Scala - can 'for-yield' clause yields nothing for some condition? - scala

In Scala language, I want to write a function that yields odd numbers within a given range. The function prints some log when iterating even numbers. The first version of the function is:
def getOdds(N: Int): Traversable[Int] = {
val list = new mutable.MutableList[Int]
for (n <- 0 until N) {
if (n % 2 == 1) {
list += n
} else {
println("skip even number " + n)
return list
If I omit printing logs, the implementation become very simple:
def getOddsWithoutPrint(N: Int) =
for (n <- 0 until N if (n % 2 == 1)) yield n
However, I don't want to miss the logging part. How do I rewrite the first version more compactly? It would be great if it can be rewritten similar to this:
def IWantToDoSomethingSimilar(N: Int) =
for (n <- 0 until N) if (n % 2 == 1) yield n else println("skip even number " + n)

def IWantToDoSomethingSimilar(N: Int) =
for {
n <- 0 until N
if n % 2 != 0 || { println("skip even number " + n); false }
} yield n
Using filter instead of a for expression would be slightly simpler though.

I you want to keep the sequentiality of your traitement (processing odds and evens in order, not separately), you can use something like that (edited) :
def IWantToDoSomethingSimilar(N: Int) =
(for (n <- (0 until N)) yield {
if (n % 2 == 1) {
} else {
println("skip even number " + n)
// Flatten transforms the Seq[Option[Int]] into Seq[Int]
EDIT, following the same concept, a shorter solution :
def IWantToDoSomethingSimilar(N: Int) =
(0 until N) map {
case n if n % 2 == 0 => println("skip even number "+ n)
case n => n
} collect {case i:Int => i}

If you will to dig into a functional approach, something like the following is a good point to start.
First some common definitions:
// use scalaz 7
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
// transforms a function returning either E or B into a
// function returning an optional B and optionally writing a log of type E
def logged[A, E, B, F[_]](f: A => E \/ B)(
implicit FM: Monoid[F[E]], FP: Pointed[F]): (A => Writer[F[E], Option[B]]) =
(a: A) => f(a).fold(
e => Writer(FP.point(e), None),
b => Writer(, Some(b)))
// helper for fixing the log storage format to List
def listLogged[A, E, B](f: A => E \/ B) = logged[A, E, B, List](f)
// shorthand for a String logger with List storage
type W[+A] = Writer[List[String], A]
Now all you have to do is write your filtering function:
def keepOdd(n: Int): String \/ Int =
if (n % 2 == 1) \/.right(n) else \/.left(n + " was even")
You can try it instantly:
scala> List(5, 6) map(keepOdd)
res0: List[scalaz.\/[String,Int]] = List(\/-(5), -\/(6 was even))
Then you can use the traverse function to apply your function to a list of inputs, and collect both the logs written and the results:
scala> val x = List(5, 6).traverse[W, Option[Int]](listLogged(keepOdd))
x: W[List[Option[Int]]] = scalaz.WriterTFunctions$$anon$26#503d0400
// unwrap the results
res11: (List[String], List[Option[Int]]) = (List(6 was even),List(Some(5), None))
// we may even drop the None-s from the output
scala> val (logs, results) =
logs: List[String] = List(6 was even)
results: List[Int] = List(5)

I don't think this can be done easily with a for comprehension. But you could use partition.
def getOffs(N:Int) = {
val (evens, odds) = 0 until N partition { x => x % 2 == 0 }
evens foreach { x => println("skipping " + x) }
EDIT: To avoid printing the log messages after the partitioning is done, you can change the first line of the method like this:
val (evens, odds) = (0 until N).view.partition { x => x % 2 == 0 }


