Where to find the snippets in Eclipse Juno / Kepler Classic? - eclipse

In previous versions of Eclipse (like Helios), the snippets where in
Window > Show View > General > Snippets.
Now it seems that I can't find them anywhere.

They are still under
Window > Show View > General > Snippets.
but if you can't see them, you need to install the "Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools".
Check the screen below:


Eclemma on Eclipse Neon (I can't find icon on toolbar)

I installed Eclemma on Eclipse Neon and the guide says I should be able to find an icon on the toolbar like above. However, I cannot find it and I searched online about this problem and saw some people having trouble with it. But I haven't found a solution to it..
I uninstalled and re-installed Eclemma but I still can't find the icon.
I’ve just had the same problem and a web search led me to this page. If you are using Windows 7 and Eclipse Neon, I found I could get the coverage button to appear (and work) if I:
Run Eclipse as administrator (right click and look for the menu item)
Install Eclemma as normal.
If prompted to restart Eclipse, click on “no”.
Manually close Eclipse
Run Eclipse again as administrator.
From eclipse open Window > Perspective > Customize Perspective
Go to "Action Set Availability" tab
In the "Available action sets" pane check "Java Code Coverage" checkbox
Click Ok
Use the keys CTRL + SHFT + F11! It worked on my windows 10.

Remove part of toolbar eclipse [duplicate]

I have installed Eclipse Mars and have also installed the Jboss Tools from the eclipse marketplace.
My issue is that after installing the JBoss tools, I seem to have a set of controls for the server in my menu bar, that have been created in the Early Learning Centre style. I've tried the Window > Perspective > Customize Perspective menu option, but still I am left with this awful menu. Does anyone know how to stop it from showing on my toolbar?
Ok, After some more specific searching, I found the answer at this link:
"To disable the new Launch Bar, select Window > Preferences >
Run/Debug > Launching > Launch Bar > uncheck [ ] Enable the Launch
and it works a charm!

How can I remove Eclipse Mars Jboss Tools Toolbar item

I have installed Eclipse Mars and have also installed the Jboss Tools from the eclipse marketplace.
My issue is that after installing the JBoss tools, I seem to have a set of controls for the server in my menu bar, that have been created in the Early Learning Centre style. I've tried the Window > Perspective > Customize Perspective menu option, but still I am left with this awful menu. Does anyone know how to stop it from showing on my toolbar?
Ok, After some more specific searching, I found the answer at this link:
"To disable the new Launch Bar, select Window > Preferences >
Run/Debug > Launching > Launch Bar > uncheck [ ] Enable the Launch
and it works a charm!

Snipmatch and Code Recommender plugin does not work together in the Window Builder editor in Eclipse

after i installed snipmatch plugin to eclipse mars, i could not see code assist proposals in eclipse. i want to see code proposals from code recommenders plugin. it is very usable.
after installed the plugin, it can be seen as below.
after hitting ctrl + space, it can be seen as below.
i could not configure eclipse to see proposals. by the way snipmatch plugin works in eclipse. how can i correct this ?
I am a committer of the Code Recommenders project. This happens because of our change for Bug 470372. In order to prevent errors when working with other Java editors, we disable Code Recommenders proposals for editors other than the standard Java Editor.
Since you installed the newest version of Snipmatch, you also updated to the newest version of Code Recommenders, which includes this change.
In your case, you opened the Java File with Window Builder, which includes a Java Editor.
If you open it in the standard Java Editor instead (Right Click > Open With > Java Editor) and try content assist, I believe you will see the proposals again.
Another workaround would be to disable Code Recommenders and use the standard JDT proposals. They won't give you proposals with percentages, but at least you'll have them. To do so, go to Preferences > Code Recommenders > Completions and uncheck Enable Code Recommenders code completion.
I have opened Bug 474318 to track this issue with Code Recommenders and WindowBuilder.

How do I find and use my plugins in Eclipse?

I installed the WindowBuilder plugin to Eclipse a few minutes ago.
This is my first time using plugins, so I am very confused.
Is there a button or something to activate the plugin?
If not, how do I run it?
Plugins can contribute various things to Eclipse, like menus, popup menus, toolbar items, views, editors, . In fact most of Eclipse's "core" functionality is based on plugins. So you typically will not find a single button to use a plugin but just use the functionality that is provided by the plugin.
With Windowbuilder those are editors for visual classes that you can use for your classes (automatically or by right-clicking a class and selecting Open With > WindowBuilder Editor) plus wizards for creating new visual classes (File > New > Other... > WindowBuilder > [Specific framework]). Then when using the visual editor you use the plugin.
Some plugins provide separate perspectives, then it is more obvious you are working with a plugin.