find non-overlapping sequences of zeros in matlab arrays - matlab

This is related to:
Finding islands of zeros in a sequence.
However, the problem is not exactly the same:
Let's take the same vector with the above postfor the purpose of comparison:
sig = [1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0];
What I am trying to find are the starting indices of islands of n consecutive zeros; however, overlapping is not allowed. For example for n=2, I want the result:
v=[3, 5, 14, 25];
I found the solution of Amro brilliant as a starting point (especially with regards to strfind), but the second part of his answer does not give me the result that I expect. This is a non-vectorized solution that I have so far:
function v=findIslands(sig, n)
% Finds indices of unique islands
% sig --> target vector
% n --> This is the length of the island
% This will find the starting indices for all "islands" of ones
% but it marks long strings multiple times
startIndex = strfind(sig, zeros(1,n));
% ongoing gap counter
if L>0 % Check if empty
for i=2:L
% Count the distance
if spc>=n
% Reset odometer
display('No Islands Found!')
I was wondering if someone has a faster vectorized solution to the above problem.

You can convert everything into strings and use regular expressions:
regexp(sprintf('%d', sig(:)), sprintf('%d', zeros(n, 1)))
>> sig = [1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0];
>> n = 2;
>> regexp(sprintf('%d', sig(:)), sprintf('%d', zeros(n, 1)))
ans =
3 5 14 25

Do this:
As an example let's look at the case where the run length you want is 2.
Convert vector to binary number
Set index = size-1, set starting = []
Loop until n < 4:
Is n divisible by 4?
Yes? Append index to starting. Set n = n / 4
No? Set n = n / 2
Goto 3
For any other run length replace 4 with 2**run.

Use gnovice's answer from the same linked question. It's vectorized, and the runs where duration == n are the ones you want.
Take the runs with duration >= n, and then divide duration by n, and that'll tell you how many consecutive runs you have at each position and how to expand the index list. This could end up faster than the regexp version, if your island density isn't too high.


Count length and frequency of island of consecutive numbers

I have a sequence of ones and zeros and I would like to count how often islands of consecutive ones appear.
S = [1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1]
By counting the islands of consecutive ones I mean this:
R = [4 3 1]
…because there are four single ones, three double ones and a single triplet of ones.
So that when multiplied by the length of the islands [1 2 3].
[4 3 1] * [1 2 3]’ = 13
Which corresponds to sum(S), because there are thirteen ones.
I hope to vectorize the solution rather than loop something.
I came up with something like:
R = histcounts(diff( [0 (find( ~ (S > 0) ) ) numel(S)+1] ))
But the result does not make much sense. It counts too many triplets.
All pieces of code I find on the internet revolve around diff([0 something numel(S)]) but the questions are always slightly different and don’t really help me
Thankful for any advice!
The following should do it. Hopefully the comments are clear.
S = [1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1];
% use diff to find the rising and falling edges, padding the start and end with 0
edges = diff([0,S,0]);
% get a list of the rising edges
rising = find(edges==1);
% and falling edges
falling = find(edges==-1);
% and thereby get the lengths of all the runs
SRuns = falling - rising;
% The longest run
maxRun = max(SRuns);
% Finally make a histogram, putting the bin centres
R = hist(SRuns,1:maxRun);
You could also obtain the same result with:
x = find(S==1)-(1:sum(S)) %give a specific value to each group of 1
h = histc(x,x) %compute the length of each group, you can also use histc(x,unique(x))
r = histc(h,1:max(h)) %count the occurence of each length
r =

