Adding External Library in CMake ( linux ) - plugins

What is the simple process to add my external .so in Cmake. I want to know the exact location to where it needs to be added. And also for the include directories path. Please suggest the simplest way. I am a newB in CMake.
Suppose my external .so file is which is present in bin/res folder.
Please tell how can i add it into the CMake?


Yocto determine what recipe a file came from

I am trying to determine how I can find what recipe a source file from the build/tmp/work directory came from. Basically normally most of the recipes in the source folder are uri. Then get downloaded and installed to various temp folders. I want to create a patch for some of the files, but I can't seem to figure out which files belong to what recipes.
Thank you
Run oe-pkgdata-util find-path /path/on/target/to/file. This will give you the package installing the file. From there, run oe-pkgdata-util lookup-recipe <pkg-name>, this will give you which recipe is creating the package. That should be enough to find out which recipe you need to modify. You then need to check whether the file you want to modify is part of the recipe (Yocto artifact) or part of the software that the recipe builds. For the former, you can override the file, for the latter, you can create a patch (you can use devtool to help you create the patch).

How to generate the plugin of "Li2018" in Halide on windows and exploit "load_plugin" in other project?

reccently, I want to test how does the autoscheduler "Li2018" work on GPU. Firstly, I need to load the plugin of this autoscheduler into my project with function "load_plugin("gradient_autoscheduler")" like the example: but the biggest problem is, that I cannot generate the plugin on Windows. I have tried to add the "generate_autoscheduler" into the CMakeList.txt in the /apps folder, but it can not work. To compare with autoscheduler "Admas2019" which in the folder /apps/autoscheduler, "Li2018" need a CMakeList.txt to generate the dll plugin, Does some one know how to generate the plugin of "Li2018" on windows? Thanks in advance!
As you have noticed, we don't have a CMake configuration for Li's autoscheduler, so Windows is not supported yet. I'll put this in my TODO list, but contributions are always welcome. It shouldn't be hard to come up with a CMakeLists.txt based on the Makefile content.

How to include custom library files in Unity build

When I run my Unity app in the editor, it is able to read my .dlls and other custom files the .dlls need and it works fine. However, when I make a build, it only includes the .dll files in the Plugins folder of the build and not the other custom files. Is there a way to force Unity to include the other files as well? I have tried putting them both in the Plugins and Resources folder before building and in both cases it only keeps the .dlls.
The custom files are .obf, but I don't think that's relevant
It is extremely relevant. Unity does not support all type of libraries.
Here are the supported library extensions:
For Windows, you can use .dll.
For Linux, .so is supported.
For Android, you can only use .aar, rar and .so.
For iOS, .a is used but you can also use the non compiled code such as ,.m,.mm,.c and .cpp.
There is no support for .obf. If you want to add it to your project so that you can load and execute it then you are out of luck.
If you just want to make Unity include it to your final project build so that you can read it then you can. This doesn't mean you can load and execute it.
First, rename the extension from ".obf" to ".bytes". Place it in the Resources folder and read it as TextAsset with the Resources.Load function. You can the access the data with TextAsset.bytes.
TextAsset dataAsset = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("YourObfName", typeof(TextAsset));
byte[] data = dataAsset.bytes;
Not sure how helpful just reading it is but this is here to show you how to include it to the build and read it but you can't execute it unless there is a C# API to do so and I don't think that any API of such kind exist.

"Not A Valid Jar" When trying to run Map Reduce Job

I am trying to run a my MapReduce job by building a jar from eclipse , but while trying to execute the job , I am getting "Not a valid Jar" error.
I have tried to follow the link Not a valid Jar but that didnt help.
Can anyone please give me the instructions on how to build the jar from eclipse, for it to run on Hadoop.
I am aware of the process of building the Jar file from eclipse,however I am not sure, do I have to take any special care for building a jar file, so that it runs on Hadoop.
When you submit the command, make certain you have the following things on the line to do the command:
When you indicate the jar, make certain you are directing to the jar properly. It may be easiest to be certain by using the absolute path. To get the absolute path, if you navigate to the place where the jar is, then run 'readlink -f ' command to get the absolute path. So for you, not just hist.jar, but maybe /home/akash_user/jars/hist.jar or wherever it is on your system. If you are using Eclipse, it may be saving it somewhere funny, so make sure that is not the problem. The jar cannot be run from HDFS storage. must run from local storage.
When you name your main class, in your example Histogram, you must use the fully qualified name of the class, with the package, the project, and the class. So, usually, if the program/project is named Histogram, and there is a HistogramDriver, HistogramMapper, HistogramReducer, and your main() is in HistogramDriver, you need to type Histogram.HistogramDriver to get the program running. (Unless you made your jar runnable, which requires extra stuff at the beginning, making .mdf and things.)
Make sure that the jar you are submitting (hist.jar) is in the current directory from where you are submitting the 'hadoop jar' command.
If the issue is still persisting, please tell the Java, Hadoop and Linux version you are using.
You should not keep the jar file in HDFS when executing the MapReduce job. Make sure Jar is available in the local path. Input path and output directory should be the path from HDFS.

Howto set outputdirectory with google eclipse plugin?

I'm using the Google Eclipse Plugin for GWT development.
To do the configuration stuff there's a folder .settings with two files and
These files are a kind of propertie-files.
Now I'm trying to set two different directories for source and output files.
But I can't find any documentation about these files.
What I got till now is this.
But using this, at compilationtime it opens a filechooser-Dialog on myoutputdirectory every time, waiting for confirmation.
So I ask, is there a solution to setup a different outputdirectory or does anybody know where I can find more Information about the usage of these setting-files.
My version of that file has an absolute path to the lastWarOutDir.
Maybe it keeps prompting you because it can't find myoutputdirectory (or maybe you just changed it for privacy's sake here).
In any case, if you right-click on the project > Run As > Run Configurations, go to the (x)= Arguments tab and you will see the -war argument containing the value of lastWarOutDir.
If you want to be prompted so that you can change the directory, you could delete all of the arguments, forcing the Google plugin to reconfigure.
I hope that helps. If not, please let us know what you really want to do here.
Maybe I misunderstand your problem. But why don't you just tell the GWT compiler where to output the files using the -war (-workDir, -gen and -extra) command line option? Same thing works for the GWT development mode...