How does Y = eye(K)(y, :); replace a "for" loop? Coursera - matlab

Working on an assignment from Coursera Machine Learning. I'm curious how this works... From an example, this much simpler code:
% K is the number of classes.
K = num_labels;
Y = eye(K)(y, :);
seems to be a substitute for the following:
I = eye(num_labels);
Y = zeros(m, num_labels);
for i=1:m
Y(i, :)= I(y(i), :);
and I have no idea how. I'm having some difficulty Googling this info as well.

Your variable y in this case must be an m-element vector containing integers in the range of 1 to num_labels. The goal of the code is to create a matrix Y that is m-by-num_labels where each row k will contain all zeros except for a 1 in column y(k).
A way to generate Y is to first create an identity matrix using the function eye. This is a square matrix of all zeroes except for ones along the main diagonal. Row k of the identity matrix will therefore have one non-zero element in column k. We can therefore build matrix Y out of rows indexed from the identity matrix, using y as the row index. We could do this with a for loop (as in your second code sample), but that's not as simple and efficient as using a single indexing operation (as in your first code sample).
Let's look at an example (in MATLAB):
>> num_labels = 5;
>> y = [2 3 3 1 5 4 4 4]; % The columns where the ones will be for each row
>> I = eye(num_labels)
I =
1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1
>> Y = I(y, :)
Y =
% 1 in column ...
0 1 0 0 0 % 2
0 0 1 0 0 % 3
0 0 1 0 0 % 3
1 0 0 0 0 % 1
0 0 0 0 1 % 5
0 0 0 1 0 % 4
0 0 0 1 0 % 4
0 0 0 1 0 % 4
NOTE: Octave allows you to index function return arguments without first placing them in a variable, but MATLAB does not (at least, not very easily). Therefore, the syntax:
Y = eye(num_labels)(y, :);
only works in Octave. In MATLAB, you have to do it as in my example above, or use one of the other options here.

The first set of code is Octave, which has some additional indexing functionality that MATLAB does not have. The second set of code is how the operation would be performed in MATLAB.
In both cases Y is a matrix generated by re-arranging the rows of an identity matrix. In both cases it may also be posible to calculate Y = T*y for a suitable linear transformation matrix T.
(The above assumes that y is a vector of integers that are being used as an indexing variables for the rows. If that's not the case then the code most likely throws an error.)


How can I create a modified identity matrix?

I have an identity matrix in MATLAB which is used in some regression analysis for joint hypothesis tests. However, when I change the linear restrictions for my tests, I can no longer rely on the identity matrix.
To give a simple example, here is some code which produces an identity matrix depending on the value of y:
for i = [1, 2, 4]
y = i
x = 5;
H = eye(y*x)
However, what I need is not the identity matrix, but the first two rows and all others to be zero.
For the first example, the code produces an eye(5):
H =
1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1
I need something that given y does not produce the identity but in fact produces:
H =
1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
Can I adjust the identity matrix to include zeroes only after the first two rows?
I think the simplest solution is to make a matrix of all zeroes and then just place the two ones by linear indexing:
H = zeros(x*y);
H([1 x*y+2]) = 1;
Generalizing the above to putting the first N ones along the diagonal:
H = zeros(x*y);
H(x*y.*(0:(N-1))+(1:N)) = 1;
As suggested in this comment you can use diag:
diag([ones(2,1); zeros(x*y-2,1)])
This works because diag makes a vector become the main diagonal of a square matrix, so you can simply feed it the diagonal vector, which is your case would be 2 1s and the rest 0s.
Of course if you need a variable amount of 1s, which I was in doubt about hence the comment,
diag([ones(n,1); zeros(x*y-n,1)])
Here are some alternatives:
Use blkdiag to diagonally concatenate an identity matrix and a zero matrix:
y = 5; x = 2;
H = blkdiag(eye(x), zeros(y-x));
A more exotic approach is to use element-wise comparisons with singleton expansion and exploit the fact that two NaN's are not equal to each other:
y = 5; x = 2;
H = [1:x NaN(1,y-x)];
H = double(bsxfun(#eq, H, H.'))

Finding lengths of 0's separating islands of 1's and assigning them

I have a vector with alternating 0's and 1's and would like to convert each "1" to the length of the zeros that precede it. For example, I have x and would like to get to y:
x = [0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1]
y = [0 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2]
I would really appreciate any suggestions on how to achieve this.
One approach with find & diff -
%// Initialize array, y with zeros and of length same as input, x
y = zeros(size(x))
%// Find places/indices where new values would be put
idx = find(x)
%// Calculate new values which would be the differentiated values of indices
%// and subtracted by 1 to account for the number of zeros in between two
%// non-zero values. We need to concatenate the indices array with one zero
%// at the start to account for the starting non-zero value in x
y(idx) = diff([0 idx])-1

Select first n of 1 values from a binary vector (0,1) in MATLAB

I have a binary vector, e.g:
x = [1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1]
I want to keep the first 4 elements that are '1' (substituting the rest with '0's). In my example the resulting vector should be:
z = [ 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0]
Any help would be much appreciated.
First construct a vector of zeroes, then use find:
z = false(size(x));
z(find(x, 4)) = true;
No need for find for a binary vector. Use cumsum instead!
>> z = x;
>> z(cumsum( z, 2 ) > 4) = 0;
This solution (unlike find-based answers) can process a stack of such binary vectors at once (all you need is to verify that cumsum works on the proper dimension).
Try following:
Idea here is to make all, but first n, 1's to 0's

How to replace non-zero elements randomly with zero?

