iPhone openID authentication and embed HTML [closed] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
Question 1
I want to make IPhone application that uses OpenID for authentication. I have found janrain described here :
http://techcrunch.com/2010/04/05/janrain-openid-iphone-apps/ this is exactly what I want! However is commercial licenced is there any open source/free alternatives?
Question 2
I also want to later make Android , Windows Mobile , etc versions of my applicaion. To save making multiple application I thought I can make 80% of my application in HTML the other 20% needs a GPS so would need to be an iPhone app. Is it possible to make an IPhone application that some of its screens are really web pages? I do not want to open Safari I just want to embed HTML directly into an application so the user would still think they are just in the application still?

I found I can use a HTML/CSS/Javascript solution to develop my App.
And still have access to the GPS etc.
Using http://www.phonegap.com/ and http://jqtouch.com/ etc
This should mean I can use regular OpenID or yahoos mobile phone optimised version here
http://developer.yahoo.com/blogs/ydn/posts/2009/10/yahoo_openid_an/ so I can keep my solution 100% web based.


IPhone - Sample for developing Video Chat app using IOS SDK [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I am looking for a sample helloworld app (or a tutorial) to develop a video chat using IOS SDK.
Here is a tutorial written by myself that uses tokbox api for streaming and Parse.com for user management backend:
Opentok charges you based on api requests and all 3rd party providers will follow that model. The benefit to you would be you can scale based on demand, with some volume obtained for free. You may have your own judgement though. I do not work for, neither vouch for tokbox or parse, the link is just a guideline.
Try using the OpenTok API. That will make things much faster. Creating a video chat app from ground up will take some time and considerable amount of expertise.

Is it possible to develop apps on Google Plus? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Is it possible to create applications on Google Plus in the same manner as Facebook?
In other words, "Apps on Facebook are web apps that are loaded in the context of Facebook in what we refer to as a Canvas Page". Does a similar API exist for google plus?
Short answer: No
Slightly longer answer: There are some vendors who have access to a Game API, which appears to work very similarly to Facebook's API, but this API isn't public yet, and there is no clear indication how to get access. There is also the Google+ Hangout API, which is public, that lets you write applications that run inside a hangout. This works similarly to how a Facebook app works, but are limited to working inside a hangout only.
Definitive answer: https://developers.google.com/+/ contains references to all the public APIs that work with Google+, including the Hangout API.

Is it possible to develop this iOS app? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I'm a beginner of iOS app development,
I'm working on a very small project to show useful info of another app
i simply want it to check the out/ingoing packets through my device and find a specific packet where its string contains a specific word, if found then show the whole packet content,
is it possible to be done and does apple allow tracking packets ? thanks in advance
Regardless of it being possible or not (I'm guessing the answer is no, since you probably need root access and more low level APIs that aren't available by default), you want to track other applications. More specifically the network activity of these applications. This imposes several 'difficulties';
Given their policies, Apple will not allow this.
Your application will need to be active on the foreground, while background activity of applications is limited. The number of packets you will be able to 'sniff' will be very minimal and if you chose to put your application in the background instead your time will be limited to about 10 minutes of execution time.
My advice? Don't. Unless you are interested in the jailbreak 'market'.

Mobile App Development Tool for Web Developers/Designers [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am a web developer and thus I code in xhtml, css, php, sql databases, etc. I want to create an app for a few sites which interact with my website. However, I have absolutely no knowledge of software programming (ie: C) and don't own a mac.
I have come across phonegap.com which appears to allow people like me to create these apps without any further know-how with software programming.
Before I jump in and start using there solution, I was wondering if anyone else knew any other development tools which might help be develop iphone, ipad and android apps?
It's key that I can access some way to upload files from the device.
there are many other frameworks
like appcelerator
but phonegap is best one I had found yet
, you can go with it, because,
supports many device. I had use it for android, iPhone and now I'm using for BB too.
you can write the HTML/CSS code as you like or choose any framework like jQueryMobile, sencha, jQtouch etc, which you cannot in appcelerator.
I suggest you to go with PhoneGap.
other thing, is for creating iPhone app, you need Apple computer (intel base) . it is necessary for any framework

Is there any iphone friendly feedback service [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm looking for an iphone friendly feedback service that can be visited by web browser in my iphone application
I have been checked uservoice and getsatifaction, they are only for desktop browsing, not friendly for iphone
Crittercism (http://www.crittercism.com) also has a great product optimized for iphone/ipad and android. They also do crash reporting which is nice.
Zendesk http://www.zendesk.com/ is more for customer service but works great in iphones (and blackberry etc)
Neewmare (www.neemware.com) provides app developers the ability to ask very targeted questions inside their app on any screen. You could check it out. (Disclaimer: I work at Neemware.)
We have a native iOS feedback form that you can link with your iphone app.
For more info: Adding Feedback To Your iPhone App
The page also has a link to our free app in the AppStore that shows the feedback form in action.
Our service also provides a feedback button and feedback form for websites and WordPress blogs.
Get Satisfaction does have a great iPhone client framework. It's called Satisfaction Remote Component. If you want to see it live, check out the app Ambiance