SCALA: Generating a list of Tuple2 objects meeting some criteria

I want to generate a list of Tuple2 objects. Each tuple (a,b) in the list should meeting the conditions:a and b both are perfect squares,(b/30)<a<b
and a>N and b>N ( N can even be a BigInt)
I am trying to write a scala function to generate the List of Tuples meeting the above requirements?
This is my works fine for Ints and Longs..But for BigInt there is sqrt problem I am facing..Here is my approach in coding as below:
scala> def genTups(N:Long) ={
| val x = for(s<- 1L to Math.sqrt(N).toLong) yield s*s;
| val y = x.combinations(2).map{ case Vector(a,b) => (a,b)}.toList
| y.filter(t=> (t._1*30/t._2)>=1)
| }
genTups: (N: Long)List[(Long, Long)]
scala> genTups(30)
res32: List[(Long, Long)] = List((1,4), (1,9), (1,16), (1,25), (4,9), (4,16), (4,25), (9,16), (9,25), (16,25))
Improved this using BigInt square-root algorithm as below:
def genTups(N1:BigInt,N2:BigInt) ={
def sqt(n:BigInt):BigInt = {
var a = BigInt(1)
var b = (n>>5)+BigInt(8)
while((b-a) >= 0) {
var mid:BigInt = (a+b)>>1
if(mid*mid-n> 0) b = mid-1
else a = mid+1
}; a-1 }
val x = for(s<- sqt(N1) to sqt(N2)) yield s*s;
val y = x.combinations(2).map{ case Vector(a,b) => (a,b)}.toList
y.filter(t=> (t._1*30/t._2)>=1)
I appreciate any help to improve in my algorithm .
You can avoid sqrt in you algorithm by changing the way you calculate x to this:
val x = (BigInt(1) to N).map(x => x*x).takeWhile(_ <= N)
The final function is then:
def genTups(N: BigInt) = {
val x = (BigInt(1) to N).map(x => x*x).takeWhile(_ <= N)
val y = x.combinations(2).map { case Vector(a, b) if (a < b) => (a, b) }.toList
y.filter(t => (t._1 * 30 / t._2) >= 1)
You can also re-write this as a single chain of operations like this:
def genTups(N: BigInt) =
(BigInt(1) to N)
.map(x => x * x)
.takeWhile(_ <= N)
.map { case Vector(a, b) if a < b => (a, b) }
.filter(t => (t._1 * 30 / t._2) >= 1)
In a quest for performance, I came up with this recursive version that appears to be significantly faster
def genTups(N1: BigInt, N2: BigInt) = {
def sqt(n: BigInt): BigInt = {
var a = BigInt(1)
var b = (n >> 5) + BigInt(8)
while ((b - a) >= 0) {
var mid: BigInt = (a + b) >> 1
if (mid * mid - n > 0) {
b = mid - 1
} else {
a = mid + 1
a - 1
def loop(a: BigInt, rem: List[BigInt], res: List[(BigInt, BigInt)]): List[(BigInt, BigInt)] =
rem match {
case Nil => res
case head :: tail =>
val a30 = a * 30
val thisRes = rem.takeWhile(_ <= a30).map(b => (a, b))
loop(head, tail, thisRes.reverse ::: res)
val squares = (sqt(N1) to sqt(N2)).map(s => s * s).toList
loop(squares.head, squares.tail, Nil).reverse
Each recursion of the loop adds all the matching pairs for a given value of a. The result is built in reverse because adding to the front of a long list is much faster than adding to the tail.
Firstly create a function to check if number if perfect square or not.
def squareRootOfPerfectSquare(a: Int): Option[Int] = {
val sqrt = math.sqrt(a)
if (sqrt % 1 == 0)
Then, create another func that will calculate this list of tuples according to the conditions mentioned above.
def generateTuples(n1:Int,n2:Int)={
b <- 1 to n2;
a <- 1 to n1 if(b>a && squareRootOfPerfectSquare(b).isDefined && squareRootOfPerfectSquare(a).isDefined)
} yield ( (a,b) )
Then on calling the function with parameters generateTuples(5,10)
you will get an output as
res0: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[(Int, Int)] = Vector((1,4), (1,9), (4,9))
Hope that helps !!!

println inside forall at Scala

I have this function in Scala that check if the parameter is a prime number. How do I do to print only the first value of "d" that the function isPrime can divide by "n", inside de "(d => n % d != 0)"? I want to show the first value of "d" that says the "n" is not a prime number.
object Collection {
def isPrime(n: Int): Boolean = (2 until n) forall (d => n % d != 0)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
println("isPrime(7): " + isPrime(7))
println("isPrime(12): " + isPrime(12))
println("isPrime(127): " + isPrime(127))
println("isPrime(254): " + isPrime(254))
Something like this maybe:
def isPrime(n: Int): Boolean = (2 until n) forall { d =>
val remainder = n % d
if (remainder == 0) println("Not prime because of" + d)
remainder != 0
What about this? You can invert question if number is not a prime.
def notPrime(n: Int) = (2 until n) find (d => n % d == 0)
As a result you get Option[Int] that can be easily checked for true/false.
Negative answer "None" means it's a prime. Positive answer "Some" means it not a prime number.
notPrime(7): None
notPrime(12): Some(2)
notPrime(127): None
notPrime(254): Some(2)

