Editing netbeans.config to set jdk path results in an error - netbeans

Hi I recently upgraded to windows 8.
For some reason after I installed netbeans it did not point to my instalation of jdk.
I had this problem before under windows 7 and I modified the path by editing the netbeans.config file.
I tryed to do the same thing but for some reason when I try to save the file in notepad++ I get an error stating that the file is opened in another program.
I tryed doing the same with wordpad an there I got the error that access is denied.
I restarted my computer two times same problem still persists.
Is there any other way of setting the path for the jdk?Maybe from any of netbeans option?

i was trying to this but that didn't work for me cause i need privileges..
My solution:
Just open notepadd++ as Admin and then you can do whatever you want..
If that doesn't work, delete the file and then create a new one with the same content(don't forget to run notepad++ as admin)

copy the content of netbeans.confg
delete it
create new file with the same name
past and perform your edit

Make shure netbeans isn't open when you edit the config file.
If setting of netbeans_jdkhome in the netbeans.conf doesn't work, you can outcomment it (insert a # before). Now netbeans will use the default JDK installed. However, you a proper path for java is required (and JAVA_HOME).
Its also possible to set the JDK by commandline argument: --jdkhome <dir>
Setting JDK by command line
Netbeans.conf - see JDK part


Eclipse Popping in Unexpected error [duplicate]

I recently decided to start trying Android app development, so I downloaded the Java SE Development Kit 8 (x86) for Windows (I got Windows 8 64bit, but my guide recommends getting the 32bit one), the Android SDK, and the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (x86).
However, my Eclipse won't launch when I double click eclipse.exe! Instead, I get the following error message:
I tried adding Java to my Path variable in my Environment variables as suggested in some of the solutions I looked up, but it still doesn't launch properly.
Anyone know what else I can try? Also, if possible, please do not use super-technical vocabulary as I'm new to these kinds of stuff and will not understand you...thank you haha :D
I had the same issue and was trying to install different versions of JDK: 1.6, 1.7, 1.8.
It didn't help much.
The problem was resolved when I changed PATH variable by removing
In command prompt I also ran following commands:
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25
set PATH=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\bin;%PATH%
But I think the most important was to remove C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath; from the PATH.
I know exactly how to solve your problem. Go to search and put in environment, a prompt will come up and ask you to "Edit environmental variables for your account" click that and a window will pop up. There will be the current paths which are running on the top (you should have your JDK version running, mine is 1.8) and on the bottom part there will be paths to choose from. Select (on the bottom part) the java path and delete it, then click okay. This should work.
If it didn't work, You may also add a new path to the java bin folder which worked for me.
Here is an alternative:
As described here, make sure that you have the -vm option set in your eclipse.ini file.
It must be an absolute path and on 2 separate lines:
<Absolute Path>\javaw.exe
Save your .ini and relaunch Eclipse
One line answer, remove 'C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;' from your path variable. It will start to work.
Most errors with starting eclipse happen due to multiple JRE or JDK version which makes the installer go nuts.
Solution: Go to Control Panel -> Uninstall Programs
If you're running 64-bit java, then uninstall all Java without the 64bit indicator. If 32-bit, then uninstall all that have 64-bit
It works like magic!
What worked for me was having installed adoptopenjdk11 using Chocolatey package manager:
choco install adoptopenjdk11

Can't use drop down menus of Mulestudio on Ubuntu13.10

I just newly upgraded my ubuntu to 13.10, and I found the menus of Mule Studio (64-bit linux) upon the unity bar freezing up, i.e. can't open any menu from there.
Has anyone else come across the same issue? And is there a possible solution?
Create a file with any Name. Example. Mule
Add the following line in to the file
Exec=env UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 /opt/MuleStudio/MuleStudio
Make sure the path /opt/MuleStudio/MuleStudio is your MuleStudio executable path
Save the file and Exit
Got to command prompt and execute the below like to give executable permission to the file.
~$ cd [your file path]
~$ chmod 777 Mule
and then execute the file using the below command,
~$ ./Mule
Now you can get your Menu in your Mule studio...
Hope it helps.
The problem is caused by a bug in Ubuntu affecting both eclipse and studio. I was able to work around it by following the steps available here

