Vaadin - GWT error "module xxx may need to be recompiled - gwt

I'm ramping up on Vaadin and I'm getting this javascript alert whenever I try and run the demo apps.
GWT module 'com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.DefaultWidgetSet' may need to be recompiled
I've tried cleaning the project to no avail.
As I said, I'm ramping up so I'm sure there's some simple step I'm missing or a concept I haven't grasped.

I don't know anything about Vaadin, but there's a more general context in which this error occurs:
So long as you're testing in Eclipse, the dynamic coding of your app is still real Java coding being run in a JVM. This coding is made available through debugger that's accessible via a socket. You get a URL that looks like this:
with this codesvr thing being your eclipse-hosted debugger process for your Java code.
Before your app can run standalone, GWT has to translate your Java code to JavaScript; separate versions of the code are produced for each browser type (Firefox, WebKit, Opera, ...) and language that you want to support. Only once this is done can you access your app the usual way via
After weeks of running my app only in Eclipse, I'd managed to forget about the compiling-for-browsers step and wondered about the message. The way to fire up the compiler, if you're not using the Ant task, is to hit Google|GWT Compile in the project's context menu. That done, the JS in your app gets fleshed out and your app can run without Java on the client side.
And of course the message goes away.

It is a warning not an error. Does the app work? Otherwise you have to recompile the Vaadin widgetset. These might help too:

Often this message meens:
you're missing the ?gwt.codesvr= parameter in the URL (or have misspelled it).
your module uses the xs linker <add-linker name="xs" />. This is a known limitation and will be fixed in the future: Issue 4232: Allow Development Mode to work with XS Linker

You may need to clear the browser cache. It is possible that the compiled js that the browser is using is not the js that has most recently been compiled.
In Chrome you can see if the cached js is being used in the developer tools windows (ctrl + shift + i). In the size column it will say (from cache) instead of the actual size. You can then right click and clear the browser cache. ctrl + r to reload and the error should be gone.

Carl Smotricz is absolutely right.
Just Cleaning and Build Project on the topmost menu doesn't work.
You must use "Google | GWT Compile" on the context menu generated when right-clicking on your GWT project, prior to deployment.
The error may not be about not-adding "?gwt.codesvr=" at the end of host web page if he or she tried to deploy the GWT-based webapp on WAS external to Eclipse.

Server restart did the job for me.
I had tried clearing cache, clean and rebuild .. but i was still getting the same warning message.
Server restart made it reload all the stull from the latest compiled war.
It was a hit and trial and i am glad it worked :) :)


JSP project in RAD + Websphere, javascript changes lost

I'm working on JSP project in RAD 8.5.5 (when I tried to switch to Eclipse Kepler I've had the same issue) and WebSphere 8.0
When I change something in external JavaScript files which contain my own JavaScript functions I begin to get an error - 'function non defined' or even I lost part of code of this *.js page when I try to debug it in Chrome.
When I publish it to the server or rebuild it doesn't help. When I try to work without javascript cache in Chrome it doesn't work. Only after certain amount of time it begins to work. When I make changes in embedded JavaScript code on JSP page I haven't any problem, only I use my own function in external files.
What can it be? I lost a lot of time on this issue and it's annoying.
Thank you!
To overcome this issue you should do as following:
1.Prevent from browser to cache pages, in Chrome you can do it only developer tools are open : Disabling Chrome cache for website development
2.Perform 'Build project' from Eclipse(RAD). In some difficult case you have to do 'clean' on the server.
3.If you encounter unexpected delay while publishing try to delete all Breakpoints and Expressions from debug perspective.
4.Sometimes your server turning off and on every minutes by itself. To stop such behavior restart it in usual mode and then restart in debug mode.
Hope it will helpful to somebody.

Setting up libgdx in IntelliJ Idea with GWT Support?

