How to I mark an empty translation (msgstr) as translated in po gettext files? - gettext

I found that is the translation for a string (msgid) is empty all gettext tools will consider the string as untranslated.
Is there a workaround for this? I do want to have an empty string as the translation for this item.

As this seems to be a big design flaw in the gettext specification, I decided to use:
Unicode Character 'ZERO WIDTH SPACE' (U+200B) inside these fields.

I realize this is an old question, but I wanted to point out an alternate approach:
msgid "This is a string"
msgstr "\0"
Since gettext uses embedded nulls to signal the end of a string, and it properly translates C escape sequences, I would guess that this might work and result in the empty string translation? It seemed to work in my program (based on GNU libintl) but I can't tell if this is actually standard / permitted by the system. As I understand gettext PO is not formally specified so there may be no authoritative answer other than looking at source code...
It's often not a nice thing to do to programmers to put embedded nulls in things but it might work in your case? Arguably it's less evil than the zero-width-space trick, since it will actually result in a string whose size is zero.
Basically, the worst thing that can happen is you get a segfault / bad behavior when running msgfmt, if it would get confused about the size of strings which it assumes don't have embedded null, and overflow a buffer somewhere.
Assuming that msgfmt can tolerate this though, libintl is going to have to do the right thing with it because the only means it has to return strings is char *, so the final application can only see up to the null character no matter what.
For what it's worth, my po-parser library spirit-po explicitly supports this :)
Edit: In gettext documentation, it appears that they do mention the possibility of embedded nulls in MO files and said "it was strongly debated":
Nothing prevents a MO file from having embedded NULs in strings. However, the program interface currently used already presumes that strings are NUL terminated, so embedded NULs are somewhat useless. But the MO file format is general enough so other interfaces would be later possible, if for example, we ever want to implement wide characters right in MO files, where NUL bytes may accidentally appear. (No, we don’t want to have wide characters in MO files. They would make the file unnecessarily large, and the ‘wchar_t’ type being platform dependent, MO files would be platform dependent as well.)
This particular issue has been strongly debated in the GNU gettext development forum, and it is expectable that MO file format will evolve or change over time. It is even possible that many formats may later be supported concurrently. But surely, we have to start somewhere, and the MO file format described here is a good start. Nothing is cast in concrete, and the format may later evolve fairly easily, so we should feel comfortable with the current approach.
So, at the least it's not like they're going to say "man, embedded null in message string? We never thought of that!" Most likely it works, if msgfmt doesn't crash then I would assume it's kosher.

I have had the same problem for a long time, and I actually don't think you can at all. My best option was to insert a comment so I could mark it "translated" from there:
# No translation needed / Translated
msgid "This is a string"
msgstr ""
So far, it's been by best workaround :/ If you do end up finding a way, please post!


Multiple regex in one command

Disclaimer: I have no engineering background whatsoever - please don't hold it against me ;)
What I'm trying to do:
Scan a bunch of text strings and find the ones that
are more than one word
contain title case (at least one capitalized word after the first one)
but exclude specific proper nouns that don't get checked for title case
and disregard any parameters in curly brackets
Example: Today, a Man walked his dogs named {FIDO} and {Fifi} down the Street.
Expectation: Flag the string for title capitalization because of Man and Street, not because of Today, {FIDO} or {Fifi}
Example: Don't post that video on TikTok.
Expectation: No flag because TikTok is a proper noun
I have bits and pieces, none of them error-free from what keeps telling me so I'm really hoping for help from this community.
What I've tried (in piece meal but not all together):
I think your problem is not really solvable solely with regex...
My recommendation would be splitting the input via [\s\W]+ (e.g. with python's re.split, if you really need strings with more than one word, you can check the length of the result), filtering each resulting word if the first character is uppercase (e.g with python's string.isupper) and finally filtering against a dictionary.
[\s\W]+ matches all whitespace and non-word characters, yielding words...
The reasoning behind this different approach: compiling all "proper nouns" in a regex is kinda impossible, using "isupper" also works with non-latin letters (e.g. when your strings are unicode, [A-Z] won't be sufficient to detect uppercase). Filtering utilizing a dictionary is a way more forward approach and much easier to maintain (I would recommend using set or other data type suited for fast lookups.
Maybe if you can define your use case more clearer we can work out a pure regex solution...

