Eclipse help box - eclipse

I am using Eclipse to program Android apps and I love how the little helper box thing comes up when you start to type and suggests things to you.
However, this only happens sporadically and I was wondering if there was a way to keep it visible for longer or, even better, a key combo I could press to bring it up. If I start to type something, it either helps me by suggesting things or doesn't appear.

Try Ctrl+Space. The feature is known as "content assist," "code completion," "auto-complete." In the Visual Studio world, I think it's called "Intellisense."
If you want the suggestions to appear immediately (I prefer this) you can change the delay by going to Window → Preferences → Java → Editor → Content Assist and change the Auto activation delay to 0. In my version of Eclipse (Helios for Java EE), that field is third from the bottom.
An easier way of finding this preference screen is to use the search box in the upper-left-hand corner of the prefs (as before, Window → Preferences), and typing completion. From there you can see all of the different content assist preferences that Eclipse offers. Mine has Java, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, JSP, and XML - most of those because I'm using a fancier version of Eclipse.
By default, when writing Java code, the . (period) key triggers auto-activation of content assist. You can change this setting in the same screen as the auto-activation delay.

I think its Control+Space for Code completion. Try that

Also go easy with the code completion popup delay. Dont set it to 0, i remember a strange behaviour in Eclipse where there was no popup at all.

Ctrl+Space is the shortcut for Content Assist.
Ctrl+1 is the shortcut for Quick Fix.
Ctrl+2 is the shortcut for a menu of Quick Assists. (Ctrl+2, F is the shortcut for Quick Assist - Assign to var/field, and in place of F you can also type L or R for other options.)
To see and/or modify available shortcuts you can go to Window > Preferences > General > Keys.


eclipse autocomplete

I have noticed that qtCreator handles the auto-completion much better than eclipse.
For example, if I have a line that says object.firstItem() and put my cursor between . and f, and then delete the first word (thus becoming object.|item()) and then press ctrl+space and choose secondItem(), qtCreator guesses object.secondItem();, whereas eclipse chooses object.firstItem()Item().
There could well be other features that are present in qtCreator, too, but not in eclipse, though it's the only one I really noticed. But why not share all good ideas since they all are open source ? I would be interested in all good features of qtCreator and eclipse combined.
Is there a way to have such a behaviour in eclipse too, through configuration or through a plugin ?
This feature is supported by Eclipse, too. (Or more specifically, the Eclipse Java Development Tools.)
Just hold down the ctrl key when selecting the item from the list of proposed completions to toggle between inserting and overwriting completion mode.
To change the default behaviour, go to Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Content Assist and change the top-most radio button from "Completion inserts" to "Completion overwrites".

Eclipse on Mac OS X : Shortcuts are broken

I'm pretty new to Eclipse because I'm starting to learn Java Programming. I'm having problem with the editor.
I'm running Eclipse on an iMac with a German keyboard. The keyboard shortcut for "Redo" action is Cmd+Shift+Z.
When I use this shortcut, a tiny window in the right down corner pops up and asks if I want "Inspect" or "Redo"...
In the preferences, I have three different "Inspect", (just one was with a shortcut, but it was something like Cmd+Shift+I). Anyway, I erased it to be sure.
Afterwards I tried again, but the same little window asks me for Insect or Redo. Now I don't know what to do.
I'm having the same problem with Cmd+R ("Run" action). For "Run" there is another keyboard binding.
In Eclipse preferences, I could not find both commands that are on the same shortcuts. Or better I found them but they are separate.
Go to the Keyboard shortcuts preferences :
Eclipse > Preferences > General > Keys
and unbind or rebind whatever is giving you trouble.
In your case, go to Inspect and remove the binding for Cmd+Shift+Z.
In some cases, removing the binding for a key command will remove all bindings for it so after you do so, check out Redo and make sure it is still tied to the command.