So far the documentation doesn't include the set up of GWT project in IDEA, and my limited google skill can't find the solution. Is it possible?
If you generated your libgdx project using the gdx-setup.jar file, then you should import your project by using the following link:
HTML: View -> Tool Window -> Terminal, in the terminal, make sure you are in the root folder of your project. Then execute gradlew.bat html:superDev (Windows) or ./gradlew html:superDev (Linux, Mac OS X). This will take a while, as your Java code is compiled to Javascript.
Once you see the message The code server is ready, fire up your browser and go to http://localhost:8080/html. This is your app running in the browser! When you change any of your Java code or assets, just click the SuperDev refresh button while you are on the site and the server will recompile your code and reload the page! To kill the process, simply press CTRL + C in the terminal window.
Once this bug in the Gradle tooling API is fixed, we can simplify running the HTML5 by using the Gradle integration. At the moment, the Gradle process will run forever even if canceled.
Also just a heads up, after you have run the gradle command it might say something like this:
The code server is ready.
Next, visit: http://localhost:9876/
Building 91% > :html:superDev
Even though it says 91%, don't worry it will still work, just go here to run it: http://localhost:8080/html/, NOT the url mentioned in the log.
Also to deploy you need to run ./gradlew html:dist to generate production code, you want to copy everything inside ./html/build/dist/ to your server. Running that command produces the code in that directory.
I was able to make GWT work with libgdx simply by:
downloading ( the GWT SDK,
extracting it,
then in the project structure -> project-name-html -> dependencies,
just press the + and add the extracted GWT directory
A dialog appears and I just unticked all the samples
The "Dependencies Storage Format" needed to be "Intellij IDEA", not Eclipse for this to work for me.

Eclipse PDT + XDEBUG - source lookup not working entirely

I'm having trouble with a PHP project using Yii framework.
My setup is the following: Win7 + Eclipse4.2 + PDT 3.1 + Yiiclipse PDT extension + WAMP Server with XDEBUG enabled.
Pretty much everything works ok. The debug session starts, it's going through project's index.php source, but when it has to jump to framework's files, it doesn't open them up. I edited source lookup and added framework's local path but it simply cannot find them.
Here is a screenshot:
This isn't necessarily an answer - but your question isn't necessarily a question either, so I feel like this is fair game :D
I've had so many problems with Eclipse PDT + xdebug in the past with debugging, code completion, etc., that I gave up on it a while ago and switched to Netbeans for PHP Debugging. It's now the defacto standard on my development team for debugging PHP; even though we all still have our own favorite editors, when we need to debug we'll still use Netbeans.
Code completion, phpdoc 'tooltips' on completion, and debugging all work flawlessly for me regardless of what platform I'm developing on (Windows, OS X, Linux) and I cannot say the same about Eclipse PDT (code completion would often miss, I'd run into problems or crashes debugging,etc.) in my personal experience.
So, I apologize in advance if this is a non-answer to a non-question - but maybe try out Netbeans?
Are you sure, you can use Xdebug to debug Yii (or any other framework-based) applications at all? Since Yii introduces URL-rewriting based on MVC pattern, I think you can't.
I don't have much experience with Xdebug, but from what I have found I clearly see, that it (along with Eclipse PDT) strongly depends on URL shown in Eclipse's internal browser, when debugging.
So, taking for example an URL from your screenshot:
As you mentioned, Eclipse has correctly opened index.php, which is normal, as it is directly referenced in URL and you problably pointed it out as start file in debug configuration window.
Buth going further. How would you like Eclipse to understand, that route dispozitive (where route itself is a completely Yii concept (or similar framework) and Eclipse / Xdebug / PHP knows nothing about it) or that ?r=dispozitive URL parts corresponds to executing protected/SiteController.php file in your file system and calling default actionIndex() from it? So it could know it should open it in IDE and possibly stop execution on there defined breakpoints.
This process and concept (routing) is 100% authored by Yii and done by it internally, so how would you like Eclipse or Xdebug to know anything about it?
As I wrote, I don't have much experience in debugging Yii applications, but from what I have found until know, I clearly see, that you can't debug PHP applications with Xdebug, if they are using any kind of URL-rewriting methods. This technique (debugging with Xdebug) works IMHO only in case of applications, where URL changes directly reflects files in filesystem in your application contents.
EDIT: Additionally, check which version (package) of Eclipse you have? It turns out, that Helios package has some bugs and doesn't stops on breakpoints. Which makes it pretty useless for debugging process. You should consider using Galileo Package Eclipse for PHP Developers instead.

