summation in python - class

I am getting an error....and I know what I'm doing wrong, but not sure how to fix it. I understand I can't add a string to a integer...Any ideas, I'd be grateful!
self.variables['gas'] = 'gas'+add
TypeError: Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly
My code:
class Cars:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.variables = kwargs
def set_Variable(self, k, v):
self.variables[k] = v
def get_Variable(self, k):
return self.variables.get(k, None)
def add_gas(self, add, gas):
self.variables['gas'] = gas+add
def main():
mercedes = Cars(gas = 3)
print (mercedes.get_Variable('gas'))
if __name__ == "__main__": main()

Your method add_gas needs two arguments, you're only passing one to the function. Also you are printing the returning value though there is no return in the function.
This one worked for me:
class Cars:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.variables = kwargs
def set_Variable(self, k, v):
self.variables[k] = v
def get_Variable(self, k):
return self.variables[k]
def add_gas(self, add):
self.variables['gas'] +=add
def main():
mercedes = Cars(gas = 3)
print (mercedes.get_Variable('gas'))
print (mercedes.get_Variable('gas'))
print ('There are %s gallons of gas in the car.' % mercedes.get_Variable('gas'))
if __name__ == "__main__":

So, I see two independent problems with your code:
In your error message you showed this line:
self.variables['gas'] = 'gas'+add
While in your code, the line is this:
self.variables['gas'] = gas+add
That are two different meanings. The first tries to concat the variable add to the string 'gas' which will fail as add is an integer and Python won’t convert integers to strings implicitely (the error told you that). So you would want to do 'gas' + str(add).
In your main function, you call the add_gas method like this:
But you actually defined the method with two parameters, add and gas, so this will fail.
What I think is what you want to do is to increase the self.variables['gas'] value by add when the method is called, so you would want to write your method like this:
def add_gas(self, add):
self.variables['gas'] = self.variables['gas'] + add
Note that you can shorten that using the += operator to just this:
def add_gas(self, add):
self.variables['gas'] += add
And finally, I don’t know why you would want to use a dictionary for your locale instance variables, but unless you have a good reason to do that, why not just define a gas property for your car type?


Python - Overloading of a method (with operator oveloading) for varying # arguments?

As a newbie to object oriented, I'm practicing class using this:
import numpy as np
class complex():
def __init__(self, arg1, arg2 = None):
self.real = arg1
if arg2 == None:
self.imag = 0
self.imag = arg2
self.num = np.complex(self.real, self.imag)
def __mul__(self, other):
if np.iscomplex(other):
return np.multiply(self.numb, other.num)
return np.multiply(self.num, other)
def __str__(self):
return "Foo"
def test():
a = complex(3)
b = complex(1, 5)
print(a * b)
if __name__ == "__main__":
I'm trying to overload the operator * simultaneously oveloading the class method __mul__ since I got different permutations of arguments passing in. The above code can do (object, object) or (object, 'int').
How to pass self as the second argument something like ('int', object)?
Things I tried from my basic understanding: (correct me if I'm wrong)
Static method with self as second argument, but inbuilt operators cannot be overloaded in a static method.
Overloading the method __mul__, but not sure on a good-pratice/right-way to force self as second argument.
Appreciate any help in advance. Please comment below if you need more info.

