Finding all possible “lists” of possible pairs in Matlab - matlab

I have been thinking about a problem for the last few days but as I am a beginner in MATLAB, I have no clue how to solve it. Here is the background. Suppose that you have a symmetric N×N matrix where each element is either 0 or 1, and N = (1,2,...,n).
For example:
A =
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
If A(i,j) == 1, then it is possible to form the pair (i,j) and if A(i,j)==0 then it is NOT possible to form the pair (i,j). For example, (1,2) is a possible pair, as A(1,2)==A(2,1)==1 but (3,4) is NOT a possible pair as A(3,4)==A(4,3)==0.
Here is the problem. Suppose that a member of the set N only can for a pair with at most one other distinct member of the set N (i.e., if 1 forms a pair with 2, then 1 cannot form a pair with 3). How can I find all possible “lists” of possible pairs? In the above example, one “list” would only consist of the pair (1,2). If this pair is formed, then it is not possible to form any other pairs. Another “list” would be: ((1,3),(2,4)). I have searched the forum and found that the latter “list” is the maximal matching that can be found, e.g., by using a bipartite graph approach. However, I am not necessarily only interested to find the maximal matching; I am interested in finding ALL possible “lists” of possible pairs.
Another example:
A =
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 1
1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
In this example, there are three possible lists:
I hope that you can understand my question, and I apologize if am unclear. I appreciate all help I can get. Many thanks!

This might be a fast approach.
%// Given data, A
A =[ 0 1 1 1;
1 0 0 1;
1 0 0 0;
1 1 0 0];
%%// The lists will be stored in 'out' as a cell array and can be accessed as out{1}, out{2}, etc.
out = cell(size(A,1)-1,1);
%%// Code that detects the lists using "selective" diagonals
for k = 1:size(A,1)-1
[x,y] = find(triu(A,k).*(~triu(ones(size(A)),k+1)));
out(k) = {[x y]};
out(cellfun('isempty',out))=[]; %%// Remove empty lists
%%// Verification - Print out the lists
for k = 1:numel(out)
1 2
1 3
2 4
1 4
Basically I will calculate all the the pairwise indices of the matrix to satisfy the criteria set in the question and then simply map them over the given matrix. The part of finding the "valid" indices is obviously the tedious part in it and in this code with some aggressive approach is expensive too when dealing with input matrices of sizes more than 10.
%// Given data, A
A = [0 1 1 1; 1 0 1 1; 1 1 0 1; 1 1 1 0]
%%// Get all pairwise combinations starting with 1
all_combs = sortrows(perms(1:size(A,1)));
all_combs = all_combs(all_combs(:,1)==1,:);
%%// Get the "valid" indices
all_combs_diff = diff(all_combs,1,2);
valid_ind_mat = all_combs(all(all_combs_diff(:,1:2:end)>0,2),:);
valid_ind_mat = valid_ind_mat(all(diff(valid_ind_mat(:,1:2:end),1,2)>0,2),:);
%%// Map the ones of A onto the valid indices to get the lists in a matrix and then cell array
out_cell = mat2cell(valid_ind_mat,repmat(1,[1 size(valid_ind_mat,1)]),repmat(2,[1 size(valid_ind_mat,2)/2]));
A_masked = A(sub2ind(size(A),valid_ind_mat(:,1:2:end),valid_ind_mat(:,2:2:end)));
%%// Remove empty lists
%%// Verification - Print out the lists
disp('Lists =');
for k1 = 1:size(out_cell,1)
disp(strcat(' List',num2str(k1),':'));
for k2 = 1:size(out_cell,2)
if ~isempty(out_cell{k1,k2})
A =
0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0
Lists =
1 2
3 4
1 3
2 4
1 4
2 3

I'm sure there's a faster way to do it, but here's the obvious solution:
%// Set top half to 0, and find indices of all remaining 1's
A(triu(A)==1) = 0;
[ii,jj] = find(A);
%// Put these in a matrix for further processing
P = [ii jj];
%// Sort indices into 'lists' of the kind you defined
X = repmat({}, size(P,1),1);
for ii = 1:size(P,1)-1
X{ii}{1} = P(ii,:);
for jj = ii+1:size(P,1)
if ~any(ismember(P(ii,:), P(jj,:)))
X{ii}{end+1} = P(jj,:); end


How to find number of occurrences of a subset of elements in a vector without using loops in MATLAB?

