Facebook like button is asking to confirm the action - facebook

To begin with, I've already read the following topics:
Facebook Like without Confirm?
Facebook Like button shows the "Confirm" link, but still cannot Like after confirming
Including this topic:
There are at least 25 apps hosted under dev.anuary.com host, sub domain of anuary.com. Neither of them ask for "like" action to be confirmed.
Worth mentioning, is that there is another website ( http://sinonimai.lt ) hosted on the same host, that had a fan base of 10 000+ people and was recently disabled by Facebook. I didn't manage to contact Facebook regarding either of the issues, therefore I simply took off the like-box from the latter website. Hopefully, temporarily.
The most annoying of all, is that even if you confirm the "like" action, "like" doesn't get submitted. I've tried on multiple friend accounts, different browsers (possible bug to report?).
I've ignored it for over a month. But it doesn't go away.
There are no hidden overlays, no bouding elements or anything that'd be considered unusual placement of the "like" button element. The website and the button itself has been placed very recently. The open-graph tags are in place and changing app ID doesn't change the behavior.
<meta property="og:title" content="Anuary"/>
<meta property="og:type" content="company"/>
<meta property="og:image" content="http://anuary.com/public/images/og-anuary-logo.jpg"/>
<meta property="og:url" content="http://anuary.com"/>
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="128740590570428"/>
<meta property="og:site_name" content="Anuary"/>
<meta property="og:description" content="Anuary is a company of accomplished developers and social media experts. We design engaging and innovative social media campaigns, for web and mobile, that are meant to interact with your targeted audience, through applications, websites, competitions and participation events. The objective being to spread the word about the product and increase loyalty to the advertised brand."/>
However, the page content is loaded dynamically. What Facebook parser sees is pretty much an empty page.
Can this be an issue?

Unfortunately, I think you are running into a recent Facebook change/design decision. Here are a couple bug reports discussing this issue:

Use the Facebook Debug tool to see what content is on the page.
It shows you what Facebook sees when it scrapes the page. It could help in identifying what the underlying issue is.
With regards to liking / unliking content multiple times, Facebook has some automatic features that prevent likes from showing up on Facebook, or indeed showing the 'Confirm' link you are seeing. This is mainly to combat click-jacking as this is a common problem with the Like button.

The issue which I faced was when I had my page in production server and then when I was making modifications on my development/testing server it came up with 'confirm'. So it seems to think that I am trying to spam 'like' through different pages to achieve a higher ranking but all I am doing is trying to test my changes on a different server before uploading them to production server. I am not comfortable with making changes straight into production as it could blow up in my face with buggy code or an undesired layout.


In Facebook share, how to control the website name/link shared beside the time ago?

That page was shared from my website via Facebook share button, but as per highlighted link in red, it's showing an incorrect text so I wanted to be able to control it (and the link address too if possible).
I viewed the source of my web page, it showed link.net from my canonical link in <head>, I thought I can control it there but no.
Thought it's derived from my dev site www.mydevsite.01.myname.link.net but I can't confirm. Also because I have seen some shares not having the "link.net" at all (dunno how it's called but it's the link beside the time ago).
So I guessed I can control it in meta tags but it seemed it's not <meta property="og:site_url" content="website" /> either.

Facebook not shows a thumbnails images when sharing a Drupal Site

It is the kind of problem when yesterday everything worked fine and today it's not. Nobody changed anything.
I have this website made with Drupal engine. When I am sharing an article on facebook, the title and the short text from it is visible, but there is no photo.
Open Graphs are configured properly, as the developer debugger of FB is getting the meta tag with an image:
<meta property="og:image" content="http://mysite/page/tolia_74548279.jpg" />
When I am sharing a whole articles catalogue, images are there.
Do you have any idea where to start searching for a solution?
Maybe there is some fb servers problem I don't know about?
The problem was with the facebook. It requires pictures at least 200x200px. Mine were smaller.

Facebook Comments Box - access all the comments on my website

How can I access all the comments from the Facebook Comments Box on my website?
When I checked the Facebook documentation, I have this link:
The comments for every URL can be accessed via the graph API. Simply go to: https://graph.facebook.com/comments/?ids={YOUR_URL}.
But it's only for one page, I want the global result for all the pages in the website.
Thanks for your help!
You can add yourself as a moderator (which is probably a good idea anyways) by adding this in head:
<meta property="fb:admins" content="{YOUR_FACEBOOK_USER_ID}"/>
Or you can instead add a Facebook application (and all the moderators of that app) with:
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="{YOUR_APPLICATION_ID}"/>
(but note that you can't do both).
Having done that, you can see all the comments to moderate here:
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be anyway to subscribe to this queue.

Keep up with a Facebook Page [bucket test[

A new Facebook feature prompts you to like the creators(owner) page for a given piece of content you share or like.
I have encountered the feature in 2 different occasions:
A - When sharing an aticle from [slate. com] I was prompted to like the [facebook page of slate .com] - screenshot here:
B - When sharing a youtube music video i was prompted to like the page of the band in that music video (even though the youtube channel that owned that content was the channel of the record company that distributes multiple music bands)
What do you need to have set-up on the page/site in order to have Facebook recognize the link between your website and your facebook page?
I've added my admin_id and the page's app_id to the on my site:
<meta property="fb:admins" content="1040395049" />
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="151466116651" />
It's kind of hard to test because this feature being bucket tested appears intermittently, if you have any thought of how i might test that I'm ready to take advantage the feature that'd be very helpful.

how to make facebook recognize my webpage images

i developed a website
ut when i share any page
in facebook
facebook should recognize my page
and select images to select a thumbnail
but this do not happen in my website
as if facebook can not recognize my page
or cannot read it and select images from it
what should i do
to let facebook recognize my page
and load all images in the page to
navigate left and right to select a thumb for the shared page
Looks like the question has already been answered here. Here is another useful link. Thanks for asking. It made me find out something I can use.
Update: After trying it and finding it not to work I tried the method in this post. It initially didn't work, but that was because I forgot to upload the image. So it may be the case that the original method may still work. Here's the template I used in my head section:
<meta property="og:title" content="your title">
<meta property="og:description" content="your description">
<meta property="og:image" content="http://www.yoursite.com/your-image.jpg">
Update 2: If it seems that Facebook isn't recognizing your code, try their lint tool. This does two things. The obvious one is that it reports any errors in your code. The second is that it refreshes Facebook's cache of the page. I had two pages where the new code wasn't recognized until I did this.
From my own tests, Facebook should find images on your site with no problem, so long as they appear directly in the html (as <img src="path/to/img.png" />1) and not via css (background-image: url(path/to/img.png);).
This is my own-site test, at: http://davidrhysthomas.co.uk/so/fbookImg.html, admittedly this doesn't have a 'share this page' button, so requires you to log into Facebook first, which might make a difference. But I don't have a Facebook developer account with which to test that theory, unfortunately.
Either absolute, or relative, paths seem to make no difference.
from my experience using a drupal site the logo was not recognized because the drupal system renders a relative path. changing this to a full path with http:// and refreshing FB's cache should work