Scala, Lift Setup [closed] - scala

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to get into Scala and the lift framework, but since there is alot of confusion for me as a PHP programmer. So I got some questions to help me get started.
I want to setup a webserver that runs the lift framework with a Mongo DB backend where do I begin?
What is Apache Tomcat?
What is Jitty?
Is Comet an technology (protocol, design pattern?) or is it an project like Lift?
How can I setup Lift in Mac Os x as development enviroment, I understand I need Eclipse so I have downloaded it but what then? I don't understand how to install Scala.

The Lift wiki has a lot of information to get you started, and I would encourage you to join the mailing list. Where you will find many answers to questions already asked and you can of course ask more :)
Best luck using lift!

Try these series of tutorials


Scala beginner has some questions [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm going to learn Scala, I already have experience in programming. But I have some questions.
When I create a Project in IntelliJ there I must choose between sbt, Lightbend Project start and IDEA. What should I choose and what's the difference between them?
After I have created a Project, I have to create a Scala Class, right? Then I have to choose between Class, Object and Trait.
What is the difference between them?
3.Are there any other things they are good to know?
Best regards Lockna
The simplest thing to choose would be IDEA. IntelliJ will compile the project for you and you shouldn't have to do much to get it working. If you want to learn Scala and a popular build system at the same time, use SBT. It's going to be too much information to ingest at once though, so I wouldn't recommend it if you're an absolute beginner in Scala/functional programming.
Well, perhaps you should read about Scala. That's a Scala 101 question. It's already well documented on the internet, probably a thousand times, and it's not valuable to add another one here.

Rest Web Service with scala [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am starting to learn how to build rest Web service (I come from soap web service).
I'm an intermediate scala programer. I'd like to know as of now, what is the most widespread framework for building Restful Service. But i would also appreciate personal opinion on what is the easiest to use for the task of solely building rest api/web-service, very fast, with a not so complicate learning curve.
Many thanks,
Play, Scalatra and Spray are all good choices with a reasonable learning curve.
You'll have to look at these (and others), then decide which fits best with your own preferences. It's a very subjective question and there are too many variables for anyone to be able to give a definitive answer.

FOSFacebookBundle VS HWIOAuthBundle - which one do you prefer? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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There are two popular bundles for connecting facebook and Symfony2-based applicaions: FOSFacebookBundle and HWIOAuthBundle.
Which one is better to manage simple facebook connect?
I have had problems implementing FOSFacebookBundle, exactly with the connect option... which was not persisting the tokens in the users entity (FOSUserBundle) without extensive overriding of provider methods.
On the other hand HWIOAuthBundle worked like a charm, the downside of this one being that it needed a bit of work to make it look like FOSFacebook.
I even read a comment on a blog... or github bug report... can't remember exactly, where a FOS dev encouraged the use of HWI bundle because it's being maintained and developped in a better way then the FOS one. (found it. first comment on this post
Way to setup HWIOAuthBundle that works:

REST based web chat in java and eclipse [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to create a REST based chat application in Java using Eclipse, but I have no idea how to start. How do I take care of resources, verbs, and HEATOS.
Check out this link, or this link, or this link. I would personally recommend Jersey. restelt is very powerful, but might be quite complicated. RESTeasy has more features than jersey, but it can also be a pain to configure outside JBoss, and their community is not as 'active'. I would recommend Jersey, their startup tutorial is very easy to follow.
You can also look at this book, and this book. Sorry, I can't provide any hard answers as I have no knowledge, your level of expertise on the subject. Hope this helps.

Anyone Using the Abyss Web Server [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Just curious to see if anyone is using the Abyss Web Server for any projects.
I've checked it out a few times, had it running a few ASP.Net demo sites, but haven't gotten to far with it. I like the ease of use, but I'm thinking both IIS and Apache out class Abyss for the most part.
Has anyone used it?
If so, what is your experience?
I ask because I'm tempted to use if for some projects, but if it isn't worth the investment I probably won't.
Thanks for your time.
I know this is many years later, but Abyss is still around, and we are using it for some of our customers who must install our apps on desktops where their IT does not allow IIS to run. It works well with MVC and .NET 4.5.2.
No more than about 0.3% of public hosts, for sure: