Estimating possible # of actors in Scala - scala

How can I estimate the number of actors that a Scala program can handle?
For context, I'm contemplating what is essentially a neural net that will be creating and forgetting cells at a high rate. I'm contemplating making each cell an actor, but there will be millions of them. I'm trying to decide whether this design is worth pursuing, but can't estimate the limits of number of actors. My intent is that it should totally run on one system, so distributed limits don't apply.
For that matter, I haven't definitely settled on Scala, if there's some better choice, but the cells do have state, as in, e.g., their connections to other cells, the weights of the connections, etc. Though this COULD be done as "Each cell is final. Changes mean replacing the current cell with a new one bearing the same id#."
P.S.: I don't know Scala. I'm considering picking it up to do this project. I'm also considering lots of other alternatives, including Java, Object Pascal and Ada. But actors seem a better map to what I'm after than thread-pools (and Java can't handle enough threads to make a thread/cell design feasible.
P.S.: At all times, most of the actors will be quiescent, but there wil need to be a way of cycling through the entire collection of them. If there isn't one built into the language, then this can be managed via first/next links within each cell. (Both links are needed, to allow cells in the middle to be extracted for release.)

With a neural net simulation, the real question is how much of the computational effort will be spent communicating, and how much will be spent computing something within a cell? If most of the effort is in communication then actors are perhaps a good choice for correctness, but not a good choice at all for efficiency (even with Akka, which performs reasonably well; AsyncFP might do the trick, though). Millions of neurons sounds slow--efficiency is probably a significant concern. If the neurons have some pretty heavy-duty computations to do themselves, then the communications overhead is no big deal.
If communications is the bottleneck, and you have lots of tiny messages, then you should design a custom data structure to hold the network, and also custom thread-handling that will take advantage of all the processors you have and minimize the amount of locking that you must do. For example, if you have space, each neuron could hold an array of input values from those neurons linked to it, and it would when calculating its output just read that array directly with no locking and the input neurons would just update the values also with no locking as they went. You can then just dump all your neurons into one big pool and have a master distribute them in chunks of, I don't know, maybe ten thousand at a time, each to its own thread. Scala will work fine for this sort of thing, but expect to do a lot of low-level work yourself, or wait for a really long time for the simulation to finish.


What to do with not enough training data?

I have a problem that I don't have enough training data for my NN. It is trying to predict the result of a soccer game given the last games which I woulf say is a regression task.
The training data are results of soccer games of the last 15 seasons (which are about 4500 games). Getting to new data would be hard and would take a lot of time.
What should I do now?
Is it good to duplicate the data?
Should I input randomized data? (Maybe noise but I'm not quite sure what that is)
If there is no way of creating more data,
I should probably turn up the learning rate right? (I have it sitting at 0.01 and the momentum at 0.9)
I am using mini batches consisting of 32 training datas in training. Since I don't have a lot of training I don't have a lot of mini batches. Should I stop using them?
To start from the beginning: This is a very theoretical question and is not directly related to programming, which I recommend (in future) to post over at the Data Science Stackexchange.
To go into your problem: 4500 samples is not as bad as it sounds, depending on the exact task at hand. Are you trying to predict the match results (i.e. which team is the winner?), are you looking for more specific predictions (across a lot of different, specific teams)?
If you can make sure that you have a reasonable amount of data per class, one can work with a number of samples lower than what you have. Simply duplicating the data will not help you much, since you are very likely to just overfit on the samples you are seeing, without much of an improvement; Or rather, you will get the same results as training over a longer period (since essentially you see every sample twice per epoch, instead of one).
Again, what usually happens after long training periods is overfitting, so nothing gained here.
Your second suggestion is generally called data augmentation. Instead of simply copying samples, you alter them enough to make it look "different" to the network. But be careful! Data augmentation works well for some inputs, like images, since the change in input is significant enough to not represent the same sample, but still contains meaningful information about the class (a horizontally mirrored image of a cat still shows a "valid cat", unlike a vertically mirrored image, which is more unrealistic in the real world).
Essentially, it depends on your input features to determine where it makes sense to add noise. If you are only changing the results of the previous game, a minor change in input (adding/subtracting one goal at random) can significantly change the prediction you make.
If you slightly scramble ELO scores by a random number, on the other hand, the input value will not be too different, "but different enough" to use it as a novel example.
Turning up the learning rate is not a good idea, since you are essentially just letting the network converge more towards the specific samples. On the contrary, I would argue that the current learning rate is still too high, and you should certainly not increase it.
Regarding mini batches, I think I have referenced this a million times now, but always consider smaller minibatches. From a theoretical point of view, you are more likely to converge to a local minimum.