Say X is the given vector:
And Y is the given subset of elements from X:
The required output is the number of times the elements in Y occur in X:
My solution to do this would be to use for loop:
for i=1:size(X,1)
temp = X(X(:,1)==Y(i,1),:);
out(i,1) = size(temp,1);
But when X and Y are large, this is inefficient. So, how to do it faster making use of vectorization? I know about hist and histc, but I can't think of how to use them in this case to get the desired output.
A Fast Option
You could use bsxfun combined with sum to compute this
sum(bsxfun(#eq, Y, X.'), 2)
In this example, bsxfun performs a given operation on every combination of elements in X and Y. The operation we're gonig to use is eq (a check for equality). The result is a matrix that has a row for each element in Y and a column for each element in X. It will have a 1 value if the element in X equals the element in Y that corresponds to a given row.
bsxfun(#eq, Y, X.')
% 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
% 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
We can then sum across the columns to count the number of elements in X that were equal to a given value in Y.
sum(bsxfun(#eq, Y, X.'), 2)
% 1
% 3
% 2
On newer versions of MATLAB (since R2016b), you can omit the bsxfun since the equality operation will automatically broadcast.
sum(Y - X.', 2)
A Memory-Efficient Option
The first option isn't the most efficient since it requires creating a matrix that is [numel(Y), numel(X)] elements large. Another way which may be more memory efficient may be to use the second output of ismember combined with accumarray
[tf, ind] = ismember(X, Y);
counts = accumarray(ind(tf), ones(sum(tf), 1), [numel(Y), 1], #numel);
ismember is used to determine if the values in one array are in another. The first input tells us if each element of the first input is in the second input and the second output tells you where in the second input each element of the first input was found.
[tf, ind] = ismember(X, Y);
% 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
% 0 0 2 0 1 0 2 3 0 2 3
We can use the second input to "group" the same values together. The accumarray function does exactly this, it uses the ind variable above to determine groups and then applies a given operation to each group. In our case, we want to simply determine the number of element within each group. So to do that we can pass a second input the size of the ind input (minus the ones that didn't match) of ones, and then use numel as the operation (counts the number in each group)
counts = accumarray(ind(tf), ones(sum(tf), 1), [numel(Y), 1], #numel);
% 1
% 3
% 2

How can I vectorise this loop in MATLAB

I have a loop that iterates over a matrix and sets all rows and columns with only one non-zero element to all zeroes.
so for example, it will transform this matrix:
A = [ 1 0 1 1
0 0 1 0
1 1 1 1
1 0 1 1 ]
to the matrix:
A' = [ 1 0 1 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 0 1 1 ]
row/column 2 of A only has 1 non zero element in it, so every element in row/column 2 is set to 0 in A'
(it is assumed that the matrices will always be diagonally symmetrical)
here is my non-vectorised code:
for ii = 1:length(A)
if nnz(A(ii,:)) == 1
A(ii,:) = 0;
A(:,ii) = 0;
Is there a more efficient way of writing this code in MATLAB?
I have been asked in the comments for some clarification, so I will oblige.
The purpose of this code is to remove edges from a graph that lead to a vertex of degree 1.
if A is the adjacency matrix representing a undirected graph G, then a row or column of that matrix which only has one non-zero element indicates that row/column represents a vertex of degree one, as it only has one edge incident to it.
My objective is to remove such edges from the graph, as these vertices will never be visited in a solution to the problem I am trying to solve, and reducing the graph will also reduce the size of the input to my search algorithm.
#TimeString, i understand that in the example you gave, recursively applying the algorithm to your matrix will result in a zero matrix, however the matrices that I am applying it to represent large, connected graphs, so there will never be a case like that. In response to your question as to why I only check for how many elements in a row, but the clear both columns and rows; this is because the matrix is always diagonally symmetrical, so i know that if something is true for a row, so it will be for the corresponding column..
so, just to clarify using another example:
I want to turn this graph G:
represented by matrix:
A = [ 0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1
0 0 1 0 ]
to this graph G':
represented by this matrix:
A' = [ 0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 ]
(i realise that this matrix should actually be a 3x3 matrix because point D has been removed, but i already know how to shrink the matrix in this instance, my question is about efficiently setting columns/rows with only 1 non-zero element all to 0)
i hope that is a good enough clarification..
Not sure if it's really faster (depends on Matlab's JIT) but you can try the following:
To find out which columns (equivalently, rows, since the matrix is symmetric) have more than one non zero element use:
sum(A ~= 0) > 1
The ~= 0 is probably not needed in your case since the matrix consists of 1/0 elements only (graph edges if I understand correctly).
Transform the above into a diagonal matrix in order to eliminate unwanted columns:
D = diag(sum(A~=0) > 1)
And multiply with A from left to zero rows and from right to zero columns:
res = D * A * D
Thanks to nimrodm's suggestion of using sum(A ~= 0) instead of nnz, i managed to find a better solution than my original one
to clear the rows with one element i use:
A(sum(A ~= 0) == 1,:) = 0;
and then to clear columns with one element:
A(:,sum(A ~= 0) == 1) = 0;
for those of you who are interested, i did a 'tic-toc' comparison on a 1000 x 1000 matrix:
% establish matrix
A = magic(1000);
rem_rows = [200,555,950];
A(rem_rows,:) = 0;
A(:,rem_rows) = 0;
% insert single element into empty rows/columns
A(rem_rows,500) = 5;
A(500,rem_rows) = 5;
% testing original version
A_temp = A;
for test = 1
for ii = 1:length(A_temp)
if nnz(A_temp(ii,:)) == 1
A_temp(ii,:) = 0;
A_temp(:,ii) = 0;
Elapsed time is 0.041104 seconds.
% testing new version
A_temp = A;
for test = 1
A_temp(sum(A_temp ~= 0) == 1,:) = 0;
A_temp(:,sum(A_temp ~= 0) == 1) = 0;
Elapsed time is 0.010378 seconds
% testing matrix operations based solution suggested by nimrodm
A_temp = A;
for test = 1
B = diag(sum(A_temp ~= 0) > 1);
res = B * A_temp * B;
Elapsed time is 0.258799 seconds
so it appears that the single line version that I came up with, inspired by nimrodm's suggestion, is the fastest
thanks for all your help!
Bsxfuning it -
A(bsxfun(#or,(sum(A~=0,2)==1),(sum(A~=0,1)==1))) = 0
Sample run -
>> A
A =
1 0 1 1
0 0 1 0
1 1 1 1
1 0 1 1
>> A(bsxfun(#or,(sum(A~=0,2)==1),(sum(A~=0,1)==1))) = 0
A =
1 0 1 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 0 1 1

