Multiple Views on one screen iPhone/iPad - iphone

I saw mulitple apps using this, e.g. Facebook iPad App, Twitter iPad App .
How is it implemented, that multiple views can be draged in and out to the main view?
It seems as they are all in one chain of views.
I can't figured it out.
Thanks for your help.

Twitter and Facebook both do some pretty custom stuff for their iPad apps. They also both have lots of open source iOS code that helped them do it. Check out TWUI from Twitter and Three20 from Facebook.
A slightly easier way to do a similar effect is to use a UISplitViewController. A split view controller is kind of like the big brother of a UINavigationController on the iPhone.

You can add multiple subview uiviews on top of each other and move them when needed with cabasicanimation..
Also another and probably better way is using layers in quartzcore. You can addsunviews to layers and arrange them however you want. You can even make layers drop shadows and have rounded edges..


Forward and back native buttons in UIWebview iphone

Inside the Twitter iPhone app, if you click on a link it pushes in a WebView.
Ive gotten this far, but I can't find the correct identifier for the forward and backward buttons like at the bottom left of the image below. Are they native? or are they just images they have created themselves?
You might want to have a look at a drop-in inline web view controller I did: SVWebViewController. It should save you a fair bit of coding :)
Per the list of UIBarButtonItems from the docs, those items you desire need to be custom images a they are not provided in the current SDK.

How did Feedly implemented custom pagecontrol for its app for iPhone?

Feedly for iPhone comes with cool design especially its custom pagecontrol(scrollbar?) placed on the top.
I'm developing an app for iPhone, and to use spaces efficiently as much as it's possible I'm trying to find a way to implement custom pagecontrol like Feedly. I actually think it's possible the app is made with HTML5 and CSS? Although I am not sure. I found some custom opensourced pagecontrol frameworks, but they're to do with something else such as dots' colors either sizes.
Here's example image link to Feedly for iOS
Although this is an iPad version, basically iPhone one is the same. You see the green bar just below the status bar, if you slide pages the colored bar scrolls. It's much more like scrollbar.
Okay, so I unarchived the app and it turned out it's mainly made with HTMLs and converted using PhoneGap. I'm not going to use HTML in my app, my journey still goes on...
Putting all contents into an UIWebView (implementing in HTML & CSS) is generally a bad idea performance wise.
What Feedly seems to do is use an UIScrollView.
The ScrollView sends several events including when it's moved and tapped.
They then update the green scroll bar on top whenever the ScrollView is moved.
Likely, they will also load the actual contents within the ScrollView as the user approaches their position to conserve memory.
You can implement something like this yourself in a few days of coding work.
(Disclaimer: This is just how I would implement what you showed. How it is actually done - only Feedly knows.)

How can I replicate the rotation and animation effects I see in the Twitter iPad app?

I wish to replicate the effect I see in the iPad Twitter application, thus:
Your question is a broad one, so I'll give a broad answer:
Screen rotation is handled automatically by your app. (There is a method to implement for that though.)
The rest of the UI is probably scroll views and nested table views.

Iphone configurable button menu

Im just wondering if anyone knows the best approach to make a configuable button menu. Im trying to make one like the standard iphone button interface where I will 4 buttons across and 4 buttons down. And like on the iphone button menus, when you press and hold it allows the users to move the buttons around to the configuration they desire. Also like the facebook iphone app menu.
Any ideas?
Your best bet is probably the Three20 Library. It has lots of general functions, but specifically you would use TTLauncherView, which is derived from the Facebook application. There is an example included in library source, which can be downloaded Here.
Another option that doesn't use the Three20 library is to use paging with the UIScrollView.

Grid View as demoed in iPad

I'm trying to develop a grid-like application for the iPad. Has anyone seen a control that displays info in a grid? In the demos they use a grid-like layout in both the iBooks store and the pictures application.
Specifically in pictures, they are displaying a dynamic list of data in a grid.
I can work around it, of course, but I'd rather use a control if one exists. Thanks!
You should try AQGridView it does what you need.
Here are few screens of apps that use this library:
The people who know what controls are or or not in the 3.2 iPhone dev tools have all committed to Apple NDA so we can't tell you.
Steve is always watching.
If you have signed the NDA you should go to the Apple boards and ask.
You can however, make a gird like display very simply with the standard UITableview. Just have a tableviewcell subclass that displays columns. It took me about an hour to reproduce the photo picker display using that method.
Nope, you will have to create your own. People have been writing Home Screen compatible views though, so you might want to search for open source projects with that functionality.