How Do I Switch Between Multiple Eclipse Windows (in "Split Screen" Mode) - eclipse

Eclipse allows you to open more than one text editing "window" at a time to get a "split screen" effect. This is great, but the problem I'm having is that there doesn't seem to be any way to switch between these windows, directly.
Now, you can use the usual commands (Ctrl+Page Down, CTRL+e, ALT+RIGHT, etc.) to switch between specific buffers. In other words, if I have window 1 with and open, and window 2 with open, I can use Ctrl+Page Down to go from A, to B, to C. However, I can't just go from A or B (ie. from window 1) in to C (ie. to window 2), unless I use CTRL+e and type in "".
There are half a million Eclipse commands though, and they're certainly not all labeled consistently, so it's quite possible I'm just failing to find the relevant command. Does anyone out there in SO-land happen to know it?

By default, its Ctrl+F6. However, its useful if you map you keys to Ctrl+Tab to switch between open editors like Windows.
You can change your preferred keys in Window>Preferences>General>Keys and change "Next Editor" to any key of your choice(Ex: Ctrl+Tab). Hope this is what you needed.

This can be achieved easily if you are using Vrapper in Eclipse. Vrapper
is a Vim plugin for Eclipse. If you are trying to maximize your productivity in Eclipse like we all are, it's well worth the try.
Once you got it installed, check out the Split Editor Plugin for Vrapper. You can then create splits on the fly and switch between them using the standard Vim shortcut: Ctrl-w w
Bonus: don't forget to maxmize your editors using Ctrl-m. If your editor ever loses focus for some reason, regain it by pressing Ctrl-F12
Finally open any file in your project using Ctrl-Shift-r
Edit from anula comment:
A useful thing to mention here: Ctrl-w by default binds to closing window, so if you want to use it as in Vim you need to first go to Window->Preferences->General->Keys and unbind "Close".

You can install the HandySplit plugin from Eclipse Marketplace and bind its 'Toggle focus between split editors' command to any keyboard shortcut you like.


Eclipse on Mac OS X : Shortcuts are broken

I'm pretty new to Eclipse because I'm starting to learn Java Programming. I'm having problem with the editor.
I'm running Eclipse on an iMac with a German keyboard. The keyboard shortcut for "Redo" action is Cmd+Shift+Z.
When I use this shortcut, a tiny window in the right down corner pops up and asks if I want "Inspect" or "Redo"...
In the preferences, I have three different "Inspect", (just one was with a shortcut, but it was something like Cmd+Shift+I). Anyway, I erased it to be sure.
Afterwards I tried again, but the same little window asks me for Insect or Redo. Now I don't know what to do.
I'm having the same problem with Cmd+R ("Run" action). For "Run" there is another keyboard binding.
In Eclipse preferences, I could not find both commands that are on the same shortcuts. Or better I found them but they are separate.
Go to the Keyboard shortcuts preferences :
Eclipse > Preferences > General > Keys
and unbind or rebind whatever is giving you trouble.
In your case, go to Inspect and remove the binding for Cmd+Shift+Z.
In some cases, removing the binding for a key command will remove all bindings for it so after you do so, check out Redo and make sure it is still tied to the command.

Choose-Command popup in Eclipse

I would like to ask if there exists some functionality in eclipse where it's possible to choose all available commands, instead of having to remember all the shortcuts.
Something like the command palette in sublime text 2. Where you by pressing ctrl+shift+p (windows/linux) get an input popup box where all availble commands can be choosen.
Does such a feature exists for eclipse, or should I develop it by myself?
Thanks in advance.
I just bumped into this feature by accident but looking up to see if I figure how to get to it. it looked like it popped up when I started typing after having launched eclipse without focusing on any particular view... more to come as soon as I find out for sure.
EDIT: Apparently when you first launch Eclipse the focus is on the "Quick Action" search box on the top right of the tool bar and that's where you can start typing command names for it to list and let you pick in good Sublime Text style. Not sure how to shortcut into the box other than clicking it, but apparently there's the feature.
EDIT#2: describes Ctrl+3 as being the shortcut to get there, on the Mac it translates to Cmd+3.
I haven't been able to find anything, so I have started on developing my own plugin.