How "Expensive" is Perl's Encode::Detect::Detector

I've been having problems with "gremlins" from different encodings getting mixed into form input and data from a database within a Perl program. At first, I wasn't decoding, and smart quotes and similar things would generate multiple gibberish characters; but, blindly decoding everything as UTF-8 caused older Windows-1252 content to be filled with question marks.
So, I've used Encode::Detect::Detector and the decode() function to detect and decode all POST and GET input, along with data from a SQL database (the decoding process probably occurs on 10-20 strings of text each time a page is generated now). This seems to clean things up so UTF-8, ASCII and Windows-1252 content all display properly as UTF-8 output (as I've designated in the HTML headers):
my $encoding_name = Encode::Detect::Detector::detect($value);
eval { $value = decode($encoding_name, $value) };
My question is this: how resource heavy is this process? I haven't noticed a slowdown, so I think I'm happy with how this works, but if there's a more efficient way of doing this, I'd be happy to hear it.
The answer is highly application-dependent, so the acceptability of the 'expense' accrued is your call.
The best way to quantify the overhead is through profiling your code. You may want to give Devel::NYTProf a spin.
Tim Bunce's YAPC::EU presentation provide more details about the module.

Should I convert overlong UTF-8 strings to their shortest normal form?

I've just been reworking my Encoding::FixLatin Perl module to handle overlong UTF-8 byte sequences and convert them to the shortest normal form.
My question is quite simply "is this a bad idea"?
A number of sources (including this RFC) suggest that any over-long UTF-8 should be treated as an error and rejected. They caution against "naive implementations" and leave me with the impression that these things are inherently unsafe.
Since the whole purpose of my module is to clean up messy data files with mixed encodings and convert them to nice clean utf8, this seems like just one more thing I can clean up so the application layer doesn't have to deal with it. My code does not concern itself with any semantic meaning the resulting characters might have, it simply converts them into a normalised form.
Am I missing something. Is there a hidden danger I haven't considered?
Yes, this is a bad idea.
Maybe some of the data in one of these messy data files was checked to see that it didn't contain a dangerous sequence of ASCII characters.
The canonical example that caused many problems: '\xC0\xBCscript>'. ‘Fix’ the overlong sequence to plain ASCII < and you have accidentally created a security hole.
No tool has ever generated overlongs for any legitimate purpose. If you're trying to repair mixed encoding files, you should consider encountering one as a sign that you have mis-guessed the encoding.
I don't think this is a bad idea from a security or usability perspective.
From security perspective you should be sanitizing user input before use. So you can run your clean up routines, and then make sure the data doesn't contain greater-than/less-than symbols <> before it is printed out. You should also make sure you call mysql_real_escape_string() before inserting it into the database. Keep in mind that language encoding issues such as GBK vs Latin1 can lead to sql injection when you aren't using mysql_real_escape_string(). (This function name should be pretty similar regardless of your platform specific mysql library bindings)
Sanitizing all user input is generally a terrible idea because you don't know how the specific variable will be used. For instance sql injection and xss have very different control characters involved and the same sensitization for both often leads to vulnerabilities.
I don't know if it is a bad idea in your scenario, however, as this kind of change is not bijective, it may lead to data loss.
If you incorrectly detected the encoding of your data, you may interpret data as being legitimate UTF-8 overlongs and change them in the shortest normal form. There will be no way to later retrieve the original data.
As a personal experience, I know that when such things may happen, they WILL and you will potentially not notice the error before it is too late...

Japanese COBOL Code: rules for G literals and identifiers?

