How to avoid pop-up of *Async Shell Command* buffer in Emacs? - emacs

My ~/.emacs contains the following settings for opening certain files with certain applications (Ubuntu 12.10; Emacs 24):
(setq dired-guess-shell-alist-user
'(("\\.pdf\\'" "okular ? &")
("\\.djvu\\'" "okular ? &")
("\\.mp3\\'" "vlc ? &")
("\\.mp4\\'" "vlc ? &")
When I navigate to a .pdf in dired-mode and hit !, it opens the .pdf in Okular, but the dired-buffer is split into two parts, the second one now being a useless *Async Shell Command* buffer containing content like
okular(25393)/kdecore (KConfigSkeleton) KCoreConfigSkeleton::writeConfig:
okular(25393)/kdecore (KConfigSkeleton) KCoreConfigSkeleton::writeConfig:
okular(25393)/kdecore (KConfigSkeleton) KCoreConfigSkeleton::writeConfig:
okular(25393)/kdecore (KConfigSkeleton) KCoreConfigSkeleton::writeConfig:
How can I prevent this buffer from being opened? (except for, maybe, if there was an error and this information is useful).
I found related questions here and here, but they seem to deal with specific commands executed asynchronously, instead of the *Async Shell Command* in general (if possible, I would like to change the behaviour in general for asynchronous processes, not only for certain file types)

Found this here:
(call-process-shell-command "okular&" nil 0)
Works for me. No stderr gobbledygook.

The question was asked in 2012, and at the time of my writing, the most recent answer is dated 2015. Now, in 2017, I can say that the answer is simple:
(add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist
(cons "\\*Async Shell Command\\*.*" (cons #'display-buffer-no-window nil)))

I am piggybacking off of user1404316's answer, but here is another generic way to achieve the desired outcome.
(defun async-shell-command-no-window
"\\*Async Shell Command\\*.*"
(cons #'display-buffer-no-window nil)))))

I'm not entirely sure about doing it for asynchronous processes in general, but for anything that goes through async-shell-command, this should work:
(defadvice async-shell-command (around hide-async-windows activate)

Sadly there is no good way to avoid this buffer as it's called directly by 'shell-command' function ('async-shell-command' is just a wrapper).
So, a much better way is to replace 'async-shell-command' with 'start-process'.
You should start process with 'set-process-sentinel' to detect the moment when process emits 'exit signal. Then kill process.

A slightly more complicated incantation should get you what you want. Just use a shell command like: (okular ? >& /dev/null &).
I haven't tested this with okular, but I can do M-! ((echo foo; sleep 10; echo bar) >& /dev/null &) and Emacs returns immediately without creating a new buffer.

I solved the problem, using this method:
;list of programs, corresponding to extensions
(setq alist-programs
'(("pdf" ."okular")
("djvu" . "okular")
("mp3" . "xmms")))
(defun my-run-async-command (command file)
"Run a command COMMAND on the file asynchronously.
No buffers are created"
(let ((file (car (dired-get-marked-files t current-prefix-arg))))
;last element of alist-programs, contains COMMAND
(file-name-extension file)
;begin of function body
(if command ;command if not nil?
(start-process "command" nil command file)
;attach function to <f2> key
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "<f2>") 'my-run-async-command)))

The suggestions to use start-process are ok if he is running a distinct program on the path of course. But if you want run some shell command in a specific directory (eg your project directory) then simply quell the popup - you frequently want the buffer but just dont want it jumping up in your face. eg I run a webserver and I want to see the output, just not now...
(use-package php-mode
(add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist
(cons "\\*Symfony Web Server\\*.*" (cons #'display-buffer-no-window nil)))
(defun php-mode-webserver-hook ()
(if (projectile-project-root) (let ((default-directory (projectile-project-root)))
(unless (get-buffer "*Symfony Web Server*" )
(async-shell-command "bin/console server:run" "*Symfony Web Server*")))))
:hook (php-mode . php-mode-webserver-hook))


How to auto say Yes when run a command in Emacs?