Scala: transform a collection, yielding 0..many elements on each iteration

Given a collection in Scala, I'd like to traverse this collection and for each object I'd like to emit (yield) from 0 to multiple elements that should be joined together into a new collection.
For example, I expect something like this:
val input = Range(0, 15)
val output = input.somefancymapfunction((x) => {
if (x % 3 == 0)
if (x % 5 == 0)
to build an output collection that will contain
(0/3, 0/5, 3/3, 5/5, 6/3, 9/3, 10/5, 12/3)
Basically, I want a superset of what filter (1 → 0..1) and map (1 → 1) allows to do: mapping (1 → 0..n).
Solutions I've tried
Imperative solutions
Obviously, it's possible to do so in non-functional maneer, like:
var output = mutable.ListBuffer()
input.foreach((x) => {
if (x % 3 == 0)
output += s"${x}/3"
if (x % 5 == 0)
output += s"${x}/5"
Flatmap solutions
I know of flatMap, but it again, either:
1) becomes really ugly if we're talking about arbitrary number of output elements:
val output = input.flatMap((x) => {
val v1 = if (x % 3 == 0) {
} else {
val v2 = if (x % 5 == 0) {
} else {
List(v1, v2).flatten
2) requires usage of mutable collections inside it:
val output = input.flatMap((x) => {
val r = ListBuffer[String]()
if (x % 3 == 0)
r += s"${x}/3"
if (x % 5 == 0)
r += s"${x}/5"
which is actually even worse that using mutable collection from the very beginning, or
3) requires major logic overhaul:
val output = input.flatMap((x) => {
if (x % 3 == 0) {
if (x % 5 == 0) {
List(s"${x}/3", s"${x}/5")
} else {
} else if (x % 5 == 0) {
} else {
which is, IMHO, also looks ugly and requires duplicating the generating code.
Last, but not least, I can roll my own function of that kind:
def myMultiOutputMap[T, R](coll: TraversableOnce[T], func: (T, ListBuffer[R]) => Unit): List[R] = {
val out = ListBuffer[R]()
coll.foreach((x) => func.apply(x, out))
which can be used almost like I want:
val output = myMultiOutputMap[Int, String](input, (x, out) => {
if (x % 3 == 0)
out += s"${x}/3"
if (x % 5 == 0)
out += s"${x}/5"
Am I really overlooking something and there's no such functionality in standard Scala collection libraries?
Similar questions
This question bears some similarity to Can I yield or map one element into many in Scala? — but that question discusses 1 element → 3 elements mapping, and I want 1 element → arbitrary number of elements mapping.
Final note
Please note that this is not the question about division / divisors, such conditions are included purely for illustrative purposes.
Rather than having a separate case for each divisor, put them in a container and iterate over them in a for comprehension:
val output = for {
n <- input
d <- Seq(3, 5)
if n % d == 0
} yield s"$n/$d"
Or equivalently in a collect nested in a flatMap:
val output = input.flatMap { n =>
Seq(3, 5).collect {
case d if n % d == 0 => s"$n/$d"
In the more general case where the different cases may have different logic, you can put each case in a separate partial function and iterate over the partial functions:
val output = for {
n <- input
f <- Seq[PartialFunction[Int, String]](
{case x if x % 3 == 0 => s"$x/3"},
{case x if x % 5 == 0 => s"$x/5"})
if f.isDefinedAt(n)
} yield f(n)
You can also use some functional library (e.g. scalaz) to express this:
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
def divisibleBy(byWhat: Int)(what: Int): List[String] =
(what % byWhat == 0).option(s"$what/$byWhat").toList
(0 to 15) flatMap (divisibleBy(3) _ |+| divisibleBy(5))
This uses the semigroup append operation |+|. For Lists this operation means a simple list concatenation. So for functions Int => List[String], this append operation will produce a function that runs both functions and appends their results.
If you have complex computation, during which you should sometimes add some elements to operation global accumulator, you can use popular approach named Writer Monad
Preparation in scala is somewhat bulky but results are extremely composable thanks to Monad interface
import scalaz.Writer
import scalaz.syntax.writer._
import scalaz.syntax.monad._
import scalaz.std.vector._
import scalaz.syntax.traverse._
type Messages[T] = Writer[Vector[String], T]
def yieldW(a: String): Messages[Unit] = Vector(a).tell
val output = Vector.range(0, 15).traverse { n =>
yieldW(s"$n / 3").whenM(n % 3 == 0) >>
yieldW(s"$n / 5").whenM(n % 5 == 0)
Here is my proposition for a custom function, might be better with pimp my library pattern
def fancyMap[A, B](list: TraversableOnce[A])(fs: (A => Boolean, A => B)*) = {
def valuesForElement(elem: A) = fs collect { case (predicate, mapper) if predicate(elem) => mapper(elem) }
list flatMap valuesForElement
fancyMap[Int, String](0 to 15)((_ % 3 == 0, _ + "/3"), (_ % 5 == 0, _ + "/5"))
You can try collect:
val input = Range(0,15)
val output = input.flatMap { x =>
List(3,5) collect { case n if (x%n == 0) => s"${x}/${n}" }
I would us a fold:
val input = Range(0, 15)
val output = input.foldLeft(List[String]()) {
case (acc, value) =>
val acc1 = if (value % 3 == 0) s"$value/3" :: acc else acc
val acc2 = if (value % 5 == 0) s"$value/5" :: acc1 else acc1
output contains
List(0/3, 0/5, 3/3, 5/5, 6/3, 9/3, 10/5, 12/3)
A fold takes an accumumlator (acc), a collection, and a function. The function is called with the initial value of the accumumator, in this case an empty List[String], and each value of the collection. The function should return an updated collection.
On each iteration, we take the growing accumulator and, if the inside if statements are true, prepend the calculation to the new accumulator. The function finally returns the updated accumulator.
When the fold is done, it returns the final accumulator, but unfortunately, it is in reverse order. We simply reverse the accumulator with .reverse.
There is a nice paper on folds: A tutorial on the universality and expressiveness of fold, by Graham Hutton.