We are processing IBMEnterprise Japanese COBOL source code.
The rules that describe exactly what is allowed in G type literals,
and what are allowed for identifiers are unclear.
The IBM manual indicates that a G'....' literal
must have a SHIFT-OUT as the first character inside the quotes,
and a SHIFT-IN as the last character before the closing quote.
Our COBOL lexer "knows" this, but objects to G literals
found in real code. Conclusion: the IBM manual is wrong,
or we are misreading it. The customer won't let us see the code,
so it is pretty difficult to diagnose the problem.
EDIT: Revised/extended below text for clarity:
Does anyone know the exact rules of G literal formation,
and how they (don't) match what the IBM reference manuals say?
The ideal answer would a be regular expression for the G literal.
This is what we are using now (coded by another author, sigh):
#token non_numeric_literal_quote_g [STRING]
"<G><squote><ShiftOut> (
| <ShiftIn> ( <NotLineOrParagraphSeparatorNorApostropheNorShiftInNorShiftOut>|
| <squote><squote>
)* <ShiftIn><squote>"
where <name> is a macro that is another regular expression. Presumably they
are named well enough so you can guess what they contain.
Here is the IBM Enterprise COBOL Reference.
Chapter 3 "Character Strings", subheading "DBCS literals" page 32 is relevant reading.
I'm hoping that by providing the exact reference, an experienced IBMer can tell us how we misread it :-{ I'm particularly unclear on what the phrase "DBCS-characters" means
when it says "one or more characters in the range X'00...X'FF for either byte"
How can DBCS-characters be anything but pairs of 8-bit character codes?
The existing RE matches 3 types of pairs of characters if you examine it.
One answer below suggests that the <squote><squote> pairing is wrong.
OK, I might believe that, but that means the RE would only reject
literal strings containing single <squote>s. I don't believe that's
the problem we are having as we seem to trip over every instance of a G literal.
Similarly, COBOL identifiers can apparantly be composed
with DBCS characters. What is allowed for an identifier, exactly?
Again a regular expression would be ideal.
EDIT2: I'm beginning to think the problem might not be the RE.
We are reading Shift-JIS encoded text. Our reader converts that
text to Unicode as it goes. But DBCS characters are really
not Shift-JIS; rather, they are binary-coded data. Likely
what is happening is the that DBCS data is getting translated
as if it were Shift-JIS, and that would muck up the ability
to recognize "two bytes" as a DBCS element. For instance,
if a DBCS character pair were :81 :1F, a ShiftJIS reader
would convert this pair into a single Unicode character,
and its two-byte nature is then lost. If you can't count pairs,
you can't find the end quote. If you can't find the end quote,
you can't recognize the literal. So the problem would appear
to be that we need to switch input-encoding modes in the middle
of the lexing process. Yuk.
Try to add a single quote in your rule to see if it passes by making this change,
<squote><squote> => <squote>{1,2}
If I remember it correctly, one difference between N and G literals is that G allows single quote. Your regular expression doesn't allow that.
EDIT: I thought you got all other DBCS literals working and just having issues with G-string so I just pointed out the difference between N and G. Now I took a closer look at your RE. It has problems. In the Cobol I used, you can mix ASCII with Japanese, for example,
G"ABC<ヲァィ>" <> are Shift-out/shift-in
You RE assumes the DBCS only. I would loose this restriction and try again.
I don't think it's possible to handle G literals entirely in regular expression. There is no way to keep track of matching quotes and SO/SI with a finite state machine alone. Your RE is so complicated because it's trying to do the impossible. I would just simplify it and take care of mismatching tokens manually.
You could also face encoding issues. The code could be in EBCDIC (Katakana) or UTF-16, treating it as ASCII will not work. SO/SI sometimes are converted to 0x1E/0x1F on Windows.
I am just trying to help you shoot in the dark without seeing the actual code :)
Does <NotLineOrParagraphSeparatorNorApostropheNorShiftInNorShiftOut> also include single and double quotation marks, or just apostrophes? That would be a problem, as it would consume the literal closing character sequence >' ...
I would check the definition of all other macros to make sure. The only obvious problem that I can see is the <squote><squote> that you already seem to be aware of.

Why use Unicode if your program is English only?