Mac OS tab switching in Eclipse-based IDEs

When I'm in Mac OS X, I'm able to switch tabs in my browsers and in TextMate using a Command- keybinding. If I want to go to the first tab, I use Command-1, second tab Command-2, etc.
Is there a key binding in Eclipse based IDEs that will support this same functionality?
While using eclipse on OSX, for switching tabs use the following shortcut
Ctrl + fn + Up Cursor Key for moving towards left tab
Ctrl + fn + Down Cursor Key for moving towards right tab
Here Ctrl is not Command, it is Ctrl just like other OS.
Eclipse doesn't support a tab-index-based navigation. The default editor switch key binding as noted by other responders is CTRL+F6. You can configure this to your liking (Window > Preferences > Keys: Next Editor).
Another way to switch between editors is to use CTRL+E. This presents a dialog with all open editors. You can type in the name of the one in which you are interested. This comes in handy when you have numerous open editor tabs (and Eclipse has hidden tabs it is unable to show).
As far as know the only way to switch between tabs in eclipse is CTRL+F6 and CTRL/PAGEUP, CTRL/PAGEDOWN .
In OsX CTRL become CMD .
If you want to support the OSX based approach for a TabFolder, you will have to implement this yourself. E.g via an installed KeyListener on the tab folder.
If you want to implement this for the editors in the editor area of an Eclipse based IDE, you can do it via a new command with bindings for M1+1 to M1+9... but... please note that M1+1 is usually bound to "quick fix", M1+2 is bound to "quick assist", M1+3 is bound to "quick access", etc... So you will have a conflict...

What are the shortcut keys to change to the next and previous tab in Eclipse on Mac OS X?

I want to be able to switch from one file to another in the Eclipse editor (in the Java perspective) from the keyboard (and bind those key combinations to buttons on my mouse). What are the shortcut keys for switching the current tab to the next or previous?
Mac OS X:
Effectively Cntrl+page up/page down as given in the first comment for #wibbe01's answer.
According to this thread, switching editors are:
, which you can remap to:
Note, as mentioned in that same thread:
Command+E lists all the opened editors, allowing to quickly select one
Shift+Command+L lists all the active key bindings.
The bug 86248 helped introduced the Cntrl+↑ and Cntrl+↓, which Bjorn Tipling reports working on Mac with a Fn in front of it.
If I were you I would just go to the eclipse menu, then preferences. Under the general section of the tree there is a section called "Keys" In there you will find things for "Next Editor" or whatever other keyboard shortcuts you are looking for. Map them to what makes sense to you....then you're happy like this :) or maybe even like this :D.
In Eclipse's preference panel, go to Keys. The command is called Next Tab and Previous Tab, just map these to whatever you want. In my case since I normally use mvim are:
You can change all shortcut keys in preferences by pressing ctrl+shift+L 2 times . Switching tab in Eclipse (ctrl+F6) is not easy to press. So you can make it ctrl+tab or whatever you want.
Since I have my F keys mapped to the default setting, I had to use fn-command-F8
I figured it out by first confirming command-F8 was indeed mapped under command-shift-L

Anything similar to Emacs' buffer/window support for Eclipse?

I'm trying to make the switch from Emacs to Eclipse. One thing that seems to be missing is its buffer/window support.
I know in Eclipse I can drag an editor's tab title over to split the view, creating the equivalent of a new Emacs window, which is a step in the right direction.
I can't find any key bindings for this functionality, though. Ideally, I'd like to be able to set keys to split horizontal, split vertical, switch to next (there is a next editor, but I want the next window/whatever you call it), switch to previous, close this window split (not this editor), close all other editor window splits.
As it is, the only way I've found to close a split pane is to drag all the files over one by one until none are left. Things like this make working with split screens tedious in Eclipse.
Any help would be appreciated, hopefully there's something simple I'm missing.
Emacs+ has this exact behavior for Eclipse:
According to the keys preference there is an unbound command to open a new editor, which would open another tab rather than split the view. There is also an unbound command to close all other editors. Ctrl+W will close the current editor and Ctrl+F6 will switch between tabs. You can bind or rebind these to be closer to their Emacs equivalents. Alternatively there is an Emacs key map which you may find more helpful. Unfortunately I don't it's possible to split the view from the keyboard.
Try Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-Shift-Tab for cycling through tabs (buffers) and Ctrl-F4 for closing a tab. You can also look through the shortcut bindings in the eclipse configuration.