How do I find and use my plugins in Eclipse? - eclipse

I installed the WindowBuilder plugin to Eclipse a few minutes ago.
This is my first time using plugins, so I am very confused.
Is there a button or something to activate the plugin?
If not, how do I run it?

Plugins can contribute various things to Eclipse, like menus, popup menus, toolbar items, views, editors, . In fact most of Eclipse's "core" functionality is based on plugins. So you typically will not find a single button to use a plugin but just use the functionality that is provided by the plugin.
With Windowbuilder those are editors for visual classes that you can use for your classes (automatically or by right-clicking a class and selecting Open With > WindowBuilder Editor) plus wizards for creating new visual classes (File > New > Other... > WindowBuilder > [Specific framework]). Then when using the visual editor you use the plugin.
Some plugins provide separate perspectives, then it is more obvious you are working with a plugin.


I am not able to drag and drop in the objectAid plugin of the eclipse IDE

I have to generate UML diagrams from a project in java.
I am familiar with eclipse as well as intelliJ IDE.
I am not able to drag and drop in the objectAid plugin of the eclipse IDE.
In order to drag and drop in the objectAid plugin of the eclipseIDE and other IDE based on eclipse, you have to view your project as set of packages in explorer
As shown in the image
instead for viewing it as set of a simple folders

Why does my Eclipse toolbar not contain "Show Preview" or themes? How can I customize it to include them?

I have added the Aptana 3 plugin, and in my Web perspective, not matter how I try to customize, I can't seem to add the "Show Preview" tool to my toolbar for my Web perspective.
How can I customize it to contain "Show Preview"? Without having to search for it every time through "quick access"?
I'm currently running:
Eclipse Standard/SDK
Version: Luna Release (4.4.0)
Any help is appreciated! Eclipse was recommended to me for web programming, rather than NetBeans, so I'm trying hard to figure out how to use it.

Eclipse pom.xml content assistant

I'm new to Eclipse. I'm using Eclipse Kepler to create Maven project, everything works fine except when i'm working with pom.xml the content assistant doesn't give me auto complete just like Netbeans does. Below is the screenshot from Netbeans
My question is can Eclipse be like that in term of gives me auto complete on pom.xml?
Do i need plugin for it?
thank you
There are basically 2 ways for doing that:
Refer to the XML's DTD/XSD in its header, so the simple Eclipse XML editor can help you in a minimal way (e.g., check well-formedness, offers Ctrl+Space assist, etc.).
A better option is to install m2e which is the official Eclipse Maven integration plug-in. It should be available through the Install new software... menu item by default, just search for it. It has quite a heavy support for Maven projects (specific editors, repo browsers, it does update the project configuration automatically, helps you select the dependencies, hanldes multi-module projects, makes easier to import Maven-based projects, etc.)
How to Setup Maven AutoComplete:
1) Download and install the maven plugin into Eclipse. I think the link is this
2) In Eclipse, go to Windows tab -> Preferences
3) Got Maven folder from the left-hand menu. Make sure the three boxes I circled are checked. Click Ok
One of the boxes lets you do AutoComplete. I forget which one.
4) Right-click on your project and go to Maven -> Update Project.
5) You're now done! You should be able to do autocomplete by pressing Control+Spacebar:

How to create a UI in eclipse?

I have downloaded eclipse i'm trying to create a form in eclipse, where i can see the tools with texbox, button..etc in eclipse ? please help me to get the toolkit. I used the toolkit in Visual Studio, is there any toolkit for eclipse? I'm using Eclipse Indigo, in vista system.
For desktop apps (Swing or Eclipse SWT), there's WindowBuilder. It's one of the core features that is included in the Eclipse for Java Developers package you can download from If you downloaded a different Eclipse package, use Help > Install New Software to install WindowBuilder into your Eclipse.
For web pages, the Eclipse for Java EE Developers package includes a Web Page Editor with source view and "design" view. Design View has a palette of components that you can drag and drop to construct a page.

Which file has the Eclipse help menu contents

I want to add my own sub menu option under the help menu of Eclipse SDK. Which file has the menu and submenu details.
Assuming that you want to extend Eclipse with a new plug-in, when you create a new "Plug-in Project" in Eclipse, this new project contains a file named plugin.xml.
This file can be used to define the extensions that the plug-in will add to Eclipse.
More information on this can be found in the following references:
Introduction to Eclipse Plugin Development
Extending Eclipse - Plug-in Development Tutorial
Contributing Actions to the Eclipse Workbench
Regarding the menus themselves and their possible extensions, you can read the Eclipse documentation here.
I hope this helps.