Emacs custom command line argument - emacs

From the documentation I can see I can access command line arguments (command-line-args).
I'd like to add my own arguments but Emacs complains at start up that it doesn't recognize them.
emacs -my_argument
I get:
command-line-1: Unknown option `-my_argument'
What's a proper way to define my custom arguments and provide information to my Emacs session?
Is there a way to pop an argument from a command line?

Add something like this to your ~/.emacs, ~/.emacs.el, or ~/.emacs.d/init.el file:
(defun my-argument-fn (switch)
(message "i was passed -my_argument"))
(add-to-list 'command-switch-alist '("-my_argument" . my-argument-fn))
Then you can execute emacs -my_argument and it should print i was passed -my_argument to the minibuffer. You can find more information in the GNU elisp reference.

As stated in another post you can add your custom switches to command-switch-alist and emacs will call the handler function for any matching switch passed in on the command line. However, this operation is done after your .emacs file has been evaluated. This is fine for most cases but you may wish for a command line argument to alter the execution path or behaviour of your .emacs evaluation; I often do this to enable/disable configuration chunks (mainly for debugging).
To achieve this you can read command-line-args and check for your switch manually and then delete it from the list, this will stop emacs complaining about an unknown argument.
(setq my-switch-found (member "-myswitch" command-line-args))
(setq command-line-args (delete "-myswitch" command-line-args))
Which can alter your .emacs evaluation like so:
(unless my-switch-found
(message "Didn't find inhibit switch, loading some config.")
And you could build this into a single step:
;; This was written in SO text-box, not been tested.
(defun found-custom-arg (switch)
(let ((found-switch (member switch command-line-args)))
(setq command-line-args (delete switch command-line-args))
(unless (found-custom-arg "-myswitch")
(message "Loading config...")

For those who are interested, here is a code snip to show how to process custom arguments in Emacs lisp. In this case, I am processing an argument --suffix / -S to variable _suffix.
I pulled the idea from a BSD-Lite Script Emacs script.
(setq _suffix nil)
;; Process cli args
(while command-line-args-left
(setq k (car command-line-args-left))
(setq command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left))
(setq command-line-args (delete k command-line-args))
(or (string-equal k "--cs-suffix")
(string-equal k "-S"))
(setq _suffix (intern (car command-line-args-left)))
(setq command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left))
(setq command-line-args (delete _suffix command-line-args))
This will roll through command-line-args-left and remove them all from command-line-args which will prevent Emacs from complaining.


Symbol's function definition is void: gst Emacs 24.5 smalltalk-mode [duplicate]

i want to use a new comint mode for plink(putty), i put the code in init.el, but if M-x run-plink, i got below error:
let*: Symbol's function definition is void: comint-check-proc
;; path
(defvar plink-file-path "C:/Programme/Putty/plink.exe"
"Path to the program used by `run-plink'")
;; arguments
(defvar plink-arguments '()
"Commandline arguments to pass to `plink'")
;; prompt
(defvar plink-prompt-regexp "^>\s"
"Prompt for `run-plink'.")
;; Run-plink
(defun run-plink ()
"Run an inferior instance of `plink.js' inside Emacs."
(setq plink-buffer "*Plink*")
(let* ((plink-program plink-file-path) (buffer (comint-check-proc "Plink")))
;; pop to the "*plink*" buffer if the process is dead, the
;; buffer is missing or it's got the wrong mode.
(if (or buffer (not (derived-mode-p 'plink-mode))
(comint-check-proc (current-buffer)))
(get-buffer-create (or buffer "*Plink*"))
;; create the comint process if there is no buffer.
(unless buffer
(apply 'make-comint-in-buffer "Plink" buffer plink-program plink-arguments)
;; plink-mode
(define-derived-mode plink-mode comint-mode "plink" nil "plink"
(setq comint-process-echoes t)
(setq comint-use-prompt-regexp t)
(setq comint-prompt-regexp plink-prompt-regexp)
; ">" read-only
(setq comint-prompt-read-only t)
(set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate) "..'")
(set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start) plink-prompt-regexp))
You have not loaded library comint. You need to do that before Emacs can know about comint-check-proc.
Add a (require 'comint), either in your init file or near the beginning of run-plink - somewhere before it tries to use comint-check-proc.
To give this question an answer, which is also meaningful for other questions marked as duplicates of this one, but actually are about other packages not being loaded, I will give a more general answer, which should be applicable to the other questions as well.
Generally an error Symbol's function definition is void often indicates, that a package was not loaded, but then someone/something tried to use it.
So the general answer, that you probably need to (require '<package name>) in your init.el, where the package name is the name of the package which provides what is currently void.

