Scala best practices: mapping 2D data - scala

What would be the best way in Scala to do the following code in Java in proper functional way?
LinkedList<Item> itemsInRange = new LinkedList<Item>();
for (int y = 0; y < height(); y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width(); x++) {
Item it = myMap.getItemAt(cy + y, cx + x);
if (it != null)
// iterate over itemsInRange later
Over course, it can be translated directly into Scala in imperative way:
val itemsInRange = new ListBuffer[Item]
for (y <- 0 until height) {
for (x <- 0 until width) {
val it = tileMap.getItemAt(cy + x, cx + x)
if (!it.isEmpty)
But I'd like to do it in proper, functional way.
I presume that there should be map operation over some sort of 2D range. Ideally, map would execute a function that would get x and y as input parameters and output Option[Item]. After that I'll get something like Iterable[Option[Item]] and flatten over it will yield Iterable[Item]. If I'm right, the only missing piece of a puzzle is doing that map operation on 2D ranges in some way.

You can do this all in one nice step:
def items[A](w: Int, h: Int)(at: ((Int, Int)) => Option[A]): IndexedSeq[A] =
for {
x <- 0 until w
y <- 0 until h
i <- at(x, y)
} yield i
Now say for example we have this representation of symbols on a four-by-four board:
val tileMap = Map(
(0, 0) -> 'a,
(1, 0) -> 'b,
(3, 2) -> 'c
We just write:
scala> items(4, 4)(tileMap.get)
res0: IndexedSeq[Symbol] = Vector('a, 'b, 'c)
Which I think is what you want.


How to sum up pair elements individually in Scala

I have the following method to sum up the pair elements in an array of pairs. I am new to scala and feel like there will be a better way than the following piece of code.
def accumulate(results: Array[(Int, Int)]): (Int, Int) = {
var x: Int = 0
var y: Int = 0
for (elem <- results) {
x = x + elem._1
y = y + elem._2
(x, y)
Yes, you can use foldLeft.
(BTW, I would also use List, instead of Array)
results.foldLeft((0, 0)) {
case ((accX, accY), (x, y)) =>
(accX + x, accY + y)
All of the operations in scala.collection.ArrayOps are available on Array[T]. In particular, you can unzip an array of pairs into a pair of arrays
val (xs, ys) = results.unzip
Summing a container is a standard use of fold
val x = xs.fold(0)(_ + _)
val y = ys.fold(0)(_ + _)
And then you can return the pair of values
(x, y) has a complete working example.

area under the curve programatically in scala

im trying to solve for the area under the curve of the example 1 of:
f(x) = x^3 - 5x^2 + 6x + 5 and the x-axis n = 5
the answers says it is: 25.12
but i'm getting a slightly less: 23.78880035448074
what im i doing wrong??
here's my code:
import scala.math.BigDecimal.RoundingMode
def summation(low: Int, up: Int, coe: List[Int], ex: List[Int]) = {
def eva(coe: List[Int], ex: List[Int], x: Double) = {
(for (i <- 0 until coe.size) yield coe(i) * math.pow(x,ex(i))).sum
def build_points(del: Float, p: Int, xs : List[BigDecimal]): List[BigDecimal] = {
if(p <= 0 ) xs map { x => x.setScale(3, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN)}
else build_points(del, p - 1, ((del * p):BigDecimal ):: xs)
val sub = 5
val diff = (up - low).toFloat
val deltaX = diff / sub
val points = build_points(deltaX, sub, List(0.0f)); println(points)
val middle_points =
(for (i <- 0 until points.size - 1) yield (points(i) + points(i + 1)) / 2)
(for (elem <- middle_points) yield deltaX * eva(coe,ex,elem.toDouble)).sum
val coe = List(1,-5,6,5)
val exp = List(3,2,1,0)
I'm guessing the problem is that the problem is build_points(deltaX, 5, List(0.0f)) returns a list with 6 elements instead of 5. The problem is that you are passing a list with one element in the beginning, where I'm guessing you wanted an empty list, like
build_points(deltaX, sub, Nil)

