IPhone - Sample for developing Video Chat app using IOS SDK [closed] - iphone

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Closed 9 years ago.
I am looking for a sample helloworld app (or a tutorial) to develop a video chat using IOS SDK.

Here is a tutorial written by myself that uses tokbox api for streaming and Parse.com for user management backend:
Opentok charges you based on api requests and all 3rd party providers will follow that model. The benefit to you would be you can scale based on demand, with some volume obtained for free. You may have your own judgement though. I do not work for, neither vouch for tokbox or parse, the link is just a guideline.

Try using the OpenTok API. That will make things much faster. Creating a video chat app from ground up will take some time and considerable amount of expertise.


Identifying what features in my iOS apps are used [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have several iPhone/iPad apps on the App Store. I would like to add snippets of code in my apps that will identify user behavior. For example what features in the app are used the most or the least. Does anybody have a good idea on how to implement this kind of features in my app.
Integrate http://www.flurry.com into your app and set custom events for all of the parts of the app you want to know about. The report will give you a usage amount per session and you can directly identify what is being used.
Use event tracking in Google Analytics.
For each user event you want to track, you would do something like this:
[tracker trackEventWithCategory:#"uiAction"
withValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:100]];
That way you can generate reports in analytics to see what is being used. See their event tracking docs for more details
I use Flurry for all my apps and it works wonderfully. All kinds of helpful (for the right person) data. You can submit Events, like "User won level 608", and attach data in the form of a dictionary to them.
End result: I recommend Flurry.

Is it possible to develop apps on Google Plus? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Is it possible to create applications on Google Plus in the same manner as Facebook?
In other words, "Apps on Facebook are web apps that are loaded in the context of Facebook in what we refer to as a Canvas Page". Does a similar API exist for google plus?
Short answer: No
Slightly longer answer: There are some vendors who have access to a Game API, which appears to work very similarly to Facebook's API, but this API isn't public yet, and there is no clear indication how to get access. There is also the Google+ Hangout API, which is public, that lets you write applications that run inside a hangout. This works similarly to how a Facebook app works, but are limited to working inside a hangout only.
Definitive answer: https://developers.google.com/+/ contains references to all the public APIs that work with Google+, including the Hangout API.

Basic concept of development of multiplayer online game? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I want to develop a game for multi user can play at a time with together in iphone, i don't have any idea about concept of online game development. please help me out?
lukya is right that this isn't a game forum but to give you an idea of what you need is:
A connection manager, this can be done easily though GameKit. Very easy to implement, heres a tutorial that uses GameKit to make a small chat program using Bluetooth (can be converted to wireless afaik)
Once you can connect 2 or more devices and send information then you need to work concepts such as data transfer in sync with the other play. For game dynamics look up Cocos 2d to make a simple game with boxes or whatever and look at the GKRocket/Tank (cant remem) demo on the Apple docs. This is a two player game with tanks that uses GK.
Mess with the game logic, get info passing between and build from there.
If you get stuck on a particular aspect then ask here :)

iPhone openID authentication and embed HTML [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Question 1
I want to make IPhone application that uses OpenID for authentication. I have found janrain described here :
http://techcrunch.com/2010/04/05/janrain-openid-iphone-apps/ this is exactly what I want! However is commercial licenced is there any open source/free alternatives?
Question 2
I also want to later make Android , Windows Mobile , etc versions of my applicaion. To save making multiple application I thought I can make 80% of my application in HTML the other 20% needs a GPS so would need to be an iPhone app. Is it possible to make an IPhone application that some of its screens are really web pages? I do not want to open Safari I just want to embed HTML directly into an application so the user would still think they are just in the application still?
I found I can use a HTML/CSS/Javascript solution to develop my App.
And still have access to the GPS etc.
Using http://www.phonegap.com/ and http://jqtouch.com/ etc
This should mean I can use regular OpenID or yahoos mobile phone optimised version here
http://developer.yahoo.com/blogs/ydn/posts/2009/10/yahoo_openid_an/ so I can keep my solution 100% web based.

How can I start developing a simple APP on iphone? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
How can I start developing a simple APP on iphone??
Start with these previous answers on SO:
Getting started with iphone dev
How to articles for iphone dev
Best book/article to learn iphone dev
Buy a Mac, install XCode, then go to IPhone tutorial blogs to learn. That should be it.
In my experience you are better off reading a book than browsing blogs when starting to learn a new technology from scratch.
Therefore my recommendation would be to buy a Mac, install XCode, then buy a decent book on IPhone programming.
Consider making an web-app instead. It's 80 percent of the functionality of an real app with 20 percent the effort for anyone new to iOS.
If you want to learn iOS then buy a Mac, install xCode and go with the flow. Watch Stanfords CS193P course on iTunes and do the assignments as a start.