Scala - Combining two sequences to consecutively increasing triples

What is a nice and efficient functional way of solving the following problem? In imperative style, this can be done in linear time.
Given two sorted sequences p and q, f returns a sequence r (or any collection) of triples where for every triple (a,b,c) in r, the following hold:
(a < b < c)
One of the following two holds:
a,c are two consecutive elements p, and b is in q
a,c are two consecutive elements q, and b is in p
Example: Consider the following two sequences.
val p = Seq(1,4,5,7,8,9)
val q = Seq(2,3,6,7,8,10)
Then f(p,s) computes the following sequence:
Seq((1,2,4), (1,3,4), (5,6,7), (3,4,6), (3,5,6), (8,9,10))
Current solution: I do not find this one very elegant. I am looking for a better one.
def consecutiveTriplesOneWay(s1: Seq[Int], s2:Seq[Int]) = {
for {
i <- 0 until s1.size - 1 if s1(i) < s1(i+1)
j <- 0 until s2.size if s1(i) < s2(j) && s2(j) < s1(i+1)
} yield (s1(i), s2(j), s1(i+1))
def consecutiveTriples(s1: Seq[Int], s2:Seq[Int]) =
consecutiveTriplesOneWay(s1, s2) ++ consecutiveTriplesOneWay(s2, s1)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val p = Seq(1,4,5,7,8,9)
val q = Seq(2,3,6,7,8,10)
consecutiveTriples(p, q).foreach(println(_))
Edit: My imperative solution
def consecutiveTriplesOneWayImperative(s1: Seq[Int], s2:Seq[Int]) = {
var i = 0
var j = 0
val triples = mutable.MutableList.empty[(Int,Int,Int)]
while (i < s1.size - 1 && j < s2.size) {
if (s1(i) < s2(j) && s2(j) < s1(i + 1)) {
triples += ((s1(i), s2(j), s1(i + 1)))
j += 1
} else if (s1(i) >= s2(j))
j += 1
i += 1
def consecutiveTriples(s1: Seq[Int], s2:Seq[Int]) =
consecutiveTriplesOneWayImperative(s1,s2) ++
Imperative solution translated to tailrec. Bit verbose but works
def consecutiveTriplesRec(s1: Seq[Int], s2: Seq[Int]) = {
def consTriplesOneWay(left: Seq[Int], right: Seq[Int],
triples: Seq[(Int, Int, Int)]): Seq[(Int, Int, Int)] = {
(left, right) match {
case (l1 :: l2 :: ls, r :: rs) =>
if (l1 < r && r < l2) consTriplesOneWay(left, rs, (l1, r, l2) +: triples)
else if (l1 >= r) consTriplesOneWay(left, rs, triples)
else consTriplesOneWay(l2 :: ls, right, triples)
case _ => triples
consTriplesOneWay(s1, s2, Nil) ++ consTriplesOneWay(s2, s1, Nil)