Passing arguments to instantiate object in Pytest

I have a class which I would like to instantiate using different sets of input parameters, comparing a property on the resultant object to a passed in value.
I am using the indirect flag on #pytest.fixture for the arguments which are sent to the class constructor. I am trying to unpack kwargs in the constructor. Unsuccesfully. This is the error:
TypeError: type object argument after ** must be a mapping, not SubRequest
import pytest
class MyClass:
def __init__(self, a):
self.a = a
def my_object(request):
yield MyClass(**request)
# first element = arguments to MyClass, second element = value to compare test to
TEST_CASES = [({"a":1}, 1)]
#pytest.mark.parametrize("test, expected", TEST_CASES, indirect=["test"])
def test_1(my_object, test, expected):
assert my_object.a == expected
My goal is to have the object arguments and their test value TEST_CASES in one structure for easy inspection
I've suggest you a working example. Problem was in test code design. The parameter indirect should be True. Indirect parametrization with multiple fixtures should be done as described in docs. And fixture got all params in his request.param attribute.
import pytest
class MyClass:
def __init__(self, a):
self.a = a
def test_case(request):
params, expected = request.param
yield MyClass(**params), expected
# first element = arguments to MyClass, second element = value to compare test to
TEST_CASES = [({"a": 1}, 1)]
#pytest.mark.parametrize("test_case", TEST_CASES, indirect=True)
def test_1(test_case):
my_object, expected = test_case
assert my_object.a == expected

In a scala macro called with an implicit def, how can I get the source statement of the caller to the implicit def as a string?

I'm trying to write an implicit def macro that captures the invoking statement (and preferably nothing else) as a string, that can hopefully be used just by having the desired output object as an implicit parameter. But I'm having some trouble getting it to work with multi line statements.
For example:
case class HowWasICalled(statement:String, lineNumber:Int)
object HowWasICalled {
implicit def generate: HowWasICalled = macro macro_impl
def callMe(something: Any)(implicit context: HowWasICalled)
// macro: c is the blackbox Context
def macro_impl(c: blackbox.Context): c.Expr[HowWasICalled] = { ... }
And the first attempt at implementing a method inside the macro that returns the invoking statement as a string:
def makeString:String = show(c.macroApplication)
But, this only returned "HowWasICalled.generate". I actually wanted the statement invoking callMe.
I was hoping the following would work, but it doesn't. The -Yrangepos compiler flag does not seem to result in range positions in def macros? :(
def makeString:String = {
if (c.enclosingPosition.isRange) {
new String(c.enclosingPosition.source.content.slice(
The closest I got to any working implementation doesn't exactly capture just statement nor the entire statement, but at least I get the line of source invoking callMe.
def makeString:String = {
val lineNumber = c.enclosingPosition.line
val lineIndex = lineNumber-1
How can I improve the macro to handle the following case? It should ideally generate something like a HowIWasCalled("callMe( 1 + 2 )", 123) given the following input
0; 0; 0; val x = callMe(1 +