I had to run the command revert-buffer many times recently and really frustrated to say yes whenever emacs prompts this message Revert buffer from file abc.txt? (yes or no).
Is there anyway to auto say yes in this case?
If it's just for interactive usage, I'd define an alternative function:
(defun my-revert-buffer-noconfirm ()
"Call `revert-buffer' with the NOCONFIRM argument set."
(revert-buffer nil t))
Alternatively, as the revert-buffer docstring tells you, take a look at the revert-without-query variable, in case that's a nicer solution for you.
On a related side note, many people have the following line in their .emacs that will make confirmations just a single keypress (just y or n):
(defalias 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)
I use this, similar to what #phils proposed, but with non-nil IGNORE-AUTO arg:
(defun revert-buffer-no-confirm ()
"Revert buffer without confirmation."
(interactive) (revert-buffer t t))
And I bind it to <f5>, since that's what that key does generally, in MS Windows.
In any case, I agree (strongly) with those who have advised to define a separate command for this. I would not bother with revert-without-query, unless you are very sure wrt certain files (always) etc. It's best to let revert-buffer continue to act normally, and provide (and perhaps bind) your own command for interactive use. You know best when to not be bothered by a confirmation prompt.
Customizing revert-without-query might be an option.
While it is, as pointed out by other answers, preferred to redefine the revert-buffer function or the key binding, it is possible to auto-reply "yes" to any function using yes-or-no-p or for that matter y-or-n-p by something like the following:
(defalias 'yes-or-no-p '(lambda (a &rest b) t))
This may be very destructive to your data, so use at your own discretion.
I use the following to turn all ‘yes/no’ confirmations to ‘y/n’ confirmations,
and default to yes for certain prompts. i add prompts to default-yes-sometimes as needed. note i don’t have to list the entire prompt, just a regexp that matches it.
(setq original-y-or-n-p 'y-or-n-p)
(defalias 'original-y-or-n-p (symbol-function 'y-or-n-p))
(defun default-yes-sometimes (prompt)
(if (or
(string-match "has a running process" prompt)
(string-match "does not exist; create" prompt)
(string-match "modified; kill anyway" prompt)
(string-match "Delete buffer using" prompt)
(string-match "Kill buffer of" prompt)
(string-match "Kill Dired buffer of" prompt)
(string-match "delete buffer using" prompt))
(original-y-or-n-p prompt)))
(defalias 'yes-or-no-p 'default-yes-sometimes)
(defalias 'y-or-n-p 'default-yes-sometimes)

emacs shell: type once, run everywhere

Within emacs, I want to have multiple shells open, type a command once, and have it run in each shell -- similar to the way multixterm ( ) does.
With some minimal testing, this will do:
(defun send-to-all-shells ()
(let ((command (read-from-minibuffer "Command: ")))
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (comint-send-string x (concat "\n" command "\n")))
#'(lambda (x)
(string= "/bin/bash"
(car (process-command x))))
To run, just M-x send-to-all-shells, enter the command you want, and it will be sent to all open shells. This assumes your shell is found in /bin/bash. If not, change that bit accordingly.
If you do this a lot, you'll want to bind that to your favourite key combo. It would be possible to borrow and modify the code in comint-send-input such that you could just enter the command you want at the prompt of one shell, hit your key and have that command send to all shells simultaneously. I'm short on time, so I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.

How to open multiple terminals?

