Eclemma on Eclipse Neon (I can't find icon on toolbar) - eclipse

I installed Eclemma on Eclipse Neon and the guide says I should be able to find an icon on the toolbar like above. However, I cannot find it and I searched online about this problem and saw some people having trouble with it. But I haven't found a solution to it..
I uninstalled and re-installed Eclemma but I still can't find the icon.

I’ve just had the same problem and a web search led me to this page. If you are using Windows 7 and Eclipse Neon, I found I could get the coverage button to appear (and work) if I:
Run Eclipse as administrator (right click and look for the menu item)
Install Eclemma as normal.
If prompted to restart Eclipse, click on “no”.
Manually close Eclipse
Run Eclipse again as administrator.

From eclipse open Window > Perspective > Customize Perspective
Go to "Action Set Availability" tab
In the "Available action sets" pane check "Java Code Coverage" checkbox
Click Ok

Use the keys CTRL + SHFT + F11! It worked on my windows 10.


Remove part of toolbar eclipse [duplicate]

I have installed Eclipse Mars and have also installed the Jboss Tools from the eclipse marketplace.
My issue is that after installing the JBoss tools, I seem to have a set of controls for the server in my menu bar, that have been created in the Early Learning Centre style. I've tried the Window > Perspective > Customize Perspective menu option, but still I am left with this awful menu. Does anyone know how to stop it from showing on my toolbar?
Ok, After some more specific searching, I found the answer at this link:
"To disable the new Launch Bar, select Window > Preferences >
Run/Debug > Launching > Launch Bar > uncheck [ ] Enable the Launch
and it works a charm!

How can I remove Eclipse Mars Jboss Tools Toolbar item

I have installed Eclipse Mars and have also installed the Jboss Tools from the eclipse marketplace.
My issue is that after installing the JBoss tools, I seem to have a set of controls for the server in my menu bar, that have been created in the Early Learning Centre style. I've tried the Window > Perspective > Customize Perspective menu option, but still I am left with this awful menu. Does anyone know how to stop it from showing on my toolbar?
Ok, After some more specific searching, I found the answer at this link:
"To disable the new Launch Bar, select Window > Preferences >
Run/Debug > Launching > Launch Bar > uncheck [ ] Enable the Launch
and it works a charm!

How to hide/disable CDT launchbar?

I've updated my Eclipse IDE recently and a new launchbar appeared after the CDT update.
I really don't like it, which is why I'm trying to get rid of it. I haven't yet found a way to hide or disable it...
Do you know how I could do this ?
Here's a snapshot of the launchbar :
The LaunchBar ( comes as a dependency of "C/C++ Qt Support" (, so you need to either un-install the Qt Support CDT component, or disable the LaunchBar in Eclipse preferences:
The launchbar used to come as a plugin for the CDT, which is probably how you got it, but it was later (in the Mars release) was moved to be a standalone feature - which is probably what #Doug Schaefer refers to.
If you have the new version of the Launch Bar that is installed as a feature, you can go to Help -> About Eclipse and click the "Installation Details" button. In the "Installation Details" under "Installed Software" you should see the "Launch Bar" and be able to uninstall it. Note that if you had the Launch Bar installed previously as a plugin, it will still remain on your system after you have removed the Launch Bar feature.
Regardless if you have the feature version or the plugin version (or both), you can also just hide it using the Eclipse preferences: Run/Debug -> Launching -> Launch Bar, and there would be 2 or 3 check boxes - just uncheck all of them (or just the first actually) and you should be good to go.
I'm not sure how you got it. The LaunchBar isn't part of the CDT. Only the new Arduino CDT uses it.
To remove it, find the org.eclipse.launchbar feature and uninstall it.

Installation of EPIC within eclipse juno

I'm installing EPIC within eclipse but always get an error:
Unable to read repository at
I tried the second answer in this post which is:
1) add the line in eclipse.ini: = true
2) delete eclipse/p2/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository/cache directory
But still get the error. However I can install CDT correctly.
I'm using Mac OX Lion and Eclipse Classic 4.2.1 the mac os 64bit version. I also tried to switch to 32bit version but didn't work. Any help is appreciated.
There are 2 ways to install EPIC in Eclipse:
Way One:
Open Eclipse
Go to Help -> Install New Software and click Add button
Enter Name as EPIC and Location as follows: (for the stable 0.5.x, older version of EPIC) (for the most recent 0.6.x version)
Follow the instruction of eclipse pop up
After successful installation go to Window -> Preferences and observe the list as "Perl EPIC" at
left side panel
Way Two:
Open Eclipse
Go to Help -> Eclipse Marketplace
Type EPIC at Find text box and click Go button
Click Install button at "EPIC - Eclipse Perl Integration" area
Follow the instruction of eclipse pop up
After successful installation go to Window -> Preferences and observe the list as "Perl EPIC" at
left side panel
This is another posible answer, besides the ones already provided.
I just hit this, and it was a firewall rule the issue.
In fact the file content.xml doesn't exist on the plugin update (it has instead a site.xml) but that is what the error says when it cannot reach outside world
Solution would be to just open ports 80 and 443 to Eclipse
PS: this happened to me while installing a new version of Eclipse which was not whitelisted in the firewall rules
Remove the site from your "Available Software Sites".
1) Go to "Help" > "Install New Software" > "Available Software Sites"
Find the URL you mentioned in the list and delete it.
Note: Then install EPIC from marketplace if required.

How to install TestNG plug-in for Eclipse

I tried installing the testng plug-in for long time but eclipse is showing an error as below:
"No repository found as the location".
I have also tried to download and install the plug-in but the same error pops up.
Way 1: For the Eclipse plug-in, we suggest using the update site:
Open Eclipse
Go to Help -> Install New Software...
Click Add button to go to Add Repository prompt
Enter Name as TestNG. In Location text box, enter the following URL -> Click Add button
Make sure the check box in the list is checked and click Next.
Eclipse will then guide you through the process.
After installation follow the steps below:
Restart eclipse
Go to Window-> Preferences and observe the left panel
TestNG is enlisted
For Installation details visit the following site:
Way 2: TestNG can also be installed in Eclipse by using Marketplace. Below are the steps:
Open eclipse
Go to Help -> Eclipse Marketplace...
Do search for TestNG (Type the text TestNG in Find text box > Click Go button)
After searching: Click Install button at TestNG for Eclipse area
Follow the further instructions by eclipse
Maybe you misspelled the URL of the update site?
If you are trying to install from and it won't work, delete spaces in the string :-)
To install TestNG in Eclipse, follow the steps below :
Go to 'Help'
Click on 'Install New software'
Click on 'Add'
Enter Location -
Click Next and Finish
Restart Eclipse.
Copy the link to notepad and copy from notepad to eclipse IDE. It worked :) Looks like using it as a hyperlink has issue.