scala macro that refers to 'this' object

I am trying to use a macro to eliminate the need for scala to construct a downward-passed function object. This code gets used in inner-loops of our system, and we don't want the inner loop to just allocate objects endlessly. This is creating performance problems for us.
Our original code was this:
dis.withBitLengthLimit(newLimit){... body ...}
And the body was a function that was passed in as a function object.
The problem I have is that the original non-macro version refers to 'this'. My workaround below is to make each place the macro is called pass the 'this' object as another argument. i.e., ugly like:
dis.withBitLengthLimit(dis, newLimit){... body ...}
It's not awful, but sure seems like passing dis should be unnecessary.
Is there a cleaner way?
Here's the macro below.
object IOMacros {
* Used to temporarily vary the bit length limit.
* Implementing as a macro eliminates the creation of a downward function object every time this
* is called.
* ISSUE: this macro really wants to use a self reference to `this`. But when a macro is expanded
* the object that `this` represents changes. Until a better way to do this comes about, we have to pass
* the `this` object to the `self` argument, which makes calls look like:
* dis.withBitLengthLimit(dis, newLimit){... body ...}
* That looks redundant, and it is, but it's more important to get the allocation of this downward function
* object out of inner loops.
def withBitLengthLimitMacro(c: Context)(self: c.Tree, lengthLimitInBits: c.Tree)(body: c.Tree) = {
import c.universe._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.MaybeULong
val ___dStream = $self
val ___newLengthLimit = $lengthLimitInBits
val ___savedLengthLimit = ___dStream.bitLimit0b
if (!___dStream.setBitLimit0b(MaybeULong(___dStream.bitPos0b + ___newLengthLimit))) false
else {
try {
} finally {
The prefix method on Context provides access to the expression that the macro method is called on, which should allow you to accomplish what you're trying to do. Here's a quick example of how you can use it:
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context
class Foo(val i: Int) {
def bar: String = macro FooMacros.barImpl
object FooMacros {
def barImpl(c: Context): c.Tree = {
import c.universe._
val self = c.prefix
q"_root_.scala.List.fill($self.i + $self.i)(${ self.tree.toString }).mkString"
And then:
scala> val foo = new Foo(3)
foo: Foo = Foo#6fd7c13e
res0: String = foofoofoofoofoofoo
Note that there are some issues you need to be aware of. prefix gives you the expression, which may not be a variable name:
scala> new Foo(2).bar
res1: String = new Foo(2)new Foo(2)new Foo(2)new Foo(2)
This means that if the expression has side effects, you have to take care not to include it in the result tree more than once (assuming you don't want them to happen multiple times):
scala> new Qux(1).bar
res2: String = new Qux(1)new Qux(1)
Here the constructor is called twice since we include the prefix expression in the macro's result twice. You can avoid this by defining a temporary variable in the macro:
object FooMacros {
def barImpl(c: Context): c.Tree = {
import c.universe._
val tmp = TermName(c.freshName)
val self = c.prefix
val $tmp = $self
_root_.scala.List.fill($tmp.i + $tmp.i)(${ self.tree.toString }).mkString
And then:
scala> class Qux(i: Int) extends Foo(i) { println("hey") }
defined class Qux
scala> new Qux(1).bar
res3: String = new Qux(1)new Qux(1)
Note that this approach (using freshName) is a lot better than just prefixing local variables in the macro with a bunch of underscores, which can cause problems if you include an expression that happens to contain a variable with the same name.
(Update about that last paragraph: actually I don't remember for sure if you can get yourself into problems with local variable names shadowing names that might be used in included trees. I avoid it myself, but I can't manufacture an example of it causing problems at the moment, so it might be fine.)

Scala compiler not recognizing a view bound

I've tried this line of code
def **[A <% Numeric[A]](l:List[A],m:List[A]){t=>t._1*t._2})
However on compilation, I get this error
error: value * is not a member of type parameter A
def **[A <% Numeric[A]](l:List[A],m:List[A]){t=>t._1*t._2})
When I look at the source for the Numeric trait, I see a * op defined.
What am I doing wrong?
The instance of Numeric is not a number itself, but it is an object that offers operations to do the arithmetic. For example, an object num of type Numeric[Int] can add two integers like this:, 5) The result of this operation is the integer 7.
For integers, this is very trivial. However, for all basic numerical types, there is one implicit instance of Numeric available. And if you define your own numeric types, you can provide one.
Therefore, you should leave the bounds for A open and add an implicit parameter of type Numeric[A], with which you do the calculations. Like this:
def **[A](l:List[A],m:List[A])(implicit num:Numeric[A]){t=>num.times(t._1, t._2)})
Of course, num.times(a,b) looks less elegant than a*b. In most of the cases, one can live with that. However, you can wrap the value a in an object of type Ops that supports operators, like this:
// given are: num:Numeric[A], a:A and b:A
val a_ops = num.mkNumericOps(a)
val product = a_ops * b
Since the method mkNumericOps is declared implicit, you can also import it and use it implicitly:
// given are: num:Numeric[A], a:A and b:A
import num._
val product = a * b
You can also solve this with a context bound. Using the context method from this answer, you can write:
def **[A : Numeric](l:List[A],m:List[A]) =
l zip m map { t => context[A]().times(t._1, t._2) }
def **[A : Numeric](l:List[A],m:List[A]) = {
val num = context[A]()
import num._
l zip m map { t => t._1 * t._2 }