Integer partitioning in Scala

Given n ( say 3 people ) and s ( say 100$ ), we'd like to partition s among n people.
So we need all possible n-tuples that sum to s
My Scala code below:
def weights(n:Int,s:Int):List[List[Int]] = {
List.concat( (0 to s), (0 to s).toList).
This works for small values of n. ( n=1, 2, 3 or 4).
Beyond n=4, it takes a very long time, practically unusable.
I'm looking for ways to rework my code using lazy evaluation/ Stream.
My requirements : Must work for n upto 10.
Warning : The problem gets really big really fast. My results from Matlab -
---For s =100, n = 1 thru 5 results are ---
n=1 :1 combinations
n=2 :101 combinations
n=3 :5151 combinations
n=4 :176851 combinations
n=5: 4598126 combinations
You need dynamic programming, or memoization. Same concept, anyway.
Let's say you have to divide s among n. Recursively, that's defined like this:
def permutations(s: Int, n: Int): List[List[Int]] = n match {
case 0 => Nil
case 1 => List(List(s))
case _ => (0 to s).toList flatMap (x => permutations(s - x, n - 1) map (x :: _))
Now, this will STILL be slow as hell, but there's a catch here... you don't need to recompute permutations(s, n) for numbers you have already computed. So you can do this instead:
val memoP = collection.mutable.Map.empty[(Int, Int), List[List[Int]]]
def permutations(s: Int, n: Int): List[List[Int]] = {
def permutationsWithHead(x: Int) = permutations(s - x, n - 1) map (x :: _)
n match {
case 0 => Nil
case 1 => List(List(s))
case _ =>
memoP getOrElseUpdate ((s, n),
(0 to s).toList flatMap permutationsWithHead)
And this can be even further improved, because it will compute every permutation. You only need to compute every combination, and then permute that without recomputing.
To compute every combination, we can change the code like this:
val memoC = collection.mutable.Map.empty[(Int, Int, Int), List[List[Int]]]
def combinations(s: Int, n: Int, min: Int = 0): List[List[Int]] = {
def combinationsWithHead(x: Int) = combinations(s - x, n - 1, x) map (x :: _)
n match {
case 0 => Nil
case 1 => List(List(s))
case _ =>
memoC getOrElseUpdate ((s, n, min),
(min to s / 2).toList flatMap combinationsWithHead)
Running combinations(100, 10) is still slow, given the sheer numbers of combinations alone. The permutations for each combination can be obtained simply calling .permutation on the combination.
Here's a quick and dirty Stream solution:
def weights(n: Int, s: Int) = (1 until s).foldLeft(Stream(Nil: List[Int])) {
(a, _) => a.flatMap(c => Stream.range(0, n - c.sum + 1).map(_ :: c))
}.map(c => (n - c.sum) :: c)
It works for n = 6 in about 15 seconds on my machine:
scala> var x = 0
scala> weights(100, 6).foreach(_ => x += 1)
scala> x
res81: Int = 96560646
As a side note: by the time you get to n = 10, there are 4,263,421,511,271 of these things. That's going to take days just to stream through.
My solution of this problem, it can computer n till 6:
object Partition {
implicit def i2p(n: Int): Partition = new Partition(n)
def main(args : Array[String]) : Unit = {
for(n <- 1 to 6) println(100.partitions(n).size)
class Partition(n: Int){
def partitions(m: Int):Iterator[List[Int]] = new Iterator[List[Int]] {
val nums = Array.ofDim[Int](m)
nums(0) = n
var hasNext = m > 0 && n > 0
override def next: List[Int] = {
val result = nums.toList
var idx = 0
while(idx < m-1 && nums(idx) == 0) idx = idx + 1
if(idx == m-1) hasNext = false
else {
nums(idx+1) = nums(idx+1) + 1
nums(0) = nums(idx) - 1
if(idx != 0) nums(idx) = 0
However , we can just show the number of the possible n-tuples:
val pt: (Int,Int) => BigInt = {
val buf = collection.mutable.Map[(Int,Int),BigInt]()
(s,n) => buf.getOrElseUpdate((s,n),
if(n == 0 && s > 0) BigInt(0)
else if(s == 0) BigInt(1)
else (0 to s).map{k => pt(s-k,n-1)}.sum
for(n <- 1 to 20) printf("%2d :%s%n",n,pt(100,n).toString)
1 :1
2 :101
3 :5151
4 :176851
5 :4598126
6 :96560646
7 :1705904746
8 :26075972546
9 :352025629371
10 :4263421511271
11 :46897636623981
12 :473239787751081
13 :4416904685676756
14 :38393094575497956
15 :312629484400483356
16 :2396826047070372396
17 :17376988841260199871
18 :119594570260437846171
19 :784008849485092547121
20 :4910371215196105953021