How to create dropdown box? - iphone

In my app I want to provide option in dropdown box, I know there is no such thing in iPhone can I create dropdown box using available controllers? Please can anyone suggest me how I can achieve this?

Deepak, You can create a Drop down like control with a help of a UIButton and a UITableView indicating the drop down list. But for sure your application would be rejected by Apple.
Most of the iPhone users would be comfortable using a drop down box in an iPhone app, because people got used to Pickers .
So better go for using UIPicker, which is meant for what you are asking.


Making a drop down list using swift3

I am new to Xcode and the Swift3 language, so can anyone please direct me on how to implement the drop down list in swift3?When I click uibutton open dropdown list.i use three type of button first one is "country" second "city" and third "locality".
I think the best way to implement a dropdown list in iOS is to use a UITableView. In your example you could create one programmatically and add it to the right place on the screen.
Or have one hidden and bring it from / make it visible when tapping the button.
One think about that though, it is not the best UX/UI to have drop down menus in an iOS app. Apple provides a lot of native elements that would do a similar job.
Example 1: Use a modal that has a UITableView (fullscreen or part of the screen) and make it disappear on selection.
Example 2: Use a UIPickerView
In case you still want to stay with that design use something like
I bet if you do a quick googling you'll find more libraries that do something similar

How do I get a pop-up to display on my iphone application?

I would like to know how to display a pop-up with some text, in an iphone application that I am developing. The part of the app I am talking about consists of some text pulled in from a plist file, all this happens in a view controller object which also consists of a button. When the user presses the button, I would like to show a pop-up window (not a small alert like the one obtained using UIAlertView but one similar to the pop-up ads that appear when you launch certain apps on the iphone, with the background dim and a window with a close button etc etc..), ya so anyway I would like to know how to achieve this, mainly if there is any pre-defined class that can make this happen. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
You could use MBProgressHUD for this. You can add custom views in it and it also has the dimBackground property to dim the containing view and many other useful things.

iPhone/iPad custom menu

I was trying to find out how Facebook's application MENU works on iPhone and iPad. Once you press the button at the top left, the main screen moves on the right and the menu appears.
I was trying to create the same menu/effect on xCode but I had no luck.
Do anyone here knows how I can do this? can you redirect me to any website that has that kind of information? Or can you please guide me through on how to make such a menu?
the facebook app was created with this open source framework three20
also if you cannot find what you want in the framework, I suggest building your own UI elements inside UIViews, that appear, dissappear as you want,
good luck!

What is the best way to manage 9-15 view from a main menu in an iOS app?

In my iPhone app, I must have around 9-15 different views, all available from a main menu. I started yesterday with a simple tab bar controllers, but they are only ideal with 6-7 views. Which controller can I use? Is there a nice one for my needs?
Edit: I am talking about around 9-15 menu-points for my application.
Each point is a single, categorizable function. I though about something like the Facebook app, where the app shows 2 menu-pages (slideable) and 9 icons on each page, each with another view / function in it.
look for . i think you will find your need there .....
I think the component you are looking for(the same used in facebook app) is in the three20 library. Its called Launcher. It's like having iphone springboard inside the app. I'd go with that.
Can your views be split into categories? If so, I would suggest using the tab bar tabs as categories, and then using a table view as a menu in each tab.
You could also try using a page control, but 9-15 views seems like they would be obnoxious to navigate with a page control.
I understand that you need to have access to those "views" all the time. You can do what an iphone CNN app does. It uses horizontal scroll, where it has lot's of "views".
This is propably the most challenging part of writing an app for mobile phones. At least i find it not that easy to find the perfect user interface. Espcially if you have so much content and navigation to show.
I think the best way to solve this problem is to write your own navigation. If you want to use something similar like the facebook app - this is not so hard.
Take a UIScrollView in combination with the UIPagingControl. Create a new View for your buttons or whatever you want your user to see and put it in the scroll view. Enable paging for the UIScrollVIew and your almost done. Maybe it's not the easiest way - but in the end it's the most flexible way. You can decide what you want to show and you dont have to be dependent on what some other developer wrote.
Just a thought :)
// Edit: Just read in another question about appLauncher. This might be such a control you are looking for.

drop down lists in xcode

Ive got a button in a UICell. I want a list(a table view like view to be precise) to dropdown when the user touches the button and dissappear when he touches it again.Googling didnt get me any solutions:-(
Any suggestions on sites to refer would also be appreciated..
There is nothing quite like what you want in UIKit. I would recommend building the sample "UICatalog" application and playing around with it to see if anything does what you need. If it does not, you will need to create your own control.