Scala Breeze adding row and column header to DenseMatrix

Below is an example of code which will generate Correlation Matrix but I need to add column header and row header in front and top of matrix.
For example in the above matrix amber coloured objects are the labels which i need to add to the blue coloured data generated by Correlation matrix whose code i have attached below.
In Scala breeze is there a way to add labels to matrix ? The problem is DenseMatrix is Double and labels are character so i am not able to add any char label to matrix object.
def getCorMatrix(c :String,d :String,n :Int) :breeze.linalg.DenseMatrix[Double] = {"Inside generating Correlation Matrix")
val query = MongoDBObject("RunDate" -> d) ++ ("Country" -> c)"Query Object created for {}", c)
val dbObject = for (d <- price.find(query)) yield(d)
val objectReader = (dbObject map {x => objectRead(x)}).toList
val fetchAssetData = objectReader map {x => x.Symbol} map { x=> assetStats(x,n) } filterNot {x => x.length < n-1}"Asset Data fetched")
val excessReturnMatrix = DenseMatrix((for(i <- fetchAssetData) yield i.excessReturn).map(_.toArray):_*)"Excess Return matrix generated")
val transposeExcessreturnMatrix = excessReturnMatrix.t
val vcvMatrix = breeze.numerics.rint(((excessReturnMatrix * transposeExcessreturnMatrix):/ (n-1).toDouble ) :* 1000000.0) :/ 1000000.0"VcV Matrix Generated")
val transposeStDevVector = DenseMatrix(for (i <- fetchAssetData ) yield i.sigma)
val stDevVector = transposeStDevVector.t
val stDevMatrix = breeze.numerics.rint(( stDevVector * transposeStDevVector) :* 1000000.0) :/ 1000000.0"Correlation Matrix Generated")
lowerTriangular(breeze.numerics.rint((vcvMatrix :/ stDevMatrix) :* 10000.0) :/ 10000.0)
Thanks David. Your solution really worked well for me.
val ma = DenseMatrix((1.0,2.0,3.0), (3.0,4.0,5.0),(6.0,7.0,8.0))
val im = DenseMatrix.tabulate(ma.rows,ma.cols)(ma(_,_).toString)
val head = DenseVector("a","b","c")
val thead = head.t
val withHeader:DenseMatrix[String] = DenseMatrix.tabulate(im.rows+1, im.cols+1) { (i, j) =>
if (i == 0 && j == 0) " "
else if (i == 0) head(j -1)
else if (j == 0 ) thead (i -1)
else im(i-1,j-1)
} //> withHeader : breeze.linalg.DenseMatrix[String] = a b c
//| a 1.0 2.0 3.0
//| b 3.0 4.0 5.0
//| c 6.0 7.0 8.0
There's nothing built in, sadly. You could do something like
val withHeader:DenseMatrix[Any] = DenseMatrix.tabulate(n+1, m+1){ (i, j) =>
if (i == 0 && j == 0) ""
else if (i == 0) colHeaders(j - 1)
else if (j == 0) rowHeaders(i - 1)
else orig(i - 1, j - 1)
You lose all typing information that way, of course, but if you just need to toString something, it's probably the quickest way in current Breeze.

Scala - can 'for-yield' clause yields nothing for some condition?