How does Y = eye(K)(y, :); replace a "for" loop? Coursera

Working on an assignment from Coursera Machine Learning. I'm curious how this works... From an example, this much simpler code:
% K is the number of classes.
K = num_labels;
Y = eye(K)(y, :);
seems to be a substitute for the following:
I = eye(num_labels);
Y = zeros(m, num_labels);
for i=1:m
Y(i, :)= I(y(i), :);
and I have no idea how. I'm having some difficulty Googling this info as well.
Your variable y in this case must be an m-element vector containing integers in the range of 1 to num_labels. The goal of the code is to create a matrix Y that is m-by-num_labels where each row k will contain all zeros except for a 1 in column y(k).
A way to generate Y is to first create an identity matrix using the function eye. This is a square matrix of all zeroes except for ones along the main diagonal. Row k of the identity matrix will therefore have one non-zero element in column k. We can therefore build matrix Y out of rows indexed from the identity matrix, using y as the row index. We could do this with a for loop (as in your second code sample), but that's not as simple and efficient as using a single indexing operation (as in your first code sample).
Let's look at an example (in MATLAB):
>> num_labels = 5;
>> y = [2 3 3 1 5 4 4 4]; % The columns where the ones will be for each row
>> I = eye(num_labels)
I =
1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1
>> Y = I(y, :)
Y =
% 1 in column ...
0 1 0 0 0 % 2
0 0 1 0 0 % 3
0 0 1 0 0 % 3
1 0 0 0 0 % 1
0 0 0 0 1 % 5
0 0 0 1 0 % 4
0 0 0 1 0 % 4
0 0 0 1 0 % 4
NOTE: Octave allows you to index function return arguments without first placing them in a variable, but MATLAB does not (at least, not very easily). Therefore, the syntax:
Y = eye(num_labels)(y, :);
only works in Octave. In MATLAB, you have to do it as in my example above, or use one of the other options here.
The first set of code is Octave, which has some additional indexing functionality that MATLAB does not have. The second set of code is how the operation would be performed in MATLAB.
In both cases Y is a matrix generated by re-arranging the rows of an identity matrix. In both cases it may also be posible to calculate Y = T*y for a suitable linear transformation matrix T.
(The above assumes that y is a vector of integers that are being used as an indexing variables for the rows. If that's not the case then the code most likely throws an error.)

Count the number of the first zero elements

I would line to find the number of the first consecutive zero elements. For example in [0 0 1 -5 3 0] we have two zero consecutive elements that appear first in the vector.
could you please suggest a way without using for loops?
V=[0 0 1 -5 3 0] ;
To solve #The minion comment (if that was the purpose):
Use a logical array to find the zeros and then look at where the zeros and ones are alternating.
V=[1 2 0 0 0 3 5123];
ans =
0 1 0 0 -1 0
Create sample data
V=[1 2 0 0 0 3 5123];
Find the zeros. The result will be a logical array where 1 represents the location of the zeros
D =
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
Take the difference of that array. 1 would then represent the start and -1 would represent the end.
T= diff(D)
ans =
0 1 0 0 -1 0
find(T==1) would give you the start and find(T==-1) would give you the end. The first index+1 of T==1 would be the start of the first set of zeros and the first index of T==-1 would be the end of the first set of zeros.
You could find position the first nonzero element using find.
I=find(A, 1);
The number of leading zeros is then I-1.
My solution is quite complex yet it doesn't use the loops and it does the trick. I am pretty sure, that there is a more direct approach.
Just in case no one else posts a working solution here my idea.
x=[1 2 4 0 20 0 10 1 23 45];
if numel(x1)>1
x2=[x1(2:end), 0];
elseif numel(x1)==1
display('No zero found')
x is the dataset. x1 contains the index of all zero elements. x2 contains all those indices except the first one (because matrix dimensions must agree, one zero is added. x3 is the difference between the index and the previous index of zeros in your dataset. Now I find all those differences which are not 1 (do not correspond to sequences of zeros) and the first index (of this data is the required result. The if case is needed in case you have only one or no zero at all.
I'm assuming your question is the following: for the following vector [0 0 1 -5 3 0], I would like to find the index of the first element of a pair of 0 values. Is this correct? Therefore, the desired output for your vector would be '1'?
To extend the other answers to find any such pairs, not just 0 0 (eg. 0 1, 0 2, 3 4 etc), then this might help.
% define the pattern
ptrn = [ 0 0 ];
difference = ptrn(2) - ptrn(1)
V = [0 0 1 -5 3 0 0 2 3 4 0 0 1 0 0 0]
x = diff(V) == difference
indices = find(x)
indices =
1 6 11 14 15

