Running MGWT in Super Dev Mode does not pick up code changes - gwt

I was evaluating MGWT for the new mobile version of our website. So I downloaded the MGWT's showcase project and set it up in my Eclipse. I was able to compile the project and run it. I was then trying to set up the showcase to run in the Super Dev Mode environment which would help improve the development speed a lot. I followed the steps in Daniel's blog:
Everything was fine. I was able to start the Codeserver. I was able to see the Super Dev Mode popup when I opened up the app. I was able to request the Codeserver to recompile and I could see the compilation messages in the console. I could also see the generated JS files of the recompilation.
However, it seemed that the Codeserver did not pick up the changes I made. I tried to change a simple text, then asked the Codeserver to recompile, but the changes did not show after the recompilation. When I checked the new generated JS files, I could see that the Codeserver still used the old code to recompile.
When I restarted the Codeserver, the changes were recompiled correctly and I could see them in the app.
If anyone has a clue of what I might have done wrong, please let me know. I appreciate your help very much.

Just happened to find a solution to my own question:
Instead of adding the source folder to the classpath of the Codeserver run config as in Daniel's instructions, I added this source folder as part of the command line arguments using the -src argument (see here for more info).
So the arguments string for the Codeserver launch config should look like:
-bindAddress <codeserver-ip-address> -src <gwt-source-path> <gwt-module-name>


Issue running golang Hello World in eclipse

Alright, so just a disclaimer I suspect this question will be a duplicate of another question however I'm not even sure what to search for.
I have never used Eclipse or Golang before and am attempting to get a basic hello world application to work.
I have installed the goclipse plugin, created a new go package and go command source file. From what I have read to run a project in Eclipse you right click the package, select Run as then set the run configurations. The problem occurs when I attempt to select the go package as none shows up and if I leave it blank it throws a 'Go package not found' exception.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
EDIT: Upon the answers advice I have decided to go with the basic command line, however a friend did also recommend LiteIDE. I will "assume" tmichels answer is correct in regards to getting Go to work within eclipse.
If you don't use the GOPATH environment variable and you don't put your project folder under $GOPATH/src the compiler won't find it. As I see it goclipse lets you skip the GOPATH entirely but in this case you have to put your code under the src directory that you can see in the Project Explorer. See the related section of the goclipe documentation.
Although I think you make your life harder by using a full-fetched IDE for go development. Just use the command line tools. And it has the added benefit that you will actually understand what's going on (IDEs hide this from you).
So for building you can use go build or go install. The latter will copy the binary to your $GOPATH/bin directory. For running test just call go test or go test path/to/package. There is a hidden gem in the go tool: when you are working with multiple packages in the same directory you can use go test ./... to test all of them at once. This also works with other go commands.

Why can I not compile TypeScript anymore?

I'm doing some web development and I did a commit & sync via GitHub's Mac GUI, then I installed some Mac updates that required a restart (I don't know what the updates were). When I opened my project in PHPStorm again, I found this error when I tried compiling my TypeScript:
env: node: No such file or directory
I know the compilation was working before. My web application had no issues. This question deals specifically with me being able to do this yesterday, with no changes to the FileWatcher configuration.
I have my TypeScript Compiler in usr/local/bin/tsc (which I have checked as a valid path to a typescript compiler alias). When I click on the alias, It opens a terminal window and runs typescript, so I know it's there. PHPStorm also complains if I try to change the file path, saying I must pick a valid executable.
I modified my Environment Variables on the advice of Dan Clark's site but that hasn't changed anything. I don't have the reputation to upload a photo of my File Watchers Dialog.
Does anyone know why I am getting this error, and how it can be fixed? I mention GitHub because that's the last thing I did before things stopped working: a commit & sync, then a restart to install some Mac updates.
Both which node and which tsc point in the right direction. Just tsc also works.
My solution was to use the directory of the actual TypeScript compiler at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc
instead of
/usr/local/bin/tsc, which is the alias.
That lets me compile using the FileWatcher.
As for why this happened, it's still a mystery to me.

