''c parametru $f_{max}$','Interpreter','latex')

How to print non-BMP Unicode characters in Tkinter (e.g. 𝄫)

Note: Non-BMP characters can be displayed in IDLE as of Python 3.8 (so, it's possible Tkinter might display them now, too, since they both use TCL), which was released some time after I posted this question. I plan to edit this after I try out Python 3.9 (after I install an updated version of Xubuntu). I also read the editing these characters in IDLE might not be as straightforward as other characters; see the last comment here.
So, today I was making shortcuts for entering certain Unicode characters. All was going well. Then, when I decided to do these characters (in my Tkinter program; they wouldn't even try to go in IDLE), 𝄫 and 𝄪, I got a strange unexpected error and my program started deleting just about everything I had written in the text box. That's not acceptable.
Here's the error:
_tkinter.TclError: character U+1d12b is above the range (U+0000-U+FFFF) allowed by Tcl
I realize most of the Unicode characters I had been using only had four characters in the code. For some reason, it doesn't like five.
So, is there any way to print these characters in a ScrolledText widget (let alone without messing everything else up)?
UTF-8 is my encoding. I'm using Python 3.4 (so UTF-8 is the default).
I can print these characters just fine with the print statement.
Entering the character without just using ScrolledText.insert (e.g. Ctrl-shift-u, or by doing this in the code: b'\xf0\x9d\x84\xab') does actually enter it, without that error, but it still starts deleting stuff crazily, or adding extra spaces (including itself, although it reappears randomly at times).
There is currently no way to display those characters as they are supposed to look in Tkinter in Python 3.4 (although someone mentioned how using surrogate pairs may work [in Python 2.x]). However, you can implement methods to convert the characters into displayable codes and back, and just call them whenever necessary. You have to call them when you print to Text widgets, copy/paste, in file dialogs*, in the tab bar, in the status bar, and other stuff.
*The default Tkinter file dialogs do not allow for much internal engineering of the dialogs. I made my own file dialogs, partly to help with this issue. Let me know if you're interested. Hopefully I'll post the code for them here in the future.
These methods convert out-of-range characters into codes and vice versa. The codes are formatted with ordinal numbers, like this: {119083ū}. The brackets and the ū are just to distinguish this as a code. {119083ū} represents 𝄫. As you can see, I haven’t yet bothered with a way to escape codes, although I did purposefully try to make the codes very unlikely to occur. The same is true for the ᗍ119083ūᗍ used while converting. Anyway, I'm meaning to add escape sequences eventually. These methods are taken from my class (hence the self). (And yes, I know you don’t have to use semi-colons in Python. I just like them and consider that they make the code more readable in some situations.)
import re;
def convert65536(self, s):
#Converts a string with out-of-range characters in it into a string with codes in it.
while i<len(l):
if o>65535:
return "".join(l);
def parse65536(self, match):
#This is a regular expression method used for substitutions in convert65536back()
if text>65535:
return chr(text);
return "ᗍ"+str(text)+"ūᗍ";
def convert65536back(self, s):
#Converts a string with codes in it into a string with out-of-range characters in it
while"{\d\d\d\d\d+ū}", s)!=None:
s=re.sub(r"{\d\d\d\d\d+ū}", self.parse65536, s);
s=re.sub(r"ᗍ(\d\d\d\d\d+)ūᗍ", r"{\1ū}", s);
return s;
My answer is based on #Shule answer but provide more pythnoic and easy to read code. It also provide a real case.
This is the methode populating items to a tkinter.Listbox. There is no back conversion. This solution only take care of displaying strings with Tcl-unallowed characters.
class MyListbox (Listbox):
# ...
def populate(self):
def _convert65536(to_convert):
"""Converts a string with out-of-range characters in it into a
string with codes in it.
Based on <>.
This is a workaround because Tkinter (Tcl) doesn't allow unicode
characters outside of a specific range. This could be emoticons
for example.
for character in to_convert[:]:
if ord(character) > 65535:
convert_with = '{' + str(ord(character)) + 'ū}'
to_convert = to_convert.replace(character, convert_with)
return to_convert
# delete all listbox items
self.delete(0, END)
# add items to listbox
for item in mydata_list:
self.insert(END, item)
except TclError as err:
_log.warning('{} It will be converted.'.format(err))
self.insert(END, _convert65536(item))

Unicode String Issue

I am storing some unicode characters "лфи" in a char array.
When I view(x/30s ) the values in gdb it show me something like:
0x80ac47c: "?\004>\004 "
0x80ac482: "A\0048\004;\004L\004D\004>\004=\004:\0045\004/"
Why it is happening so and what are these \004 representing?
You should read gdb's character set documentation, since it seems gdb is escaping these characters instead of letting the terminal display them.
See Gdb Unicode Printing. If you overload the dbg_dump function in your code, by invoking print dbg_dump("лфи") inside gdb it will hopefully invoke your overloaded function, resulting in proper UTF-8 representation. Remember, in your custon dbg_dump you may need to explicitly express that you want to display Unicode characters.