Cannot access Paypal Sandbox Accounts - paypal

Cant access paypal sandbox - if trying to appraoch directly, you are being redirected to the paypal main site.
If trying to reach the sandbox via the paypal developer site,
browsed to Dashboard>Sandbox>accounts,
(find the facilitator and buyer accounts - which apperently do require decent passwords to work) than press "Click Me" just to fail again by being redirected to a page indicating:
"We're sorry.
Relying party validation error: client_id or redirect_url provided in the request does not match any of the registered clients. Please check the request and try again."

OK, found a way aroudn this.
Problem: For some reason if you are a PayPal user and also wish to use the sandbox (in my case I have a seperate private account and a business account, and the sandbox is used by the busienss account), any attempt to approach the sandbox results in being redirected to paypal main site (at least in my region).
Solution: Use a seperate cognito or private window for the sandbox - never login to you your own account while working with the sandbox, and if you do, restart the browser and get a new private window.


Can't log in to PayPal sandbox account

I am trying to log into a PayPal sandbox account for testing purposes. But, I am continually met with the same error:
"We're sorry, something went wrong during sandbox account linking. Please try again."
Here are the steps to replicate the issue (happens in FireFox and Chrome).
Login to using live PayPal account credentials.
Navigate to Dashboard>>Sandbox Accounts
Click Create Account button.
Create account using any variety of options, e.g. personal, business account. New account is created.
Tick the checkbox next to new account listing.
Click link "Click here and provide credentials of your sandbox account."
Fill in login form using sandbox account credentials.
Click agree to terms button.
Redirected back to Sandbox Account page with "We're sorry" error.
This happens over and over with newly created accounts and existing sandbox accounts. I've tried changing passwords and settings for the accounts. I know a few years ago Chrome had a hard time juggling different cookies and sessions when logging in and out of sandbox accounts. So, I've also tried using multiple different browsers. Nothing seems to alleviate the issue.
Also, I thought maybe this issue was a temporary PayPal sandbox glitch, but I've been experiencing it for over a week.
Okay, I spoke with PayPal's technical support. It turns out that they are having some internal issues with the sandbox at the moment. If anyone else is having an issue with logging into one of their sandbox test accounts do the following:
Go back to the Sandbox Test Accounts page where it list all your test accounts.
Click on the email address of any sandbox account. There will be a drop down of "Profile" & "Notification".
Click on Profile and you shall see an iframe with a few tabs. You would be able to see the change password, change password.
Use this url to login to your sandbox account.
The key here is step 4. Don't click on the provided link labeled "Click here and provide credentials of your sandbox account." Copy and past the above URL into your browser instead.
When you are re-directed to the PayPal page to login, what URL is shown in the address bar ?
If it's "" then you need to use your production account credentials.
If it's "" then you need to use your sandbox account credentials.

When check out with Paypal the site still lead to

After I finished configuring the Paypal checkout plugin, I continue to proceed checking out, first time I can check out with my account even though the url that Odoo or Paypal lead to was, but with the second time I check out it don't work anymore though I can still login my account at, it said "Wrong username, password" times after times after I tried to login with my account at the url. Someone please help me, thanks in advance!
Edit: I found this but I dont know how to get it to work with Odoo Paypal button.
Testing on the Live System
It is a good idea to test on the live system to make sure the switch to the live system doesn't introduce any problems. Some things to consider when testing on live:
You will need access to a Personal account with a credit card linked and a verified Business account.
Switch from the sandbox URL to the live site URL
Pre-fund the Personal account to avoid incurring charges on the credit card.
Test transactions can be as little as $0.01 USD.
Payments may be refunded resulting in a full fee credit.
It is good practice to log all IPNs received in a log file or database.
If the redirect URL is, you need to login it by your sandbox account, not live account.
Refer to to create a sandbox account or modify existing sandbox account's password.

