Three20 integration in iPhone - iphone

I am new for iPhone application development. I want to make an photo album application. But I don't know how to show images like slideshow in iPhone. After searching on internet I got an information about three20 open framework. So I want to know about how should I start with three20. I also downloaded the facebook source from github.
I also got some information that if we use some private API of three20 then our app won't be accepted for apple store.
so please guide me.
Thank you

Apple referred indirectly to the three20 framework in their last Developer Conference and stated it is not necessary to use third party frameworks for photo viewer style scrolling applications. Three20 is fantastic coding, but is now outdated and solves a problem that has since been resolved by Apple's standard library code (e.g. photo scroller with zoom - Indeed Apple claim there was never a problem in the first place, but that there was insufficient documentation for developers to know how to do photo scrolling efficiently). Unless you want to implement the other specific three20 features you are best off avoiding using it. Check out the developer conference videos on advanced scroll views.
The most relevant video is from WWDC 2010 - assuming you have iOS dev center membership, you can check this, which is the most relevant:
and look for the session "Designing apps with Scroll Views"
Also check this one may be of interest:
and look for the video session "Advanced ScrollView Techniques"
Also check out the video on paged scrolling from WWDC 2012.


iOS Share Dialog?

I'm curious, is the standard "Share" dialog you see throughout a lot of iOS apps a standard SDK dialog or is everyone just mimicking the ones that Apple created for their apps like Safari? Or perhaps everyone is using ShareKit?
For instance, on iPhone you get a nice 3/4 modal dialog which does a vertical cover appearance, containing a bunch of shiny buttons:
While on iPad you see a "speech bubble" type dialog appear:
This seems too standard across apps to just be coincidence/people ripping off the look and feel.
The situation you presented in this specific case is caused by the fact that on iPad, the UIActionSheet is always presented within a popover controller, and on the iPhone it displays as in your example, withouth a Popover Controller (which is only available on the iPad)
I've written my own code for sharing using Facebook's SDK and the iOS5 Twitter integration so I've never used it but I believe there is a library you can use called ShareKit that will create the action sheets and sharing capability that you'd like. The "up-to-date"/"2.0" (I believe the original is no longer maintained) version is available here:
Apple provides the tools to make UI objects. The one you are looking at is "UIActionSheet".
Developers can bind methods to the tap events of the actionsheet.
Apple encourages developers to keep a consistent UI in order to make the overall use easier on the user.
Check out the Apple Human Interface Guidelines.

GestureRecognization like functionality for iPhone 3.1.3

Is there any way we can add the same functionality like Gesture recognization available for ios 4.0 + in iPhone 3.1.3
Please help with some links or codes available as i am unable to find it.
Also please inform is it really possible to do such smooth zoom+rotate in iphone 3.1.3
Thanks in advance
There is a way to do it, but you have to implement it all yourself. There was an example and some sample code of the "old" way to do it at WWDC. Go here to see the WWDC session videos and slides
Once you sign in and launch iTunes, click on "Application Framework" and check out session 120 - Simplify Touch Event Handling with Gesture Recognizers. Download the slides and video. There should be some sample code in there. Apparently there was a more in-depth example of this # the 2009 WWDC, but I wasn't there, but maybe you can find it on apple's developer site

iPhone framework for presenting lists and details about sales items

Instead of starting from scratch, I was wondering if there were any ready made iPhone functionality for presenting a store's item lists (small picture and main info) and detail pages (all images and full info).
All data is already stored in an online database and setting up Web Services or the like for communication is not a problem, but iPhone development experience is limited.
Do you know of anything of that nature that I might utilize?
Sounds like the perfect opportunity to develop a web application specifically for the iPhone. I can't remember the name of the book off the top of my head, but do know that it's offered by O'Reilly. The other upside is you will now have an app that's accessible by other devices also.
Here's the book, it even includes the hooks to interface natively to the iPhone.
A good place to start is looking through some of the code examples available at Apple's iOS developer site. I believe there is a 'Recipe List' example that might be similar to what you are looking to do. Hope that helps!

Are there any examples for how to integrate iAds into an application?

I'm looking for sample code or tutorials on how to implement iAds in my iPhone application. Can anyone guide me to any resources about this?
The iAd Programming Guide has detailed information on implementation.
In Interface Builder just drag and drop your ad into the window. In Xcode, right click on your frameworks folder and add the iAd.framework. It's really that simple.
For more advanced things, like hiding and rotating ads, you could start with the WWDC session videos if you're a registered developer. If you're not, get an account because it's a very nice program and you need it to get your apps published.
The session 112 video is a step-by-step, I used it to get my own iAds running, but otherwise try this link iAds. You still need a developer account.

iPhone (Xcode) interface builder resources

I am looking for resources (especially video) to show how to use Xcode's interface builder properly for iPhone development. For some reason it just doesn't click how everything fits together and how this should be used properly.
Aside from the example apps and videos on Apple's iPhone Dev Center, Pragmatic Programmers have a good book and some decent videos as well.
Another site is iPhone Programming Tutorial. It's free, but I am considering buying the videos and book mentioned by Abie.
Edit: Decided to look through my history and found this dead link.