Paypal Sandbox is showing Incorrect Email - paypal

I am doing express checkout transaction and when I am logging in to my Sandbox Account it gives me an error:
This Sandbox email address is not available. Please enter another
email address

Currently Paypal have launched new API.
Also only SDK's beta version available.
For now Sandbox account is down so you can't access or test using them.

I think paypal is giving you the correct error message, sandbox will only allow you to login with the email address that is related to your sandbox credential email.

Make sure the address in the address bar is reflecting the sandbox URL and not the live site URL. Also you might try clearing your cookies and cache prior to opening up your browser and logging into There have been some issues that are causing login issues and clearing cookies and cache has resolved some of these.


Cannot access Paypal Sandbox Accounts

Cant access paypal sandbox - if trying to appraoch directly, you are being redirected to the paypal main site.
If trying to reach the sandbox via the paypal developer site,
browsed to Dashboard>Sandbox>accounts,
(find the facilitator and buyer accounts - which apperently do require decent passwords to work) than press "Click Me" just to fail again by being redirected to a page indicating:
"We're sorry.
Relying party validation error: client_id or redirect_url provided in the request does not match any of the registered clients. Please check the request and try again."
OK, found a way aroudn this.
Problem: For some reason if you are a PayPal user and also wish to use the sandbox (in my case I have a seperate private account and a business account, and the sandbox is used by the busienss account), any attempt to approach the sandbox results in being redirected to paypal main site (at least in my region).
Solution: Use a seperate cognito or private window for the sandbox - never login to you your own account while working with the sandbox, and if you do, restart the browser and get a new private window.

Paypal DG Express Cannot Use Sandbox. Live Account Works Fine

I have a Paypal Digital Goods Express payment form created using their wizard.
When I use our live account it works fine. But when I use the sandbox Business (Seller) account I created, when a user clicks on the 'Buy' button, the popup window appears with only this message:
SetExpressCheckout API call failed. Detailed Error Message: Short Error Message: Error Code: Error Severity Code:
I did some research and saw this article:
It suggests that our hosting company needs to update their PHP/TLS, but I did the Curl test and it properly returns a 200 OK.
I also saw this Stackoverflow article:
Paypal "SetExpressCheckout" API method has stopped working with sandbox seller account
...where the problem was the wrong sandbox endpoint, but I've made sure that the endpoint is indeed:
...and it still doesn't work.
I've tried clearing my browser cache, using different computers to test and all with the same result.
Any ideas?
did you enable Digital Goods feature on your sandbox accounts?
If you have not enabled it on your sandbox account, please contact MTS(Merchant Technical Support)
to toggle it for your sandbox account.

Paypal configuration into new account

I am facing security header error while integrating paypal, the paypal integration works fine with sandbox environment and credentials but it is not working with live.
Is there any specific configuration i need to make in paypal as i am using paypal apis for integration.
Any help will be appreciated.
That error message would typically only show when the credentials are incorrect.
Could you please double check that there's no extra space characters in the credentials and that you're using the credentials for the correct mode you're using (Live vs. Sandbox)?
If it is set to Sandbox mode, you must use your Paypal sandbox credentials. The live ones will not work in Sandbox mode.
That error message indicates that your API credentials aren't being accepted by PayPal.
Common causes:
1. You have your PayPal module configured to "Sandbox" but have not used Sandbox API credentials.
2. You have your PayPal module configured to "Live" but have not used Live API credentials.
3. You have mis-typed one or more API credentials entries, including but not limited to leaving trailing spaces.
4. You have deleted and/or recreated new API credentials in your PayPal account but have not copied those new credentials back to your store.
This link help you more ..
We are using different credential for paypal and sandbox.Please Review these links

Can't login Paypal sandbox account inside sandbox

i'm having troubles trying to get IPN work inside my sandbox.
I have a developer paypal account and i imported 2 sandbox account. Now i suppose to have 2 ways to test IPN:
IPN Simulator
Setting my IPN address in sandbox options
but i have problems in both of them.
If try to use the IPN simulator everytime i try to send an IPN page starts loading for some minutes and then Chrome gives me a "empty page response" response. After some googling it appers IPN simulator have some problem with non standard ports but my page can run only on port 12000. My page is reachable, i checked from inside and outside my network, it works for all except the ipn simulator.
I have no more luck trying to set IPN address on sandbox, simply because i have no settings at all to access. I logged to sandbox and got a page where i'm supposed to login with my sandbox account, but i get a different login from mine on the upper right corner of the page (thats the original sandbox account, now that sandbox and main account are merged all this mess happen) and when i try to login with sandbox account i get a generic
This sandbox mail is not available. Try another mail address
If i try to create a new sandbox account i always get this error:
We're sorry but something went wrong.Please delete this account and
try again.
So.. i'm basically stuck. What i can do to test my ipn now?
edit for be more clear:
i used to have a sandbox and a main paypal account, now they are merged
i login to both sandbox and developer section with my main account now
even if logging in sandbox with my main account i get logged as my old sandbox account
after this first sandbox login if i try to log my sandbox account (listed in i get that "Sandbox mail not available" error
in i can't create any new sandbox account, getting error everytime. I found that you got that error if password is not 8-20 chars long and now i'm using a correct lenght password but i'm still getting that error
edit2: i successfully created a new sandbox account!
to get that i had to:
use an US account (i was using italian)
use password with: uppercase, lowercase, special characters, numbers
initial balance import < 1000 usd
but i still can't login this account inside the sandbox, always same error. I'm hating this.
Non-standard ports really are not supported at this time, so you'll run into a myriad of different issues over time. The initial IPN delivery may work, but the re-sending of a single message may not, etcetera.
Can you use something like perhaps?
With regards to the account creation:
For discussion's sake, let's stick to the right terminology; you use a developer account to log into, and a Sandbox account to log into
Is the account you're trying to log into via a Sandbox account listed under Applications > Sandbox accounts?

Paypal Developer/Sandbox new interface: cannot login with test accounts

I'm having problems on login with my test accounts since they've changed the interface.
I was forced to create a new account on (which is now a beta) and import my old test accounts. I've done that but none of the accounts work anymore!
I cannot login the sandbox with my merchant account and purchases aren't working.
Anyone has the same problem?
Once you validate and log in using your PayPal credentials, you can import your individual sandbox profiles. Prior to logging in to a specific sandbox account, you will have to clear your browser cache and cookies. I was having the same issue with both Chrome and Firefox. After clearing cache/cookies, I was able to log into to a sandbox profile without any issues.
If you do not clear C&C, you will receive the following error:
"This Sandbox email address is not available. Please enter another email address."