Zend Frameworks [closed] - zend-framework

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Closed 8 years ago.
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i am new to zend frameworks and i want to know links or tutorial to start zend frameworks.I use deepblue online tutorial to learn but they are not apt
for beginners.So please help.
Thanks in advance.

I highly recommend http://phpdev.ro/zf-tutorial-series-part-1-module-based-app.html, it covers a lot:
Setting up a module based application
Setting up helper plugins, methods & debugging with ZFDebug
Setting up a login page and signup page with captcha
Setting up OpenID to login/create account
Setting up an API to create/login an account
Improving performance implementing Zend Cache
otherwise check a ton of videos on youtube

I would Suggest you to learn the Object Oriented Programming And Model View Controller First. But If U have these Skills U Must Read following Articles which is mention below:
This is the quick Start to understand the zend framework methodlogy.
Quick Start About Zend Framework Methodlogy
Beginning Zend Framework (Expert's Voice in Open Source)


How to read and write on Google Sheets from my IOS app using swift? [closed]

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Closed 8 months ago.
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I am developing an app that must have a functionality to read from Google Sheets, write, and update.
I looked into the Sheets API and it documents how to implement it with various programming languages, but not swift. I'm wondering if there is any way to implement Google Sheets API in swift, and how would the app be able to read and write?
Thank you!
It looks like the only official documentation from Google related to this can be found here, although I think you may be looking for something more specific like this one.
This second library seems a bit more documented since the creator does not just explain what it can do but it also provides examples on how to use it.
There is also this method that includes examples and images on how it works.
First mentioned library with samples
Second mentioned library with samples and images
Google's "official way" with limited documentation

Pros and cons of WordPress vs. own PHP Framework [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a website build in own php framework, complete with an elaborate product catalogue and cms system. Now I would like to add a blog and I wanted others' opinions on whether to keep using the framework and develop it as fully integrated with existing website and cms or if I should use wordpress. I am leaning towards the first option but was wondering if I'm not missing something important about wordpress that should sway me.
I have never used wordpress before so will have to learn it first to customise it fully to my requirements (will be creating custom template). I know it's a great blogging tool for people not that into code, but I'm wondering that if you do know coding, if it's still the best option.
Opinions, pros and cons will be highly appreciated.
There are several reasons why you would want to develop your own PHP blog, but also several reasons why you should use an existing framework like Wordpress.
Developing your own:
Better understanding of how things work, making it easier to customize it.
The blog is fully yours, no license applies.
Using Wordpress:
A lot easier to create blog post
You can easily install themes etc. to customize your blog.
All in all, I would recommend Wordpress, but thats just my opinion.
Go with whatever suits your needs :)

FOSFacebookBundle VS HWIOAuthBundle - which one do you prefer? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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There are two popular bundles for connecting facebook and Symfony2-based applicaions: FOSFacebookBundle and HWIOAuthBundle.
Which one is better to manage simple facebook connect?
I have had problems implementing FOSFacebookBundle, exactly with the connect option... which was not persisting the tokens in the users entity (FOSUserBundle) without extensive overriding of provider methods.
On the other hand HWIOAuthBundle worked like a charm, the downside of this one being that it needed a bit of work to make it look like FOSFacebook.
I even read a comment on a blog... or github bug report... can't remember exactly, where a FOS dev encouraged the use of HWI bundle because it's being maintained and developped in a better way then the FOS one. (found it. first comment on this post https://coderwall.com/p/qkdzca)
Way to setup HWIOAuthBundle that works: https://gist.github.com/danvbe/4476697

Scala, Lift Setup [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to get into Scala and the lift framework, but since there is alot of confusion for me as a PHP programmer. So I got some questions to help me get started.
I want to setup a webserver that runs the lift framework with a Mongo DB backend where do I begin?
What is Apache Tomcat?
What is Jitty?
Is Comet an technology (protocol, design pattern?) or is it an project like Lift?
How can I setup Lift in Mac Os x as development enviroment, I understand I need Eclipse so I have downloaded it but what then? I don't understand how to install Scala.
The Lift wiki has a lot of information to get you started, and I would encourage you to join the mailing list. Where you will find many answers to questions already asked and you can of course ask more :)
Best luck using lift!
Try these series of tutorials http://blog.pboos.ch/2011/03/lift-tutorial-1-dev-environment-setup/

Zend Framework SEO tips [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I've done basic work suggested by Google and others to improve Google ranking. What are the 'specific' things I should do with Zend Framework (or in general any MVC architecture) to make it better? It seems all the usual methods aren't working that well with Zend Framework.
There is nothing special to ZF or any other MVC framework. The only ZF-specific thing I can think of is that in ZF you can use the router and routes to create those nice looking URLs that people claim to be SEO friendly. Also, you can use the headMeta helper to create metatags but that's basically all...
There is no magic trick to it.
With Zend_Navigation you can also easily create XML Sitemaps which can help to index your website.