PhoneGap command not recognized

I have followed the directions on PhoneGap's website and installed PhoneGap using the command prompt on Windows. However, after it has installed I try to run the command 'phonegap' and I get an error saying that 'phonegap' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. How do I fix this? Thanks.
You might need to add phonegap to your classpath variable, in order to let the prompt know where the phonegap .exe file is located.
Try writing the full path of the exe file, if that runs, then what I mentioned above should solve your problem.
Just looked at the install page at phonegap.com (http://phonegap.com/install/). Very scarce on the information I would say.. But I still recommend investigating the above.
The Problem with enthronement variable for default path of your your current user. Follow the steps.
Click the Start menu and type "regedit" on the search box. This will launch the Windows Registry Editor program.
Enter to the following Registry entry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings
Select the "Enabled" entry in the right side window. If this entry is there, right-click and select "New" followed by "DWORD Value." Name the value "Enabled."
Right-click the "Enabled" entry and click "Modify."
Change the number in the "Value" box to "1." This will re-enable WSH.
close all opened cmd windows and open a new window.
Just try to run CMD as administrator. Hopefully that will solve your problem. This solved mine.
Even though this is a very old question, I'm going to post a solution that worked for me on Windows Vista/7/8. The problem is that by default the command prompt in which the npm command is run is not elevated. So launch a command prompt as administrator and then run npm command. If it is not elevated then the environment variables wont be set properly.
In windows 7 platform, when the latest version of phonegap (3.4) installed it hosts in path like this:
Sometimes you should add this address to the PATH environment manually.
Go to System Properties-> Advanced -> Environment Variables
Select PATH variable from list and then edit it

QuickText in notepad++ not saving code snippets!

I installed notepad++ on Windows7. I installed QuickText into notepad++. I add my custom snippets into QuickText and while notepad is open, the snippets work fine. As soon as I close notepad and open it again, the snippets are gone. Has anyone else had this problem, it should be an easy fix? They are not persisting or sticking.
Anyone know how to fix this? Any ideas?
Haven't used Quicktext but it looks like it is no longer under development.
From what I can tell FingerText is similar, and hopefully should be able to do what you are after.
The complete answer lies in a combination of Nick's and Jrod's answers.
If you create the a Config folder in the C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\ (or C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\ if you installed it to that folder) and then place the QuickText.ini file within that folder you will notice many default "snippits" show up.
Now in order for you to save your "snippits" if you are in Windows 7 or Vista (which will save to the QuickText.ini file) you must run Notepad++ as Administrator.
As a side note the snippits save fine with in Linux if you install Notepad++ through Wine.
This issue is caused by administrative privileges. You need to run notepad++ as an administrator or it will fail silently.
You must copy QuickText.ini to folder c:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\Config\ (I created this folder itself)
This page help me
Sorry for my badly english. Your problem is in inslall. Correct install:
Copy to folder plugins all files except one (quicktext.ini).
In such directory create new folder config.
Copy quicktext.ini into it.
After such installation snippets works correctly.

Mercurial Eclipse Error

I am trying to use mercurial in eclipse. I downloaded mercurial eclipse plugin for this.
But, despite I had reinstalled it many times, it gives the same error, I put the screenshot below.
Checking encoding (cp1254)...
Checking extensions...
Checking templates...
Checking patch...
Checking commit editor...
Can't find editor 'notepad' in PATH
(specify a commit editor in your configuration file)
Checking username...
1 problems detected, please check your install!. Command line: hg -y debuginstall
I do not know how to handle this. Any help will be appreciated very much, thank you.
I encountered the same problem when I tried to run Eclipse x64 on Win 7 x64. The MercurialEclipse seems not able to access C:\windows\system32\ folder, although it has been specified in system PATH.
You need to specify the location of editor in the Mercurial.ini file. This file is located at c:\Users\<your_username>\mercurial.ini.
Under the username = ... line, add a line to specify the editor (see following). Remember not to put quotes around the path.
username = <username>
editor = c:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe
(Note: similar to bug 13505 in Mercurial Eclipse project)
The Eclipse inherits the path from your current session.
Open a DOS session, and check if said session does have notepad in its path (which it should considering notepad is in C:\Windows\system32\notepad.exe). Make sure C:\Windows\system32 (or %SystemRoot%\system32) is in first position in your PATH (in case of side effect with other paths with spaces or special characters in it).
If the path is correct, then launch the eclipse from that command-line DOS windows, and see if the problem persists.
The OP emre reports its %PATH% being:
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\bin;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\bin
In other word, no %SystemRoot%\system32.
You need to edit the System variables in the Environment variable settings of Windows, and add in the first place in the PATH variable:
Then you can open a new DOS session, launch eclipse from there and ot should work fine.
i had the same problem and searched for hours till i tried to escape the backslash in the path for the editor.
so i edited the mercurial.ini (on my win7) like this:
username = <username>
editor = c:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe
and it worked.
Three additions:
It seems that Tortoise HG 3.3 configuration utility added my editor
setting to [tortoisehg] section rather than the [ui] section of
mercurial.ini For Eclipse Mercurial to work, the editor path must also be in
the [ui] section. Otherwise, eclipse will have this error.
using forward slash suitably substitutes for the escaped backslash
On Windows 8.1, notepad easily starts from the command prompt (on
system path) and yet the error above still occurs. In my hands the
general system path advice given above seems off target
One other thing to look at is the HGEDITOR environment variable, which overrides the editor setting in mercurial.ini. I had HGEDITOR set to C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe, which didn't work (due to the unescaped backslashes), and all my changes to mercurial.ini were ignored. Changing HGEDITOR to C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe finally got rid of the Mercurial Eclipse errors.