How to find the time value of operation to optimize new algorithm design? - iphone

My question is specific to iPhone, iPod, and iPad, since I am assuming that the architecture makes a big difference. I'm hoping there is either a specification somewhere (for the various chips perhaps), or a reliable way to measure T for each specific instruction. I know I can use any number of tools to measure aggregate processor time used, memory used, etc. I want to quantify at a lower level.
So, I'm able to figure out how many times I go through the main part of the algorithm. For example, I iterate n * (n-1) times in a naive implementation, and between n (best case) and n + n * (n-1) (worst case) in another. I can also make a reasonable count of the total number of instructions (+ - = % * /, and logic statements), and I can compare those counts, but that's assuming the weight of each operation is the same. Also, I don't have any idea how to weight the actual time value of a logic statement (if, else, for, while) vs a mathematical operator... is "if" as much work as "+" each time I use it? I would love to know where to find this information.
So, for clarity, my goal is to discover how much processor time I am demanding of the CPU (or GPU or any U) so that I can design an optimal algorithm around processor time. Can someone give me an idea of where to start for iOS hardware?
Edit: This link to ClockServices.c and SIMD stuff in the developer portal might be a good start for people interested in this. A few more cups of coffee tonight and I might get through it ;)

On a modern platform, processor time isn't the only limiting factor. Often, memory access is.
Still, processor time:
Your basic approach at an estimation for the processor load is OK, though, and is sensible: Make a rough estimate of the cost based on your knowledge of typical platforms.
In this article, Table 1 shows the times for typical primitive operations in .NET. While your platform may vary, the relative time is usually very similar. Maybe you can find - or even make - one for iStuff.
(I haven't come across one so thorough for other platforms, except processor / instruction set manuals, but they deal with assembly instructions)
memory locality:
A cache miss can cost you hundreds of cycles, a disk access a thousand times as much. So controlling your memory access patterns (i.e. reducing the working set, restructuring and accessing data in a cache-friendly way) is an important part of evaluating an algorithm.

xCode has instruments to measure performance of each function/operation, you can simply use them.


Measure the electricity consumed by a browser to render a webpage

Is there a way to calculate the electricity consumed to load and render a webpage (frontend)? I was thinking of a 'test' made with phantomjs for example:
load a web page
scroll to the bottom
And measure how much electricity was needed. I can perhaps extrapolate from CPU cycle. But phantomjs is headless, rendering in real browser is certainly different. Perhaps it's impossible to do real measurements.. but with an index it may be possible to compare websites.
Do you have other suggestions?
It's pretty much impossible to measure this internally in modern processors (anything more recent than 286). By internally, I mean by counting cycles. This is because different parts of the processor consume different levels of energy per cycle depending upon the instruction.
That said, you can make your measurements. Stick a power meter between the wall and the processor. Here's a procedure:
Measure the baseline energy usage, i.e. nothing running except the OS and the browser, and the browser completely static (i.e. not doing anything). You need to make sure that everything is stead state (SS) meaning start your measurements only after several minutes of idle.
Measure the usage doing the operation you want. Again, you want to avoid any start up and stopping work, so make sure you start measuring at least 15 seconds after you start the operation. Stopping isn't an issue since the browser will execute any termination code after you finish your measurement.
Sounds simple, right? Unfortunately, because of the nature of your measurements, there are some gotchas.
Do you recall your physics classes (or EE classes) that talked about signal to noise ratios? Well, a scroll down uses very little energy, so the signal (scrolling) is well in the noise (normal background processes). This means you have to take a LOT of samples to get anything useful.
Your browser startup energy usage, or anything else that uses a decent amount of processing, is much easier to measure (better signal to noise ratio).
Also, make sure you understand the underlying electronics. For example, power is VA (voltage*amperage) where both V and A are in phase. I don't think this will be an issue since I'm pretty sure they are in phase for computers. Also, any decent power meter understands the difference.
I'm guessing you intend to do this for mobile devices. Your measurements will only be roughly the same from processor to processor. This is due to architectural differences from generation to generation, and from manufacturer to manufacturer.
Good luck.