Discard elements in a matrix matlab

I would like to know how discard elements in a matrix in Matlab.
I have a Matrix 'A' that contains all possible combination with 8 persons and for each persons I have three possible choice, for example :
A=[1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1;
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2;
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3;
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1;
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2;
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3;
1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 ;
etc.. for all elements.
Now I have a new vector B=[2 2] that contains the values for the first two persons, and I would like to obtain a new matrix from A with all possible combination like above, discarding all combinations that not contains the values of B for the first two persons.
I hope to be clear.
Thanks in advance
This should work:
sizeA = size(A,1); % check how long array A is
index = 1;
for ii=1:sizeA
if ~(A(index,1) == B(1,1)) || ~(A(index,2) == B(1,2)) % if either entry doesn't match
A(index,:) = []; % clear the line
index=index+1; % else: move to next line
Note that it is by no means an elegant solution as it is not easily adapted: the ismember function Divakar suggested in the comments suits that purpose better:
A(ismember(A(:,1:2),[2 2],'rows'),:)
What this does, is that it checks row-wise if the first two entries are equal to [2 2], and only returns those rows. For clarification, this is equivalent to:
indices = ismember(A(:,1:2),[2 2],'rows')
Where indices is a column vector containing a 1 at each row where the first two entries match [2 2], and a 0 otherwise.

Count the number of the first zero elements

I would line to find the number of the first consecutive zero elements. For example in [0 0 1 -5 3 0] we have two zero consecutive elements that appear first in the vector.
could you please suggest a way without using for loops?
V=[0 0 1 -5 3 0] ;
To solve #The minion comment (if that was the purpose):
Use a logical array to find the zeros and then look at where the zeros and ones are alternating.
V=[1 2 0 0 0 3 5123];
ans =
0 1 0 0 -1 0
Create sample data
V=[1 2 0 0 0 3 5123];
Find the zeros. The result will be a logical array where 1 represents the location of the zeros
D =
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
Take the difference of that array. 1 would then represent the start and -1 would represent the end.
T= diff(D)
ans =
0 1 0 0 -1 0
find(T==1) would give you the start and find(T==-1) would give you the end. The first index+1 of T==1 would be the start of the first set of zeros and the first index of T==-1 would be the end of the first set of zeros.
You could find position the first nonzero element using find.
I=find(A, 1);
The number of leading zeros is then I-1.
My solution is quite complex yet it doesn't use the loops and it does the trick. I am pretty sure, that there is a more direct approach.
Just in case no one else posts a working solution here my idea.
x=[1 2 4 0 20 0 10 1 23 45];
if numel(x1)>1
x2=[x1(2:end), 0];
elseif numel(x1)==1
display('No zero found')
x is the dataset. x1 contains the index of all zero elements. x2 contains all those indices except the first one (because matrix dimensions must agree, one zero is added. x3 is the difference between the index and the previous index of zeros in your dataset. Now I find all those differences which are not 1 (do not correspond to sequences of zeros) and the first index (of this data is the required result. The if case is needed in case you have only one or no zero at all.
I'm assuming your question is the following: for the following vector [0 0 1 -5 3 0], I would like to find the index of the first element of a pair of 0 values. Is this correct? Therefore, the desired output for your vector would be '1'?
To extend the other answers to find any such pairs, not just 0 0 (eg. 0 1, 0 2, 3 4 etc), then this might help.
% define the pattern
ptrn = [ 0 0 ];
difference = ptrn(2) - ptrn(1)
V = [0 0 1 -5 3 0 0 2 3 4 0 0 1 0 0 0]
x = diff(V) == difference
indices = find(x)
indices =
1 6 11 14 15