In Scala language, I want to write a function that yields odd numbers within a given range. The function prints some log when iterating even numbers. The first version of the function is:
def getOdds(N: Int): Traversable[Int] = {
val list = new mutable.MutableList[Int]
for (n <- 0 until N) {
if (n % 2 == 1) {
list += n
} else {
println("skip even number " + n)
return list
If I omit printing logs, the implementation become very simple:
def getOddsWithoutPrint(N: Int) =
for (n <- 0 until N if (n % 2 == 1)) yield n
However, I don't want to miss the logging part. How do I rewrite the first version more compactly? It would be great if it can be rewritten similar to this:
def IWantToDoSomethingSimilar(N: Int) =
for (n <- 0 until N) if (n % 2 == 1) yield n else println("skip even number " + n)
def IWantToDoSomethingSimilar(N: Int) =
for {
n <- 0 until N
if n % 2 != 0 || { println("skip even number " + n); false }
} yield n
Using filter instead of a for expression would be slightly simpler though.
I you want to keep the sequentiality of your traitement (processing odds and evens in order, not separately), you can use something like that (edited) :
def IWantToDoSomethingSimilar(N: Int) =
(for (n <- (0 until N)) yield {
if (n % 2 == 1) {
} else {
println("skip even number " + n)
// Flatten transforms the Seq[Option[Int]] into Seq[Int]
EDIT, following the same concept, a shorter solution :
def IWantToDoSomethingSimilar(N: Int) =
(0 until N) map {
case n if n % 2 == 0 => println("skip even number "+ n)
case n => n
} collect {case i:Int => i}
If you will to dig into a functional approach, something like the following is a good point to start.
First some common definitions:
// use scalaz 7
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
// transforms a function returning either E or B into a
// function returning an optional B and optionally writing a log of type E
def logged[A, E, B, F[_]](f: A => E \/ B)(
implicit FM: Monoid[F[E]], FP: Pointed[F]): (A => Writer[F[E], Option[B]]) =
(a: A) => f(a).fold(
e => Writer(FP.point(e), None),
b => Writer(, Some(b)))
// helper for fixing the log storage format to List
def listLogged[A, E, B](f: A => E \/ B) = logged[A, E, B, List](f)
// shorthand for a String logger with List storage
type W[+A] = Writer[List[String], A]
Now all you have to do is write your filtering function:
def keepOdd(n: Int): String \/ Int =
if (n % 2 == 1) \/.right(n) else \/.left(n + " was even")
You can try it instantly:
scala> List(5, 6) map(keepOdd)
res0: List[scalaz.\/[String,Int]] = List(\/-(5), -\/(6 was even))
Then you can use the traverse function to apply your function to a list of inputs, and collect both the logs written and the results:
scala> val x = List(5, 6).traverse[W, Option[Int]](listLogged(keepOdd))
x: W[List[Option[Int]]] = scalaz.WriterTFunctions$$anon$26#503d0400
// unwrap the results
res11: (List[String], List[Option[Int]]) = (List(6 was even),List(Some(5), None))
// we may even drop the None-s from the output
scala> val (logs, results) =
logs: List[String] = List(6 was even)
results: List[Int] = List(5)
I don't think this can be done easily with a for comprehension. But you could use partition.
def getOffs(N:Int) = {
val (evens, odds) = 0 until N partition { x => x % 2 == 0 }
evens foreach { x => println("skipping " + x) }
EDIT: To avoid printing the log messages after the partitioning is done, you can change the first line of the method like this:
val (evens, odds) = (0 until N).view.partition { x => x % 2 == 0 }

Scala - Most elegant way of initialising values inside array that's already been declared?

I have a 3d array defined like so:
val 3dArray = new Array[Array[Array[Int]]](512, 8, 8)
In Javascript I would do the following to assign each element to 1:
for (i = 0; i < 512; i++)
3dArray[i] = [];
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
3dArray[i][j] = [];
for (k = 0; k < 8; k++)
3dArray[i][j][k] = 1;
What's the most elegant approach to doing the same?
Not sure there's a particularly elegant way to do it, but here's one way (I use suffix s to indicate dimension, i.e. xss is a two-dimensional array).
val xsss = Array.ofDim[Int](512, 8, 8)
for (xss <- xsss; xs <- xss; i <- 0 until 8)
xs(i) = 1
Or, using transform it gets even shorter:
for (xss <- xsss; xs <- xss)
xs transform (_ => 1)
for {
i <- a.indices
j <- a(i).indices
k <- a(i)(j).indices
} a(i)(j)(k) = 1
for {
e <- a
ee <- e
i <- ee.indices
} ee(i) = 1
You have Array.fill to initialize an array of 1 to 5 dimension to some given value, and Array.tabulate to initialize an array of 1 to 5 dimension given the current indexes:
scala> Array.fill(2,1,1)(42)
res1: Array[Array[Array[Int]]] = Array(Array(Array(42)), Array(Array(42)))
enter code here
scala> Array.tabulate(3,2,1){ (x,y,z) => x+y+z }
res2: Array[Array[Array[Int]]] = Array(Array(Array(0), Array(1)), Array(Array(1), Array(2)), Array(Array(2), Array(3)))