How to print non-BMP Unicode characters in Tkinter (e.g. 𝄫) - unicode

Note: Non-BMP characters can be displayed in IDLE as of Python 3.8 (so, it's possible Tkinter might display them now, too, since they both use TCL), which was released some time after I posted this question. I plan to edit this after I try out Python 3.9 (after I install an updated version of Xubuntu). I also read the editing these characters in IDLE might not be as straightforward as other characters; see the last comment here.
So, today I was making shortcuts for entering certain Unicode characters. All was going well. Then, when I decided to do these characters (in my Tkinter program; they wouldn't even try to go in IDLE), 𝄫 and 𝄪, I got a strange unexpected error and my program started deleting just about everything I had written in the text box. That's not acceptable.
Here's the error:
_tkinter.TclError: character U+1d12b is above the range (U+0000-U+FFFF) allowed by Tcl
I realize most of the Unicode characters I had been using only had four characters in the code. For some reason, it doesn't like five.
So, is there any way to print these characters in a ScrolledText widget (let alone without messing everything else up)?
UTF-8 is my encoding. I'm using Python 3.4 (so UTF-8 is the default).
I can print these characters just fine with the print statement.
Entering the character without just using ScrolledText.insert (e.g. Ctrl-shift-u, or by doing this in the code: b'\xf0\x9d\x84\xab') does actually enter it, without that error, but it still starts deleting stuff crazily, or adding extra spaces (including itself, although it reappears randomly at times).

There is currently no way to display those characters as they are supposed to look in Tkinter in Python 3.4 (although someone mentioned how using surrogate pairs may work [in Python 2.x]). However, you can implement methods to convert the characters into displayable codes and back, and just call them whenever necessary. You have to call them when you print to Text widgets, copy/paste, in file dialogs*, in the tab bar, in the status bar, and other stuff.
*The default Tkinter file dialogs do not allow for much internal engineering of the dialogs. I made my own file dialogs, partly to help with this issue. Let me know if you're interested. Hopefully I'll post the code for them here in the future.
These methods convert out-of-range characters into codes and vice versa. The codes are formatted with ordinal numbers, like this: {119083ū}. The brackets and the ū are just to distinguish this as a code. {119083ū} represents 𝄫. As you can see, I haven’t yet bothered with a way to escape codes, although I did purposefully try to make the codes very unlikely to occur. The same is true for the ᗍ119083ūᗍ used while converting. Anyway, I'm meaning to add escape sequences eventually. These methods are taken from my class (hence the self). (And yes, I know you don’t have to use semi-colons in Python. I just like them and consider that they make the code more readable in some situations.)
import re;
def convert65536(self, s):
#Converts a string with out-of-range characters in it into a string with codes in it.
while i<len(l):
if o>65535:
return "".join(l);
def parse65536(self, match):
#This is a regular expression method used for substitutions in convert65536back()
if text>65535:
return chr(text);
return "ᗍ"+str(text)+"ūᗍ";
def convert65536back(self, s):
#Converts a string with codes in it into a string with out-of-range characters in it
while"{\d\d\d\d\d+ū}", s)!=None:
s=re.sub(r"{\d\d\d\d\d+ū}", self.parse65536, s);
s=re.sub(r"ᗍ(\d\d\d\d\d+)ūᗍ", r"{\1ū}", s);
return s;

My answer is based on #Shule answer but provide more pythnoic and easy to read code. It also provide a real case.
This is the methode populating items to a tkinter.Listbox. There is no back conversion. This solution only take care of displaying strings with Tcl-unallowed characters.
class MyListbox (Listbox):
# ...
def populate(self):
def _convert65536(to_convert):
"""Converts a string with out-of-range characters in it into a
string with codes in it.
Based on <>.
This is a workaround because Tkinter (Tcl) doesn't allow unicode
characters outside of a specific range. This could be emoticons
for example.
for character in to_convert[:]:
if ord(character) > 65535:
convert_with = '{' + str(ord(character)) + 'ū}'
to_convert = to_convert.replace(character, convert_with)
return to_convert
# delete all listbox items
self.delete(0, END)
# add items to listbox
for item in mydata_list:
self.insert(END, item)
except TclError as err:
_log.warning('{} It will be converted.'.format(err))
self.insert(END, _convert65536(item))


