Unicode String Issue - unicode

I am storing some unicode characters "лфи" in a char array.
When I view(x/30s ) the values in gdb it show me something like:
0x80ac47c: "?\004>\004 "
0x80ac482: "A\0048\004;\004L\004D\004>\004=\004:\0045\004/"
Why it is happening so and what are these \004 representing?

You should read gdb's character set documentation, since it seems gdb is escaping these characters instead of letting the terminal display them.

See Gdb Unicode Printing. If you overload the dbg_dump function in your code, by invoking print dbg_dump("лфи") inside gdb it will hopefully invoke your overloaded function, resulting in proper UTF-8 representation. Remember, in your custon dbg_dump you may need to explicitly express that you want to display Unicode characters.


IPC::Open3 converting character encoding

I am observing strange behaviour with IPC::Open3 arguments as part of a script.
I give a string containing ISO-8859-15. Just before open3() is called (literally the statement before) the string is correct (verified with print and Data::Dumper).
However once the subprocess is started the arguments are now UTF-8 encoded. I have verified this using the desired executable (freebcp) and a wrapper script. I ended up writing a wrapper script which converts all the arguments back to ISO-8859-15.
What causes this behaviour? LANG is set to en_AU.ISO-8859-15. It works correctly on other hosts. I cannot find any reference to binmode()
I has a string containing ISO-8859-15. Just before open3() is called (literally the statement before) the string is correct (verified with print and Data::Dumper).
However once the subprocess is started the arguments are now UTF-8 encoded.
LANG is set to en_AU.ISO-8859-15.
Perl5 by default doesn't do any encoding conversion: the strings treated as dumb byte arrays.
That, until you tell Perl that the strings contain the Unicode, for example by calling decode(), or reading string from a file handle that has encoding layer attached (via binmode(), or via open() flags, or via use open with :encoding/:locale, or via command line with -C switch.)
Since you have the string in ISO-8859-15, but it is outputted in UTF-8, that means that the Perl is aware of the encoding of your string. Somewhere somehow you have told Perl the encoding of the string, and it has converted it to the Unicode, which is internally represented using the UTF-8. The UTF-8 which now seems to be printed to the open3() file handles.
As a possible solution, before outputting the strings, you should try to explicitly convert the strings into the desired encoding.
P.S. Using the utf8::is_utf8() function, you can try to debug/find when/how your strings get converted into the Unicode, and whether they are really Unicode.

PyGame: Proper use of Unicode

My goal is to create a program, with which the user can learn Bible verses by getting shown a problem and solving it through input (e.g. "Quote vers Gen 3:15"). As the Bible translation, I have to work with, is German, it contains a ton of umlauts, which are never showing properly.
My PyGame file's header:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Later on, I list the three German umlauts:
The txt-file is parsed by this function:
def load_list(listname):
fullname = os.path.join("daten", listname + ".txt")
with codecs.open(fullname, "r", "utf-8-sig") as name:
lines = name.readlines()
for x in range(0, len(lines)):
lines[x] = lines[x].strip("\n")
lines[x] = lines[x].strip("\r")
print lines
I'm aware, that I could combine the two lines with the strip-commands, but that's not the topic here.
How can I get my PyGame to display the umlauts from the text-file correctly as well also display the user input's umlauts correctly? I checked hundreds of suggestions, I can't get anything really working here.
Any help is highly appreciated, before I lose my sane mind (well, as I'm sitting here, coding games, I probably did already anyway :D )
I'll try to summarize:
Printing something else than a string or unicode opject triggers that object's __repr__() method. If it is a sequence, this applies to the contained elements as well, causing any non-ascii character to be escaped with \xXX (or \uXXXX) notation. Note the difference between print 'text' and print ['text']: in the latter case, the string's quotes will be printed as well (besides the brackets of course). Use str.join() for concatenating lists of strings in order to control the way the output looks.
It's a good idea to always explicitely decode input (as you do by using codecs) and encode the output (which is not done in the code snippets in your question).
The source file encoding (the # coding: utf8 line in the header) has nothing to do with encoding of input and output. It only enables you to type non-ascii character in string literals (= characters inside quotes in the source file), instead of using \xXX escapes.
Hope that makes some things clearer. There's a lot that can go wrong that looks like an encoding error, and it's not always easy to find out what's actually happening.

