Can't use drop down menus of Mulestudio on Ubuntu13.10 - mule-studio

I just newly upgraded my ubuntu to 13.10, and I found the menus of Mule Studio (64-bit linux) upon the unity bar freezing up, i.e. can't open any menu from there.
Has anyone else come across the same issue? And is there a possible solution?

Create a file with any Name. Example. Mule
Add the following line in to the file
Exec=env UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 /opt/MuleStudio/MuleStudio
Make sure the path /opt/MuleStudio/MuleStudio is your MuleStudio executable path
Save the file and Exit
Got to command prompt and execute the below like to give executable permission to the file.
~$ cd [your file path]
~$ chmod 777 Mule
and then execute the file using the below command,
~$ ./Mule
Now you can get your Menu in your Mule studio...
Hope it helps.

The problem is caused by a bug in Ubuntu affecting both eclipse and studio. I was able to work around it by following the steps available here


How to open a file from apache2 in VS Code using 'code .'

I am using apache2 server where I have my Git repo cloned. I want to be able to open the folder in VS Code using code . but when I run that command it says -bash: code: command not found - Do I have to install a package on the server and if so, where would I need to install it. Many thanks.
Thanks for all the help which is really appreciated. Anyone who comes across this problem, I simply downloaded the Remote-SSH extension in VS code which allowed me to do open the files on the server directly in the code editor and edit as normal.

Visual Studio Code, code command does not start new file

I'm having an issue where if I do code <filename> where the file does not already exist, it does not create a new file.
Normally, vscode would (almost) create a new file, I could write some code, and then save it and it would appear in my file manager. But this just stopped working.
I had a look through all my extensions and uninstalled all the recent extensions. I've reinstalled vscode, still no luck.
I am using windows with wsl, this affects me when running vscode both in windows and in wsl.
Did some googling around, can't find anything useful. Any advice?
I figured out what caused this in case anyone else is having the same problem.
I installed Rust in windows and that seemed to have messed up the code command.
Sorry, can't remember which version it was, I just uninstalled it on windows and noticed that it fixed it.
(p.s: Rust is great, but I have it installed in WSL so don't need it in windows.)
If you are using npm on windows, you can install touch by running npm i -g touch and creating a folder in a specific location by navigating in the location and creating by mkdir <foldername> navigating inside it and using touch <filename>. From there you can simply launch VS Code by running code . in that folder namespace
If you are using WSL (Ubuntu), it comes preinstalled and you can run mkdir <foldername> && touch <filename> && code .
Not exactly what you are looking for but it can work!

Flutter and Dart -> add path on Ubuntu 20.04

I am trying to add flutter to the path but no solution is working for me right now. It was working before when I installed it from snap. Now I am cloning flutter repo into the opt folder and No matter what I try, flutter is not working. I am using ZSH terminal.
So far I have tried:
Adding export PATH=~/opt/flutter/bin:$PATH on last line of .zshrc and .bashrc file.
Running export PATH="$PATH:~/opt/flutter/bin" on the terminal.
And bunch of other tweaks on the keywords but none of the things seems to work.
Try this if you mean you have cloned flutter to /opt folder
export PATH="$PATH:/opt/flutter/bin"
Also if you doesn't mean that and you solely mean ~/opt folder then first verify your flutter installation by typing
in your terminal,
It should launch flutter it your terminal if not then either your installation is broken or you have to type
chmod +x -R ~/opt/flutter/bin
to make flutter executable if it's not.
PS: Also don't forget to restart your shell if you haven't cause you have to restart you shell after changing something in your .rc files.
I hope I have helped you if not please comment so that I can improve the answer.
This work on Ubuntu.
Add to file .profile the following line:
export PATH="$PATH:/home/your_user_name/opt/flutter/bin

How to open Visual Studio Code from the command line on linux?

I know I can use command "code" to open VS code or file, but I don't know what should I do to make it possible after I install VS code in Ubuntu.Thanks.
Launching from the Command Line
You can launch VS Code from the command line to quickly open a file, folder, or project. Typically, you open VS Code within the context of a folder. We find the best way to do this is to simply type:
code .
Tip: We have instructions for Mac users in our Setup topic that enable you to start VS Code from within a terminal. We add the VS Code executable to the PATH environment variable on Windows and Linux automatically during installation.
Sometimes you will want to open or create a file. If the specified files does not exist, VS Code will create them for you:
code index.html style.css
Tip: You can have as many file names as you want separated by spaces.
So, there are a couple of solutions for this.
I've linked a video that shows you how to add vscode to $PATH
(which didn't work for me because I couldn't find the "shell:install path" command)
I uninstalled the vscode from my ubuntu and re-installed using sudo snap install --classic code
(This method worked for me)
Tell me which one works for you... and if you have extensions installed to your vscode then i guess you ought to make a backup or something.
Link to the video:

How to open Eclipse -- tegra development pack -- in ubuntu

After i installed "tegra development pack" on my ubuntu, the installation opened eclipse IDE for me and then i closed and then figured out that there isn't any shortcut or anything i could launch it from.
I followed "Venzen" solution till step 3 and used the filtering command. That showed me that there is another folder named "NVPACK" is located in username > NVPACK > eclipse which I didn't know about, I kept locking tipping in "eclipse" in the terminal.
Also, there is something stupid I did I would like to share; what happened here is that I kept looking at NVPACK installation folder at windows files not in linux files. (I'm using ubuntu in windows).
You could open a terminal and try to launch Eclipse from the command line:
$ eclipse
If this does not work it could mean that the eclipse binary was installed somewhere outside of your PATH and you will have to look for it. I am not familiar with Tegra, but here is a general purpose "process of elimination" to find a file in *nix:
update the locate database
$ sudo updatedb
use the which command to interrogate the updated locate database
$ which eclipse
you should have found it by now. If you haven't all is not lost - run the locate command just for good measure
$ sudo locate eclipse
locate could potentially output lots of matches since it outputs any match to your search term whether its a file or a folder. If the output of locate scrolls off the screen then use grep to filter out only matches where eclipse is a file:
$ sudo locate eclipse | grep '.*eclipse$'
If this produces several matches then choose the eclipse file which resides in a bin folder.
If, by now, a file called eclipse has not yet shown itself, then there are 2 more options left - a long way and a short way...
use the find command
post the method (or source) from where you installed
either way, kindly post here should steps 1-3 above not reveal eclipse.