QuickText in notepad++ not saving code snippets! - plugins

I installed notepad++ on Windows7. I installed QuickText into notepad++. I add my custom snippets into QuickText and while notepad is open, the snippets work fine. As soon as I close notepad and open it again, the snippets are gone. Has anyone else had this problem, it should be an easy fix? They are not persisting or sticking.
Anyone know how to fix this? Any ideas?

Haven't used Quicktext but it looks like it is no longer under development.
From what I can tell FingerText is similar, and hopefully should be able to do what you are after.

The complete answer lies in a combination of Nick's and Jrod's answers.
If you create the a Config folder in the C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\ (or C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\ if you installed it to that folder) and then place the QuickText.ini file within that folder you will notice many default "snippits" show up.
Now in order for you to save your "snippits" if you are in Windows 7 or Vista (which will save to the QuickText.ini file) you must run Notepad++ as Administrator.
As a side note the snippits save fine with in Linux if you install Notepad++ through Wine.

This issue is caused by administrative privileges. You need to run notepad++ as an administrator or it will fail silently.

You must copy QuickText.ini to folder c:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\Config\ (I created this folder itself)
This page help me

Sorry for my badly english. Your problem is in inslall. Correct install:
Copy to folder plugins all files except one (quicktext.ini).
In such directory create new folder config.
Copy quicktext.ini into it.
After such installation snippets works correctly.


How to stop VScode creating a symlink instead of a file

I have tried to google, this can't find anything or on here so suspect i'm being a noob, so perhaps someone can educate me.
I am copying a file from one directory within by repo in VScode to another. It is a MAKEFILE (which i'm not that familiar with anyway).
I then select copy...
And then i select a sub directory within same directory so i can paste
Once i complete this, rather than the file being copied, it creates a syslink to the file which isn't what i want as i now need to modify the file...
Even if i create the file as a new file, this will still display as a symlink.
Am i doing something stupid here?
I have created the file through the command line but the file still shows as a symlink.
Driving me crazy, please help!
thanks :)
I found the solution here, just complete these steps:
Open VSCode and press Command+Shift+p
Type Uninstall and select option "Uninstall code command from PATH"
Input admin password and then close VSCode once it confirms its been removed
Close VScode application
Re-open VScode and press Command+Shift+p
Type "Install code command to PATH"
Input admin password
Try now and this should work.
I found if i didnt close VScode after removing/adding command to PATH, the setting was lost.
Hope this helps.

Renaming files doesn't take effect in VScode while using WSL2

I have a very annoying problem in my VScode setup.
I'm using WSL as a terminal to work on my projects and occasionally, mistype the name of one of the folder or file that I'm working with.
For example:
I accidentally created the Mainheader.js file in layout folder (without the capitalized L) therefore, I decided to rename the folder with a capital L.
Now on my React app, any changes made to MainHeader.js file will not be reflected. I did update the related import.
So I decided to delete the entire folder and recreate it with MainHeader.js but this is what I end up with.
The file is there in my folder but when I click on it, I get
"Unable to open Mainheader.js - File not found"
So I try to create it then I get this error:
Unable to create file 'wsl\path]to\MainHeader.js' that already exists when overwrite flag is not set
Has anyone run into this type of behavior in WSL before? It's quite annoying because the only workaround I've found so far is to create a completely different folder with a different name...
Any help would be appreciated. I can't really work like this.
I've been having the same problem for the past 2 days. I presume its a permissions issue, but unfortunately I don't know how to permanently fix it.
I did find this work-around though:
Open a new VS Code window. (I'd recommend closing any VS Code window that had
your project directory open.)
Create a duplicate or copy the contents of the problem file so you don't lose
your code.
Delete the problem file.
Now create the file again using VS Code. Go to File > New Text File. Next paste
in your code.
Now save your new file. Go to File > Save As and save your new file with at the same path + filename + extension that was giving you problems previously. VS Code should allow you to save the new file without any issue.
Now you can open this new VS Code window to your project directory and you should be able to continuing accessing the file that was a problem before.
Basically we just deleted the problem file and then created it again from scratch in a new VS Code window.
Hope this work-around works for you!
EDIT 09/20/2022
Following Baza86's answer here solved the issue for me. Seems like it was a permissions issue of sorts, but if you use the Remote-WSL extension VS code can directly access the linux filesystem.
How to run VScode in sudo mode in WSL2?
You may need add the case option to you options in the wsl config. The default is set to off, however you can set this to off, dir or force.
Open your wsl.conf using sudo with any text editor while running window subsystem Linux. The config file resides in /etc/wsl.conf. This file is used to configure settings per-distribution for Linux distros running on WSL 1 or WSL 2.
My default config looked like this yours may be different:
options = "metadata"
options = "metadata,case=dir"
Here is the official Microsoft docs for Advanced settings configuration in WSL - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/wsl-config