How to employ Learning-to-rank models (CNN, LSTM) in short-pair ranking?

In common applied learn-to-rank tasks, the inputs are usually semantic and have good syntactic structure, like Question-Answer ranking tasks. In this scenario, CNN or LSTM is a good structure to capture the latent information (local or long dependency) of QA-pairs.
But in reality, sometimes we just have short pair and discrete words. In this occasion, CNN or LSTM is still a fair choice?Or is there some more appropriate method can handle this?
The bigger question is how much training data you have. There's a lot of interesting work, but the reason that the deep neural network approaches tend to use QA ranking tasks is because those tasks typically have hundreds of thousands or millions of training examples.
When you have shorter queries, i.e. title or web queries, you will possibly need even more data to learn, because less of the network will be exercised by each training instance. It is possible, but the method you choose should be based on the training data you have available, rather than the size of your queries, in general.
[0-50 queries] -> Hand-tuned, time-tested model such as Query Likelihood, BM25, (or if you want better results, ngram models such as SDM) (if you want more recall, pseudo-relevance-feedback models such as RM3).
[50-1000 queries] -> Linear or Tree-based learning-to-rank methods
[1000-millions] -> Deep approach, or possibly still learning-to-rank. I'm not sure any of the deep papers have truly dominated a state-of-the-art gradient-boosted-regression-tree setup.
A recent paper by one of my labmates used pseudo-labels from BM25 to bootstrap a DNN. They got good results (better than BM25), but they literally had to be Google (training-time-wise) to pull it off.

compare the way of resolving collisions in hash tables

how can I compare methods of conflict resolution (ie. linear hashing, square hashing and double hashing) in the tables hash? What data would be best to show the differences between them? Maybe someone has seen such comparisons.
There is no simple approach that's also universally meaningful.
That said, a good approach if you're tuning an actual app is to instrument (collect stats) for the hash table implementation you're using in the actual application of interest, with the real data it processes, and for whichever functions are of interest (insert, erase, find etc.). When those functions are called, record whatever you want to know about the collisions that happen: depending on how thorough you want to be, that might include the number of collisions before the element was inserted or found, the number of CPU/memory cache lines touched during that probing, the elapsed CPU or wall-clock time etc..
If you want a more general impression, instrument an implementation and throw large quantities of random data at it - but be aware that the real-world applicability of whatever conclusions you draw may only be as good as the random data is similar to the real-world data.
There are also other, more subtle implications to the choice of collision-handling mechanism: linear probing allows an implementation to cleanup "tombstone" buckets where deleted elements exist, which takes time but speeds later performance, so the mix of deletions amongst other operations can affect the stats you collect.
At the other extreme, you could try a mathematical comparison of the properties of different collision handling - that's way beyond what I'm able or interested in covering here.