I have a matrix including 1 and 0 elements like below which is used as a network adjacency matrix.
A =
0 1 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0
I want to simulate an attack on the network, so I must replace some specific percent of 1 elements randomly with 0. How can I do this in MATLAB?
I know how to replace a percentage of elements randomly with zeros, but I must be sure that the element that is replaced randomly, is one of the 1 elements of matrix not zeros.
If you want to change each 1 with a certain probability:
p = 0.1%; % desired probability of change
A_ones = find(A); % linear index of ones in A
A_ones_change = A_ones(rand(size(A_ones))<=p); % entries to be changed
A(A_ones_change) = 0; % apply changes in those entries
If you want to randomly change a fixed fraction of the 1 entries:
f = 0.1; % desired fraction
A_ones = find(A);
n = round(f*length(A_ones));
A_ones_change = randsample(A_ones,n);
A(A_ones_change) = 0;
Note that in this case the resulting fraction may be different to that intended, because of the need to round to an integer number of entries.
#horchler's point is a good one. However, if we keep it simple, then you can just multiple your input matrix to a mask matrix.
>> a1=randint(5,5,[0 1]) #before replacing 1->0
a1 =
1 1 1 0 1
0 1 1 1 0
0 1 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 1
>> a2=random('unif',0,1,5,5) #Assuming frequency distribution is uniform ('unif')
a2 =
0.7889 0.3200 0.2679 0.8392 0.6299
0.4387 0.9601 0.4399 0.6288 0.3705
0.4983 0.7266 0.9334 0.1338 0.5751
0.2140 0.4120 0.6833 0.2071 0.4514
0.6435 0.7446 0.2126 0.6072 0.0439
>> a1.*(a2>0.1) #And the replacement prob. is 0.1
ans =
1 1 1 0 1
0 1 1 1 0
0 1 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 0
And other trick can be added to the mask matrix (a2). Such as a different freq. distribution, or a structure (e.g. once a cell is replaced, the adjacent cells become less likely to be replaced and so on.)
The function find is your friend:
indices = find(A);
This will return an array of the indices of 1 elements in your matrix A and you can use your method of replacing a percent of elements with zero on a subset of this array. Then,
A(subsetIndices) = 0;
will replace the remaining indices of A with zero.

find non-overlapping sequences of zeros in matlab arrays

This is related to:
Finding islands of zeros in a sequence.
However, the problem is not exactly the same:
Let's take the same vector with the above postfor the purpose of comparison:
sig = [1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0];
What I am trying to find are the starting indices of islands of n consecutive zeros; however, overlapping is not allowed. For example for n=2, I want the result:
v=[3, 5, 14, 25];
I found the solution of Amro brilliant as a starting point (especially with regards to strfind), but the second part of his answer does not give me the result that I expect. This is a non-vectorized solution that I have so far:
function v=findIslands(sig, n)
% Finds indices of unique islands
% sig --> target vector
% n --> This is the length of the island
% This will find the starting indices for all "islands" of ones
% but it marks long strings multiple times
startIndex = strfind(sig, zeros(1,n));
% ongoing gap counter
if L>0 % Check if empty
for i=2:L
% Count the distance
if spc>=n
% Reset odometer
display('No Islands Found!')
I was wondering if someone has a faster vectorized solution to the above problem.
You can convert everything into strings and use regular expressions:
regexp(sprintf('%d', sig(:)), sprintf('%d', zeros(n, 1)))
>> sig = [1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0];
>> n = 2;
>> regexp(sprintf('%d', sig(:)), sprintf('%d', zeros(n, 1)))
ans =
3 5 14 25
Do this:
As an example let's look at the case where the run length you want is 2.
Convert vector to binary number
Set index = size-1, set starting = []
Loop until n < 4:
Is n divisible by 4?
Yes? Append index to starting. Set n = n / 4
No? Set n = n / 2
Goto 3
For any other run length replace 4 with 2**run.
Use gnovice's answer from the same linked question. It's vectorized, and the runs where duration == n are the ones you want.
Take the runs with duration >= n, and then divide duration by n, and that'll tell you how many consecutive runs you have at each position and how to expand the index list. This could end up faster than the regexp version, if your island density isn't too high.