Cannot delete folder in Visual Studio Code definitely

I deleted a folder in Visual Studio Code to recreate it. But each time it recovers all files whereas I just want to create a new empty folder with same name.
This is a common issue that I am also facing for more then a year now and I am unable to find an open issue about this on Github. Every issue related to this that is opened gets closed because the developers are unable to find the source of the problem.
One way I could sometimes replicate the issue is to:
Open the project folder in Windows Explorer
Search for something inside VSCode that is contained in the folder
you are going to delete.
Try to delete the folder in VSCode.
Folder is not deleted.
Clearing the search after does not solve the issue. Most of the times I have to close and reopen VSCode.
Another ridiculous part is that the VSCode sends the file to the OS Trash and you are unable to undo the deletion when it works (CRTL + Z). VSCode is being pushed to the community by many developers but is really an infant editing tool that is terrible, the only amazing part of it is the huge ammount of plugins.
This is a long lasting bug that occurs ALL THE TIME with me. I know this is not a valid answer, but it's what I know about this problem this far.
i had the same problem. But works turn off malwarebytes. Maybe another antivirus is blocking to delete folders to, try this.
Try running Visual Studio in Administrator mode. It worked for me.
It took 6 hours to find out that.... it can be deleted by VsCode file explorer, if i try to delete it manually it juggles with admin permission and user permission back and fourth.
Just delete the folder from VSCODE file explorer from the left menu.
I just restart my mac and everything went well after that 🤞
i had the same problem. I go to Terminal and turn off all powershell,a voala I finally can delete folder from VS explorer.

Install VSCode in a specific folder

I just downloaded the Visual Studio Code App from https://code.visualstudio.com/ and when I tried to install it, it simply just installed it by itself, without the option to change the installation path.
I have an external harddrive, which is where I want the IDE to be placed instead of the Local Harddrive. How can I change this?
On the VSCode download page select "System Installer" instead of "User Installer". The System installer will prompt you for the install location.
Full credit to Hans Passant for giving the following working solution as a comment.
The installer does very little beyond copying the files, it just creates some Explorer context menu shortcuts ("Open with Code"). Otherwise following Chromium conventions and copying itself to c:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\Code\app-0.1.0 so it can update itself without you noticing. Boo. So high odds that simply moving that folder to the other drive works just fine, put it anywhere and create a shortcut to Code.exe. If you still want the context menu entry to work then use Regedit and search for "code\app-0.1.0".

how to open tex.m in matlab folder

I would like to open tex.m that is located inside this folder
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014a\mcr\toolbox\matlab\graphics
However, it shows me weird characters
I've opened it with notepad++ but with the same problem. Is the file protected? With another computer but not the same version of Maltab, I can open the file with no problems. Any suggestions.
Check your file protections and run Matlab in Admin mode. I think it will solve your problem. If problem still occurs, try to change your working directory to folder on desktop or anywhere which is not under program files.