crystal reports attempting to link two tables by matching string with no luck

As stated in the title, I have two tables I'm attempting to link. Both Strings appear to be a match, however Crystal Reports is not picking it up. The only thing I can think is that that length of the field is different, even though the strings are the same. could that cause a discrepancy? If so how can I correct for it? Thank you
Length of the string will prevent a match. If you are using the Trim(string) function, that only removes spaces found at the beginning or end of your string, so the two strings could still be of different lengths after using this function. You will need to use another function to capture a substring of the original string. To do this you can use the Left(string, length) function to ensure both strings are the same length.
If they still do not match then you may have non-printable characters in one or both of your strings. Carriage Return and Line Feed tend to be the most commonly found non-printable characters. A Carriage Return is represented as Chr(10), while a Line Feed is represented as Chr(13). These are Built In Constants similar to those found in VBA and Visual Basic.
You can use a find and replace to remove them with the following formula. Its not a bad idea to also include the trim and left functions in this as well to ensure you get the best match possible.
Replace(Replace(Left(Trim({YourStringField}), 10),Chr(10), ""),Chr(13), "")
There are a few additional Built In Constants you may need to check for if this doesn't work. A Tab is represented as Chr(9) for example. Its very rare for strings to contain the other Built In Constants though. In most cases Carriage Return and Line Feed are the only ones that are typically found in Plain Text. Tabs and the other constants should only be found in Rich Text and are very rare in string data.

How do I embed arbitrary unicode without messing up the rest of the line?

So we have header|sequence|string1|string2|directive where string1 and string2 are arbitrary Unicode junk. Assuming the input can be really trashy Unicode (I'm expecting for it to contain things like right-to-left text, unbalanced Unicode direction control characters, etc) but not actually malicious, how can I get these strings to display in order?
The final website target is HTML but we believe it's best to process as string as far as possible. Blindly jamming a force-LTR before each | is not remotely acceptable as this tends to carry into the text past the | and cause RTL to render as LTR.
First step: replace control codes with control pictures
Second step: fix RTL nonsense ??
I have to admit I was expecting the RTL stack to be simpler than it was. I cannot simply run the algorithm because there's no way to know the RTL-LTR-ness of a private use character.
We ended up with this kludgy method. It works. (Note that in the production code these inline styles turn into a class reference.)
<PRE><DIV DIR=LTR STYLE="display:inline-block;">|</DIV><DIV STYLE="display:inline-block;">something1</DIV><DIV DIR=LTR STYLE="display:inline-block;">|</DIV><DIV STYLE="display:inline-block;">something2</DIV><DIV DIR=LTR STYLE="display:inline-block;">|</DIV></PRE>

D Unicode string literals: can't print specific Unicode character

I'm just trying to pick up D having come from C++. I'm sure it's something very basic, but I can't find any documentation to help me. I'm trying to print the character à, which is U+00E0. I am trying to assign this character to a variable and then use write() to output it to the console.
I'm told by this website that U+00E0 is encoded as 0xC3 0xA0 in UTF-8, 0x00E0 in UTF-16 and 0x000000E0 in UTF-32.
Note that for everything I've tried, I've tried replacing string with char[] and wstring with wchar[]. I've also tried with and without the w or d suffixes after wide strings.
These methods return the compiler error, "Invalid trailing code unit":
string str = "à";
wstring str = "à"w;
dstring str = "à"d;
These methods print a totally different character (Ò U+00D2):
string str = "\xE0";
string str = hexString!"E0";
And all these methods print what looks like ˧á (note á ≠ à!), which is UTF-16 0x2E7 0x00E1:
string str = "\xC3\xA0";
wstring str = "\u00E0"w;
dstring str = "\U000000E0"d;
Any ideas?
I confirmed it works on my Windows box, so gonna type this up as an answer now.
In the source code, if you copy/paste the characters directly, make sure your editor is saving it in utf8 encoding. The D compiler insists on it, so if it gives a compile error about a utf thing, that's probably why. I have never used c:b but an old answer on the web said edit->encodings... it is a setting somewhere in the editor regardless.
Or, you can replace the characters in your source code with \uxxxx in the strings. Do NOT use the hexstring thing, that is for binary bytes, but your example of "\u00E0" is good, and will work for any type of string (not just wstring like in your example).
Then, on the output side, it depends on your target because the program just outputs bytes, and it is up to the recipient program to interpret it correctly. Since you said you are on Windows, the key is to set the console code page to utf-8 so it knows what you are trying to do. Indeed, the same C function can be called from D too. Leading to this program:
import std.stdio;
void main() {
writeln("Hi \u00E0");
printing it successfully. On older Windows versions, you might need to change your font to see the character too (as opposed to the generic box it shows because some fonts don't have all the characters), but on my Windows 10 box, it just worked with the default font.
BTW, technically the console code page a shared setting (after running the program and it exits, you can still hit properties on your console window and see the change reflected there) and you should perhaps set it back when your program exits. You could get that at startup with the get function ( ), store it in a local var, and set it back on exit. You could auto ccp = GetConsoleOutputCP(); SetConsoleOutputCP(65005;) scope(exit) SetConsoleOutputCP(ccp); right at startup - the scope exit will run when the function exits, so doing it in main would be kinda convenient. Just add some error checking if you want.
The Microsoft docs don't say anything about setting it back, so it probably doesn't actually matter, but still I wanna mention it just in case. But also the knowledge that it is shared and persists can help in debugging - if it works after you comment it, it isn't because the code isn't necessary, it is just because it was set previously and not unset yet!
Note that running it from an IDE might not be exactly the same, because IDEs often pipe the output instead of running it right out to the Windows console. If that happens, lemme know and we can type up some stuff about that for future readers too. But you can also open your own copy of the console (run the program outside the IDE) and it should show correctly for you.
D source code needs to be encoded as UTF-8.
My guess is that you're putting a UTF-16 character into the UTF-8 source file.
import std.stdio;
void main() {
writeln(cast(char)0xC3, cast(char)0xA0);
Will output as UTF-8 the character you seek.
Which you can then hard code like so:
import std.stdio;
void main() {
string str = "à";

