compare the way of resolving collisions in hash tables - hash

how can I compare methods of conflict resolution (ie. linear hashing, square hashing and double hashing) in the tables hash? What data would be best to show the differences between them? Maybe someone has seen such comparisons.

There is no simple approach that's also universally meaningful.
That said, a good approach if you're tuning an actual app is to instrument (collect stats) for the hash table implementation you're using in the actual application of interest, with the real data it processes, and for whichever functions are of interest (insert, erase, find etc.). When those functions are called, record whatever you want to know about the collisions that happen: depending on how thorough you want to be, that might include the number of collisions before the element was inserted or found, the number of CPU/memory cache lines touched during that probing, the elapsed CPU or wall-clock time etc..
If you want a more general impression, instrument an implementation and throw large quantities of random data at it - but be aware that the real-world applicability of whatever conclusions you draw may only be as good as the random data is similar to the real-world data.
There are also other, more subtle implications to the choice of collision-handling mechanism: linear probing allows an implementation to cleanup "tombstone" buckets where deleted elements exist, which takes time but speeds later performance, so the mix of deletions amongst other operations can affect the stats you collect.
At the other extreme, you could try a mathematical comparison of the properties of different collision handling - that's way beyond what I'm able or interested in covering here.


recommender systems: Convert UUIDs to 32 bit ints for recommender libraries

LightFM and other libraries ask for a 32 bit integer id e.g for users. But, our user id is a UUID e.g. 0003374a-a35c-46ed-96d2-0ea32b753199. I was wondering what you would recommend in scenarios like these. What I have come up with is:
Create a bidirectional dictionary either in memory or in a database to keep a UUID <-> Int mapping. e.g.
Use a non cryptographic hash function like MurmurHash3 or xxHash. For e.g. for 10 million UUIDs, I got around 11,521 or 0.1% collision using xxhash. Is that negligible for a recommender system?
I'm also curious on how this would apply in an online prediction scenario, where given the UUID, user interactions and the model, I have to predict the recommendations for a model which needs 32 bit integers. If I use the in memory bidict approach, then that won't work in this case and hence I may have to create a persistent key-value store in the worst case.
This will definitely work, and is probably the solution the vast majority of users will choose. The disadvantage lies, of course, in having to maintain the mapping.
A hashing function will also work. There are, in fact, approaches which use hashing to reduce the dimensionality of the embedding layers required. One thing worth bearing in mind is that the resulting hash range should be relatively compact: most implementations will allocate parameters for all possible values, so a hashing function that can hash to very large values will require exorbitant amounts of memory. Hashing following by a modulo function could work well; the trade-off then is between memory required to hold all parameters and collision probability.
In LightFM as well as most other implementations, recommendations can only be made for users and items (or at least for user and item features) that were present during the training. The mapping will then be a part of the model itself, and be effectively frozen until a new model is trained.

improve hashing using genetic programming/algorithm

I'm writing a program which can significantly lessen the number of collisions that occur while using hash functions like 'key mod table_size'. For this I would like to use Genetic Programming/Algorithm. But I don't know much about it. Even after reading many articles and examples I don't know that in my case (as in program definition) what would be the fitness function, target (target is usually the required result), what would pose as the population/individuals and parents, etc.
Please help me in identifying the above and with a few codes/pseudo-codes snippets if possible as this is my project.
Its not necessary to be using genetic programming/algorithm, it can be anything using evolutionary programming/algorithm.
My advice would be: don't do this that way. The literature on hash functions is vast and we more or less understand what makes a good hash function. We know enough mathematics not to look for them blindly.
If you need a hash function to use, there is plenty to choose from.
However, if this is your uni project and you cannot possibly change the subject or steer it in a more manageable direction, then as you noticed there will be complex issues of getting fitness function and mutation operators right. As far as I can tell off the top of my head, there are no obvious candidates.
You may look up e.g. 'strict avalanche criterion' and try to see if you can reason about it in terms of fitness and mutations.
Another question is how do you want to represent your function? Just a boolean expression? Something built from word operations like AND, XOR, NOT, ROT ?
Depending on your constraints (or rather, assumptions) the question of fitness and mutation will be different.
Broadly fitness is clearly minimize the number of collisions in your 'hash modulo table-size' model.
The obvious part is to take a suitably large and (very important) representative distribution of keys and chuck them through your 'candidate' function.
Then you might pass them through 'hash modulo table-size' for one or more values of table-size and evaluate some measure of 'niceness' of the arising distribution(s).
So what that boils down to is what table-sizes to try and what niceness measure to apply.
Niceness is context dependent.
You might measure 'fullest bucket' as a measure of 'worst case' insert/find time.
You might measure sum of squares of bucket sizes as a measure of 'average' insert/find time based on uniform distribution of amongst the keys look-up.
Finally you would need to decide what table-size (or sizes) to test at.
Conventional wisdom often uses primes because hash modulo prime tends to be nicely volatile to all the bits in hash where as something like hash modulo 2^n only involves the lower n-1 bits.
To keep computation down you might consider the series of next prime larger than each power of two. 5(>2^2) 11 (>2^3), 17 (>2^4) , etc. up to and including the first power of 2 greater than your 'sample' size.
There are other ways of considering fitness but without a practical application the question is (of course) ill-defined.
If your 'space' of potential hash functions don't all have the same execution time you should also factor in 'cost'.
It's fairly easy to define very good hash functions but execution time can be a significant factor.