In Emacs, I often find myself in a situation where I need to jump back and forth between various source files to various terminals. However, I feel like I do not have a good way to do this efficiently and it's clumsy that you can only open one shell in Emacs (shell, eshell, or term).
Moreover, I need an efficient way of juggle between multiple terminals and source files.
How can I achieve this?
You can have as many terminals and shells open at once as you want. Just use M-x rename-buffer to change the name of an existing *term* or *shell* buffer, and the next time you do M-x term or M-x shell, a brand new buffer will be created. In the case of M-x shell, a prefix argument will cause you to be prompted for the name of the new shell buffer, as offby1 noted.
A few years ago I had a job where I had to regularly log in to various production servers named "", "", etc. I wrote a little function like this one to make it easier to manage them all:
(defun ssh-to-host (num)
(interactive "P")
(let* ((buffer-name (format "*host%02d*" num))
(buffer (get-buffer buffer-name)))
(if buffer
(switch-to-buffer buffer)
(term "/bin/bash")
(get-buffer-process (rename-buffer buffer-name))
(format "ssh\r" num)))))
Then I bound this command to (say) s-h (super H), enabling me to just type M-5 s-h. If I didn't already have a buffer named *host05*, it would start a new terminal emulator buffer, rename it to *host05*, and ssh me into If buffer *host05* already existed, it would simply switch me to it. Quite handy!
You can certainly have multiple interactive shells open. Try typing C-u M-x shell RET RET.
Try using MultiTerm to open multiple shells.
You can use Emacs Lisp Screen, which emulates GNU Screen and provides easy key bindings to jump to and between a number of different shells.
I use many methods for incorporating my terminal life into Emacs:
elscreen.el is a life saver, if you have a complicated window layout like gdb or have simply become overwhelmed with clutter you just open a new screen. In your case you could dedicate one screen to terminals.
multi-term.el makes managing terminals a bit easier.
shell-pop.el, a great tool for quick terminal access. shell-pop lets you assign a key to opening and closing a specific shell buffer window, if you've used drop-down terminals like tilda you know how incredibly handy this can be:
Here's and example of my shell-pop configuration, I use the key C-t to pop up an eshell:
(require 'shell-pop)
(shell-pop-set-internal-mode "eshell") ; Or "ansi-term" if you prefer
(shell-pop-set-window-height 60) ; Give shell buffer 60% of window
;; If you use "ansi-term" and want to use C-t
;; (defvar ansi-term-after-hook nil)
;; (add-hook 'ansi-term-after-hook
;; '(lambda ()
;; (define-key term-raw-map (kbd "C-t") 'shell-pop)))
;; (defadvice ansi-term (after ansi-term-after-advice (org))
;; (run-hooks 'ansi-term-after-hook))
;; (ad-activate 'ansi-term)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-t") 'shell-pop)
I usually do an an M-x server-start and then use emacsclient --no-wait to open files. I've aliased that to e with some embellishments so that it's a little more convenient.
I do all my work in a single terminal and just "throw" the files I want to edit into Emacs using e. Inside Emacs, I juggle around using iswitchb and it works just fine. YMMV.
I regularly used 10 or so shells in my old workplace. The secret is you have to rename additional shell buffers. I did this automatically though in my .emacs, creating and naming the shells logically (I had projnameRun and projnameBuild for every project). Worked really well together with anything, making it very easy to refind the right shell (you use the end of the project name combined with either r or b for run/build).
Instead of having several terminal windows in emacs, I spawn a different xterm whenever I need a new terminal. This of course is bearable because I use a very lightweight terminal emulator (urxvt) which starts in under 0.2s.
Then I use my window manager to switch between them and emacs frames. A configurable window manager will have plenty of options to tune to switch between windows (extremely) efficiently. Inside emacs, I use windmove and ido-mode, and have bound to C-tab a function that switches to the last buffer (because I use C-x b in that fashion a lot).
So um, not sure how useful it is to you since it's quite different from your use pattern, but this is what works for me.
I had exactly the same problem some years ago, and found nothing that satisfied me; so I wrote my own "toggle shell" function. It toggles between the current frame or window configuration and a system shell buffer. It can also put the shell into a dedicated frame, and inject a pushd to the current buffer directory.
This is an excerpt from my .emacs:
(defvar --toggle-shell-last-window-conf nil "The last window configuration.")
(defvar --toggle-shell-last-buf nil "The last buffer object in case there's no last window configuration.")
(defvar --toggle-shell-last-frame nil "The frame that was selected when opening a shell buffer.")
(defun --toggle-shell-have-conf ()
(window-configuration-p --toggle-shell-last-window-conf))
(defun --toggle-shell-store-last-conf ()