Finding all possible “lists” of possible pairs in Matlab

I have been thinking about a problem for the last few days but as I am a beginner in MATLAB, I have no clue how to solve it. Here is the background. Suppose that you have a symmetric N×N matrix where each element is either 0 or 1, and N = (1,2,...,n).
For example:
A =
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
If A(i,j) == 1, then it is possible to form the pair (i,j) and if A(i,j)==0 then it is NOT possible to form the pair (i,j). For example, (1,2) is a possible pair, as A(1,2)==A(2,1)==1 but (3,4) is NOT a possible pair as A(3,4)==A(4,3)==0.
Here is the problem. Suppose that a member of the set N only can for a pair with at most one other distinct member of the set N (i.e., if 1 forms a pair with 2, then 1 cannot form a pair with 3). How can I find all possible “lists” of possible pairs? In the above example, one “list” would only consist of the pair (1,2). If this pair is formed, then it is not possible to form any other pairs. Another “list” would be: ((1,3),(2,4)). I have searched the forum and found that the latter “list” is the maximal matching that can be found, e.g., by using a bipartite graph approach. However, I am not necessarily only interested to find the maximal matching; I am interested in finding ALL possible “lists” of possible pairs.
Another example:
A =
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 1
1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
In this example, there are three possible lists:
I hope that you can understand my question, and I apologize if am unclear. I appreciate all help I can get. Many thanks!
This might be a fast approach.
%// Given data, A
A =[ 0 1 1 1;
1 0 0 1;
1 0 0 0;
1 1 0 0];
%%// The lists will be stored in 'out' as a cell array and can be accessed as out{1}, out{2}, etc.
out = cell(size(A,1)-1,1);
%%// Code that detects the lists using "selective" diagonals
for k = 1:size(A,1)-1
[x,y] = find(triu(A,k).*(~triu(ones(size(A)),k+1)));
out(k) = {[x y]};
out(cellfun('isempty',out))=[]; %%// Remove empty lists
%%// Verification - Print out the lists
for k = 1:numel(out)
1 2
1 3
2 4
1 4
Basically I will calculate all the the pairwise indices of the matrix to satisfy the criteria set in the question and then simply map them over the given matrix. The part of finding the "valid" indices is obviously the tedious part in it and in this code with some aggressive approach is expensive too when dealing with input matrices of sizes more than 10.
%// Given data, A
A = [0 1 1 1; 1 0 1 1; 1 1 0 1; 1 1 1 0]
%%// Get all pairwise combinations starting with 1
all_combs = sortrows(perms(1:size(A,1)));
all_combs = all_combs(all_combs(:,1)==1,:);
%%// Get the "valid" indices
all_combs_diff = diff(all_combs,1,2);
valid_ind_mat = all_combs(all(all_combs_diff(:,1:2:end)>0,2),:);
valid_ind_mat = valid_ind_mat(all(diff(valid_ind_mat(:,1:2:end),1,2)>0,2),:);
%%// Map the ones of A onto the valid indices to get the lists in a matrix and then cell array
out_cell = mat2cell(valid_ind_mat,repmat(1,[1 size(valid_ind_mat,1)]),repmat(2,[1 size(valid_ind_mat,2)/2]));
A_masked = A(sub2ind(size(A),valid_ind_mat(:,1:2:end),valid_ind_mat(:,2:2:end)));
%%// Remove empty lists
%%// Verification - Print out the lists
disp('Lists =');
for k1 = 1:size(out_cell,1)
disp(strcat(' List',num2str(k1),':'));
for k2 = 1:size(out_cell,2)
if ~isempty(out_cell{k1,k2})
A =
0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0
Lists =
1 2
3 4
1 3
2 4
1 4
2 3
I'm sure there's a faster way to do it, but here's the obvious solution:
%// Set top half to 0, and find indices of all remaining 1's
A(triu(A)==1) = 0;
[ii,jj] = find(A);
%// Put these in a matrix for further processing
P = [ii jj];
%// Sort indices into 'lists' of the kind you defined
X = repmat({}, size(P,1),1);
for ii = 1:size(P,1)-1
X{ii}{1} = P(ii,:);
for jj = ii+1:size(P,1)
if ~any(ismember(P(ii,:), P(jj,:)))
X{ii}{end+1} = P(jj,:); end

converting elements in a vector in matlab

For a project, I'm trying to find the first 1 of a series of ones in a vector. For example, I have as input:
x1=[1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1]
and I need as output:
Y1=[1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
So every time there is a 1 in the vector, all consequent ones need to be turned into zeroes.
I have the following code, but for some reason it just returns Y1 with exactly the same values as x1.
for i = 1:n
if x1(i) == 1
Y1(i)= 1;
for j = (i+1): n
if x1(j)== 1
elseif x1(j) == 0
elseif x1(i) == 0
Y1(i)= 0;
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Easy with diff. No loops needed.
Y1 = [ x1(1) diff(x1)==1 ];
or equivalently
Y1 = diff([0 x1])==1;
How this works: diff computes the difference of an element with respect to the preceding element. When that difference is 1, a new run of ones has begun. The first element requires special treatment.
A generalization of the answer by #Luis for the case where your vectors don't just contain zeros and ones:
Y1 = diff([0 x1]) & x1 == 1
This checks whether the value is one, and whether it is different from the previous value.