what is a fast membership algorithm for a static, large, out-of-core dictionary

I have a static dictionary containing millions of keys which refer to values in a sparse data structure stored out-of-core. The number of keys is a small fraction, say 10%, of the number of values. The key size is typically 64-bit. The keys are linearly ordered and the queries will often consist of keys which are close together in this order. Data compression is a factor, but it is the values which are expected to be the biggest contributor to data size rather than the keys. Key compression helps, but is not critical. Query time should be constant, if possible, and fast since a user is interacting with the data.
Given these conditions I would like to know an effective way to query the dictionary to determine whether a specific key is contained in it. Query speed is the top priority, construction time is not as critical.
Currently I'm looking at cache-oblivious b+-trees and order-preserving minimal perfect hashes tied to external storage.
At this point CHD or some other form of hashing seems like a candidate. Since the keys are queried in approximate linear order it seems that an order-preserving hash would avoid cache misses, but I'm not knowledgeable enough to say whether CHD can preserve the order of the keys. Constant-time queries are also desirable. The search is O(1), but the upper limit on query times over the key space is also unknown.
Trees seem less attractive. Although there are some cache-oblivious and cache-specific approaches I think much of the effort is aimed at range queries on dynamic dictionaries rather than constant-time membership queries. Processors and memories, in general, don't like branches.
There have been a number of questions asked along these lines, but this case (hopefully) constrains the problem in a manner that might be useful to others.
any feedback would be appreciated,

Estimating possible # of actors in Scala

How can I estimate the number of actors that a Scala program can handle?
For context, I'm contemplating what is essentially a neural net that will be creating and forgetting cells at a high rate. I'm contemplating making each cell an actor, but there will be millions of them. I'm trying to decide whether this design is worth pursuing, but can't estimate the limits of number of actors. My intent is that it should totally run on one system, so distributed limits don't apply.
For that matter, I haven't definitely settled on Scala, if there's some better choice, but the cells do have state, as in, e.g., their connections to other cells, the weights of the connections, etc. Though this COULD be done as "Each cell is final. Changes mean replacing the current cell with a new one bearing the same id#."
P.S.: I don't know Scala. I'm considering picking it up to do this project. I'm also considering lots of other alternatives, including Java, Object Pascal and Ada. But actors seem a better map to what I'm after than thread-pools (and Java can't handle enough threads to make a thread/cell design feasible.
P.S.: At all times, most of the actors will be quiescent, but there wil need to be a way of cycling through the entire collection of them. If there isn't one built into the language, then this can be managed via first/next links within each cell. (Both links are needed, to allow cells in the middle to be extracted for release.)
With a neural net simulation, the real question is how much of the computational effort will be spent communicating, and how much will be spent computing something within a cell? If most of the effort is in communication then actors are perhaps a good choice for correctness, but not a good choice at all for efficiency (even with Akka, which performs reasonably well; AsyncFP might do the trick, though). Millions of neurons sounds slow--efficiency is probably a significant concern. If the neurons have some pretty heavy-duty computations to do themselves, then the communications overhead is no big deal.
If communications is the bottleneck, and you have lots of tiny messages, then you should design a custom data structure to hold the network, and also custom thread-handling that will take advantage of all the processors you have and minimize the amount of locking that you must do. For example, if you have space, each neuron could hold an array of input values from those neurons linked to it, and it would when calculating its output just read that array directly with no locking and the input neurons would just update the values also with no locking as they went. You can then just dump all your neurons into one big pool and have a master distribute them in chunks of, I don't know, maybe ten thousand at a time, each to its own thread. Scala will work fine for this sort of thing, but expect to do a lot of low-level work yourself, or wait for a really long time for the simulation to finish.

best way to resolve collisions in hashing strings

I got asked this question at an interview and said to use a second has function, but the interviewer kept probing me for other answers. Anyone have other solutions?
best way to resolve collisions in hashing strings
"with continuous inserts"
Assuming the inserts are of strings whose contents can't be predicted, then reasonable options are:
Use a displacement list, so you try a number of offsets from the
hashed-to bucket until you find a free bucket (modding by table
size). Displacement lists might look something like { 3, 5, 11,
19... } etc. - ideally you want to have the difference between
displacements not be the sum of a sequence of other displacements.
rehash using a different algorithm (but then you'd need yet another
algorithm if you happen to clash twice etc.)
root a container in the
buckets, such that colliding strings can be searched for. Typically
the number of buckets should be similar to or greater than the
number of elements, so elements per bucket will be fairly small and
a brute-force search through an array/vector is a reasonable
approach, but a linked list is also credible.
Comparing these, displacement lists tend to be fastest (because adding an offset is cheaper than calculating another hash or support separate heap & allocation, and in most cases the first one or two displacements (which can reasonably be by a small number of buckets) is enough to find an empty bucket so the locality of memory use is reasonable) though they're more collision prone than an alternative hashing algorithm (which should approach #elements/#buckets chance of further collisions). With both displacement lists and rehashing you have to provide enough retries that in practice you won't expect a complete failure, add some last-resort handling for failures, or accept that failures may happen.
Use a linked list as the hash bucket. So any collisions are handled gracefully.
Alternative approach: You might want to concider using a trie instead of a hash table for dictionaries of strings.
The up side of this approach is you get O(|S|) worst case complexity for seeking/inserting each string [where |S| is the length of that string]. Note that hash table allows you only average case of O(|S|), where the worst case is O(|S|*n) [where n is the size of the dictionary]. A trie also does not require rehashing when load balance is too high.
Assuming we are not using a perfect hash function (which you usually don't have) the hash tells you that:
if the hashes are different, the objects are distinct
if the hashes are the same, the objects are probably the same (if good hashing function is used), but may still be distinct.
So in a hashtable, the collision will be resolved with some additional checking if the objects are actually the same or not (this brings some performance penalty, but according to Amdahl's law, you still gained a lot, because collisions rarely happen for good hashing functions). In a dictionary you just need to resolve that rare collision cases and assure you get the right object out.
Using another non-perfect hash function will not resolve anything, it just reduces the chance of (another) collision.