(setq --toggle-shell-last-buf (current-buffer)
--toggle-shell-last-frame (selected-frame)
--toggle-shell-last-window-conf (current-window-configuration)))
(defun --toggle-shell-restore-last-conf ()
(if (--toggle-shell-have-conf)
(progn (raise-frame --toggle-shell-last-frame)
(set-window-configuration --toggle-shell-last-window-conf))
(let ((bufnam (if (bufferp --toggle-shell-last-buf)
(buffer-name --toggle-shell-last-buf) --toggle-shell-last-buf)))
(if bufnam
(if (get-buffer bufnam) (switch-to-buffer bufnam t)
(message "%s: buffer not available" bufnam))))))
(defun --toggle-shell (&optional display inject-cd)
"Toggles between current buffers and a system shell buffer. With prefix-arg
close the shell.
When DISPLAY is 'vertical splits the shell as vertical window; when 'frame uses
a dedicated frame (default: single window). When INJECT-CD executes a `pushd'
to the working directory of the buffer from which you toggled the shell."
(let* ((shell-buf (get-buffer "*shell*"))
(shell-window ; non-nil when currently displayed
(if shell-buf (get-buffer-window shell-buf t)))
(if shell-window (window-frame shell-window)))
(in-shell (eq (current-buffer) shell-buf))
(vertical (string= display 'vertical))
(popup-frame (or (string= display 'frame)
(and inject-cd (not (bufferp shell-buf)))
(and (framep shell-frame)
(not (eq shell-frame (selected-frame)))))))
;; With prefix-arg close shell, restore windows. Otherwise (no prefix-arg)
;; toggle shell window; restore windows when called twice in a row, or the
;; current buffer is the shell buffer (`in-shell').
(if current-prefix-arg
(if (bufferp shell-buf)
(progn (message "Exiting shell '%s'" (buffer-name shell-buf))
(kill-buffer shell-buf)
(if in-shell (--toggle-shell-restore-last-conf)))
(error "No shell buffer to kill."))
;; If already in shell-buffer toggle back to stored frame-configuration.
(if (and in-shell (not inject-cd))
;; Recurse to reopen the shell-buffer in a dedicated frame, or
;; close the dedicated frame and reopen the buffer in a window.
(if (and popup-frame (eq shell-frame (selected-frame)))
(--toggle-shell 'frame inject-cd)
(when (and popup-frame shell-frame)
(delete-frame shell-frame)
(--toggle-shell nil inject-cd))))
;; Not in shell buffer. Warp to it or create new one.
(unless in-shell
(if popup-frame
(progn (switch-to-buffer-other-frame (or shell-buf "*shell*"))
(or shell-frame (window-frame (get-buffer-window "*shell*" t)))))
(if (> (count-windows) 1)
;; Finally `cd' into the working directory the current buffer.
(let ((new-shell (not (bufferp shell-buf)))
(new-dir ; `default-directory' of `--toggle-shell-last-buf'
(if --toggle-shell-last-buf
(buffer-local-value 'default-directory --toggle-shell-last-buf))))
;; Open shell, move point to end-of-buffer. The new shell-buffer's
;; `default-directory' will be that of the buffer the shell was
;; launched from.
(when vertical
(if (> (count-windows) 1)
(split-window-vertically) (other-window 1))
(funcall 'shell)
(when new-shell
(message "New shell %s (%s)" (buffer-name (current-buffer)) new-dir)
(if inject-cd (sit-for 2))) ; wait for prompt
(goto-char (point-max))
;; If on a command-prompt insert and launch a "cd" command (assume no
;; job is running).
(when (and inject-cd new-dir)
(backward-line-nomark) (end-of-line)
(unless (setq inject-cd (re-search-forward comint-prompt-regexp (point-max) t))
(error "Cannot `pushd', shell is busy")))
(when (and inject-cd)
(let* ((cmd (format
"pushd '%s' %s" (comint-quote-filename new-dir)
(if (buffer-file-name --toggle-shell-last-buf)
(format "# '%s'" (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name --toggle-shell-last-buf)))
;; `shell-process-cd' set new `default-directory' and set
;; `shell-last-dir' to old. (If the pushd command is
;; successful, a dirs is performed as well; >nul discards this
;; output.)
(shell-process-cd new-dir)
(insert cmd)
(message "%s: cd '%s'" (buffer-name --toggle-shell-last-buf) new-dir))
--toggle-shell is the function that does the trick. I bind it to F12:
;; F12 toggle between shell buffer and current window configuration
;; SHIFT-F12 like before, but let shell buffer appear in a dedicated frame
;; ALT-F12 inject a pushd to change to directory of current buffer
;; CTRL-F12 `shell-command'
(global-set-key [(f12)] '--toggle-shell)
(global-set-key [(shift f12)] '(lambda()(interactive)(--toggle-shell 'frame)))
(global-set-key [(meta f12)] '(lambda()(interactive)(--toggle-shell nil t)))
(global-set-key [(meta f10)] '(lambda()(interactive)(--toggle-shell nil t)))
(global-set-key [(control f12)] 'shell-command) ; alias M-!
This is a significant bunch of code to be posted here. But it shall work well.
Semi related - you can quickly run a shell command on selected file with
It saves a lot of time for smaller commands chmod etc
And maybe my quick pop-up shell also might help you. A quick pop-up shell for emacs
Ecb + eshell will be what you want exactly!
I use vi, but hope this helps. I can open as many terminals as I want by (eg. in Ubuntu 16.04):
ctrl + alt + t
I usually open 2 terminals, and move (position) one terminal to the right by:
ctrl + super + right-arrow
and move the other terminal to the left by:
ctrl + super + left-arrow
so that I have a divided screen by 2 terminals.