PyGame: Proper use of Unicode

My goal is to create a program, with which the user can learn Bible verses by getting shown a problem and solving it through input (e.g. "Quote vers Gen 3:15"). As the Bible translation, I have to work with, is German, it contains a ton of umlauts, which are never showing properly.
My PyGame file's header:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Later on, I list the three German umlauts:
The txt-file is parsed by this function:
def load_list(listname):
fullname = os.path.join("daten", listname + ".txt")
with, "r", "utf-8-sig") as name:
lines = name.readlines()
for x in range(0, len(lines)):
lines[x] = lines[x].strip("\n")
lines[x] = lines[x].strip("\r")
print lines
I'm aware, that I could combine the two lines with the strip-commands, but that's not the topic here.
How can I get my PyGame to display the umlauts from the text-file correctly as well also display the user input's umlauts correctly? I checked hundreds of suggestions, I can't get anything really working here.
Any help is highly appreciated, before I lose my sane mind (well, as I'm sitting here, coding games, I probably did already anyway :D )
I'll try to summarize:
Printing something else than a string or unicode opject triggers that object's __repr__() method. If it is a sequence, this applies to the contained elements as well, causing any non-ascii character to be escaped with \xXX (or \uXXXX) notation. Note the difference between print 'text' and print ['text']: in the latter case, the string's quotes will be printed as well (besides the brackets of course). Use str.join() for concatenating lists of strings in order to control the way the output looks.
It's a good idea to always explicitely decode input (as you do by using codecs) and encode the output (which is not done in the code snippets in your question).
The source file encoding (the # coding: utf8 line in the header) has nothing to do with encoding of input and output. It only enables you to type non-ascii character in string literals (= characters inside quotes in the source file), instead of using \xXX escapes.
Hope that makes some things clearer. There's a lot that can go wrong that looks like an encoding error, and it's not always easy to find out what's actually happening.

JMeter CSV Data Set is corrupting Japanese strings stored as proper UTF-8, I get Question Marks instead

