Eclipse on Mac OS X : Shortcuts are broken - eclipse

I'm pretty new to Eclipse because I'm starting to learn Java Programming. I'm having problem with the editor.
I'm running Eclipse on an iMac with a German keyboard. The keyboard shortcut for "Redo" action is Cmd+Shift+Z.
When I use this shortcut, a tiny window in the right down corner pops up and asks if I want "Inspect" or "Redo"...
In the preferences, I have three different "Inspect", (just one was with a shortcut, but it was something like Cmd+Shift+I). Anyway, I erased it to be sure.
Afterwards I tried again, but the same little window asks me for Insect or Redo. Now I don't know what to do.
I'm having the same problem with Cmd+R ("Run" action). For "Run" there is another keyboard binding.
In Eclipse preferences, I could not find both commands that are on the same shortcuts. Or better I found them but they are separate.

Go to the Keyboard shortcuts preferences :
Eclipse > Preferences > General > Keys
and unbind or rebind whatever is giving you trouble.
In your case, go to Inspect and remove the binding for Cmd+Shift+Z.
In some cases, removing the binding for a key command will remove all bindings for it so after you do so, check out Redo and make sure it is still tied to the command.


Changing Eclipse shortcut for Quit in Mac OS X?

Like other Mac OS X applications, Eclipse has a shortcut to quit itself, Cmd+Q. Although this provides a consistent UX, it's very annoying. Since one of the most frequently used shortcut is Cmd+1, which is for quick-fix, 1 and Q are located too close, and I mistakenly hit Cmd+Q instead of Cmd+1 very often. And this makes me crazy.
I tried to find the binding in Preferences Dialog > General > Keys to change the shortcut, however, I couldn't.
Is there any way to change the shortcut for Quit Eclipse to other keystroke? Or any tip for avoid this inconvenience?
In Chrome, there's an option to prevent this kind of mistake. By enabling Warn Before Quitting, we have to hit Cmd+Q twice to quit the browser. I think this is cool. How can I introduce similar feature to Eclipse?
So it is possible to change OSX shortcuts from the System Preferences panel:
Go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts. Then click the + button. Choose 'eclipse' as your application (it might be possible that you have to search for the application in "Other..."). The menu title has to be exactly "Quit Eclipse" and enter a new shortcut. Click add, and you're all set.
If you have any more questions, please shoot :)

How to disable eclipse4 built-in keyboard shortcut?

Eclipse 4.2 seem has some built-in shortcuts, such as Ctrl+P, Alt+C, Alt+X etc, you can not find them from "Window->preferences->General->Keys". I'd like to re-define these shortcuts, e.g. bind Alt+X to run maven build, but when i press Alt+X, at the bottom right corner of Eclipse, it flashes quickly and my mouse is out of control, i think this is because of shortcut conflict.
Anyone who know how to disable the built-in shortcuts? Thanks.
Ctrl+p is only bind to one action.
When i click Ctrl+p, the bottom right corner show, this message is from from eclipse:
Well, the above is the good situation--at least you can choose which action to run. for Alt+P, Alt+c you have no chance to choose, eclipse is flipping and you are out of control.
Are you certain there isn't something in your OS or another application that is handling those keyboard triggers? If you assign a keyboard shortcut in Eclipse's Preferences, it will indicate when there is a conflict; if you don't see that, then it's not an Eclipse shortcut.
I found the root cause of this problem, i import all my keys from Eclipse 3.7 to 4.2, most of them works, however some of them conflict but Eclipse fails to show the conflict shortcuts, Let's say, Ctrl+P, this is print shortcut for eclipse by default, in eclipse 3.7 i bind Ctrl+p to another command, after import, eclipse 4.2 shows just like 3.7(see above), however in fact it still has conflict even though it does not show the conflict. I think this might be an eclipse bug. I'm the one who use shortcut extensively. Hope this help others with migrating shortcuts.