Netbeans keyboard shortcut for navigating to next error marker in editor

Is there any keyboard shortcut key for navigating to the next error (red markers created in error stripe) in Netbeans editor?
As of NetBeans 8 there doesn't appear to be a way to navigate through errors exclusively in the editor. If you look at tools->options->keymap an action does exist for this (next error in editor), but the shortcut is blank. I set it to Alt+E on my IDE, this will navigate through all annotations - not just errors. So if you don't mind cycling through all hints, warnings errors, etc, this will work.
The closest I've been able to get for navigating specifically through errors is using the action items window. Add a filter for errors, then you can use Ctrl+. and Ctrl+, to navigate through the list (see How to display all compile errors in Netbeans as a task list?).
That would be Ctrl-Period ::: (Period means .)
Links to many shortcuts:
Highlights of NetBeans IDE 8.0 Keyboard Shortcuts & Code
134 Shortcuts for NetBeans 8 (Windows)
EDITED--URLs NOW VALID thru ver. 8
Add the Action Items window to your IDE. This lists all of your errors and is dynamic, so will be updated when you save.
From the menu bar: Window->Action Items.
(Took me forever to understand why when I would save, I wouldn't see any compile errors, but then it wouldn't run.)
Actually question is about "next error in editor". At least in my configuration (NetBeans profile) this function doesn't have any shortcut by default so if you go to Tools->Options->Keymap and in search field you write "Next Error in Editor" you can add any shortcut that fits the best to you
On a Mac things are different and there is no keyboard shortcut for navigating to a usage/compile error as far as I can tell.
You can go to Help -> Keyboard Shortcuts Card to see the full list of short cuts for your platform.
See for info for macs and for the default shortcuts for PCs.
No. there is no good and easy way on keyboard.
just clicking on those red marks (by mouse) is the fastest way. (it's not an easy/good way. but the best possible.)

Disable content assist in Eclipse

How do you disable content assist in Eclipse?
I do not mind allowing it to come up when I press ctrl & space, but I do not like how it automatically comes up as I am typing. It just messes me up. For instance it, I would end up scrolling through the options when I just want to go up a line. It is getting tedious having to press escape whenever it decides to pop up.
I have found the page in the preferences for it, but I cannot seem to find out how to disable the auto-pop-up.
EDIT: I am using the application for android development. I have already disabled "auto-activation" for both Java and XML, but it does not seem to have an effect. The window will still pop up automatically.
EDIT2: I tried restarting the program after making the changes, but it still had no effect. I made sure that the option changes were still in effect, and they were still in effect.
This Eclipse3.6 Help page on Content assist can help (it is for C++, but the same idea applies for Java on the Java > Editor > Content Assist preference page.):
The idea is to disable what triggers the content assist.
Go to Window → Preferences.
In the filter text search bar, type "typing".
Go to Editor → Typing.
Uncheck all that you don't want.
Don't know if you did get it to disable but I was having the same trouble as you.
I did the following:
Window > Prefrences > Content Assist
Uncheck all and hit apply
Java > Editor > Content assist > Advanced
Uncheck all and hit apply.
Hope this works if you still haven't found an answer.
It's not readily obvious and there doesn't appear to be a global option to turn it off all over the place. This may sound obvious, but it's important to make sure to turn off Auto-Activation on all of the different structured editor types that you do not want it active on.
In Eclipse Mars.1 :-
go to Window then->preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Content Assist ->Advanced -> Restore Default ->Apply and then OK.
Go to Window -> Preferences -> PHP -> Editor -> Content Assist -> Auto Activation
Untick the box "Enable auto activation"

Turn off tooltips in Eclipse / Aptana

I don't know if anyone has noticed that Eclipse has this annoying feature where it needs to show a useless tool-tip when hovering just about anything.
I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to completely kill all tool-tip behavior in Eclipse / Aptana?
I found mine in Window > Preferences > Pydev > Editor > Hovers
It looks like it's a module-level feature (Java, Pydev, C++), not platform-level (Eclipse itself).
Window > Preferences > Java > Editors > Hovers
Disable Combined Hover.
I agree, hints can be really annoying, but there are times when they can be a really useful quick reference - like finding var values during debugging, or required parameter types for a method etc.
So instead of disabling them altogether, or continually enbaling/disabling through the Preferences, I go to Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Hovers > Combined Hover, and add Alt to the Pressed key modifier while hovering field below.
This way if you want to quickly see hints just hold the Alt key down.
I was completely annoyed with Aptana's tip tool text over my code. I figured out how to disable it:
Window > Preferences > Aptana Studio > Content Assist > Show information on hover > Off
I'm using Aptana 3.
Another thing which really annoys me on Eclipse are the light bulbs in the left part which hide breakpoints, and which are really useless.
To suppress these, go to windows>preference>java>editor and then uncheck "Light bulb for quick assists".
If you dont have this on your eclipse version, try a help search with "light bulb".
This is the answer. Change the Windows regedit.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER ->Control Panel -> Mouse -> mouse -> MouseHoverTime
Change its value to be 400 (4 seconds delay)
Look for TweakUI settings, under Mouse > Hover. Minimize the sensitivity and increase the time and you will, in most cases, be fine.
Note that this is under windows. In any case, search for "hover" and you should be able to find the correct location. Good luck!