I read in search terms from a simple text file to send to a search engine.
It works fine in English, but gives me ???? for any Japanese text.
Text with mixed English and Japanese does show the English text, so I know it's reading it.
What I'm seeing:
Input text:
Snow Leopard をインストールする場合、新しい
Turns into:
Snow Leopard ???????????????
This is in my POST field of an HTTP.
If I set JMeter to encode the data, it just puts in the percent sequence for question marks.
About the Data:
The CSV file is very simple in
There's only one field / one column,
which I name TERM, and later use as
I don't really need full CSV because it's only one string per line.
There's no commas or quotes.
It's UTF-8 and when I run the Unix "file" command on the file, it says UTF-8 text.
I've also verified UTF-8 in command line and graphical mode on two machines.
Interesting note:
An interesting coincidence that I noticed: if there are 15 Japanese characters then I get 15 question marks, so at some point it's being seen as full characters and not just bytes.
JMeter CSV Dataset Config:
Filename: japanese-searches.csv
File encoding: UTF-8 (also tried without)
Variable names: TERM
Delimiter: ,
Allow Quoted Data: False (I also tried True, different, but still wrong)
Recycle at EOF: True
Stop at EOF: False
Staring mode: All threads
A few things I've tried:
- Tried Allow quoted Data. It changed to other strange characters.
- Added -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
- Tried encoding the POST stage, but it just turned into a bunch of %nn for question marks
And I'm not sure how "debug" just after the each line of the CSV is read in. I think it's corrupted right away, but I'm not sure.
If it's only mangled when I reference it, then instead of ${TERM} perhaps there's some other "to bytes" function call. I'll start checking into that. I haven't done anything with the JMeter functions yet.
Edited Dec 24:
Changed formatting and added bullet
points for more clarity.
Clarified that the file is UTF-8, and have verified that.
A new theory:
Is it possible that the Japanese characters are making it through, and the issue is that EVERY SINGLE place that shows them maps them to a "?" at DISPLAY TIME only. So even though I've checked in a bunch of places, they all have a display issue just in the UI?
Is there a way in JMeter to see the numeric value of a character or string? Actually, to tell JMeter to display the list of Unicode code points?
I'll look at my last log files... although I suppose even the server logs could mis-mapped the characters.
Also, perhaps when doing variable expansion inside of the text field that I POST, where I reference the ${TERM}, maybe at that point it also maps to question marks, but that the corruption happens at that later point. If that happened, AND it was mis-displayed in the UI, then it might lead to a false conclusion.
What I'd really like to do is pause JMeter after the first CSV record, just after that line is loaded, and look at it with a "data scope" or byte editor or something. Not sure if this is possible.
Found the issue, there was another place the UTF-8 had to be specified.
In the HTTP Request, to the right of the Method, you have to also set Content Encoding to UTF-8
Yes, in hindsight, this seems obvious, but there were a number of reasons I didn't think this was needed. Some of my incorrect assumptions might be helpful for others who are debugging, so here goes - I would have thought that:
1: Once text has made it into Java as Unicode, it stays as Unicode, and goes in and out by UTF-8. Obviously not in this case.
2: I sort of thought HTTP defaulted to UTF-8 unless you say otherwise, but maybe I'm just used to XML, but probably not a good practice to assume that, and maybe HTTP defaults to ISO-Latin1 or something, or even if there's a spec, maybe folks don't follow it.
3: And if I don't specific it, I'd think the "do no harm" approach would be to pass the characters on, and let the receiver on the other end deal with it. Wrong again!
(OK, so points 1, 2 and 3 overlap a bit)
4: Even though my HTTP Request POST, I did still try the Encode checkbox. I certainly thought that would have encoded it, but all I got was the repeating % hex for question marks, so seemed to me that the data was already corrupted at that point. Wrong again. I suspect WITHIN the HTTP phase, there's TWO character transitions, first from Unicode to whatever encoding it thinks you have, and THEN a second encoding into the %signs, and my data was mis-encoded at the first step.
5: And I would have thought JMeter would say something or warn, but from my reading, apparently it's not helpful in that respect. You can do logging or whatever.
And the "?" is Java's way of reporting a problem BY default, this started in the Java 1.4x timeframe. In my Java code I prefer to set encoding errors to report as an exception, but again, not the default, and not what JMeter does.
So I learned my lesson.
The HINT that the Unicode was at least starting out OK was that the number of question marks equaled the number of Japanese characters, instead of having 2 or 3 times as many question marks. If the length of "???" matches your Japanese (or Chinese) string, then Java DID see actual Unicode characters at some point along the journey. Whereas if you see 3 times as many ?'s as input text, then Java always saw them as bytes or ints or whatever, and NEVER as valid codepoints.
Came across this topic when searching for solution to use parameters from csv file that contained some columns written in Hebrew.
I used Excel 2007 to create a 1000 lines data for user registrations. The first and the last names had to be in Hebrew.
I exported the file to "Unicode text" file. It became tab delimited.
"Unicode Text" saves in UTF-16 LE (Little Endian), not in UTF-8. That is important.
I opened the result in Notepad++. I could see the Hebrew letters properly. The Notepad++ has the "Encoding" menu item, where you can check the encoding or change it. So I changed the Little Endian to UTF-8.
Then I replaced tabs with commas (just selected the tab and pasted it into the Find box.
The parameters were substituted ok, but after running the script I saw the following:
In the "View Results Tree" listener I opened the "Result" tab of the "Http Request".
The parameters were substituted, but the HTTP view tab (on the bottom) of the Request showed me some gibberish.
But when I looked at the Raw view, I saw that the request parameters actually contained strings like %D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%9E%D7%95%D7%98%D7%94 that when taken in pairs (%D7 %A9) corersponded properly to Hebrew letters.
To my mind, the JMeter has a bug and can not properly display the unicode chars. But it sends (POSTs) them out ok.
Hope I am right and hope it will help someone.
You can try to use "SHIFT-JIS" in Content encoding (it's nearby Method selection). Then you should uncheck "Encode?" for parameter that included Japanese.
Hope it works you.