Streaming huge 3D scenes over internet

I want to stream big scenes made of many objects to clients but need some advice on what approach to take. I know PS4 and Battle.NET stream the games even when 70% of the game is not downloaded yet but they work pretty fast with my 18 Mbps connection.
Anyone can please help me where to start and how to start for streaming big scenes?
A lot of these don't necessarily stream huge scenes per se, if "huge scenes" implies transmitting the lowest-level primitive data (individual points, triangles, unique textures on every single object, etc).
They often stream higher-level data like "maps" with a lot of instanced data. For example, they might not transmit the triangles of a thousand trees in a forest. Instead, they might transmit one unique tree asset which is instanced and just scaled and rotated and positioned differently to form a forest (just a unique transformation matrix per tree instance). The result might be that the entire forest can be transmitted without taking much more memory than a single tree's worth of triangles.
They might have two or more characters meshes which have identical geometry or topology and just unique deformations (point positions) or textures ("skins"), significantly reducing the amount of unique data that has to be sent/stored.
When doing this kind of instancing/tiling stuff, what might otherwise be terabytes worth of unique data may fit into megabytes due to the amount of instanced, non-unique data.
So the first step to doing this typically is to build your own level/map editor, e.g. That level/map editor can often serialize something considerably higher-level and tighter than, say, a Wavefront OBJ file due to the sheer amount of tiled/instanced (shared) data. That high-level data ends up being what you stream.
Second is to build scalable servers, and that's a separate beast. To do that often involves very efficient multithreading at the heart of the OS/kernel to achieve very efficient async I/O. There are some great resources out there on this subject, but it's too broad to cover in one simple answer.
And third might be compression of the data to further reduce the required bandwidth.
A commercial game title might seek all three of these, but probably the first thing to realize is that they're not necessarily streaming unique triangles and texels everywhere -- to stream such low-level data would place tremendous strain on the server, especially given the kind of player load that MMOs are designed to handle. There's a whole lot of instanced data that these games, especially MMOs, often use to significantly cut down on the unique data that actually has to occupy memory and be transmitted separately.
Maps and assets are often designed to carefully reuse existing data as much as possible -- carefully made to have maximum repetition to reduce memory requirements but without looking too blatantly redundant (variation vs. economy). They look "huge" but aren't really from a data standpoint given the sheer amount of repetition of the same data, and considering that they don't redundantly store repetitive data. They're typically very, very economical about it.
As far as streaming goes, a simple way might be to break the world down into 2-dimensional regions (with some overlap to allow a seamless experience so that adjacent regions are being streamed as the player travels around the world) with AABBs around them. Stream the data for the region(s) the player is in and possibly visible within the viewing frustum. It can get a lot more elaborate than this but this might serve as a decent starting point.

How to find the time value of operation to optimize new algorithm design?

My question is specific to iPhone, iPod, and iPad, since I am assuming that the architecture makes a big difference. I'm hoping there is either a specification somewhere (for the various chips perhaps), or a reliable way to measure T for each specific instruction. I know I can use any number of tools to measure aggregate processor time used, memory used, etc. I want to quantify at a lower level.
So, I'm able to figure out how many times I go through the main part of the algorithm. For example, I iterate n * (n-1) times in a naive implementation, and between n (best case) and n + n * (n-1) (worst case) in another. I can also make a reasonable count of the total number of instructions (+ - = % * /, and logic statements), and I can compare those counts, but that's assuming the weight of each operation is the same. Also, I don't have any idea how to weight the actual time value of a logic statement (if, else, for, while) vs a mathematical operator... is "if" as much work as "+" each time I use it? I would love to know where to find this information.
So, for clarity, my goal is to discover how much processor time I am demanding of the CPU (or GPU or any U) so that I can design an optimal algorithm around processor time. Can someone give me an idea of where to start for iOS hardware?
Edit: This link to ClockServices.c and SIMD stuff in the developer portal might be a good start for people interested in this. A few more cups of coffee tonight and I might get through it ;)
On a modern platform, processor time isn't the only limiting factor. Often, memory access is.
Still, processor time:
Your basic approach at an estimation for the processor load is OK, though, and is sensible: Make a rough estimate of the cost based on your knowledge of typical platforms.
In this article, Table 1 shows the times for typical primitive operations in .NET. While your platform may vary, the relative time is usually very similar. Maybe you can find - or even make - one for iStuff.
(I haven't come across one so thorough for other platforms, except processor / instruction set manuals, but they deal with assembly instructions)
memory locality:
A cache miss can cost you hundreds of cycles, a disk access a thousand times as much. So controlling your memory access patterns (i.e. reducing the working set, restructuring and accessing data in a cache-friendly way) is an important part of evaluating an algorithm.
xCode has instruments to measure performance of each function/operation, you can simply use them.