wxTextCtrl OSX mutated vowel

i am using wxMac 2.8 in non-unicode build. I try to read a file with mutated vowels "ü" to a wxtextctrl. When i do, the data gets interpreted as current encoding, but it is a multibyte string. I narrowed the problem down to this:
This is the result:
Note that the character count has doubled - printing the string in gdb displays "\303\274" and similar per original char. Typing "ü" or similar into the textctrl is no problem. I tried various wxMBConv methods but the result is always the same. Is there a way to solve this?
Best regards,
If you use anything but 7 bit ASCII, you must use Unicode build of wxWidgets. Just do yourself a favour and switch to it. If you have too much existing code that was written for "ANSI" build of wxWidgets 2.8 and earlier and doesn't compile with Unicode build, use wxWidgets 2.9 instead where it will compile -- and work as intended.
It sounds like your text editor (for program source code) is in a different encoding from the running program.
Suppose for example that your text entry control and the rest of your program are (correctly) using UTF-8. Now if your text editor is using some other encoding, then a string that looks fine on screen will actually contain garbage bytes.
Assuming you are in a position to help create a pure-UTF8 world, then you should:
1) Encode UTF-8 directly into the string literals using escapes, e.g. "\303" or "\xc3". That's annoying to do, but it means you just don't have to worry about you text editor (or the editor settings of other developers).
2) Then check that the program is using UTF-8 everywhere.

Erlang and binary with Cyrillic

I need to be able to use binaries with Cyrillic characters in them. I tried just writing <<"абвгд">> but I got a badarg error.
How can I work with Cyrillic (or unicode) strings in Erlang?
If you want to input the above expression in erlang shell, please read unicode module user manual.
Function character_to_binary, and character_to_list are both reversable function. The following are an example:
(emacs#yus-iMac.local)37> io:getopts().
(emacs#yus-iMac.local)40> A = unicode:characters_to_binary("上海").
(emacs#yus-iMac.local)41> unicode:characters_to_list(A).
(emacs#yus-iMac.local)45> io:format("~s~n",[ unicode:characters_to_list(A,utf8)]).
** exception error: bad argument
in function io:format/3
called as io:format(<0.30.0>,"~s~n",[[19978,28023]])
(emacs#yus-iMac.local)46> io:format("~ts~n",[ unicode:characters_to_list(A,utf8)]).
If you want to use unicode:characters_to_binary("上海"). directly in the source code, it is a little more complex. You can try it firstly to find difference.
The Erlang compiler will interpret the code as ISO-8859-1 encoded text, which limits you to Latin characters. Although you may be able to bang in some ISO characters that may have the same byte representation as you want in Unicode, this is not a very good idea.
You want to make sure your editor reads and writes ISO-8859-1, and you want to avoid using literals as much as possible. Source these strings from files.

How to use '^#' in Vim scripts?

I'm trying to work around a problem with using ^# (i.e., <ctrl-#>) characters in Vim scripts. I can insert them into a script, but when the script runs it seems the line is truncated at the point where a ^# was located.
My kludgy solution so far is to have a ^# stored in a variable, then reference the variable in the script whenever I would have quoted a literal ^#. Can someone tell me what's going on here? Is there a better way around this problem?
That is one reason why I never use raw special character values in scripts. While ^# does not work, string <C-#> in mappings works as expected, so you may use one of
nnoremap <C-#> {rhs}
nnoremap <Nul> {rhs}
It is strange, but you cannot use <Char-0x0> here. Some notes about null byte in strings:
Inserting null byte into string truncates it: vim uses old C-style strigs that end with null byte, thus it cannot appear in strings. These strings are very inefficient, so if you want to generate a very large text, try accumulating it into a list of lines (using setline is very fast as buffer is represented as a list of lines).
Most functions that return list of strings (like readfile, getline(start, end)) or take list of strings (like writefile, setline, append) treat \n (NL) as Null. It is also the internal representation of buffer lines, see :h NL-used-for-Nul.
If you try to insert \n character into the command-line, you will get Null shown (but this is really a newline). If you want to edit a file that has \n in a filename (it is possible on *nix), you will need to prepend newline with backslash.
The byte ctrl-# is also known as '\0'. Many languages, programs, etc. use it as an "end of string" marker, so it's not surprising that vim gets confused there. If you must use this byte in the middle of a script string, it sounds like your workaround is a decent one.