How to run GWT RequestFactory Validation Tool on Eclipse project

I've got a Android AppEngine Connected Project I'm trying to build using GWT2.4 RequestFactory and Objectify on my Eclipse IDE.
Apparently I need to run the RequestFactory Validation Tool because I'm using ServiceName and ProxyForName annotations (these are required especially when working on the Android client side). My problem is the Eclipse can't validate it and the solution provided at is enough to make me rip my eyes out.
Since I'm working on a Windows machine, the shell script provided is not very useful. Trying to run Validation Tool from a cmd propt returns the error message:"This tool must be run with a JDK, not a JRE"
Can someone explain how this Tool is supposed to be run? Is there a way to use it as an External Tool in eclipse?
Normally if you follow carefully the instructions in the link you show, and run the GWT Development Mode from Eclipse, the Validation should be done automatically at the time you access the development URL with your browser.
For the record, I've actually had some problems with it, but launching the application several times maked it work.
Well, I ran into the same problem as well. When I tried annotation processing (under Java Compiler-> Annotation processing )was being disabled. So RequestFactoryDeobfuscatorBuilder was not being generated. Try enabling that and rebuilding your project.
I've just recovered from two days of hunting this bug down in a project that used to run validation properly but stopped.
In my case I had a new-ish generic BaseRequestContext and a specific sub-interface that extended it. My parent interface declared a method that didn't match the Locator's exactly (e.g. getThing(T) vs get(T)) and this wasn't reported as an error but did stop the validation tool from completing.
Apt is also removed in Java 8 : . So beware.
Switching back to Java 7 will fix the issue if you are using Java 8.
I understood why the error happens sometimes in a project: the compiler was complaining it cannot find the directory .apt . But when I tried to create it manually it was not possible (under windows). I think the validation tool mutes the exception of not being able to create the directory: try renaming .apt in your validation tool calls (do a text search in your project)

Service code debugging question with GWT 2.1

I recently attempted to set new breakpoints in eclipse to debug service side code in GWT. For some reason eclipse refused to see the breakpoints or the new code changes I had made. In the debugger it would open up what appeared to be an ear file from somewhere. Even though I had deleted the old ears, compiled and redeployed the new ear files. We are using GWT 2.1, JBoss 4.3, java 1.6 and Eclipse Helios. Finally, when I created a new environment with the code from scratch it started working. Any ideas as to what was holding on to the old code? BTW, I had rebooted my machine and restarted eclipse, but it also didn't make any difference.
Current state of debugging GWT apps is ... well not really good. Sometimes it's incredibly slow (development mode), sometimes lot of rubbish stays at webserver.
This might not solve your problem directly, but here are some advices from me:
Writing new client code (/client) at GWT means refreshing browser
Writing new server code means "Reloading web server". You have little yellow "refresh" button in Eclipse in "Development Mode" tab. This should reflect all the changes done at server side.
Embedded Jetty works usually well with GWT debugging. If you are not doing something jboss-server-specific, it should also work fine at production server. Just make sure your unit tests pass ;-)
You can ofcourse debug GWT application on external server, see this section of documentation (I guess you do on JBoss)
Be sure to remove all old files when reloading web server. It happened to me, that sometimes there were some weird old mixed up files (I was using Tomcat though). So you might want to write own clean script.
You must be absolutely sure that your serever code even launched! Use lot of GWT.log() at client side, that will ensure you in this. Don't worry, GWT.log are ommitted in production mode.
Be sure to inspect client-side page, it sometimes help to find out that your server code didn't manage to launch.
Log every public void onFailure(final Throwable caught) { of your AsyncCallbacks to get more info.
Don't use Google Chrome in development mode. It's MUCH slower than Firefox.
Otherwise, if you're using most recent version of your application, Eclipse must stop at breakpoint correctly.
I think JBoss was somehow caching things in it's temporary files and then I had forgotten about adding source in. This may be a JBoss thing as I don't recall seeing it with other application servers before.
So after I cleared out the cache, what got me thinking about the source was the fact that eclipse would stop on the breakpoints in the debugger that I had just set, but I couldn't see the source files.
Prior to this I was apparently hitting the breakpoints in the cached files and I couldn't alter them by setting new breakpoints. That was the root cause of the issue. Then by adding in the source from the ear, I got the debugger in sync with the code and it started working fine.