How can I fix this Android SDK build problem in Eclipse? - eclipse

I am using Eclipse for Android dev and everything was going fine until I tried to incorporate the facebook SDK. Now when I tried to back it out, there appears to be an artifact left behind that Eclipse tries to link the FB library?!?
[2010-11-17 18:50:22 - Library Project] Unable to set linked path var '' for library /Users/mobibob/Projects/workspace/facebook-android-sdk/facebook: Path variable name cannot contain character: ..
Any clue where this command / reference is in the build configuration? I have scoured it as best that I can, but I still get the same error.

Problem solved ... as it turns out, it was not so much the Facebook SDK but something that I did in the process of configuring the library reference. I am not entirely certain of how I misconfigured, but I was tweaking the various "path" settings such that, once when the automatic build tried to build my project, an import for android.R was added to my source module. This superseded com.myproject.R and would not resolve the values for resource references.
There were other problems with path order and setting that I modified during the troubleshooting that made it worse. Recreating the project without Facebook was the first step to discovery and fixing.
Either way, the lesson I learned is that the build error messages can misdirect one to the configuration when the problem is in the source code.


Compiler Problems on MAUI RC1

I have an app that I started using the out of the box MAUI project template. I have been running it on both a local Android emulator and a remote Mac emulator. It had been working on both, and then today after running it on Android for a while, I changed the debugger to use the Mac emulator. It immediately refused to compile, and listed every Android class reference as "type or namespace [blah] could not be found". After playing with several things, I found that if I commented out the "using Java.Net" on the default MainPage.xaml.cs, all of the compiler errors went away. If I uncomment it again, then all 20 something compiler errors show up again. This is the out of the box MainPage.xaml that came with the project template, plus one click event handler that I added - is there some known issue here?
As I said, it was working fine for nearly two weeks, and then just went bananas on me today. Haven't added any nuget packages or anything like that - just been writing code.
You've described the issue in your question:
using "Java.Net" on the default MainPage.xaml.cs.
That won't compile for any platform except Android.
It doesn't exist on the default MainPage.xaml.cs (which you could have verified by creating a new project).
My recommendation: Start over with a fresh project. Add again whatever you added, and see if that using appears again. If it does, you've added something Android specific. Which doesn't make sense, on a cross-platform page.
If using does appear again, and you don't understand why, then add to your question the exact code which, when added to page, causes using; to appear.
If you were following some example, also add a link to the example web page.
I have a theory about how that using got there:
I bet you added a reference to some class which exists in namespace.
So Visual Studio gave you an option to add a "using".
If that happens again, and a "using" mentions Android or Java, DON'T add the using, UNLESS you are in a file inside your project's Platforms/Android folder.
Some class names exist both in an Android or Java namespace, and in a .Net or Maui namespace. In cross-platform code, pick the cross-platform using, not the platform-specific one. If they are in different namespaces, they are different classes - even if the names are the same.

How do I determine why the temp files are not being created?

Update: While a root cause has not been determined for these errors. I have been able to fix my issues via reimporting and reinstalling the Google AdMob Manual SDK all together.
New to this whole Stackoverflow, not sure if I should make that as the answer?
I'm attempting to install the Google AdMob module into my SwiftUI iOS application using the Manual SDK method located on their documentation page. The project throws no errors until I build the project, at that time it tells me "Build Succeeded" then tells me the below error. When I navigate to the path, I can get to the following directory however, there is no further file there...
I have ensure that the Info.plist is in the directory. I have also verified that the path is proper via the Build Settings.
Please try again later.
Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Users/PROFILE/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/DEVICE_UUID/data/Library/Caches/;
Extra info about "/Users/PROFILE/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/DEVICE_UUID/data/Library/Caches/":
Couldn't stat /Users/PROFILE/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/DEVICE_UUID/data/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
While a root cause has not been determined for these errors. I have been able to fix my issues via reimporting and reinstalling the Google AdMob Manual SDK all together.
In doing so I followed the Manual SDK Instructions, particularly I believe the root issue was some funky indentation or mishap in the Info.plist. That being said, if you run into a similar issue, I urge you to take a step back. Start a fresh blank project and attempt to implement the Google AdMob procedures in the blank project. This will eliminate the concern that your current code is causing any conflicts. Once completed and you have it working, mimic the steps within your core project.