Can't get GWT Super Dev Mode to work

I've been having trouble lately with getting GWT dev mode to work. First I haven't been able to get IntelliJ 13 to work with dev mode on Mac, though it does work on Windows.
However, with the Firefox 27 release, the dev mode plugin no longer works. Apparently, this is going to be a permanent problem. And Chrome is soon to follow as Google will no longer be allowing access for those types of plugins.
So, the solution is supposed to be to use Super Dev Mode. However, as I said, I can't get this to work at all. I've tried through the IntelliJ IDE, but it looks like they've removed the Super Dev Mode checkbox when creating a new debug configuration.
So, I tried on the command line. Looks something like this:
java -cp $CLASSPATH -port 6667 -workDir ~/gwt-work -src ~/src/myProject/src/main/java
But, all I get is a stack with this:
[ERROR] Unable to find 'com/google/gwt/user/User.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?
Classpath has all the jars from my project WEB-INF/lib directory as well as all the gwt SDK jars. I'm kind of at a loss right now.
TL;DR How the hell do you get Super Dev Mode to work?
Here is great answer related to super dev mode. Check this out
Getting started with the SuperDevMode
This should solve your problem

How can I fix this Android SDK build problem in Eclipse?

I am using Eclipse for Android dev and everything was going fine until I tried to incorporate the facebook SDK. Now when I tried to back it out, there appears to be an artifact left behind that Eclipse tries to link the FB library?!?
[2010-11-17 18:50:22 - Library Project] Unable to set linked path var '' for library /Users/mobibob/Projects/workspace/facebook-android-sdk/facebook: Path variable name cannot contain character: ..
Any clue where this command / reference is in the build configuration? I have scoured it as best that I can, but I still get the same error.
Problem solved ... as it turns out, it was not so much the Facebook SDK but something that I did in the process of configuring the library reference. I am not entirely certain of how I misconfigured, but I was tweaking the various "path" settings such that, once when the automatic build tried to build my project, an import for android.R was added to my source module. This superseded com.myproject.R and would not resolve the values for resource references.
There were other problems with path order and setting that I modified during the troubleshooting that made it worse. Recreating the project without Facebook was the first step to discovery and fixing.
Either way, the lesson I learned is that the build error messages can misdirect one to the configuration when the problem is in the source code.

Vaadin - GWT error "module xxx may need to be recompiled

I'm ramping up on Vaadin and I'm getting this javascript alert whenever I try and run the demo apps.
GWT module 'com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.DefaultWidgetSet' may need to be recompiled
I've tried cleaning the project to no avail.
As I said, I'm ramping up so I'm sure there's some simple step I'm missing or a concept I haven't grasped.
I don't know anything about Vaadin, but there's a more general context in which this error occurs:
So long as you're testing in Eclipse, the dynamic coding of your app is still real Java coding being run in a JVM. This coding is made available through debugger that's accessible via a socket. You get a URL that looks like this:
with this codesvr thing being your eclipse-hosted debugger process for your Java code.
Before your app can run standalone, GWT has to translate your Java code to JavaScript; separate versions of the code are produced for each browser type (Firefox, WebKit, Opera, ...) and language that you want to support. Only once this is done can you access your app the usual way via
After weeks of running my app only in Eclipse, I'd managed to forget about the compiling-for-browsers step and wondered about the message. The way to fire up the compiler, if you're not using the Ant task, is to hit Google|GWT Compile in the project's context menu. That done, the JS in your app gets fleshed out and your app can run without Java on the client side.
And of course the message goes away.
It is a warning not an error. Does the app work? Otherwise you have to recompile the Vaadin widgetset. These might help too:
Often this message meens:
you're missing the ?gwt.codesvr= parameter in the URL (or have misspelled it).
your module uses the xs linker <add-linker name="xs" />. This is a known limitation and will be fixed in the future: Issue 4232: Allow Development Mode to work with XS Linker
You may need to clear the browser cache. It is possible that the compiled js that the browser is using is not the js that has most recently been compiled.
In Chrome you can see if the cached js is being used in the developer tools windows (ctrl + shift + i). In the size column it will say (from cache) instead of the actual size. You can then right click and clear the browser cache. ctrl + r to reload and the error should be gone.
Carl Smotricz is absolutely right.
Just Cleaning and Build Project on the topmost menu doesn't work.
You must use "Google | GWT Compile" on the context menu generated when right-clicking on your GWT project, prior to deployment.
The error may not be about not-adding "?gwt.codesvr=" at the end of host web page if he or she tried to deploy the GWT-based webapp on WAS external to Eclipse.
Server restart did the job for me.
I had tried clearing cache, clean and rebuild .. but i was still getting the same warning message.
Server restart made it reload all the stull from the latest compiled war.
It was a hit and trial and i am glad it worked :) :)