new comint mod in emacs for plink (putty): Symbol's function definition is void

i want to use a new comint mode for plink(putty), i put the code in init.el, but if M-x run-plink, i got below error:
let*: Symbol's function definition is void: comint-check-proc
;; path
(defvar plink-file-path "C:/Programme/Putty/plink.exe"
"Path to the program used by `run-plink'")
;; arguments
(defvar plink-arguments '()
"Commandline arguments to pass to `plink'")
;; prompt
(defvar plink-prompt-regexp "^>\s"
"Prompt for `run-plink'.")
;; Run-plink
(defun run-plink ()
"Run an inferior instance of `plink.js' inside Emacs."
(setq plink-buffer "*Plink*")
(let* ((plink-program plink-file-path) (buffer (comint-check-proc "Plink")))
;; pop to the "*plink*" buffer if the process is dead, the
;; buffer is missing or it's got the wrong mode.
(if (or buffer (not (derived-mode-p 'plink-mode))
(comint-check-proc (current-buffer)))
(get-buffer-create (or buffer "*Plink*"))
;; create the comint process if there is no buffer.
(unless buffer
(apply 'make-comint-in-buffer "Plink" buffer plink-program plink-arguments)
;; plink-mode
(define-derived-mode plink-mode comint-mode "plink" nil "plink"
(setq comint-process-echoes t)
(setq comint-use-prompt-regexp t)
(setq comint-prompt-regexp plink-prompt-regexp)
; ">" read-only
(setq comint-prompt-read-only t)
(set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate) "..'")
(set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start) plink-prompt-regexp))
You have not loaded library comint. You need to do that before Emacs can know about comint-check-proc.
Add a (require 'comint), either in your init file or near the beginning of run-plink - somewhere before it tries to use comint-check-proc.
To give this question an answer, which is also meaningful for other questions marked as duplicates of this one, but actually are about other packages not being loaded, I will give a more general answer, which should be applicable to the other questions as well.
Generally an error Symbol's function definition is void often indicates, that a package was not loaded, but then someone/something tried to use it.
So the general answer, that you probably need to (require '<package name>) in your init.el, where the package name is the name of the package which provides what is currently void.

Emacs AucTeX; How to set C-c C-c default command?

I have set this in my .emacs file:
(add-hook 'TeX-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(setq TeX-command-default "LaTeX"))
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(setq TeX-command-default "LaTeX"))
I see that C-c C-c is bound to TeX-command-master, which calls TeX-command-query. But since my (TeX-master-file) is "<none>", I expect the default command to be called, but keeps wanting to invoke "View" instead of "LaTeX".
If you check the source for TeX-command-query you'll find that it checks the modification date of the tex (lines 4-9) and bbl (lines 10-19) files involved in your document. Unless those files are more recent than the output file and there is no known next command to be performed (lines 20-22) it will use the "View" command as default (line 23).
This behaviour is of course sensible because normally you don't want to recompile unless there are changes (modified tex files). Apart from "patching" the command [posted below, would not really recommend to use because it will not receive automatic updates ;-) ] there isn't really anything you can do.
If you decide to use the patched command, just put is somewhere in your init file after the original command has been loaded. You could for example wrap it into (replace ;; BODY by code)
(eval-after-load "tex-buf"
Here comes the patched command:
(defun TeX-command-query (name)
"Query the user for what TeX command to use."
(let* ((default
(cond ((if (string-equal name TeX-region)
(TeX-check-files (concat name "." (TeX-output-extension))
(list name)
(TeX-save-document (TeX-master-file)))
((and (memq major-mode '(doctex-mode latex-mode))
;; Want to know if bib file is newer than .bbl
;; We don't care whether the bib files are open in emacs
(TeX-check-files (concat name ".bbl")
(mapcar 'car
(append BibTeX-file-extensions
;; We should check for bst files here as well.
(if LaTeX-using-Biber TeX-command-Biber TeX-command-BibTeX))
((TeX-process-get-variable name
;; was TeX-command-View
(completion-ignore-case t)
(answer (or TeX-command-force
(concat "Command: (default " default ") ")
(TeX-mode-specific-command-list major-mode) nil t
nil 'TeX-command-history))))
;; If the answer is "latex" it will not be expanded to "LaTeX"
(setq answer (car-safe (TeX-assoc answer TeX-command-list)))
(if (and answer
(not (string-equal answer "")))

Programatically insert text into command that normally blocks event loop

I'd like to implement a command that types the first few characters into an existing command and lets me type the rest.
For example, a variant of icicle-execute-extended-command that starts with "icicle-" already entered.
I have tried:
keyboard macros
fail (even on simple things like M-x i c i c l e s) for no apparent reason.
calling icicle-execute-extended-command block the command sequence
How would I go about doing this in a generalized manner?
Nice question.
Here's something generic you can try:
(defun no-mondays ()
(insert "monday"))
(call-interactively 'query-replace)))
And here's a refactoring:
(defun with-initial-minibuffer (str fun)
`(lambda ()
(lambda ()
(insert ,str))
(call-interactively ',fun))))
(defalias 'no-weekends
If you are calling completing-read yourself in your command definition, then just pass the text to insert as the INITIAL-INPUT argument. That's what it's for.
If you use icicle-define-command or icicle-define-file-command (so that your command will be a multi-command), then same thing: pass the INITIAL-INPUT arg.
If you use such a macro, be sure to put something like this in the file that defines the command, so the macro definition is available a byte-compilation time:
(or (condition-case nil
(load-library "icicles-mac") ; Use load-library to ensure latest .elc.
(error nil))
(require 'icicles-mac)))

