When best time to use Stoaryboard iPhone? - iphone

I want to develop a new iPhone app and I before developed an app and has been rejected from app store because I was using StoryBoard that is not work in prior iOS 4.3, so I used XIB instead.
Now the minimum version is iOS 4.3 and I want to know is now best time to use StoaryBoard or keep using XIB in my new app?
Hope anyone got my mean.
Thanks in advance.

Storyboards are unavailable on iOS 4.3 and prior. Storyboards only work on devices running iOS 5 above. Since your deployment target(minimum supported OS) is 4.3 you have to stick on the Xib file


Creating Universal application from existing iPhone application

I'm developing iPhone application which was created on Xcode 4.6. Now I'm running same application in Xcode 5.0 which works fine for me on iOS 7 also. Now I have to create an Universal application from existing application. I have google for it and found 2-3 solutions which talks about creating new xibs for iPad and change target to universal application. I want to know what is the easiest way to achieve this. My application was created on Xcode 4.6 with xibs for iPhone.
If you are building a universal app that supported for both iPhone and iPad then the best approach is to use Size classes. You can also customize your layout for a specific device (iPhone/iPad) by using size classes.
You can not do create new xibs for ipad and use exists xib, but then you need to hope what autoresizing work good. Anyway most often ipad have different design. So, if you want different design you need make him (using new xibs or new code).

upgrade completed IOS 4.3 iphone app for Ipad

I have a fully functional Iphone app optimized for IOS 4.x (no storyboards). I need to upgrade it to work on both the iphone and ipad. My main question is whether to one, change the devices value in the app summary to universal. Or two, duplicate the target, leave the iphone app as is, and make the necessary changes to the ipad version.
From what I have been reading, after changing the app summary to universal, new files will be added for the ipad version. This is not happening. Can anyone suggest the best approach for upgrading an older app?
Turns out I just needed to reset my iOS Device. Did this by opening the iOS simulator and going to iOS Simulator-> Reset Content and Settings..

How do I create an IiPhone/iPad app which targets iOS 4.3 and later?

I have created an app using Xcode 4.3 and iOS 5.0, but I recently found out I need to also support 4.3.x devices. I changed my Deployment target to 4.3, but then I got the infamous storyboard error:
Storyboards are unavailable on iOS 4.3 and prior
So, how do I create an app that targets both? I can get my app to build using the post here but then my app shows the launch screen and then goes blank.
You can't. Storyboard is only available on iOS 5.0 or higher.
If you want to support iOS 4.3 you need to remove all the storyboard code and go back to using not nib/viewcontroller way of building your UI.

Is the use of storyboards in Xcode 4.2 production ready and recommended? (c.f. previous XIB methods)

Is the use of storyboards in Xcode 4.2 production ready and recommended?
That is, would iPhone/iPad developers that have used storyboards recommend (for native iPhone/iPad apps) to definitely use storyboards? Or are there some gotchas and issues still with the concept?
P.S. Also do storyboards assist in getting a Universal Application designed/working?
This depends, for the most part, on your target audience. The only potential deal-breaker is the fact that using storyboards requires you to set your app's deployment target to iOS 5.0 or later; a storyboarded app cannot run on any earlier version of iOS.
If you must cater to previous versions of iOS, you have to continue using individual nib files if designing your interface with Interface Builder. I'd also recommend sticking with whatever you're already using in your existing projects. (You can introduce storyboards into your existing projects in steps, but remember that they'll only work in iOS 5. There's a WWDC 2011 presentation that walks you through this process.)
For new projects, storyboards seem to be the way to go, as long as you're sure you won't need to deploy to previous iOS versions.
Also do storyboards assist in getting a Universal Application designed/working?
Not sure what you mean by "assist", but you have to create one storyboard of nibs for each device family. So one for iPhone/iPod touch, and one for iPad.
It would be interesting to know how much of the market you are missing out on by targeting only iOS 5. I have noted that there is a significant percentage of iPhone users who dont upgrade their iOS be it from iOS 3 to iOS 4 or even iOS 5 so any apps targeting iOS 5 will mean they can not download any app you create.
I started out using iOS 5 with storyboard and it's a great feature, but had to pull back and use xibs so that I get backwards compatibility. There's just too much of the market you will miss out on by only targeting iOS 5.
ARC is a great plus, and just for that feature alone I am happy with the transition to iOS 5. Not to mention the new CLGeoCoder class and JSON now included. Anyone who wants to use JSON API have a look at this great tutorial from Ray Wenderlich.

iOS storyboard on iOS 4?

Well, I got the new XCode and I saw it's nice new storyboard features. It's really nice and I LOVE IT. I spent about 2 or so weeks making a new app that I wanted to update. However, when submitted it through xcode, it gave me this error
The Bundle is invalid. The key UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities in the Info.plist may not contain values that would prevent this Application from running on devices that were supported by previous versions.
So I went back and set the deployment target to 4.0, but it wouldn't let me build. Soon after I realized storyboards were only compatible on iOS 5. Is there anyway I could get it working on iOS 4 by converting them to XIB's somehow?
I really don't want to just submit a new app that's iOS 5 compatible, because most people don't have iOS 5...
According to this, storyboards are absolutely not compatible with iOS4 as they rely on new runtime classes.