For a Single Cycle CPU How Much Energy Required For Execution Of ADD Command

The question is obvious like specified in the title. I wonder this. Any expert can help?
OK, this is was going to be a long answer, so long that I may write an article about it instead. Strangely enough, I've been working on experiments that are closely related to your question -- determining performance per watt for a modern processor. As Paul and Sneftel indicated, it's not really possible with any real architecture today. You can probably compute this if you are looking at only the execution of that instruction given a certain silicon technology and a certain ALU design through calculating gate leakage and switching currents, voltages, etc. But that isn't a useful value because there is something always going on (from a HW perspective) in any processor newer than an 8086, and instructions haven't been executed in isolation since a pipeline first came into being.
Today, we have multi-function ALUs, out-of-order execution, multiple pipelines, hyperthreading, branch prediction, memory hierarchies, etc. What does this have to do with the execution of one ADD command? The energy used to execute one ADD command is different from the execution of multiple ADD commands. And if you wrap a program around it, then it gets really complicated.
So let's look at what you can do.
Statistically measure running a given add over and over again. Remember that there are many different types of adds such as integer adds, floating-point, double precision, adds with carries, and even simultaneous adds (SIMD) to name a few. Limits: OSs and other apps are always there, though you may be able to run on bare metal if you know how; varies with different hardware, silicon technologies, architecture, etc; probably not useful because it is so far from reality that it means little; limits of measurement equipment (using interprocessor PMUs, from the wall meters, interposer socket, etc); memory hierarchy; and more
Statistically measuring an integer/floating-point/double -based workload kernel. This is beginning to have some meaning because it means something to the community. Limits: Still not real; still varies with architecture, silicon technology, hardware, etc; measuring equipment limits; etc
Statistically measuring a real application. Limits: same as above but it at least means something to the community; power states come into play during periods of idle; potentially cluster issues come into play.
When I say "Limits", that just means you need to well define the constraints of your answer / experiment, not that it isn't useful.
SUMMARY: it is possible to come up with a value for one add but it doesn't really mean anything anymore. A value that means anything is way more complicated but is useful and requires a lot of work to find.
By the way, I do think it is a good and important question -- in part because it is so deceptively simple.

Which language should I prefer working with if I want to use the Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (FANN)?

I am working on reducing dimentionality of a set of (Boolean) vectors with both the number and dimentionality of vectors tending to be of the order of 10^5-10^6 using autoencoders. Hence even though speed is not of essence (it is supposed to be a pre-computation for a clustering algorithm) but obviously one would expect that the computations take a reasonable amount of time. Seeing how the library itself was written in c++ would it be a good idea to stick to it or to code in Java (Since the rest of the code is written in Java)? Or would it not matter at all?
That question is difficult to answer. It depends on:
How computationally demanding will be your code? If the hard part is done by the library and your code is only to generate the input and post-process the output, Java would be a valid choice. Compare it to Matlab: The language is very slow but the built-in algorithms are super-fast.
How skilled are you (or your team, or your future students) in Java and C++. Consider learning C++ takes a lot of time. If you have only a small scaled project, it could be easier to buy a bigger machine or wait two days instead of one, to get the results.
Have you legacy code in one of the languages you want to couple or maybe re-use?
Overall, I would advice you to set up a benchmark example in whatever language you like more. Then give it a try. If the speed is ok, stick to it. If you wait to long, think about alternatives (new hardware, parallel execution, different language).

Estimating possible # of actors in Scala

How can I estimate the number of actors that a Scala program can handle?
For context, I'm contemplating what is essentially a neural net that will be creating and forgetting cells at a high rate. I'm contemplating making each cell an actor, but there will be millions of them. I'm trying to decide whether this design is worth pursuing, but can't estimate the limits of number of actors. My intent is that it should totally run on one system, so distributed limits don't apply.
For that matter, I haven't definitely settled on Scala, if there's some better choice, but the cells do have state, as in, e.g., their connections to other cells, the weights of the connections, etc. Though this COULD be done as "Each cell is final. Changes mean replacing the current cell with a new one bearing the same id#."
P.S.: I don't know Scala. I'm considering picking it up to do this project. I'm also considering lots of other alternatives, including Java, Object Pascal and Ada. But actors seem a better map to what I'm after than thread-pools (and Java can't handle enough threads to make a thread/cell design feasible.
P.S.: At all times, most of the actors will be quiescent, but there wil need to be a way of cycling through the entire collection of them. If there isn't one built into the language, then this can be managed via first/next links within each cell. (Both links are needed, to allow cells in the middle to be extracted for release.)
With a neural net simulation, the real question is how much of the computational effort will be spent communicating, and how much will be spent computing something within a cell? If most of the effort is in communication then actors are perhaps a good choice for correctness, but not a good choice at all for efficiency (even with Akka, which performs reasonably well; AsyncFP might do the trick, though). Millions of neurons sounds slow--efficiency is probably a significant concern. If the neurons have some pretty heavy-duty computations to do themselves, then the communications overhead is no big deal.
If communications is the bottleneck, and you have lots of tiny messages, then you should design a custom data structure to hold the network, and also custom thread-handling that will take advantage of all the processors you have and minimize the amount of locking that you must do. For example, if you have space, each neuron could hold an array of input values from those neurons linked to it, and it would when calculating its output just read that array directly with no locking and the input neurons would just update the values also with no locking as they went. You can then just dump all your neurons into one big pool and have a master distribute them in chunks of, I don't know, maybe ten thousand at a time, each to its own thread. Scala will work fine for this sort of thing, but expect to do a lot of low-level work yourself, or wait for a really long time for the simulation to finish.

Fastest language for FOR loops

I'm trying to figure out the best programming language for an analytical model I'm building. Primary consideration is speed at which it will run FOR loops.
Some detail:
The model needs to perform numerous (~30 per entry, over 12 cycles) operations on a set of elements from an array -- there are ~300k rows, and ~150 columns in the array. Most of these operations are logical in nature, e.g., if place(i) = 1, then j(i) = 2.
I've built an earlier version of this model using Octave -- to run it takes ~55 hours on an Amazon EC2 m2.xlarge instance (and it uses ~10 GB of memory, but I'm perfectly happy to throw more memory at it). Octave/Matlab won't do elementwise logical operations, so a large number of for loops are needed -- I'm relatively certain that I've vectorized as much as possible -- the loops that remain are necessary. I've gotten octave-multicore to work with this code, which makes some improvement (~30% speed reduction when I get it running on 8 EC2 cores), but ends up being unstable with file locking, etc.
+I'm really looking for a step change in run-time -- I know that actually using Matlab might get me as much as a 50% improvement from looking at some benchmarks, but that is cost-prohibitive. The original plan when starting this was to actually run a Monte Carlo with this, but at 55 hours a run, that's completely impractical.
The next version of this is going to be a complete rebuild from the ground up (for IP reasons I won't get in to if nothing else), so I'm completely open to any programming language. I'm most familiar with Octave/Matlab, but have dabbled in R, C, C++, Java. I'm also proficient w/ SQL if the solution involves storing the data in a database. I'll learn any language for this -- these aren't complicated functionality we're looking for, no interfacing with other programs, etc., so not too concerned about learning curve.
So with all that said, what's the fastest programming language specifically for FOR loops? From a search of SO and Google, Fortran and C bubble to the top, but looking for some more advice before diving in to one or the other.
This for loop looks no more complex than this when it hits the CPU:
for(int i = 0; i != 1024; i++) translates to
mov r0, 0 ;;start the counter
;;some processing
add r0, r0, 1 ;;increment the counter by 1
jne top: r0, 1024 ;;jump to the loop top if we havn't hit the top of the for loop (1024 elements)
;;continue on
As you can tell, this is sufficiently simple you can't really optimize it very well[1]... Refocus towards the algorithm level.
The first cut at the problem is to look at cache locality. Look up the classic example of matrix multiplication and swapping the i and j indexes.
edit: As a second cut, I would suggest evaluating the algorithm for data-dependencies between iterations and data dependency between localities in your 'matrix' of data. It may be a good candidate for parallelization.
[1] There are some micro-optimizations possible, but those will not produce the speedsups you're looking for.
~300k * ~150 * ~30 * ~12 = ~16G iterations, right?
This number of primitive operations should complete in a matter of minutes (if not seconds) in any compiled language on any decent CPU.
Fortran, C/C++ should do it almost equally well. Even managed languages, such as Java and C#, would only fall behind by a small margin (if at all).
If you have a problem of ~16G iterations running 55 hours, this means that they are very far from being primitive (80k per second? this is ridiculous), so maybe we should know more. (as was already suggested, is disk access limiting performance? is it network access?)
As #Rotsor said, 16G operations / 55 hours is about 80,000 operations per second, or one operation every 12.5 microseconds. That's a lot of time per operation.
That means your loops are not the cause of poor performance, it's what's in the innermost loop that's taking the time. And Octave is an interpreted language. That alone means an order of magnitude slowdown.
If you want speed, you first need to be in a compiled language. Then you need to do performance tuning (aka profiling) or, just single step it in a debugger at the instruction level. That will tell you what it is actually doing in its heart of hearts. Once you've got it to where it's not wasting cycles, fancier hardware, cores, CUDA, etc. will give you a parallelism speedup. But it's silly to do that if your code is taking unnecessarily many cycles. (Here's an example of performance tuning - a 43x speedup just by trimming the fat.)
I can't believe the number of responders talking about matlab, APL, and other vectorized languages. Those are interpreters. They give you concise source code, which is not at all the same thing as fast execution. When it comes down to the bare metal, they are stuck with the same hardware as every other language.
Added: to show you what I mean, I just ran this C++ code, which does 16G operations, on this moldy old laptop, and it took 94 seconds, or about 6ns per iteration. (I can't believe you baby-sat that thing for 2 whole days.)
void doit(){
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < 16000000; j++){
sum += j * 3.1415926;
In terms of absolute speed, probably Fortran followed by C, followed by C++. In practical application, well written code in any of the three, compiled with a descent compiler should be plenty fast.
Edit- generally you are going to see much better performance with any kind of looped or forking (e.g.- if statements) code with a compiled language, versus an interpreted language.
To give an example, on a recent project I was working on, the data sizes and operations were about 3/4 the size of what you're talking about here, but like your code, had very little room for vectorization, and required significant looping. After converting the code from matlab to C++, runtimes went from 16-18 hours, down to around 25 minutes.
For what you're discussing, Fortran is probably your first choice. The closest second place is probably C++. Some C++ libraries use "expression templates" to gain some speed over C for this kind of task. It's not entirely certain those will do you any good, but C++ can be at least as fast as C, and possibly somewhat faster.
At least in theory, there's no reason Ada couldn't be competitive as well, but it's been so long since I used it for anything like this that I hesitate to recommend it -- not because it isn't good, but because I just haven't kept track of current Ada compilers well enough to comment on them intelligently.
Any compiled language should perform the loop itself on roughly equal terms.
If you can formulate your problem in its terms, you might want to look at CUDA or OpenCL and run your matrix code on the GPU - though this is less good for code with lots of conditionals.
If you want to stay on conventional CPUs, you may be able to formulate your problem in terms of SSE scatter/gather and bitmask operations.
Probably the assembly language for whatever your platform is. But compilers (especially special-purpose ones that specifically target a single platform (e.g., Analog Devices or TI DSPs)) are often as good as or better than humans. Also, compilers often know about tricks that you don't. For example, the aforementioned DSPs support zero-overhead loops and the compiler will know how to optimize code to use those loops.
Matlab will do element-wise logical operations and they are generally quite fast.
Here is a quick example on my computer (AMD Athalon 2.3GHz w/3GB) :
>> numel(d(d==1))
ans =
>> tic;d(d==1)=10;toc;
Elapsed time is 0.754711 seconds.
>> numel(d(d==1))
ans =
>> numel(d(d==10))
ans =
In general I've found matlab's operators are very speedy, you just have to find ways to express your algorithms directly in terms of matrix operators.
C++ is not fast when doing matrixy things with for loops. C is, in fact, specifically bad at it. See good math bad math.
I hear that C99 has __restrict pointers that help, but don't know much about it.
Fortran is still the goto language for numerical computing.
How is the data stored? Your execution time is probably more effected by I/O (especially disk or worse, network) than by your language.
Assuming operations on rows are orthogonal, I would go with C# and use PLINQ to exploit all the parallelism I could.
Might you not be best with a hand-coded assembler insert? Assuming, of course, that you don't need portability.
That and an optimized algorithm should help (and perhaps restructuring the data?).
You might also want to try multiple algorithms and profile them.
Even though it's interpreted, its primitive operators all operate on arrays natively, therefore you rarely need any explicit loops. You write the same code, whether the data is scalar or array, and the interpreter takes care of any looping needed internally, and thus with the minimum overhead - the loops themselves are in a compiled language, and will have been heavily optimised for the specific architecture of the CPU it's running on.
Here's an example of the simplicity of array handling in APL:
A <- 2 3 4 5 6 8 10
((2|A)/A) <- 0
2 0 4 0 6 8 10
The first line sets A to a vector of numbers.
The second line replaces all the odd numbers in the vector with zeroes.
The third line queries the new values of A, and the fourth line is the resulting output.
Note that no explicit looping was required, as scalar operators such as '|' (remainder) automatically extend to arrays as required. APL also has built-in primitives for searching and sorting, which will probably be faster than writing your own loops for these operations.
Wikipedia has a good article on APL, which also provides links to suppliers such as IBM and Dyalog.
Any modern compiled or JITted language is going to render down to pretty much the same machine language code, giving a loop overhead of 10 nano seconds or less, per iteration, on modern processors.
Quoting #Rotsor:
If you have a problem of ~16G iterations running 55 hours, this means that they are very far from being primitive (80k per second? this is ridiculous), so maybe we should know more.
80k operations per second is around 12.5 microseconds each - a factor of 1000 greater than the loop overhead you'd expect.
Assuming your 55 hour runtime is single threaded, and if your per item operations are as simple as suggested, you should be able to (conservatively) achieve a speedup of 100x and cut it down to under an hour very easily.
If you want to run faster still, you'll want to look at writing multi-threaded solution, in which case a language that provides good support would be essential. I'd lean towards PLINQ and C# 4.0, but that's because I already know C# - YMMV.
what about a lazy loading language like clojure. it is a lisp so like most lisp dialects lacks a for loop but has many other forms that operate more idiomatically for list processing. It might help your scaling issues as well because the operations are thread safe and because the language is functional it has fewer side effects. If you wanted to find all the items in the list that were 'i' values to operate on them you might do something like this.
(def mylist ["i" "j" "i" "i" "j" "i"])
(map #(= "i" %) mylist)
(true false true true false true)