Emacs custom command line argument

From the documentation I can see I can access command line arguments (command-line-args).
I'd like to add my own arguments but Emacs complains at start up that it doesn't recognize them.
emacs -my_argument
I get:
command-line-1: Unknown option `-my_argument'
What's a proper way to define my custom arguments and provide information to my Emacs session?
Is there a way to pop an argument from a command line?
Add something like this to your ~/.emacs, ~/.emacs.el, or ~/.emacs.d/init.el file:
(defun my-argument-fn (switch)
(message "i was passed -my_argument"))
(add-to-list 'command-switch-alist '("-my_argument" . my-argument-fn))
Then you can execute emacs -my_argument and it should print i was passed -my_argument to the minibuffer. You can find more information in the GNU elisp reference.
As stated in another post you can add your custom switches to command-switch-alist and emacs will call the handler function for any matching switch passed in on the command line. However, this operation is done after your .emacs file has been evaluated. This is fine for most cases but you may wish for a command line argument to alter the execution path or behaviour of your .emacs evaluation; I often do this to enable/disable configuration chunks (mainly for debugging).
To achieve this you can read command-line-args and check for your switch manually and then delete it from the list, this will stop emacs complaining about an unknown argument.
(setq my-switch-found (member "-myswitch" command-line-args))
(setq command-line-args (delete "-myswitch" command-line-args))
Which can alter your .emacs evaluation like so:
(unless my-switch-found
(message "Didn't find inhibit switch, loading some config.")
And you could build this into a single step:
;; This was written in SO text-box, not been tested.
(defun found-custom-arg (switch)
(let ((found-switch (member switch command-line-args)))
(setq command-line-args (delete switch command-line-args))
(unless (found-custom-arg "-myswitch")
(message "Loading config...")
For those who are interested, here is a code snip to show how to process custom arguments in Emacs lisp. In this case, I am processing an argument --suffix / -S to variable _suffix.
I pulled the idea from a BSD-Lite Script Emacs script.
(setq _suffix nil)
;; Process cli args
(while command-line-args-left
(setq k (car command-line-args-left))
(setq command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left))
(setq command-line-args (delete k command-line-args))
(or (string-equal k "--cs-suffix")
(string-equal k "-S"))
(setq _suffix (intern (car command-line-args-left)))
(setq command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left))
(setq command-line-args (delete _suffix command-line-args))
This will roll through command-line-args-left and remove them all from command-line-args which will prevent Emacs from complaining.