So I've read Joel's article, and looked through SO, and it seems the only reason to switch from ASCII to Unicode is for internationalization. The company I work for, as a policy, will only release software in English, even though we have customers throughout the world. Since all of our customers are scientists, they have functional enough English to use our software as a non-native speaker. Or so the logic goes. Because of this policy, there is no pressing need to switch to Unicode to support other languages.
However, I'm starting a new project and wanted to use Unicode (because that is what a responsible programmer is supposed to do, right?). In order to do so, we would have to start converting all of the libraries we've written into Unicode. This is no small task.
If internationalization of the programs themselves is not considered a valid reason, how would one justify all the time spent recoding libraries and programs to make the switch to Unicode?
This obviously depends on what your app actually does, but just because you only have an english version in no way means that internationalization is not an issue.
What if I want to store a customer name which uses non-english characters? Or the name of a place in another country?
As an added bonus (since you say you're targeting scientists) is that all sorts of scientific symbols and notiations are supported as part of Unicode.
Ultimately, I find it much easier to be consistent. Unicode behaves the same no matter whose computer you run the app on. Non-unicode means that you use some locale-dependant character set or codepage by default, and so text that looks fine on your computer may be full of garbage characters on someone else's.
Apart from that, you probably don't need to translate all your libraries to Unicode in one go. Write wrappers as needed to convert between Unicode and whichever encoding you use otherwise.
If you use UTF-8 for your Unicode text, you even get the ability to read plain ASCII strings, which should save you some conversion headaches.
They say they will always put it in English now, but you admit you have worldwide clients. A client comes in and says internationalization is a deal breaker, will they really turn them down?
To clarify the point I'm trying to make you say that they will not accept this reasoning, but it is sound.
Always better to be safe than sorry, IMO.
The extended Scientific, Technical and Mathematical character set rules.
Where else can you say ⟦∀c∣c∈Unicode⟧ and similar technical stuff.
Characters beyond the 7-bit ASCII range are useful in English as well. Does anyone using your software even need to write the € sign? Or £? How about distinguishing "résumé" from "resume"?You say it's used by scientists around the world, who may have names like "Jörg" or "Guðmundsdóttir". In a scientific setting, it is useful to talk about wavelengths like λ, units like Å, or angles as Θ, even in English.
Some of these characters, like "ö", "£", and "€" may be available in 8-bit encodings like ISO-8859-1 or Windows-1252, so it may seem like you could just use those encodings and be done with it. The problem is that there are characters outside of those ranges that many people use very frequently, and so lots of existing data is encoded in UTF-8. If your software doesn't understand that when importing data, it may interpret the "£" character in UTF-8 as a sequence of 2 Windows-1252 characters, and render it as "£". If this sort of error goes undetected for long enough, you can start to get your data seriously garbled, as multiple passes of misinterpretation alter your data more and more until it becomes unrecoverable.
And it's good to think about these issues early on in the design of your program. Since strings tend to be very low-level concept that are threaded throughout your entire program, with lots of assumptions about how they work implicit in how they are used, it can be very difficult and expensive to add Unicode support to a program later on if you have never even thought about the issue to begin with.
My recommendation is to always use Unicode capable string types and libraries wherever possible, and make sure any tests you have (whether they be unit, integration, regression, or any other sort of tests) that deal with strings try passing some Unicode strings through your system to ensure that they work and come through unscathed.
If you don't handle Unicode, then I would recommend ensuring that all data accepted by the system is 7-bit clean (that is, there are no characters beyond the 7-bit US-ASCII range). This will help avoid problems with incompatibilities between 8-bit legacy encodings like the ISO-8859 family and UTF-8.
Suppose your program allows me to put my name in it, on a form, a dialog, whatever, and my name can't be written with ascii characters... Even though your program is in English, the data may be in other language...
It doesn't matter that your software is not translated, if your users use international characters then you need to support unicode to be able to do correct capitalization, sorting, etc.
If you have no business need to switch to unicode, then don't do it. I'm basing this on the fact that you thought you'd need to change code unrelated to component you already need to change to make it all work with Unicode. If you can make the component/feature you're working on "Unicode ready" without spreading code churn to lots of other components (especially other components without good test coverage) then go ahead and make it unicode ready. But don't go churn your whole codebase without business need.
If the business need arises later, address it then. Otherwise, you aren't going to need it.
People in this thread may suppose scenarios where it becomes a business requirement. Run those scenarios by your product managers before considering them scenarios worth addressing. Make sure they know the cost of addressing them when you ask.
Well for one, your users might know and understand english, but they can still have 'local' names. If you allow your users to do any kind of input to your application, they might want to use characters that are not part of ascii. If you don't support unicode, you will have no way of allowing these names. You'd be forcing your users to adopt a more simple name just because the application isn't smart enough to handle special characters.
Another thing is, even if the standard right now is that the app will only be released in English, you are also blocking the possibility of internationalization with ASCII, adding to the work that needs to be done when the company policy decides that translations are a good thing. Company policy is good, but has also been known to change.
I'd say this attitude expressed naïveté, but I wouldn't be able to spell naïveté in ASCII-only.
ASCII still works for some computer-only codes, but is no good for the façade between machine and user.
Even without the New Yorker's old-fashioned style of coöperation, how would some poor woman called Zoë cope if her employers used such a system?
