FOSFacebookBundle VS HWIOAuthBundle - which one do you prefer? [closed] - facebook

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Closed 9 years ago.
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There are two popular bundles for connecting facebook and Symfony2-based applicaions: FOSFacebookBundle and HWIOAuthBundle.
Which one is better to manage simple facebook connect?

I have had problems implementing FOSFacebookBundle, exactly with the connect option... which was not persisting the tokens in the users entity (FOSUserBundle) without extensive overriding of provider methods.
On the other hand HWIOAuthBundle worked like a charm, the downside of this one being that it needed a bit of work to make it look like FOSFacebook.
I even read a comment on a blog... or github bug report... can't remember exactly, where a FOS dev encouraged the use of HWI bundle because it's being maintained and developped in a better way then the FOS one. (found it. first comment on this post
Way to setup HWIOAuthBundle that works:


Private UI5 development [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I didn't know how to exactly name the title, but basically what I wonder is, how i would go about developing an UI5 application outside of my company, for the club I am in.
I do develop SAP UI5 applications at work, but there I have my odata pointing to the SAP backend and know everything I have to do there.
But with a "non work" application (for free + no issue with licensing when using it for my club (non profit)) I am wondering how exactly I would do that.
What IDE do i have to use (SAP WebIDE is out of the question I think)
I assume I need to use openUI5?
What Database can I use?
How does the connection between the database + frontend exactly work?
How does the transfer between frontend + backend work? also odata?
I think that's the basic questions for now I am curious about :)
Maybe anyone has done this too, from "work" development to a "private non work" development?

Sails.js - Services vs Helpers [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am new to Sails.js coming from Laravel framework. I have an API i need to use in my Sails project and I wanted to write a mini library using the Services approach. But on the docs page about it its stated that I shouldn't use Services but Helpers instead which kind of cofuses me - I have around 15 actions on the API I want to use - so should I create 15 different Helpers instead of one Service? That seems really odd to me and it will be a mess. Is there some better approach I am not seeing?
I see that I can still use Services but I am affraid they will be deprecated soon.

How do I create a documentation site on GitHub? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I wrote Hotplate, a great (and not yet complete) Nodejs framework which has, at this point, absolute 0 documentation.
It's no an "api" -- Hotplate is the kind of framework focused on "messages" being sent, and listened to, by several modules. So, documentation is tricky (it's not about documenting a bunch of functions, API-style).
My idea is to create, on Github, a site like Mongoose's:
How would I do that for my own project?
Github's recommended approach is to use github pages to host Jekyll.
You can use their "Automated Page Generator" to speed up the process.

What is the best CMS for a technology user group? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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We're starting a user group and want our own website for it where people can post, register for meetings, etc. What is the best CMS to use? The server we plan to use is Win 2003 Web Server with IIS 6 and SQL 2008, but also has PHP and MySQL installed.
This is highly subjective. You can have a look at where you can try almost all of them and decide for yourself.
If you want an easy and quick start, try Joomla. For a better (and maybe more complex) product, go with Drupal.

Anyone Using the Abyss Web Server [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Just curious to see if anyone is using the Abyss Web Server for any projects.
I've checked it out a few times, had it running a few ASP.Net demo sites, but haven't gotten to far with it. I like the ease of use, but I'm thinking both IIS and Apache out class Abyss for the most part.
Has anyone used it?
If so, what is your experience?
I ask because I'm tempted to use if for some projects, but if it isn't worth the investment I probably won't.
Thanks for your time.
I know this is many years later, but Abyss is still around, and we are using it for some of our customers who must install our apps on desktops where their IT does not allow IIS to run. It works well with MVC and .NET 4.5.2.
No more than about 0.3% of public hosts, for sure: