How is screenshots slideshow implemented in App Store? - iphone

I really like the slideshow of application screenshots in application info in App Store. Does anyone have an idea how it is implemented? May be there are some tutorials or source code available? I could not find any.
May be not exactly the same, but something similar, where user can slide images in imageView would be very good

Check out this tutorial, using a UIScrollView with pagingEnabled set to YES.

Looks to me like a standard UIScrollView, with pagingEnabled set to YES, hosting a couple of smaller UIImageViews arranged in a row.


Open source alternatives to UIScrollView

Which open source alternatives to UIScrollView is there?
I need paging so it would be awesome if we could categorize by that feature.
I'm looking for alternatives for the sole reason that Apple recommends against putting UIWebView inside UIScrollView. More specifically I experience problems with fixedcontent on iOS 5. But let's stick to the question: alternatives to UIScrollView.
Check TTScrollView, part of the famous Three20 framework.
[Edited 2013-09-16]
CHScrollView is another open source alternative of UIScrollView. It is written by myself :)
If you want to make something like photo gallery, but web views instead photos, you can use UIPageViewController which shows webviews.
Check out DDPageControl
For more controls just search on

UIScrollView as a means of navigation using a container UIViewController in iOS5

I've accomplished a similar setup to this stackoverflow challenge.
Except it seems to break the UIViewControllers, because they don't receive certain messages properly (eg. viewDidAppear)
Further research reveals that the solution rests in iOS5 by using some container UIViewControllers.
Has anyone accomplished this successfully with UIScrollView?
I watched the WWDC2011 video on it and it's still confusing me on how I exactly replace my UIScrollView:subviews with full UIViewControllers. :/
With enough persistence (aka. Googling), and some luck with timing, I solved this challenge by using Tom Fewster's code ("Using UIPageControl as a container UIViewController").
Thank you Tom. :)
I implemented something along these lines a little while ago.
It supports x number of views, as well as overlay views that allow for the tracking, addition and removal of on screen content.
it supports iOS4+ and uses iOS 5 containment when available.

iPhone SDK - Expanding Buttons like in the camera app

I am curious as to whether or not there is an open source solution to replicate the flash button in the iOS camera applicaiton.
I have seem many other apps use this, but there doesn't seem to be a native way, so I assume there is a common source out there.
It is possible to get the flash button by using UIImagePickerController class, but most of the camera apps out there don't seem to be using this (or perhaps they subclass it, which is against apple's terms).
I am looking for a way to replicate the expanding behavior of the button. Any thoughts?
It doesn't sound too hard.
The way I'd do it is to separate the right curve of the button (as images), and make a UIView that has the left part of the button and the right curve as subviews.
When it's tapped, slide the right curve and animate the extra buttons in.
You could use a stretchable UIImage (see UIImage documentation) and then just animate the frame changing.
In the Apple 2010 WWDC Sample code (downloadable via iTunes, otherwise I'd post it here), there are several sample applications which use this control. They call the class ExpandyButton. I realize I'm answering my question, but hopefully someone out there can find this useful.
While looking for a similar solution to this problem I came across this code which was extremely helpful. Similar to ExpandyButton it fit my needs better.

Iphone - grid of pictures using scroll view and ad UIImageViews to it

Can someone give me one source file working ?
Alternatively you can look at my AQGridView, which can display anything in a grid, using an API similar to that of UITableView.
You might want to take a look at Facebook's Three20, specifically their TTPhotoViewController class.
Update: Other options (possibly more modular and easier to integrate in your project): (as suggested by Jim)

Creating a tableview in the form of a 'film strip'

I am developing an RSS-reader-type application. I am toying with the possibility of using a normal TableView application but showing the articles as a film-strip. I am mainly thinking for an iPad application (but possible it works on the smaller iPhone as well).
The idea is to have the cells passing/scrolling across the screen using swipe touches (but horizontal, and not vertical as with the normal TableView). They will be some-kind of miniatures of the full article, and when tapped (or with multi-touch zoom to have better control) can be enlarged to read. Then can then just be be moved on as soon as the user has seen enough of it.
Does anybody know if there is an easy way of accomplishing something like that?
The most obvious solution that springs to mind would be to use a UIScrollView, as this will provide the inertial effects, etc. for free - all you'd have to do it populate it with the relevant sub-views. (UITableView's actually use a UIScrollView.)
For more information and sample code, see Apple's UIScrollView docs.
If you want horizontal scrolling, take a look at Jeremy Tregunna’s JScrollingRow. It’s open source under a public domain licence.