Alas, she wouldn't even seek other employment, as updating her résumé would be impossible, and she'd have to resume instead. How's she going to explain that to her fiancée?
The company I work for, **as a policy**, will only release software in English, even though we have customers throughout the world.
1 reason only: Policies change, and when they change, they will break your existing code. Period.
Design for evil, and you have a chance of not breaking your code so soon. In this case, use Unicode. Happened to me on a brazilian specific stock-market legacy system.
Many languages (Java [and thus most JVM-based language implementations], C# [and thus most .NET-based language implementatons], Objective C, Python 3, ...) support Unicode strings by preference or even (nearly) exclusively (you have to go out of your way to work with "strings" of bytes rather than of Unicode characters).
If the company you work for ever intends to use any of these languages and platforms, it would therefore be quite advisable to start planning a Unicode-support strategy; a pilot project in particular might not be a bad idea.
That's a really good question. The only reason I can think of that has nothing to do with I18n or non-English text is that Unicode is particularly suited to being what might be called a hub character set. If you think of your system as a hub with its external dependencies as spokes, you want to isolate character encoding conversions to the spokes, so that your hub system works consistently with your chosen encoding. What makes Unicode a ideal character set for the hub of your system is that it acknowledges the existence of other character sets, it defines equivalences between its own characters and characters in those external character sets, and there's an ongoing process where it extends itself to keep up with the innovation and evolution of external character sets. There are all sorts of weird encodings out there: even when the documentation assures you that the external system or library is using plain ASCII it often turns out to be some variant like IBM775 or HPRoman8, and the nice thing about Unicode is that no matter what encoding is thrown at you, there's a good chance that there's a table on that defines exactly how to convert that data into Unicode and back out again without losing information. Then again, equivalents of a-z are fairly well-defined in every character set, so if your data really is restricted to the standard English alphabet, ASCII may do just as well as a hub character set.
A decision on encoding is a decision on two things - what set of characters are permitted and how those characters are represented. Unicode permits you to use pretty much any character ever invented, but you may have your own reasons not to want or need such a wide choice. You might still restrict usernames, for example, to combinations of a-z and underscore, maybe because you have to put them into an external LDAP system whose own character set is restricted, maybe because you need to print them out using a font that doesn't cover all of Unicode, maybe because it closes off the security problems opened up by lookalike characters. If you're using something like ASCII or ISO8859-1, the storage/transmission layer implements a lot of those restrictions; with Unicode the storage layer doesn't restrict anything so you might have to implement your own rules at the application layer. This is more work - more programming, more testing, more possible system states. The tradeoff for that extra work is more flexibility, application-level rules being easier to change than system encodings.
The reason to use unicode is to respect proper abstractions in your design.
Just get used to treating the concept of text properly. It is not hard. There's no reason to create a broken design even if your users are English.
Just think of a customer wanting to use names like Schrödingers Cat for files he saved using your software. Or imagine some localized Windows with a translation of My Documents that uses non-ASCII characters. That would be internationalization that has, though you don't support internationalization at all, have effects on your software.
Also, having the option of supporting internationalization later is always a good thing.
Internationalization is so much more than just text in different languages. I bet it's the niche of the future in the IT-world. Heck, it already is. A lot has already been said, just thought I would add a small thing. Even though your customers right now are satisfied with english, that might change in the future. And the longer you wait, the harder it will be to convert your code base. They might even today have problems with e.g. file names or other types of data you save/load in your application.
Unicode is like cooties. Once it "infects" one area, it's usually hard to contain it given interconnectedness of dependencies. Sooner or later, you'll probably have to tie in a library that is unicode compliant and thus will use wchar_t's or the like. Instead of marshaling between character types, it's nice to have consistent strings throughout.
Thus, it's nice to be consistent. Otherwise you'll end up with something similar to the Windows API that has a "A" version and a "W" version for most APIs since they weren't consistent to start with. (And in some cases, Microsoft has abandoned creating "A" versions altogether.)
You haven't said what language you're using. In some languages, changing from ASCII to Unicode may be pretty easy, whereas in others (which don't support Unicode) it might be pretty darn hard.
That said, maybe in your situation you shouldn't support Unicode: you can't think of a compelling reason why you should, and there are some reasons (i.e. your cost to change your existing libraries) which argue against. I mean, perhaps 'ideally' you should but in practice there might be some other, more important or more urgent, thing to spend your time and effort on at the moment.
If program takes text input from the user, it should use unicode; you never know what language the user is going to use.
When using Unicode, it leaves the door open for internationalization if requirements ever change and you are required to use text in other languages than English.
Also, in your new project you could always just write wrappers for the libraries that internally convert between ASCII and Unicode and vice-versa.
Your potential client may already be running a non-unicode application in a language other than English and won't be able to run your program without swichting the windows unicode locale back and forth, which will be a big pain.
Because the internet is overwhelmingly using Unicode. Web pages use unicode. Text files including your customer's documents, and the data on their clipboards, is Unicode.
Secondly Windows, is natively Unicode, and the ANSI APIs are a legacy.
Modern applications should use Unicode where applicable, which is almost everywhere.