How Do I Switch Between Multiple Eclipse Windows (in "Split Screen" Mode)

Eclipse allows you to open more than one text editing "window" at a time to get a "split screen" effect. This is great, but the problem I'm having is that there doesn't seem to be any way to switch between these windows, directly.
Now, you can use the usual commands (Ctrl+Page Down, CTRL+e, ALT+RIGHT, etc.) to switch between specific buffers. In other words, if I have window 1 with and open, and window 2 with open, I can use Ctrl+Page Down to go from A, to B, to C. However, I can't just go from A or B (ie. from window 1) in to C (ie. to window 2), unless I use CTRL+e and type in "".
There are half a million Eclipse commands though, and they're certainly not all labeled consistently, so it's quite possible I'm just failing to find the relevant command. Does anyone out there in SO-land happen to know it?
By default, its Ctrl+F6. However, its useful if you map you keys to Ctrl+Tab to switch between open editors like Windows.
You can change your preferred keys in Window>Preferences>General>Keys and change "Next Editor" to any key of your choice(Ex: Ctrl+Tab). Hope this is what you needed.
This can be achieved easily if you are using Vrapper in Eclipse. Vrapper
is a Vim plugin for Eclipse. If you are trying to maximize your productivity in Eclipse like we all are, it's well worth the try.
Once you got it installed, check out the Split Editor Plugin for Vrapper. You can then create splits on the fly and switch between them using the standard Vim shortcut: Ctrl-w w
Bonus: don't forget to maxmize your editors using Ctrl-m. If your editor ever loses focus for some reason, regain it by pressing Ctrl-F12
Finally open any file in your project using Ctrl-Shift-r
Edit from anula comment:
A useful thing to mention here: Ctrl-w by default binds to closing window, so if you want to use it as in Vim you need to first go to Window->Preferences->General->Keys and unbind "Close".
You can install the HandySplit plugin from Eclipse Marketplace and bind its 'Toggle focus between split editors' command to any keyboard shortcut you like.

Eclipse help box

I am using Eclipse to program Android apps and I love how the little helper box thing comes up when you start to type and suggests things to you.
However, this only happens sporadically and I was wondering if there was a way to keep it visible for longer or, even better, a key combo I could press to bring it up. If I start to type something, it either helps me by suggesting things or doesn't appear.
Try Ctrl+Space. The feature is known as "content assist," "code completion," "auto-complete." In the Visual Studio world, I think it's called "Intellisense."
If you want the suggestions to appear immediately (I prefer this) you can change the delay by going to Window → Preferences → Java → Editor → Content Assist and change the Auto activation delay to 0. In my version of Eclipse (Helios for Java EE), that field is third from the bottom.
An easier way of finding this preference screen is to use the search box in the upper-left-hand corner of the prefs (as before, Window → Preferences), and typing completion. From there you can see all of the different content assist preferences that Eclipse offers. Mine has Java, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, JSP, and XML - most of those because I'm using a fancier version of Eclipse.
By default, when writing Java code, the . (period) key triggers auto-activation of content assist. You can change this setting in the same screen as the auto-activation delay.
I think its Control+Space for Code completion. Try that
Also go easy with the code completion popup delay. Dont set it to 0, i remember a strange behaviour in Eclipse where there was no popup at all.
Ctrl+Space is the shortcut for Content Assist.
Ctrl+1 is the shortcut for Quick Fix.
Ctrl+2 is the shortcut for a menu of Quick Assists. (Ctrl+2, F is the shortcut for Quick Assist - Assign to var/field, and in place of F you can also type L or R for other options.)
To see and/or modify available shortcuts you can go to Window > Preferences > General > Keys.

Ctrl+Backspace/Option+Delete fails to delete previous word in MATLAB IDE

I've noticed that Ctrl+Backspace/Option+Delete doesn't delete the word to the left of cursor in the MATLAB editor, as it does in many (most?) other editors and programs. This is intensely annoying, as I often will want to change a function name or small section of code. Currently I am forced to hold shift, use option+left, and then press delete to perform what should be a two keystroke operation.
Is there a way to enable it, or is a similar shortcut available? I found this unanswered question on MATLAB Central, but no further joy.
Running R2010a on OSX
Are you on R2010b?
At least on Windows, this is supported starting in R2010b. All the keyboard shortcuts are in File > Preferences, under Keyboard > Shortcuts. Type "word" in the search bar (the text field just above the list of actions) to see the word-level actions. In R2010b, but not earlier versions, there is a "Remove Previous Word" action, and in Windows it's bound by default to Ctrl+Backspace. Sounds like you're using Mac, too; I don't know what the default binding is there.
So, upgrade to R2010b, and maybe adjust the bindings under Keyboard > Shortcuts in Preferences.
This and some other keyboard shortcuts work in the editor but not in the command window. I don't know why. You might want to request that as an enhancement from MathWorks if you want it in the command window, too.