Highlight Text in iPhone - iphone

I am developing an app in which I need to give the user the user to highlight some of the text in the given paragraph. The user will select some text and then highlight it. The functionality is same as Adobe reader ios app or iBooks.
After lot of brainstorming, I found UIWebView that could solve my problem. But it then create other critical problem regarding other app requirements. So I had to left that idea.
I still don't have any idea that how to proceed.

Try this sample code. I think it should help you with this question.


Is there any good tutorial for custom keyboard implementation in iOS?

I need to make a custom keyboard for a regional language "Tamil" and I had to bring in tamil font if the user presses the custom keyboard keys. Is that possible? If so any tutorial or resources available?
Thanks in advance.
http://cocoacontrols.com/platforms/ios/controls/amkeyboardnumberpad , it is a simple key board but you can see how it is implemented for a quick start.
This site has really good open source controls for IOS. Hope it helps

Highlighting a string in a pdf iphone

I'm developing a book app.My client has provided all the contents of pdf.
I have already implemented all the contents of pdf to book.
But he wanted to highlight a text in that pdf.
The user would like the text to allow for highlighting (like if you're reading a paper book).
Is this possible? Can anyone help me on this, please?
Thanks in advance.
Theoretically yes.. depends on a bit hacking and other things, for example fonts used in the PDF. Have a look at PdfKitten, their demo project can find text in a PDF and highlight it. That should give you a first pointer on how to highlight. If you want to the user to highlight with the touches you would need to be able to transform locations of touches into the PDF to determine where exactly the user touched, but it should be possible.

What can be used instead of tooltip in iphone app?

What can be used instead of tooltip in iphone app?
Best alternative of tooltip in touch screen systems?
Tooltips are generally reserved for operating systems that have a cursor. In touchscreen applications, tooltips should not be needed at all. When your application is in use, the user should always know where the menus are, what all of the buttons do, etc, simply because they have been labeled clearly with a text explanation or an image.
If you need the use of tooltips in your application, you need to rethink your design.
Be Succinct.
I believe tooltips are still viable in form of short timed message. For instance, you may show dialog when button can be single-clicked or long-pressed. How else would you describe to user that functionality. None of the solutions above seem to work in this case. I guess timed message, some kind of dialog and help file are only options. Or am I missing something?
You don't. Instead apply a stronger preference for text buttons over buttons with an icon. Sometimes a footer message describes the current status in more detail.
(this is just me, interpreting Apple app design as good practice)
Tooltips can be useful especially for icons or image that are not or cannot be labeled and also for multilingual apps where different text lengths must be taken into account. It's not always a question of rethinking your whole design, for me it depends on the context of your app. An design doesn't fail just because tooltips have to be added.
Safari on iPhone and iPad uses the method touch and hold on a link. This very near the actual hover and hold for desktop apps. This is also the direction we are looking at in my company.

Is UITextView enough for a simple writing app?

I'm trying to make a simple writing program, like Notes app for iPad, with a custom keyboard.
From OmniGroup's text editor open sources, I learned that UITextInput is mainly required to develop great text editor capable of having several fonts and size in one editor.
But it seemed tough to implement a lot of methods in UITextInput Protocol in order to build a text editor from scratch.
Do you think UITextView is enough to make a simple writing program?
Do most writing apps in AppStore use their own framework using UITextInput?
Thank you!
UITextView is the ideal view to display and edit multiple lines of text. You can format the text using font, size and color. The only formatting restriction is that you can have only one text format for the whole view. The Notes app written by Apple is a typically use of UITextView.
Check Apple documentation for more...

Changing text of copy&paste buttons

I would like to localize my app but I can't figure how to change text in copy and paste and other other buttons. I tried to google but that is way too much irrelevant info about iphone copy/paste :/
any help is greatly appreciated
If you use the system-supplied controls, the localization is handled for you by Apple, as it is for other items, like Edit or Done buttons in the table views.
Ok, setting "Localization native development region" inside .plist file to preffered language seems to do the trick