Paypal pro configuration issues in Opecart

I am develop site with Opencart. Integrate PayPal Website Payment Pro with test mode. Select Test Mode yes in admin panel.
But in front side when i go for payment and enter visa card number and other stuff and click confirm payment then display error This transaction cannot be processed due to an invalid merchant configuration.
I follow below steps:
Log out Paypal account
clearing browser cache and cookies (I use firefox).
Go to and login with the real paypal account (not the Sandbox one)
Go to Applications
Click on Sandbox accounts
(Optional) Import your old accounts from your former Sandbox account after the redirect to the accounts page
Click on the account you want to log in to
Choose Sandbox site
Log in to that site using your test bussiness account
Go to My Profile
In Account information click on Request API Credentials
Still i have same issue. Before i got Secury header is not valid. I try lots of time but not getting proper mistake.
You don't really need to use Sandbox to do testing, there are other alternatives, such as to use another paypal and transact $0.01 via Authorization mode. (This way you can reject the payment)
Try using Paypal Express Checkout instead. All you need to do is to fill up the API credentials and everything will work.
You need to upgrade your Sandbox account to Business Pro.
Login to
Go to Dashboad and open Sandbox -> Accounts
Choose an account and click Profile
On the Profile tab click Upgrade to Pro.
Note that you should have a Business Sandbox account to be able to upgrade it to pro.

OpenCart: Paypal Session Time-Out

I am using the standard paypal payment method with my opencart website. When I go through the checkout process and get redirected to the PayPal website, I get to login and choose my payment source on the paypal site. However, when it starts processing, it just returns "Your session has timed out, please log in again." and logs me out of Paypal.
Any help would be appreciated.
I had facing this problem also. If you are using sandbox mode, You should be gave test account for buyer(buyer account must be business account) and also seller account must be individual account(personal). for example is buyer account you should put it in admin panel paypal extension,then you should login in E-store website with seller account( and proceed to paypal it will works well.
Some times the cookies that Paypal sets are really annoying, try cleaning all of them, it helped me with other Paypal related errors.

Can't login Paypal sandbox account inside sandbox

i'm having troubles trying to get IPN work inside my sandbox.
I have a developer paypal account and i imported 2 sandbox account. Now i suppose to have 2 ways to test IPN:
IPN Simulator
Setting my IPN address in sandbox options
but i have problems in both of them.
If try to use the IPN simulator everytime i try to send an IPN page starts loading for some minutes and then Chrome gives me a "empty page response" response. After some googling it appers IPN simulator have some problem with non standard ports but my page can run only on port 12000. My page is reachable, i checked from inside and outside my network, it works for all except the ipn simulator.
I have no more luck trying to set IPN address on sandbox, simply because i have no settings at all to access. I logged to sandbox and got a page where i'm supposed to login with my sandbox account, but i get a different login from mine on the upper right corner of the page (thats the original sandbox account, now that sandbox and main account are merged all this mess happen) and when i try to login with sandbox account i get a generic
This sandbox mail is not available. Try another mail address
If i try to create a new sandbox account i always get this error:
We're sorry but something went wrong.Please delete this account and
try again.
So.. i'm basically stuck. What i can do to test my ipn now?
edit for be more clear:
i used to have a sandbox and a main paypal account, now they are merged
i login to both sandbox and developer section with my main account now
even if logging in sandbox with my main account i get logged as my old sandbox account
after this first sandbox login if i try to log my sandbox account (listed in i get that "Sandbox mail not available" error
in i can't create any new sandbox account, getting error everytime. I found that you got that error if password is not 8-20 chars long and now i'm using a correct lenght password but i'm still getting that error
edit2: i successfully created a new sandbox account!
to get that i had to:
use an US account (i was using italian)
use password with: uppercase, lowercase, special characters, numbers
initial balance import < 1000 usd
but i still can't login this account inside the sandbox, always same error. I'm hating this.
Non-standard ports really are not supported at this time, so you'll run into a myriad of different issues over time. The initial IPN delivery may work, but the re-sending of a single message may not, etcetera.
Can you use something like perhaps?
With regards to the account creation:
For discussion's sake, let's stick to the right terminology; you use a developer account to log into, and a Sandbox account to log into
Is the account you're trying to log into via a Sandbox account listed under Applications > Sandbox accounts?