Passing Emacs variables to minibuffer shell commands

I can run a shell command quickly by hitting M-!. One thing I'd like to do is perform shell quick operations on the current file. An example would be checking the file out through perforce:
M-! p4 edit buffer-file-name RET
(Yes there are perforce integrations, but I'm more interested in the minishell/variable problem rather than a specific workflow)
Of course, the buffer-file-name variable is not evaluated before the command is sent to the shell.
Is there an easy on-the-fly way to do this? Or will I have to roll a custom elisp function?
It seems current Emacs has something built-in to achieve the desired result, after M-! (shell-command) press <down>, you will get the file name you are currently visiting on the prompt. Now you can edit it to add the command you want to run on it.
In dired-mode it will give you the file your cursor is currently on.
Indeed using C-u M-: is almost right. I'm not so sure about using shell-quote-argument in eval-to-shell-argument since it only works on strings making it impossible to use eval-to-shell-argument to insert a number or a symbol. You could try something like:
(defun sm-minibuffer-insert-val (exp)
(list (let ((enable-recursive-minibuffers t))
(read-from-minibuffer "Insert: "
nil read-expression-map t
(let ((val (with-selected-window (minibuffer-selected-window)
(eval exp)))
(standard-output (current-buffer)))
(prin1 val)))
and then bind this function in your minibuffer with (define-key minibuffer-local-map [?\M-:] 'sm-minibuffer-insert-val).
Of course, if the only thing you ever want to insert is the buffer-file-name, then your execute-shell-command-on-buffer is simpler.
I did roll my own elisp function, and it looks like this:
(defun execute-shell-command-on-buffer (shell-command-text)
(interactive "MShell command:")
(shell-command (format shell-command-text (shell-quote-argument buffer-file-name)))
I bound it to M-", so now my example can be completed with:
M-"p4 edit %sRET
I won't accept this as the answer, because I did ask for solutions that don't require a function.
You can use C-u M-: (eval-expression with a universal prefix argument) to evaluate any Lisp expression and insert its value at point in the current buffer (including minibuffers, as long as you have enable-recursive-minibuffers set to a non-nil value).
In your example: C-u M-: buffer-file-name RET.
Note that the result of the expression is printed in Lisp form: that is, quoted in such a way that a subsequent call to read would construct an equal Lisp value. For strings, this means enclosing in double quotes, which will probably be interpreted as you expect by the inferior shell. However, you may run into problems with strings that contain special characters, which need different escaping by Elisp and the shell.
The more correct way uses shell-quote-argument, as in phils' solution. Here's a quick defun that reads a Lisp expression and inserts its value at point as a properly quoted shell word:
(defun eval-to-shell-argument (form)
(interactive "XEval: ")
(insert (shell-quote-argument form)))
The read-and-evaluate step happens automatically by using an "X" as the argument to interactive.
Edited to add: As #tenpn notes, the above solution doesn't work for inserting buffer-local variables like buffer-file-name in a minibuffer like the one M-! pops up (more precisely, it inserts the buffer-local value of the minibuffer, which is unlikely to be useful). Here is a revised version which seems to work. If the minibuffer is active, it makes the buffer of the previously-selected window temporarily active while reading and evaluating an expression.
Final edit: From #Stefan's answer I see that I should have used (minibuffer-selected-window) to find the previously-selected window. I've also added a (format "%s" ..) to allow inserting non-string values, while still quoting special characters in strings. Here's the final version:
(defun eval-to-shell-argument ()
(let* ((buffer
(if (minibufferp)
(window-buffer (minibuffer-selected-window))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(eval-minibuffer "Eval: "))))
(insert (shell-quote-argument (format "%s" result)))))
You can't do that with M-!, but you can evaluate arbitrary elisp from the minibuffer, so writing a function isn't strictly necessary:
M-: (shell-command (format "p4 edit %s" (shell-quote-argument buffer-file-name))) RET
In this case however, I think eshell is what you want to use:
M-x eshell-command RET p4 edit (eval buffer-file-name) RET
Edit: Except unfortunately that doesn't work, as the *eshell cmd* buffer is selected when that is evaluated. One solution would be:
M-x eshell-command RET p4 edit (eval buffer-file-name (other-buffer nil t)) RET
(Not quite as elegant, sorry.)
Everyone seems to be rolling their own version, so here's mine -- it will substitue the current filename or marked dired-files or current dired file wherever a % is in the shell command. It follows the same conventions as M-! so I bind it to that.
(defun my-shell-command (command &optional output-buffer error-buffer)
"Run a shell command with the current file (or marked dired files).
In the shell command, the file(s) will be substituted wherever a '%' is."
(interactive (list (read-from-minibuffer "Shell command: "
nil nil nil 'shell-command-history)
(cond ((buffer-file-name)
(setq command (replace-regexp-in-string "%" (buffer-file-name) command nil t)))
((and (equal major-mode 'dired-mode) (save-excursion (dired-move-to-filename)))
(setq command (replace-regexp-in-string "%" (mapconcat 'identity (dired-get-marked-files) " ") command nil t))))
(shell-command command output-buffer error-buffer))