iPad multitasking view transition effect - iphone

I downloaded some application from the App store to my iPhone that have several views in it.
I saw that the developer did a transition effect between two views like the multitasking on the iPad effect, that one view goes behind the other.
I wondered... how can i accomplish that in my project code?

Chances are they made custom animations. I would first suggest that you take a look at the Apple guide on Animations. Then Ray Wenderlich has a good tutorial on animating a UIView. Check those two resources out and they should get you started with animations. Once you have a understanding of it, you should be able to re-create those animations.


Recreating iOS Camera app overlay buttons

I'm trying to recreate the Camera.app buttons and interface from iOS in my own, custom camera application built on GPUFilter. Specifically talking about the Flash, Options, and front vs back camera button toggle that are across the top of the app:
Curious to know if these are built into Storyboards as UI objects or if there's another easy way to recreate these without totally reprogramming. I'm also interested in using the overlay table view that they use (in picture above) for options.
You can using AVCamCaptureManager and AVCamRecorder classes. Apple has a demo program build on its developer site here.

Universal Apps workflow

So far I've only dealed with iPhone Apps and the time has come to make them universal. I was watching the lecture about universal Apps by Paul Hegarty on iTunesU and some questions poped into my head.
If I understood the concep allright the main difference between an iPad and an iPhone (when coding) is that the iPad allows the splitview controller and one should take advantadge of it, right?
What Mr. Hegarty did was to adapt the code on one App and add conditionals to differ when the App was running on an iPad or an iPhone.
My question is, is that the usual way it is done? I am a very organized guy and I like stuff to be as much structured as possible. So my first though was to create a complete set of view controllers to manage the iPad storyboard rather that have a single view controller filled with code for both devices.
is it possible to do so as well? what is considered to be a good practice?
Thanks in advance!
I think a good practice for a universal app would be reuse as much code as possible. Otherwise, why not create two different apps?
There are not that many differences between iphone and ipad controls except on iPad we can use popover and split view. So I would share the code in view controller as much as I can.
I just published a git for "converting" iPhone app into Universal app. Take a look - https://github.com/BTLibrary/BTSplitViewController

Multiple Views on one screen iPhone/iPad

I saw mulitple apps using this, e.g. Facebook iPad App, Twitter iPad App .
How is it implemented, that multiple views can be draged in and out to the main view?
It seems as they are all in one chain of views.
I can't figured it out.
Thanks for your help.
Twitter and Facebook both do some pretty custom stuff for their iPad apps. They also both have lots of open source iOS code that helped them do it. Check out TWUI from Twitter and Three20 from Facebook.
A slightly easier way to do a similar effect is to use a UISplitViewController. A split view controller is kind of like the big brother of a UINavigationController on the iPhone.
You can add multiple subview uiviews on top of each other and move them when needed with cabasicanimation..
Also another and probably better way is using layers in quartzcore. You can addsunviews to layers and arrange them however you want. You can even make layers drop shadows and have rounded edges..

How can I replicate the rotation and animation effects I see in the Twitter iPad app?

I wish to replicate the effect I see in the iPad Twitter application, thus:
Your question is a broad one, so I'll give a broad answer:
Screen rotation is handled automatically by your app. (There is a method to implement for that though.)
The rest of the UI is probably scroll views and nested table views.

custom camera preview on the iPhone?

I have two of my apps rejected by Apple and sitting on the "shelves of approval" for 2 months, because both apps were using UIImagePickerController and I dared to add a rectangle on top of the UIImagePickerController, using something as
[picker.view addSubView:rectangle];
On the other hand, applications like CameraZoom and others, ditch the UIImagePickerController regular appearance completely and has its own interface, with custom graphics and sliders on top of the camera preview and even with the ability to zoom the preview image in real-time.
My question is: how can one do that and not be crucified by Apple?
thanks for any insight!
As far as I know, it's been hit and miss. Some apps get through, some don't, and it's really quite annoying (as is app approval in general).
In SDK 3.1, there is a new Camera Overlay concept, where you can overlay your own view on top of the camera view. You can find more documentation on the iPhone Developer website (since it is 3.1, it is under NDA).