How to shift zero in the last column of a matrix

I have one matrix like below-
A=[1 1 1 1 1;
0 1 1 1 2;
0 0 1 1 3]
But I want to place all the 0 at the end of the row, so A should be like-
A=[1 1 1 1 1;
1 1 1 2 0;
1 1 3 0 0]
How can I do this? Matlab experts please help me.
There you go. Whole matrix, no loops, works even for non-contiguous zeros:
A = [1 1 1 1 1; 0 1 1 1 2; 0 0 1 1 3];
At = A.'; %// It's easier to work with the transpose
[~, rows] = sort(At~=0,'descend'); %// This is the important part.
%// It sends the zeros to the end of each column
cols = repmat(1:size(At,2),size(At,1),1);
ind = sub2ind(size(At),rows(:),cols(:));
sol = repmat(NaN,size(At,1),size(At,2));
sol(:) = At(ind);
sol = sol.'; %'// undo transpose
As usual, for Matlab versions that do not support the ~ symbol on function return, change ~ by a dummy variable, for example:
[nada, rows] = sort(At~=0,'descend'); %// This is the important part.
A more generic example:
A = [1 3 0 1 1;
0 1 1 1 2;
0 0 1 1 3]
% Sort columns directly
[~,srtcol] = sort(A == 0,2);
% Sorted positions
sz = size(A);
pos = bsxfun(#plus, (srtcol-1)*sz(1), (1:sz(1))'); % or use sub2ind
The result
B = A(pos)
B =
1 3 1 1 0
1 1 1 2 0
1 1 3 0 0
there are many ways to do this. one fast way can be easily like this:
a = [1 2 3 4 0 5 7 0];
idx =
5 8
b=a; % save a new copy of the vector
b(idx)=[]; % remove zero elements
b =
1 2 3 4 5 7
c=[b zeros(size(idx))]
c =
1 2 3 4 5 7 0 0
You may modify this code as well.
If your zeros are always together, you could use the circshift command. This shifts values in an array by a specified number of places, and wraps values that run off the edge over to the other side. It looks like you would need to do this separately for each row in A, so in your example above you could try:
A(2,:) = circshift(A(2,:), [1 -1]); % shift the second row one to the left with wrapping
A(3,:) = circshift(A(3,:), [1 -2]); % shift the third row two to the left with wrapping
In general, if your zeros are always at the front of the row in A, you could try something like:
for ii = 1:size(A,1) % iterate over rows in A
numShift = numel(find(A(ii,:) == 0)); % assuming zeros at the front of the row, this is how many times we have to shift the row.
A(ii,:) = circshift(A(ii,:), [1 -numShift]); % shift it
Try this (just a fast hack):
for row_k = 1:size(A, 1)
[A_sorted, A_sortmap] = sort(A(row_k, :) == 0, 'ascend');
% update row in A:
A(row_k, :) = A(row_k, A_sortmap);
Now optimized for versions of MATLAB not supporting ~ as garbage lhs-identifier.
#LuisMendo's answer is inspiring in its elegance, but I couldn't get it to work (perhaps a matlab version thing). The following (based on his answer) worked for me:
Aaux = fliplr(reshape([1:numel(A)],size(A)));
[Asort iso]=sort(Aaux.',1,'descend');
iso = iso + repmat([0:size(A,1)-1]*size(A,2),size(A,2),1);
I've also asked this question and got a super elegant answer (non of above answers is same) here:
Optimize deleting matrix leading zeros in MATLAB