custom camera preview on the iPhone? - iphone

I have two of my apps rejected by Apple and sitting on the "shelves of approval" for 2 months, because both apps were using UIImagePickerController and I dared to add a rectangle on top of the UIImagePickerController, using something as
[picker.view addSubView:rectangle];
On the other hand, applications like CameraZoom and others, ditch the UIImagePickerController regular appearance completely and has its own interface, with custom graphics and sliders on top of the camera preview and even with the ability to zoom the preview image in real-time.
My question is: how can one do that and not be crucified by Apple?
thanks for any insight!

As far as I know, it's been hit and miss. Some apps get through, some don't, and it's really quite annoying (as is app approval in general).
In SDK 3.1, there is a new Camera Overlay concept, where you can overlay your own view on top of the camera view. You can find more documentation on the iPhone Developer website (since it is 3.1, it is under NDA).


Recreating iOS Camera app overlay buttons

I'm trying to recreate the buttons and interface from iOS in my own, custom camera application built on GPUFilter. Specifically talking about the Flash, Options, and front vs back camera button toggle that are across the top of the app:
Curious to know if these are built into Storyboards as UI objects or if there's another easy way to recreate these without totally reprogramming. I'm also interested in using the overlay table view that they use (in picture above) for options.
You can using AVCamCaptureManager and AVCamRecorder classes. Apple has a demo program build on its developer site here.

Website-Navigation disabled on iOS

I have a very rare problem on iOS (iphone).
i developed the site with a videoclip which also runs on ios. but it plays in the background because on top is the navigation with z-index. but it is not accessible from ios. kind of disabled because of the videoclip. you may want to try it with an iphone and you see you cant click through the siteā€¦
how to solve this? i want to keep the navigation above the video
I think this has something to do with how iOS deals with the videoclip, so I am not sure that you can do anything about it directly.
Why don't you make the div containing the flash player (id player) smaller on the iphone?
In fact, on the iphone your flash video is not shown in place, there is anyway a change of view, so there is no need of having it full screen either. Of course, you should make your flash player div smaller only for iOS, not other browsers, where it is fine that it is full screen...

Best Method To Create A Very Minimally Interactive Slideshow of Images On iPad

A client of mine wants to show her "listing presentations" (she's a Realtor) to clients on her iPad. A Listing Presentation is normally a slideshow that shows how a Realtor can help the client.
She simply wants a slideshow that she can gesture from slide to slide, and perhaps a small button that allows her to email the slide or some information to the client on the spot.
What would be the best method to accomplish this? Flash Hack, Adobe AIR, Simple Appcelerator App, Native iPad App?
Create a native iPad app and modify the Three20 library for iPad, it has classes for slideshow viewer, retrieval of images from lists of URL's etc.
All you would need to do is change the xib files / code layout for the viewer class to take into account the larger iPad screen.

What is the iPhone API or Class that does picture scrolling with the cool reflection effect?

For example, in CNN's iPhone app, if you rotate the phone into landscape mode, it shows all the stories as pictures that you can scroll with your finger. It looks really polished with even a "reflection" effect. I've seen another app also do this, leading me to believe that it is a standard iPhone SDK API.
Here is a link to a screenshot from the CNN app so you can see what I'm talking about:
Anyone know what Class this is?
Try this: Open source CoverFlow library for iPhone
Also do a google search for Coverflow. I think that might do what you want or something close to it.

How do I access the iPhone camera API without the camera interface?

How can I take a picture in my iPhone app without going through the camera interface?
I've read things about CameraController. Is that what I should look into, or is there an easier way to just snap a picture with code?
You cant access the camera without the iphone API, however what they have allowed is for you to provide your custom view to be used on top of the camera interface, what you have to do is set the cameraOverlayView property of a UIImagePIckerController, here is the reference, as the solution posted in the comment points out, you might be able to access the camera, but through private frameworks which could hurt your chances of approval to the appstore