Naming a file downloaded from url in iPhone - iphone

I would like to save a file downloaded from the internet in iPhone.
Can I use the url as the file name? If not, what transformation should I apply to the url to obtain a valid file name?
I need to find the local copy of the file later using its url.
Edit: Not asking where or how to write a file to disk. The question is limited to getting a valid file name from an url.

Can I use the url as the file name?
You can use just about anything you want for a file name. As long as it's a valid file name for the underlying file system.
not, what transformation should I
apply to the url to obtain a valid
file name?
This is unanswerable because there's no way to specify what "valid" means here.
I need to find the local copy of the
file later using its url.
You probably want to save it to your application's Documents directory. There already are plenty of questions relating to saving files on iPhone here on Stack Overflow, and I urge you to read some of them.

For lack of a better method, I'm using a persistent dictionary to map the urls to unique names.


With, is there a way to get the original file path?

I am using and specially computer as main service.
I would like to get the original file path of a file uploaded through the API.
For example, if I upload a file located at /my/path/in/my/computer/, I will get in the FPFile object the URL but not the original file path.
Is there a way to get it ?
PS: I have tried to retrieve the stat of the file too without success.
Due to browser security limitations, the real local path of the file is never exposed to the javascript application. For more information, see

itms-services // action=download-manifest url as local file

I am trying to utilize:
itms-services // action=download-manifest url as local file, is there any standard way of utilizing plist file via that?
I've seen this done in an app that aided with OTA app updating for developers; what I saw in the source code was that a file:// link was used. If you want to do this, you'd have to know the location of the file in the filesystem. Then, you'd use a standard plist file, but in the url key, you'd put file://location/to/your/ipa/file and it would essentially be the same.
Though, that isn't the best way of doing things, because it is an unknown whether the user has the ipa file on their device or not.

Valid file types for iCloud?

I find many similar question but i didn't get solution for this.
Is it possible to upload some file like image, document, zip file to upload on iCloud programmatically?
See table 4-1 in the documentation:
How do you manage the data? Manage files and directores using the
NSFileManager class. Open, close, read, and write files using standard
file system routines.
So if you can create a file, you can store it in iCloud. But remember there's a finite, relatively small amount of space available.
iCloud can handle all kinds of files. So if you want rot use an obscure file format or invent your own, go for it. It only can to be converted into a byte stream/NSData, but then again, what isn't?
Check this tutorial walkthrough app. It shows how to create, modify and delete files for iCloud.

save data downloaded from internet

here's the thing: I download a bunch of data in JSON format. I put that into an array of dictionaries. Then, I save to disk. One dictionary stores a link to some image. What I would like to do is to store also the actual image (not the link!) along with rest of the data. How would you start? Which way to go?
I would download the image and save the local path alongside the URL path.
However, if you're going for one big file, you could always base64-encode it.
I think using the filesystem directly and saving your local path would be more efficient and effective than one monolithic file, as you'll save a lot of parsing and encode/decode time.
I suggest you to start from this tutorial : SimpleFTPExample

how to copy property list file and its localized version to documents folder and make the system recognize the two version for a loclized application

i make a localized iphone application and in run time i want to modify the property list, so i at the first run of the application i copied the plist file but i don't sure if the copy operation also copied the localized version which the system store in a folder like:
my quetion is: what i must do for the system to recognise the two files? should i make two directory in documents folder like lp.en and and copy the two files?
also also xcode make the two plist with the same name, how i can determine every version and copy it?
i am waiting for some one to direct me to write way.
Take a look at NSBundle's pathForResource:ofType. It clearly states that it will return a non localized file if it exists or else pick a file in the order of user's language preferences. As you wan't to copy a localized resource, don't create a non localized copy and this will return the path for the most suitable resource. You can just copy that file and make changes to it.
If you are interested in getting the path to a resource of a specific language, take a look at pathForResource:ofType:inDirectory:forLocalization.