Dropbox: how do I get the ACL for a file? - dropbox-api

Given a file, how can I find who the file is visible to (shared with)?
This doesn't appear to be in metadata, and the /shares path generates a link.
So, how can we tell who has access?

The Dropbox API currently does not offer a way to find the shared status of files like this.


Uploading a large file to OneDrive shared folder issue (createUploadSession error)

Although Microsoft official documentation quite rich, I can't find any details of how exactly I should upload the large file to a shared folder (not to my drive).
I've followed the docs:
POST /drives/{driveId}/items/{itemId}/createUploadSession
Where the itemId is the folder id I am trying to upload that file to.
However, it returns 400 Bad Request error Name from path does not match name from body message.
But the request path provided in docs doesn't expect passing the file name at all!
I kind of suspecting that the itemId should be an existing item on the drive (not even inside the folder), rather than a folder id to create that file in, but a) I am not sure about that and b) how is it possible to have an empty file without any content before having that upload complete (again, if I am right about b)).
Am I at least following a right direction? Thanks!
This is because poorly updated OneDrive Api official documentation Microsoft has.
A correct url must be as follows:

Access filesystem from AEM

Is there a way to access a file (present on the File System) from AEM. More specifically, I have requirement wherein:
1. I need to fetch a custom log file (present under crx-quickstart/logs/.log
2. Send an email with this file attached via AEM
Any inputs would be really appreciated.
You can do this via java fileinputstream and associated api's. Use relative paths to access the file so that once your code is deployed to other environments(servers) it doesn't error out with any IO exception.
The answer to this question is same as Link to your answer
This is just a suggestion that go for the question suggested by the stackoverflow first when you are typing your question. As the same question has already been asked before.
Thank you...

With filepicker.io, is there a way to get the original file path?

I am using filepicker.io and specially computer as main service.
I would like to get the original file path of a file uploaded through the API.
For example, if I upload a file located at /my/path/in/my/computer/file.zip, I will get in the FPFile object the filepicker.io URL but not the original file path.
Is there a way to get it ?
PS: I have tried to retrieve the stat of the file too without success.
Due to browser security limitations, the real local path of the file is never exposed to the javascript application. For more information, see http://davidwalsh.name/fakepath

Browse file and store file url for uploading it later

I have a form in which you enter some data and you are able to attach files. All I wanna do is have a Browse button so i can select the file and store that file url in some var, so later when i want to submit the form...y can read that var and upload the file using its url. Im using Scala Lift. I search for examples in the web but couldnt find anything helpful. I only want to select the file and store the file url. Can someone help me? Thanks!
You can't store path to file on client's drive. Even if you get path like this, you can't upload file that is not manually selected by client.
I suggest doing AJAX based client.

Naming a file downloaded from url in iPhone

I would like to save a file downloaded from the internet in iPhone.
Can I use the url as the file name? If not, what transformation should I apply to the url to obtain a valid file name?
I need to find the local copy of the file later using its url.
Edit: Not asking where or how to write a file to disk. The question is limited to getting a valid file name from an url.
Can I use the url as the file name?
You can use just about anything you want for a file name. As long as it's a valid file name for the underlying file system.
not, what transformation should I
apply to the url to obtain a valid
file name?
This is unanswerable because there's no way to specify what "valid" means here.
I need to find the local copy of the
file later using its url.
You probably want to save it to your application's Documents directory. There already are plenty of questions relating to saving files on iPhone here on Stack Overflow, and I urge you to read some of them.
For lack of a better method, I'm using a persistent dictionary to map the urls to unique names.