Azure-DevOps clone shows references as warnings

Cloning a project and it looks like it comes down fine, until I look in the references and they all have the yellow warning triangle. Then my Error List shows all the references as Warnings. My application is on Visual Studio 2017 and it is MVC with C# coding using .NET Framework 4.7.2. In my normal application, original, the references are perfectly fine and no errors and it works great. Builds and works fine. Once I bring down the clone is then the references are lost. I've done a build on the cloned version and it shows all the references as warnings.
I've double clicked a reference and received an error popup box of "This project cannot be viewed in the object browser because it is unavailable or not yet built. Please ensure that the project is available and built". It feels like Azuredev-ops is just missing my references and their location. I am the only one working on this, so there should be no conflicts. I've posted and cloned right after posting, with same result. My code and Web configs look just fine. I have cloned on other people's system too, and same problem with this application. FYI, many of my other applications are working fine using the clone. Just 1 application is having issues. My references are separated in that some are Copy Local True while others are False. I've also removed a reference and added it back, and it comes back with a warning as if it were never added.
Warning message for individual reference:
The referenced component 'EntityFramework' could not be found.
I am also seeing errors for NuGet packages not being there, but when I look I see the package folder with all it's components in it.
It says that for all my windows core references. And just warning symbols in my reference folder for other references.
I am expecting no errors when I bring down the clone. I've upload using my machine and cloning should be able to use the same reference locations. It just feels like AzureDev-Ops is stripping my reference links out, and then going I can't find them.
Azure-DevOps clone shows references as warnings
To resolve this issue, you should make sure of the following:
Make sure you have checked those two options Allow NuGet to download missing packages and Automatically check for missing packages during build in Visual Studio:
Make sure you do not check the \packages folder to the source control.
When you clone the project from Azure-DevOps server and get missing reference error, you should use the NuGet command line Update-Package -reinstall in the Package Manager Console to force reinstall the package references into project. Check this thread for some more info.
Note: Especially need to pay attention to the third point.
According to the error message, it seems you are not add your packages to your packages source in Visual Studio.
You should publish your custom packages to the nuget feed or you can create you local nuget feed, then add the nuget feed path or local feed path to the package source:
Check this document for some more details.
Hope this helps.
I figured it out. I went to my original and did the Update-Package -reinstall. It came back with the Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompiler.Platform.2.0.0 not there, but it added one, just not 2.0.0. Then I ran an uninstall of the Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompiler removing it from my system. Then I posted my original up to AzureDev-ops. My clone came down, not all the references were messed up, some were still, but I did a rebuild and that cleared it up. Thank you to the responses, it pointed me in the right direction.

PyDev: not seeing module within project

PyDev 2.5 and Django 1.4
I'm very new to this, and am probably making some stupid mistake, but I've looked around and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong...
After creating a new app within my project and then adding it to INSTALLED_APPS in the project settings file, I attempt to run the server (RunAs --> PyDev: Django) and get:
Error: No module named < appname >
Originally I thought this was being caused by the error reported here (error creating
But updating to the nightly build solved that. (Note: The project's Django module settings field remains blank initially, but it seems to find it when I type it in manually).
Yet it still can't find the app/module. Maybe I am just missing something obvious here, but I'm really not seeing it.
Please let me know if you need more information.
This is probably an issue in the way you're writing your code and the PYTHONPATH that's configured...
For a better answer, please give more details on those (a screenshot from the pydev package explorer with your project structure and the INSTALLED_APPS setting should suffice).

