iPhone (Xcode) interface builder resources - iphone

I am looking for resources (especially video) to show how to use Xcode's interface builder properly for iPhone development. For some reason it just doesn't click how everything fits together and how this should be used properly.

Aside from the example apps and videos on Apple's iPhone Dev Center, Pragmatic Programmers have a good book and some decent videos as well.

Another site is iPhone Programming Tutorial. It's free, but I am considering buying the videos and book mentioned by Abie.
Edit: Decided to look through my history and found this dead link.


Three20 integration in iPhone

I am new for iPhone application development. I want to make an photo album application. But I don't know how to show images like slideshow in iPhone. After searching on internet I got an information about three20 open framework. So I want to know about how should I start with three20. I also downloaded the facebook source from github.
I also got some information that if we use some private API of three20 then our app won't be accepted for apple store.
so please guide me.
Thank you
Apple referred indirectly to the three20 framework in their last Developer Conference and stated it is not necessary to use third party frameworks for photo viewer style scrolling applications. Three20 is fantastic coding, but is now outdated and solves a problem that has since been resolved by Apple's standard library code (e.g. photo scroller with zoom - Indeed Apple claim there was never a problem in the first place, but that there was insufficient documentation for developers to know how to do photo scrolling efficiently). Unless you want to implement the other specific three20 features you are best off avoiding using it. Check out the developer conference videos on advanced scroll views.
The most relevant video is from WWDC 2010 - assuming you have iOS dev center membership, you can check this, which is the most relevant:
and look for the session "Designing apps with Scroll Views"
Also check this one may be of interest:
and look for the video session "Advanced ScrollView Techniques"
Also check out the video on paged scrolling from WWDC 2012.

What are some good developer resources to make the move to iOS 5?

With Lion and the new Xcode and ARC and Storyboard and the little glitches that many of us have found in trying to make the move into iOS 5, it can be quite intimidating for a junior developer to make the jump.
I know there are similar questions that touch on specific tasks related to making the switch, but not quite what I and probably others are looking for.
So, what are some good resources to help iOS 4 and Xcode 3 developers make the switch to the new technology?
I had quite some success switching using the Apple WWDC 2011 videos concerning new technologies, especially ARC. If you want to spend a few dollars, I also would recommend iOS 5 by tutorials by Ray Wenderlich. if you are already somewhat familiar with the iOS 4 technologies. The book currently is not done but digital buyers get the current beta version which is almost complete. You can see the introductory chapters on the site as well , category iOS 5, and depending on your needs this may already enough to get a jump start in the new technologies.
Watch some of the WWDC videos (which you can get by going to http://developer.apple.com/wwdc and clicking on the "WWDC Videos" at the bottom of the screen). As far as I know, these are free for registered developers.
The "Intro" talks are probably the most illuminating, for developers just getting started in the process of figuring out what to do with iOS 5.
Here are useful links to help implementing storyboard :
Calling methods between view controllers using Storyboard
I have several iOS5 tutorials on my site and I have had extremely positive reactions to my Storyboard tutorial, it is slightly more in-depth that this previously mentioned. I also have a practical example with a Lamp backend that shows you how to communicate with an iOS device.
Would love to hear your thoughts on them.

List of iphone programming websites

Please put the great sites for learning objective c, essential things to iphone apps, UI codings like this with examples and codings....
I would recommend downloading the Stanford University videos using iTunesU in iTunes. Very informative and the course data and downloads are still available on Stanford's website.
The course page is here http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs193p/cgi-bin/drupal/
The videos are free in iTunes.
Apple's iOS Dev Center may be the most useful online all-in-one resource that you can find.
They provide coding how-to's, getting started videos, sample code, and other such general resources, combined with all of the technical knowledge (SDKs, reference libraries, etc.) that you'll eventually need.
In the very beginning I used resources from the Stanford University videos and then read some of the official iOS guides and references. Then I started working on an app project and tailored my learning around that. It's very difficult to learn all of iOS programming in one go without working on a project because the API is a lot to digest.
Once you've learned some of the iOS programming lingo, I would go ahead and use stackoverflow and the official developer forums to search for specific examples and solutions to the problem you are having while building your app.
Learn by doing!
Video tutorials are a good way to learn objective C. But i would suggest that at a initial stage it can help you but when you go deeper inside into programming want to play with objective C you should opt some time to look into the Apples Documentation. Apple's Documentation provides everything .
Dont miss thier Sample Code also.

iPhone framework for presenting lists and details about sales items

Instead of starting from scratch, I was wondering if there were any ready made iPhone functionality for presenting a store's item lists (small picture and main info) and detail pages (all images and full info).
All data is already stored in an online database and setting up Web Services or the like for communication is not a problem, but iPhone development experience is limited.
Do you know of anything of that nature that I might utilize?
Sounds like the perfect opportunity to develop a web application specifically for the iPhone. I can't remember the name of the book off the top of my head, but do know that it's offered by O'Reilly. The other upside is you will now have an app that's accessible by other devices also.
Here's the book, it even includes the hooks to interface natively to the iPhone.
A good place to start is looking through some of the code examples available at Apple's iOS developer site. I believe there is a 'Recipe List' example that might be similar to what you are looking to do. Hope that helps!

Interface Builder for iPhone tutorial

Anyone know of some tutorial material for how to use Interface Builder for iPhone development? I can find sample projects and stuff and that's extremely helpful, but they do not reveal how things where setup in Interface Builder.
The Pragmatic Programmers have some screencasts on building an iphone application. I haven't watched those, but I have watched some of their other videos and they were pretty good.
They've also got a free getting started with Xcode and Interface Builder episode, which may be what your looking for.
You can actually get a lot out of these screen-casts which are free as of now:
Note that they are very 'connected' to the Aaron Hillegass book on Mac programming (which is also a great resource). Some of them show him using IB (but of course not all). The book is more focused on Mac then iPhone, but if you're just trying to get going it's a great point of departure. I'm working on my first iPhone project and had never programmed with Objective C, XCode IDE and Interface Builder. I read the first 200 pages and used Apple's docs after that. Now it's been several months and I found the above screen-cast and wished I had that getting started! Good luck
The Pragmatic Programmers book iPhone SDK Development includes some Interface Builder walkthroughs.