Emacs: reopen buffers from last session on startup?

Every day I start up emacs and open the exact same files I had open the day before. Is there something I can add to init.el file so it will reopen all the buffers I was using when I last quit emacs?
You can use the Emacs Desktop library:
You can save the desktop manually with
the command M-x desktop-save. You can
also enable automatic saving of the
desktop when you exit Emacs, and
automatic restoration of the last
saved desktop when Emacs starts: use
the Customization buffer (see Easy
Customization) to set
desktop-save-mode to t for future
sessions, or add this line in your
~/.emacs file:
(desktop-save-mode 1)
Although I suspect the question was looking for the emacs "desktop" functionality (see above answer), Lewap's approach can be useful if the set of files one uses really is the exact same file set. In fact, one can go a step further and define 'profiles' if one has different sets of regularly used files... Quickie example:
(let ((profile
(read-from-minibuffer "Choose a profile (acad,dist,lisp,comp,rpg): ")
((string-match "acad" profile)
(dired "/home/thomp/acad")
(dired "/home/thomp/acad/papers")
((string-match "lisp" profile)
((string-match "rpg" profile)
(find-file "/home/thomp/comp/lisp/rp-geneval/README")
(dired "/home/thomp/comp/lisp/rp-geneval/rp-geneval")
... etc.
If you find that you regularly switch back and forth between different sets of regularly-used files as you work, consider using perspectives and populating each perspective with the desired set of regularly-used files.
For storing/restoring the buffers/tabs (specifically elscreen tabs): I use elscreen and the way I manage storing/restoring the desktop session and the elscreen tab configuration is the following code in my .emacs file (the names used are self-explanatory and if the storing/restoring functions should not be executed every time emacs starts just comment out the lines with "(push #'elscreen-store kill-emacs-hook)" and "(elscreen-restore)"):
(defvar emacs-configuration-directory
"The directory where the emacs configuration files are stored.")
(defvar elscreen-tab-configuration-store-filename
(concat emacs-configuration-directory ".elscreen")
"The file where the elscreen tab configuration is stored.")
(defun elscreen-store ()
"Store the elscreen tab configuration."
(if (desktop-save emacs-configuration-directory)
(with-temp-file elscreen-tab-configuration-store-filename
(insert (prin1-to-string (elscreen-get-screen-to-name-alist))))))
(push #'elscreen-store kill-emacs-hook)
(defun elscreen-restore ()
"Restore the elscreen tab configuration."
(if (desktop-read)
(let ((screens (reverse
(insert-file-contents elscreen-tab-configuration-store-filename)
(while screens
(setq screen (car (car screens)))
(setq buffers (split-string (cdr (car screens)) ":"))
(if (eq screen 0)
(switch-to-buffer (car buffers))
(elscreen-find-and-goto-by-buffer (car buffers) t t))
(while (cdr buffers)
(switch-to-buffer-other-window (car (cdr buffers)))
(setq buffers (cdr buffers)))
(setq screens (cdr screens))))))
There are useful enhancements you can make to the basic desktop feature. Particular handy (IMO) are methods of auto-saving the desktop during the session, as otherwise if your system crashes you will be stuck with the desktop file you had started that session with -- pretty annoying if you tend to keep Emacs running for many days at a time.
The wiki also has useful information about persisting data between sessions in general:
For desktops specifically, I thought that Desktop Recover looked particularly promising, however I've not yet tried it out.
(find-file-noselect "/my/file") will open it silently, ie w/o raising the buffer. Just saying.
EDIT This command is not interactive ; To test it you have to evaluate the expression, for example by positioning the cursor after the last parenthesis and hitting C-x C-e
Downvoting this is not cool ; this command definitely works and is in the scope of the question.