Visual Studio 2010 Publish Web feature not including all DLLs

I have an ASP.NET MVC 2 application.
Web project contains a reference to SomeProject
SomeProject contains references to ExternalAssembly1 and ExternalAssembly2.
SomeProject explicitly calls into ExternalAssembly1, but NOT ExternalAssembly2.
ExternalAssembly1 calls into ExternalAssembly2
When I perform a local build everything is cool. All DLLs are included in the bin\debug folder. The problem is that when I use the Publish Web command in Visual Studio 2010, it deploys everything except ExternalAssembly2.
It appears to ignore assemblies that aren't directly used (remember, ExternalAssembly2 is only used by ExternalAssembly1).
Is there any way I can tell Visual Studio 2010 to include ExternalAssembly2?
I can write a dummy method that calls into ExternalAssembly2. This does work, but I really don't want to have dummy code for the sole purpose of causing VS2010 to publish the DLL.
None of these answers are sufficient in my mind. This does seem to be a genuine bug. I will update this response if I ever find a non-hack solution, or Microsoft fixes the bug.
Doesn't seem promising.
I am having this same problem (different assemblies though). If I reference the assemblies in my web project, then they will get included in the publish output, but they should be included anyway because they are indirect dependencies:
Web Project ---> Assembly A ---> Assembly B
On build, assemblies A and B are outputed to the \bin folder. On publish, only assembly A is outputed to the publish folder.
I have tried changing the publish settings to include all files in the web project, but then I have files in my publish output that shouldn't be deployed.
This seems like a bug to me.
I had the same problem with VS2010 and a WCF Service Application.
It turns out that if your (directly or indirectly) referenced DLL's are deployed to GAC, the VS publishing feature excludes them. Once I removed the assemblies from GAC, publishing feature started working as expected.
I guess VS is assuming that if your assemblies can be located in GAC on the machine you build, they will be located in GAC on the target machine as well. At least in my case this assumption is false.
My tests show that the external assemblies get published when I have a reference on them in the web project. I do not have to write any dummy code to make it work. This seems acceptable to me.
I agree with Nicholas that this seems to be a bug in visual studio. At least it escapes me what the reason for the behavior could be.
I have created this issue as a bug on Microsoft Connect. If anyone experiencing it could vote it up then hopefully we'll get something done about it.
If you go into the ExternalAssembly2 reference property list and change the "Copy Local" to "True" i think that might solve your issue.
I don't know if you are watching this still but I found the solution (I had the exact same issue) via this MSDN article. Under "build action" for the file choose "Content" that should include it in the list of files publish brings over.
I have created a new Connect bug here
I've also attached a solution and detailed steps to reproduce this issue. Lets hope this time they won't close it as Can't Reproduce.
Vote for this connect issue if you experience the missing dll problem.
Copy local did the trick. I had an issue that the Newtonsoft.Json assembly get included in the deploymeny package. Copy local was set to false.
I am experiencing the same type of issue with a web project. I have a web project that references assembly A which references assembly B. It worked fine for some time but today it was broken. I did a rebuild of the solution and this time it deployed everything correctly.
I had this same problem today. I published my web project and realized that not all of the reference DLL's were there. In particular, the indirect DLL references.
It turns out that the directory in which I was publishing to was out of disk space (network share). I had just enough space to publish all the files except for few indirect reference DLL's. The sad part is that VS08 didn't throw any errors. It just published the files are usual. I cleared out some HDD space and everything worked fine.
I didn't find the HDD space issue until I tried to manually move the DLL's over.
in my case it is quite tricky.
Reference to ExternalAssembly2 is not required to Build the project but vital for run-time since we use reflection to configure Unity container.
So, I delete the reference - build the project successfully, but get run-time error.
If I preserve the reference I can Build and Run the application but I cannot Publish it with ExternalAssembly2 - get run-time exception as well.
This is happen because of internal VS2010 assemblies optimization.
So, what we can do here?
1. Put some unrequired peice of code to use any ExternalAssembly2's class.
2. escape from reflection and use static assemblies linking.
Hope this helps to smbd.
I got the same problem and this is a VS2010 bug if there's a reference link like:
Web Project --> custom project --> assembly1 -->(indirectly) assembly2.
For now I find if I reference the Assembly1 in the web project, then assembly2 is included in the bin folder.
So I had to add an additional reference link like:
Web project --> assembly1 -->(indirectly) assembly2.
Then VS can recognize assembly2 and include its dll file in publish action.