Changing text of copy&paste buttons - iphone

I would like to localize my app but I can't figure how to change text in copy and paste and other other buttons. I tried to google but that is way too much irrelevant info about iphone copy/paste :/
any help is greatly appreciated

If you use the system-supplied controls, the localization is handled for you by Apple, as it is for other items, like Edit or Done buttons in the table views.

Ok, setting "Localization native development region" inside .plist file to preffered language seems to do the trick


Highlight Text in iPhone

I am developing an app in which I need to give the user the user to highlight some of the text in the given paragraph. The user will select some text and then highlight it. The functionality is same as Adobe reader ios app or iBooks.
After lot of brainstorming, I found UIWebView that could solve my problem. But it then create other critical problem regarding other app requirements. So I had to left that idea.
I still don't have any idea that how to proceed.
Try this sample code. I think it should help you with this question.

What is the simplest and the fastest way to make manual for the iPhone app?

I have developed some app and want to add some manual for it. I mean, that there is button "Info" in the main menu of the app, so pushing this button, will appear that manual with text and images. I just need advice for the optimal solution, thanks.
I recommend using a UIWebView for this. It allows the simplest way to customize the view fully in terms of fonts, images, layout, etc. Just write an html file, add it to the project, and set it as the page for the UIWebView.

iPhone keyboard in UIWebView, how to change the language of next/previous and done buttons

UIWebView's keyboard is pretty cool with its next/previous and done buttons. However, I was not able to find and change the button titles. The titles are always in english no matter in which language the system is running.
I have been looking for the answer to this for a while for my PhoneGap based application, and at last I found the answer here: UIWebview Localization.
The clue is to set 'CFBundleAllowMixedLocalizations' to 'Yes' in your info.plist. That really made my day :)
Unless you have your own keyboard designed by you which overrides stock one, you can't do that.
Stock keyboard's language is taken from iOS language setting (via Preferences > General > International).
You can set your own view on top of the keyboard. It is really easy after 3.2 and I have some sample code in this answer. That means you can use your own buttons and even set localized text there.
EDIT: That was a bad answer :) Sorry, I didn't see the 'mobile-safari' tag. But in my case, I also get localized versions of the keyboard previous/next buttons.

UIWebview Localization

On a localized Iphone (Language set to Hebrew) when we view a webpage using safari and tap on an input field we get the keyboard up with the "Next/Previous/Done" buttons in Hebrew.
When we view the same webpage using a UIWebview embedded inside our application the "Next/Previous/Done" buttons are always in English.
We were thinking that we might need to add a translation file for those fields but we do not know the keys to use.
Any pointers on this?
Edit: Started a bounty to hopefully get some pointers.
Edit: Attaching two pictures
In your info.plist you can set a value called CFBundleAllowMixedLocalizations, if you check that everything should be translated to the right localized language.
You seem to be knowledgable, but have you tried creating the UIWebView in Interface Builder, then create a localization on the .xib file?
It seems the right way to go, since the keyboard pops up without app intervention; Cocoa Touch is the one to handle that. I think those extra buttons are not part of the keyboard per se, but added by the WebView.

Is UITextView enough for a simple writing app?

I'm trying to make a simple writing program, like Notes app for iPad, with a custom keyboard.
From OmniGroup's text editor open sources, I learned that UITextInput is mainly required to develop great text editor capable of having several fonts and size in one editor.
But it seemed tough to implement a lot of methods in UITextInput Protocol in order to build a text editor from scratch.
Do you think UITextView is enough to make a simple writing program?
Do most writing apps in AppStore use their own framework using UITextInput?
Thank you!
UITextView is the ideal view to display and edit multiple lines of text. You can format the text using font, size and color. The only formatting restriction is that you can have only one text format for the whole view. The Notes app written by Apple is a typically use of UITextView.
Check Apple documentation for more...